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Pleasant Evening At Tuskers.


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I was invited for an informal greeting party at Tuskers last night. It was pleasant to meet those on this forum that attended. Also nice to see some of the cricketers in town for the upcoming tourney. If you've never been there (as I hadn't) all I can say is it is a warm, friendly bar/restaraunt whose owner takes pride in the place... as well he should.

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I like that bar...

I like this restaurant...

I like tis place...

I recommend those guys...

--- and I do not like this blahha / product placement every five minuts on thaivisa.com.

But maybe I'm the only one.

Have a nice day.

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Bonjour, M. Hulot.

On the chance you might have missed it, as I posted it on an another thread where you happened to have left a notable ejaculation (the subsequently embedded 'Darn!' below), I quote here, in less than perfect fashion, an observation I made earlier today.


I have another 'darn' for you, M. Hulot. I tried to send you a personal message just now, to express my appreciation for your generosity at Tuskers last night, and the following appeared in response:

This message can not be sent because the recipient has their personal messenger disabled or they are in a member group not allowed to use the personal messenger.

This personal message has not been sent

As a result, my gratitude is now a matter of public record!

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I like that bar...

I like this restaurant...

I like tis place...

I recommend those guys...

--- and I do not like this blahha / product placement every five minuts on thaivisa.com.

But maybe I'm the only one.

Have a nice day.

You're not... (the only one) and I'm really surprised at the moderators - there is a classifieds for advertising

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I have to agree... THAT BAR does sure get a lot of mentions. The last time I went there was over a year ago and I was really surprised to find that they only sold small beers. I drink Singha and always want a large beer; buying the smmall ones is both expensive and annoying. I don't want to have to go and get another beer every 20 minutes or so - hence I didn't go back. Note the GO AND GET. That was my experience - there was no service, you had to go to the bar and get the drink yourself, just like in the UK. This is not one of the things I miss about the UK...

Have these things changed? Do you now get service at the tables and the choice to buy a large beer at a reasonable price?

I hope so! Tell me this is the case and I will certainly give the place another go...

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I like that bar...

I like this restaurant...

I like tis place...

I recommend those guys...

--- and I do not like this blahha / product placement every five minuts on thaivisa.com.

But maybe I'm the only one.

Have a nice day.

You're not... (the only one) and I'm really surprised at the moderators - there is a classifieds for advertising

Wouldn't apply to sponsors and customers recommending places to go is not advertising anyway.

If one doesn't like something, one can always p.off elsewhere :o

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I like that bar...

I like this restaurant...

I like tis place...

I recommend those guys...

--- and I do not like this blahha / product placement every five minuts on thaivisa.com.

But maybe I'm the only one.

Have a nice day.

You're not... (the only one) and I'm really surprised at the moderators - there is a classifieds for advertising

What's wrong? I just said that Sir Milton wears nice shirts. I didn't even mention the brand. :o

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It is only advertising if someone from Tuskers were writing the post and Tuskers is a Sponsor who pays for advertising already, so it should not really be a problem.

What is wrong with a compliment from someone who enjoys going there? :D

Correct. Except change the item in bold to "it is not a problem". Sponsors are allowed to promote their business within reason and within the forum they are sponsoring. So I would say that is enough comments on the subject and back on topic please.

BTW, I also like Tuskers and sorry I missed it. :o

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Do you now get service at the tables and the choice to buy a large beer at a reasonable price?

I hope so! Tell me this is the case and I will certainly give the place another go...

Yes and Yes. I had a large Singh only the other day and it was delivered upstairs in double quick time.

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It is only advertising if someone from Tuskers were writing the post and Tuskers is a Sponsor who pays for advertising already, so it should not really be a problem.

What is wrong with a compliment from someone who enjoys going there? :D

Correct. Except change the item in bold to "it is not a problem". Sponsors are allowed to promote their business within reason and within the forum they are sponsoring. So I would say that is enough comments on the subject and back on topic please.

BTW, I also like Tuskers and sorry I missed it. :o

You were missed there, too :D

/ Priceless

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It is only advertising if someone from Tuskers were writing the post and Tuskers is a Sponsor who pays for advertising already, so it should not really be a problem.

What is wrong with a compliment from someone who enjoys going there? :o

I don't think anyone is intending a slur on Tuskers or anywhere else for that matter - but there is a lot of 'promoting' (not particularly Tuskers) and it does get a little boring... 'what a wonderful delivery service' we had the other day... I think the originator of this comment was just adding that this isn't really the place for it - if everytime someone enjoyed a bar or something they posted the board would be clogged?

