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Thai ladies who propose via email .. what to think

Bud Zumwalt

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I recently emailed several Thai ladies in hopes of finding a friend when coming to Bangkok in soon which will be my third trip. Some of these pen pals after seeing my photos and myself seeing them started making plans to meet upon my arrival in Bangkok. Some immediately became serious with the email, asking me if I would not mind being the father of their child or their husband. Some decided I was going to be their husband and emails became centered on them becoming married while I was in Bangkok, and determination of how best to return as a full time resident entered my mind. What do I expect to find from a lady who has already decided to be my wife before I even arrive? If a lady tells you she wants a husband and will meet you at the airport and stay with you while in Bangkok, is she serious about a relationship or just a bar girl looking for a roof over her head and meal ticket for a month? Help me with this, please.
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You all are making really good sense. I think the best one was too just change the flight arrival day, not really I mean tell her the flight was changed, moved back 3 days. But she knows my hotel and I prepaid. Maybe just put the word out to the hotel clerks I am no longer booked? Nor even at the hotel. Actually I did find an educated Thai Lady, more my equal that I would rather meet, she can use a computer and always IMs me on line, talked for hours, even gave me her registered house address, home and cell phone, out of the twenty girls that gave that information, she seems the most honorable, certainly the most educated, and I know her life's story.

Thanks so much, your a great group.


Palm Beach, Florida, USA

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I can understand your situation as I faced with somewhat similar situation around 3 Yrs back.

I met me GF who was 21 Yrs at that time from the American Singles web site.

We exchanged many emails, chatting etc before I came to Bangkok. Like in your case, I also was not sure whether this girl is a genuine girl or not at that time.

I was sure that she is looking for some one as she had posted her profile in that dating website.  Obviously, she might have got many emails before me from the same website from other guys.

By doing so, still you can not come to a conclusion whether that girl is a genuine case or not.

One thing, my GF never jumped into any Marriage thing with me. Also she never wanted to start a relationship or jump into Bed with me and never ever requested any money from me. All she wanted is to understand me and see whether I am the one for her.

Sometimes I wanted to give some money to cover her Taxi Expenses as she traveled some distance to see me almost everyday. She refused that and I gave her some small gifts time to time. [she is not from a rich family] So you can compare your situation with mine.

She also came to the Airport to pick me up [but unfortunately we missed each other at the Airport, as she could not come on time due to unexpected Traffic on that day].

Therefore, coming to the Airport to welcome you does not mean that she is a bad girl.

After that, I moved into Bangkok and she moved into my Apartment. After 3 Yrs time, today we both are planning for our wedding.

It is very difficult for you to come to any conclusion about the “girl waiting for you”, from the emails she has sent to you. She could be a genuine case and yes, she could fall in love with you after reading your emails.

Or she could be a girl waiting to jump in to your Pocket.

But if you are going to take advises or come to any conclusion about her, by going through the topics and replies in this forum [including this reply], then I should say that you could come to a wrong conclusion very easily.

[This is like learning to swim on-line] :o

What I would like to suggest is, meet her and talk to her. Take your time and understand who this girl is. Do not commit for any thing. If she think so much, to the extent of Marriage [This is possible even with a good Thai Girl], you should explain her that you need more time to understand her etc.

One word of advice. Do not USE her during this evaluation period of yours and then disappoint her later [You know what I mean]. Just go out with her, meet her friends and remember to introduce you as a FRIEND. So she will not feel bad in case if you decide to drop her later.

As soon as you try to spend time with her, with the intention of getting to know her more, you will be able to understand exactly who she is and what is she upto.

All these replies in this forum will help you to gather various experiences of other falang relationships in Thailand [Good and Bad]. That will help you to understand this girl more quickly.

Enjoy your trip and keep us posted about the progress.

Good Luck.

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117 :o

I must be mature about this. I must give her the opportunity too show me as they say in Missouri, show me. This lady has connected via email and told me things about her family, been there for me, she even offered to stay with me in the hospital, since I require minor corrective plastic surgery just a few days after my arrival. What I feel uncomfortable about is that she insists on staying with me at the hotel. She claims to be a tailor and I wanted her to remain on the job, her business she claims will be watched by her sister.

I feel left open too possible foul play, i.e., who watches my lap top when I fall asleep, my credit cards, cash in baht, and what if she has male friends and opens the door for them in the middle of the night. She seems very genine, even has a Police Captain and good English speaking friend to accompany us to Immagration for a marriage visa, seems really intent on getting married, although I would not let this happen too soon, but I promised if we had chemistry and got along well, she liked my appearance and I hers, that I would fore fill her wish, she hates butterfly guys, just wants one good man. Answers all questions, never mentioned money, never asked me how much monthly guaranteed income I could have for her and my own support once I moved to Thailand permenantly, never said anything to lead me to think she was a gold digger. Perhaps she has a good business and house of her own, Wants me to meet her entire family, only mentioned she would like to go out to eat sometimes. Seems to have had something in her past which she is not proud of, since she is 39, average to above average looks, she probably was or is a bar girl. Perhaps bar girl too old for the profession, turned tailor, now looking for one male to give her love not just a physical paid one night stay for her survival, but she needs an emotional connection to a loyal single male, just one good male.  Many of the grils do not have an education or career, so bar girl it is only survival for them. That unproven past does not bother me. Leaving myself and my personal property open does, so all these replies help. I realize a lot of the information, especically about Visa's, the thing about Thai ladies married to Falangs cannot own property is all garbage, lot of inaccuries on the forum are laymen best guess responses, but experiences are worth their weight in gold.  The fact is only rent, if you buy the house in her name, she could walk with the house and there is always some husband coming out of the woodwork, or maybe she never walks. In her case she owns a home.  So you must separate the false from the good and come up with a fair way to handle this lady, she could be sincere and I do not want to break her heart if she is.


Palm Beach, Florida, USA

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Hi Bud

Thanks for sharing your experiences.

Now I feel it is good to get some advises from others experiences to handle this situation, though I have written not to, in my previous reply.

Visiting her house and exactly getting to know, from where she come from will certainly help you to eliminate some of your concerns about her. For example, Laptop, your wallet etc.

But by doing so, she and her family could consider it like you have committed for her. I am not sure what I will do if I am in your situation.

Has she got any other friend who is engaged or married to a farang. I think that will be one thing I will try to find out if I am in your situation. So you will be able to talk to the fellow Farang and try to get the exact details about this girl. Since she is 39 and having intentions of marrying you, I feel it is worth to find out her Background.


“What I feel uncomfortable about is that she insists on staying with me at the hotel”

I am little suspicious about this. I know one guy from UK worked for the Company I work today basically got caught to a Thai Girl [36] and he is having problems now. Fellow Farang in the same Company told me that his Girl moved into his Apartment basically without his consent and then she has ended up getting pregnant to him. Yes, I do understand he also have not controlled his feelings. But these unexpected can happen.

Hope someone will help you with a better suggestion.

Good luck,

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Chon ..

I guess I am having second thoughts about just totally hidding from her. It may be a mistake to avoid her or email her just saying I am not interested in seeing her based just on the fact that she wants me as her husband, but has not even met me yet. Maybe she wants to stay at the hotel because she resides about 25 kicks North West of Bangkok in the Nonthaburi Province and coming down and going home would be a burden finanically. She seems to be in very high spirits about seeing me when I arrive. I know some things about her girl friend, had emailed her friend first, her friend of 10 years owns her own car and offered to drive us from the airport, she was well knows a police Captain in her Province willing to help at Immagration for easy Visa, long stay. This lady is really connected, even has a computer programmer helping her understand my every word. Her return email covers not only each word I said to her but even my thoughts. She is so amazing that I have developed a close connection, if ever a falang to Thai relationship could work and turn into a marriage, it would be with her, it seems almost easy with her because she is very determined to get her man. I guess maybe if the hotel has a safe I could just store high end things there, including cards. At least until I know her better and see her family, where she resides, meet her friends. Maybe some of the first replies about the situation were over reactions, I feel I must meet her and see. I am not a naive guy, in the military going back to the 1980s I was a US Army Captain in charge of putting Korean run night clubs off limits to GIs, I had 350 clubs the entire Western Corridor of South Korea, about 10,000 entertainers, so visiting and meeting with the club owners concerning STDs, and other problems kept me in close contact with the girls and I understand the Pro's and the others just trying to survive, all Asian women, some became my best friends even coming on base to Camp Howze visiting me at he BOQ and it was not just about physical all the time, I learned what made them tick.