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I get what you are saying, but I like the option of getting other's opinions on places worth spending money, rather than just guessing without a lot to go on. I realize that I will not always agree with others recommendations, but quite often they are right. :o

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It is only advertising if someone from Tuskers were writing the post and Tuskers is a Sponsor who pays for advertising already, so it should not really be a problem.

What is wrong with a compliment from someone who enjoys going there? :D

I don't think anyone is intending a slur on Tuskers or anywhere else for that matter - but there is a lot of 'promoting' (not particularly Tuskers) and it does get a little boring... 'what a wonderful delivery service' we had the other day... I think the originator of this comment was just adding that this isn't really the place for it - if everytime someone enjoyed a bar or something they posted the board would be clogged?

But it doesn't matter does it and that's the whole point of this forum for people to pass on info garnered. This service is free and pretty useful for the most part. If you prefer something more to your liking, perhaps build your own forum and delete all the interesting posts :o

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It is only advertising if someone from Tuskers were writing the post and Tuskers is a Sponsor who pays for advertising already, so it should not really be a problem.

What is wrong with a compliment from someone who enjoys going there? :D

I don't think anyone is intending a slur on Tuskers or anywhere else for that matter - but there is a lot of 'promoting' (not particularly Tuskers) and it does get a little boring... 'what a wonderful delivery service' we had the other day... I think the originator of this comment was just adding that this isn't really the place for it - if everytime someone enjoyed a bar or something they posted the board would be clogged?

But it doesn't matter does it and that's the whole point of this forum for people to pass on info garnered. This service is free and pretty useful for the most part. If you prefer something more to your liking, perhaps build your own forum and delete all the interesting posts :o

This from the guy who say's 'If one doesn't like something, one can always p.off elsewhere :D

Not terribly friendly or accepting of others views is it? using insulting langauge reveals quite a bit - everyone is entitled to their view and insulting people just re-enforces that view. Yes people can pass on info - it's welcomed - but can't we challenge the fact that there are many sychopantic posts???

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I like that bar...

I like this restaurant...

I like tis place...

I recommend those guys...

--- and I do not like this blahha / product placement every five minuts on thaivisa.com.

But maybe I'm the only one. . . . .

If you feel that way, why on earth would you open a thread with a title like 'Pleasant Evening At Tuskers'? The only explanation that I can think of is that you affirmatively seek things that you do not like. If that is the case, you are what I would call a very unfortunate person.

You may not be the only one who dislikes what you think you have found here, but I would hope that you are the only one who wastes his time searching to find that which he dislikes.

Edited by Rasseru
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It is only advertising if someone from Tuskers were writing the post and Tuskers is a Sponsor who pays for advertising already, so it should not really be a problem.

What is wrong with a compliment from someone who enjoys going there? :D

I don't think anyone is intending a slur on Tuskers or anywhere else for that matter - but there is a lot of 'promoting' (not particularly Tuskers) and it does get a little boring... 'what a wonderful delivery service' we had the other day... I think the originator of this comment was just adding that this isn't really the place for it - if everytime someone enjoyed a bar or something they posted the board would be clogged?

But it doesn't matter does it and that's the whole point of this forum for people to pass on info garnered. This service is free and pretty useful for the most part. If you prefer something more to your liking, perhaps build your own forum and delete all the interesting posts :D

This from the guy who say's 'If one doesn't like something, one can always p.off elsewhere :D

Not terribly friendly or accepting of others views is it? using insulting langauge reveals quite a bit - everyone is entitled to their view and insulting people just re-enforces that view. Yes people can pass on info - it's welcomed - but can't we challenge the fact that there are many sychopantic posts???

P.off's not meant to be insulting; if it were meant to be insulting, one would have chosen something more apt, like f.off :o

If anything 'cloggs' up the forum it's the whiny gubbins from those chasing after perceived sycophantic posts. Why worry about it? Just skip over.

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So it was a TV meet and greet? I thought it was a bunch of people in a cricket club.

Not exactly a TV meet and greet. There was a group of people who knew each other through the TV forum and who gathered at Tuskers by arrangement (their own; nothing was arranged by the TV forum). There was also at least one person there who was in town for a cricket event.

Edited by Rasseru
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You're welcome.

Regarding not receiving PMs. Did you go to "My Controls" and down on the left side "Board Settings" and make sure "Disable your personal messenger?" is set to no?

Yes, went to My Controls/Boards Settings. I don't have such an option. Veni, vedi, mai mi.

Edited by MonsieurHulot
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all I can say is it is a warm, friendly bar/restaraunt whose owner takes pride in the place...

Not to mention that he wears nice shirts too.

I commented on the shirt Chas was wearing. I saw something similar in a local Tesco outlet for 79 baht... :o:D:D

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