Every little comment you all make helps me tremendously... thanks Chon.


Palm Beach, Florida, USA

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Hey Bud,

Stick with what I said before, about trying to straighten this out by email before you even go.

Could be 100% wrong, but I don't think mischevious, but that she definitely is looking for something. THat is to say, cannot be easy to be 39 in a land where a guy 60 can get a girl of 20. She may be looking for a solution of sorts, but can you blame her?

Love taxexile's idea about getting her own room, but not at first. Imagine having her next door, and deciding you don't want to see her on the first day.

Just be open, and tell her things are moving a little fast. Arrange lunch or dinner for the first day, but nothing more, so can, make up your mind while your there. Who knows, maybe you will like her more than she likes you.

Take it easy, take it slow, and good luck.

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I can have them send up a guest bed, is that gentleman enough? But first I must see her. Maybe she would be better off with a bus ticket. Or maybe she is my dream come true? But if she wants gentleman, I can be gentleman and offer her my bed and I sleep on the extra fold up single. I am not an aggressive guy, if the lady choses me not to be in need.

So Cal,

I did write her and asked her specifically what she expected to happen that first night together. I indicated I should be introduced as a friend until we decide for sure. I told her it was fine to be friends while she stayed at the hotel and nothing would be required of her while there. Actually this is rare for me but I actually advise the best way to start out was just platonic friends and not rush into lust. I said I was more interested in her as a person, not how well we function as lovers. Actually I would think more of her if she was not aggressive during early days of being together, but if she is I guess I need to respond. This could be emotionally hard on both of us, but physically satisfying at the least.


West Palm Beach, Florida, USA :o

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I told her it was fine to be friends while she stayed at the hotel and nothing would be required of her while there.

I once shared a room with a good friend (twin beds). She and I had been just friends for a long time, so I thought nothing of it and thought that she would think the same. (I had asked before if she was OK with it and of course she said that she was).

It wasn't until about 2 weeks later that I found out that she didn't sleep one wink of sleep at all on the first night because she was terrified.

If I had had any idea I would have booked 2 rooms.

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Kwiz 117 and Tizme,

I got a reply today from her and she told me we will be natural about it. Now to me natural means just wait and take it when it comes up, naturally? Or with the help of a pill? Got to ask if natural means no Viagra? Just kidding. But she as well said she has not had any sex in the five years she as been divorced and living at home? She owns a dress making business and gets her contracts from the Garmant Factory in Bangkok. She is not a butterfly, has no tatoes, and gave me the email address of her friend who owns the car that will pick us up at the airport, 1AM, got her photo and details as well. Her friend is upper middle class and everyone in the family is professional and married.

I had my friend email her from his email address with his photo asking her if she was available, telling her he would be coming to Bangkok in November apartment shopping, she quickly responded saying she was marrying me on October 4! That is the day I arrive at Bangkok Airport!!!!!! She wants only me??? She is not a pro and not a butterfly?? Not a bar girl?


In reply to your opinions from the other post.

A-troll, what is a troll? my appearance as told to me by ladies is handsome if thats what it means, and very young in appearance at age 55 I look 30, thanks to the facial nip and tuks I got from Dr. Pichet of Bangkok last June 2002, and thanks to a fine plastic man at Bangkok Hospital last June 2003, full head of hair because I have had hair transplants starting in 1978 in Bangkok and been back every few years as touch ups .. so I think I can find Thailand on the Map, I am a Nam vet who was a Lieutenant who lived without being fragged by his own men and partied in Thailand 1970 thru 1972, yes two big red one infantry tours and lived,

B-researching for a survery, well I am in away, because all my previous trips were not for finding a soul mate in life, just taking care of my immediate needs of nip or tuck and partying with the local bar maids .. not looking of a wife or anything more then long time, that is one night stands,

C-woefully inadequate at life, well visit my business web site at www.zgramyachtdeliveries.com

I have three graduate degrees, check my resume page on the site and see my photo, I am slim to average and in good health, I can meet the new required incomes for Thai Rescidency and do not need to border cross every three months

So in my opinion, trying to line up some ladies before my arrival this time is intelligent, how they react or respond to my photos and email replies is interesting, I thought I would share that with you all, since the most interesting posts on this forum just turned out to be a couple of clowns writing a soap opera. Or someone saying I do not want to say anything it is all generalization, spelled with an "S" because I am a brit. I do want a Thai wife, but obviously not without getting to know her well and the obvious, she has to look good and not be a butterfly. So, if lining up the ladies, getting addresses, phones or emails and talking to the ones who have emails and speak English is dum, then I guess I am in the same boat as the two that just made up the soap opera, and all you dummies that took em serious and wrote very long serious responses, maybe we are all dummies.

I am sorry if you all misunderstood me.


West Palm Beach, Florida, USA

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Since your everywhere and remember everything written you should spot this and help me out, by the way I had already read your reply on the other post and answered a reply on a third post, yes I did shave 5. You miss nothing.

Anyway.the lady meeting me at the airport is seemly very sincere, has told my friend who emailed her, trying to hit on her, too get lost, she is not available, that she is marrying me on October 4, well that is the same day she picks me up at BKK Airport with her other Thai lady friend, her friend is driving this is 1AM, now what does this mean? They are driving me to the hotel or like in Vagus there are all night marriage shops, just stop in and get married? This is very funny I know you'll crack some really great joke, but I would never let that happen. She told me she is not in need of an exta bedroom or even extra fold up bed for the room, but let things come natural. That part scares me, not because I do not love making love, but she is talking marrage. So I make love too her that first night and dad is outside with a shot gun and the marrage is next morning..kidding, but .. she claims she has not had sex in 5 years since her divorce. Wow must be really in need!! Of it ..so, if she likes me, she has been always positve with her email and seems to be a decent lady and I even talked with her friend who is driving the car to pick me up, who is definitely middle class, her family all have professional careers and graduate degrees? The girl who wants the husband, quote me is so convincing it can work and she will take care of everything. Naturally I must delay things, try to put off rushing, but then again I have always been weak around these Thai ladies. I have my share of opportunites all the time, especially in Cuba, but no ladies in the world compare to these Thai ladies.


Captain Buddy needs replies to this post.

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Hi Bud!

Thought I jump over to your discussion about Thai ladies who propose via email. Quite an amazing story I read here! Guess you got everybody curious here about how this is gonna work out (or not). I hope you will be that "lucky guy"; think you deserve it from what I read in your contributions. By the way, thanks for your nice contributions in the discussion "A thai girlfriend". Seems we share the same opinion on many things. Are you still emailing every day with that Thai lady?

I read some "practical problems" you seemed to worrie about, like theft of your belongings. My experience is that most middle-class and up hotels do have a safe in the room with a 4 digit security code you can choose yourself. Dunno if your laptop would fit into it however (why would you want to take your laptop with you to Thailand anyway? More easy to use an internetcafe, you save the trouble of carrying the thing with you all the time and avoid the risk of it being stolen)! If you want to show digital pictures to your lady, just copy them onto a disk and show them to her in an internet cafe,no problem!

Cash money ofcourse will fit into the safe, most of it anyway, haha! I myself never carry to much cash on me in Thailand, since one can use an ATM on every corner of the street with your normal bankcard of your bank back home, or with a Mastercard (if a Dutch bankcard and/or creditcard works in Thailand, an American one probably will do also?). So I just take from the ATM every day my daily needs. This rules out the risk of a lot of money being stolen in one time.

About the obvious urge for the lady to marrie you asap, this is odd indeed. Don't think this means she is up to something bad however, because, if she was, she would probably not push for marriage immediately in order not to scare you away or arise suspicion and/or second thoughts from your side (like the ones you indeed got I read in your contributions).

By the way: I have never seen "Vegas like" or "drive-in" marriage chapels in Thailand, so you don't have to be scared of that, haha. As you will probably know, marriage in Thailand is for 90% of the population a mere Buddhist ceremony, with NO legal consequences anyway! Only if you have the marriage registered legally (I don't know where and how to do that exactly), then it has legal consequences. But 90% of the Thai people don't do that. It is more common in Bangkok upper class society, I have read somewhere, but not with "ordinary people". So even if you were to be married, and it would turn out to be some sort of scam, if you keep it restricted to the Buddhist ceremony, she will not be entitled to alemony or the half of your belongings or something like that, if she wants to divorce you the next day, haha (if that was the scam she was up to, which I don't think so). And: should you marrie "for Buddha" and the marriage should turn out disastrous, you can just part and go your own way again: there is no "divorce ceremony" needed, nor legal paperwork.

I tried to contemplate any "bad intentions" the lady could have with rushing into a wedding, but I can not think of anything plausible: for instance, even if you were legally married (not only the Buddhist ceremony), you can not immediately take her to the US, if that is what she is up to: you still have to applie for a visa, even if she is legally your wife (or, that is the case in Holland, anyway). This visa-application HAS to be done while she is still in her home country, even if she is legally yours. Maybe she thinks you are rich and thinks she is entitled to half of all your posessions when she marries you and then divorces you again, I dunno. I don't know if US law recognizes a Thai marriage (again, not only the Buddhist wedding) immediately and what are the legal consequences for you as an American if she divorces you later on, but quite soon: is she according to US law then entitled to half of what's yours?

I would check out however, if her family still expects a dowry if you marrie her...

I don't like to contemplate on negative thoughts anyway, so let's just say she is only up to good... Maybe she really fell in love with you from your emails and photos! Just check her out and do what your heart tells you to and what seems to be the right thing!

Good luck!


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Beware of the following dowry scam:

a dowry is agreed, say 2 million baht.

the lady requests for a payment in advance, say 200 thousand.

after handing over the money, bye, bye.......

no way to get her on the handphone. she just disappeared.

the two spent the nights in a hotelroom, never had sex.

she was a lady of thai/chinese origin and well educated.

the victim never went to her home, she always came by taxi.

she had probably more internet contacts and tricked them all.

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As you will probably know, marriage in Thailand is for 90% of the population a mere Buddhist ceremony, with NO legal consequences anyway! Only if you have the marriage registered legally (I don't know where and how to do that exactly), then it has legal consequences. But 90% of the Thai people don't do that. It is more common in Bangkok upper class society, I have read somewhere, but not with "ordinary people". So even if you were to be married, and it would turn out to be some sort of scam, if you keep it restricted to the Buddhist ceremony, she will not be entitled to alemony or the half of your belongings or something like that, if she wants to divorce you the next day, haha (if that was the scam she was up to, which I don't think so). And: should you marrie "for Buddha" and the marriage should turn out disastrous, you can just part and go your own way again: there is no "divorce ceremony" needed, nor legal paperwork.

Hey Dutch are you on Amsterdam cookies ?   your tale about 90 per cent not being legally married sounds as if you are. Try not to perpetuate urban myths and wait until you have a real understanding of Thailand before becoming an expert.  


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To Dutch:

She emails me about twice a week or more. Her most recent email is not all about being married. She talks about respect and hopes I will, she as well talks about hurt, how I will not hurt her again. I do not know if she thinks I hurt her or disrepected her or if she had been in the past? I assured her I would respect and not hurt her. I am being honest about this, I have several Thai ladies who had given me their addresses and phones, but I am zeroed in on her only. Unfortunately for me some of these ladies are still emailing me, I try talking to them as a friend and have put off having them pick me up at the airport or drop by the hotel as several have offered, another problem is I had given them all my hotel address in advance. A problem which bothers me are some of these ladies may be her friends or has she asked any of them to email me and see if I am receptive or not, I noted an email from a lady, same server yahoo.com as hers that came in just before I got her email each time. I immediately told that lady I was seriously involved with someone and was not available. Maybe she did the same only because my friend who I had try to hit on her was as well on AOL like me, but somehow I feel see is sincere. I advised her I had some email friends from before I decided she was my dream come true. She actually is .. I am honest, being honest .. but I am as well a flirt, or maybe I think I need back up so if she and I do not connect well, most ladies like me upon seeing me in person, so I think she will, but I learned early in my career that more than one plan is always necessary. That means not being alone in Bangkok, so if all fails I have lots more phone numbers.  She is not highly educated, I believe below high school, she is a tailor,  but has a good understanding of English and writes poetry with each of the last two emails. I am now telling any Thai lady emailing me that I have found someone. She tells me I am the best she can do. I don't know if that is a compliment or not but seems impressed that I have several college degrees. I quickly pointed out that her education was of no matter, I just wanted someone with a big heart. Although I have at least twenty other nice Thai ladies who left their phone numbers, I have really fallen for this little lady and would be hurting if she suddenly stopped emailing me. Her girl friend is very supportive of her and tells me she would make a good wife. Dispite what some think of me on these posts, such as dr_Pat_Pong my biggest critic I have a big heart and this lady has really got me hooked.

She may really be someone special, I do not know her financial situation. I know in the last two months her email address has come back default only to be changed twice already? She sends me her new email address quickly after the default or I simply email her girl friend telling her to forward my email in person to her. Perhaps she is not paying the bill, but why the new address. The last change came right after my friend sent her an email hitting on her, she quickly told him she was with me and getting married. I wanted to take my lap top because I have translation software on it and it would help in communication. I always carry a VISA Card for ATMs, usually large amounts of monies for say my plastic surgeon in VISA Travelers Checks, all covered if stolen, I do exchange some working cash in baht at the airport exchange before heading out to Bangkok in a cab, this time I have two ladies taking me to the hotel. Her friend is a chief in a major hotel and owns her own car. She gave me the name but I forgot it. I need minor corrective plastic surgery a few days after arrival, she wants to stay with me over night, climb into my hospital bed and hug me all night. Wow, I think that means at the hotel as well?

To Luckystar 555:

Your right no self respecting Thai lady will sleep with someone right away. This was hard on me since she has such high grades everywhere else. I have concluded, maybe she is not lying about not having much or as she said no activity in 5 years since her divorce, maybe she has tested me with having a friend ty to hit on me via email and somehow I got lucky and passed the test, maybe she liked what I said to her in email, maybe she just has not had it in so long she is over due and sees me as a physical relief and knows I will respect her for it and not hurt her after and truly believes if all goes well she will have a husband? Dispite the way I flirt, I am just a flirt with these ladies and in reality would not disrepect her, so maybe she knows me better than I do, so she succeeds in her mission for a husband after all the dust settles, but I need time and if she is who I think she may be she has no worries. I am not a butterfly. Besides luckly I am not thinking old style dating habits like Mali preaches or what your preaching. Some of my longest relationships here in American started out with taking the chemistry and the moment, that moment being by the next morning.

To dr_Pat_Pong:

Come on girl my second wife was a Dr. I think your in psyhcology like she was, unfortunately she was a little crazy and that is why she got her Phd, too find out what her mental problem was .. is that your reason too? Can we just be friends, lets shake hands, I don't kissing is the solution here. Chon and Dutch settled their differences.  Besides I changed the photo on my web site, check it out, go to my resume page again..


Give me a break, I am not all that bad, please, Pat, please may peace.

Thank you very much for all your replies, even dr_Pat_Pong living in the UK, I would assume, maybe just out of school there ..


West Palm, Florida, USA

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Bud Zumwalt

Group: Members

Posts: 31

Joined: Sep. 2003  Posted: Sep. 16 2003,21:10  


An interesting request, but the lady on lady idea in Thailand is not all that public, like in Western society, but there are ladies who enjoy only ladies.

Actually I am male, but I know a lady who would enjoy a three some, if you would enjoy 3 is not company let me know. This would be in October in Bangkok. Go to my web site and click on my resume page for newest photo of myself.


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buddy boy,

one doesn't need to be a psychologist to see what you are up to. my sympathy goes out to any  lady unfortunate enough to fall for your glib tongue and mixed messages.however,having some knowledge of thailand and thai ladies,and having heard a few "true life tales" you may just meet your match in every sense of the word ,in which case you can expect to learn a very valuable lesson indeed.

enjoy. :laugh:

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Iike I said before sometimes I flirt, yes there are guys who flirt just as bad as some ladies, sometimes I am cracking jokes. Sometimes I am a troll, in other words making a statement just to get a response. In this case I guess I was bluffing, because I presently do not know such a lady. But then again I have a long list to ask. If all goes well for me at the airport, I need not use any one else on that list. I will say that a few ladies on the list have tatoes, and one even admits having a child as a result of her profession being a massage lady, actually two like that, so prior entertainers make go for the three sum. Personally my only experience with two ladies was in South Korea, after drinking Korean Rum all night with the club owner, he sent me to the howch with two Korean entertainers, when I woke up they said I had a good time, but to this day I don't remember a thing. But you know what, I am not a butterfly just sometimes a tad out spoken just like you I guess.


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