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Thai ladies who propose via email .. what to think

Bud Zumwalt

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As a new member to the board, I can't cease to wonder why many of the more established members here are so 'anti trolling'.

Looking on the bright side, trolling does bring controversy to the discussion. Interesting points of conversation are brought up. Instead of blasting your so-called trollers why not just ignore them and others can reply if they wish?

Isn't that the whole idea of a discussion board? I don't see the admins complaining.

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Dear Mr. Pat-Pong and Foolwholaughsatdeath,

I am a Dutch lawyer and I am surprised by what the Consul General (or who was it?) told Mr. Foolwholaughsatdeath. Ofcourse I do not know about the laws of US states, but according to Dutch law: if a Buddhist ceremony is not even recognized as a legally binding marriage in Thailand, the country where the event took place, it is impossible that it would be recognized as legally binding in Holland. Could it be that the person who told you the opposite, notwithstanding his position and title, is simply wrong?

In my opinion, it is impossible that an event has more or farther going legal consequences ABROAD than it intents to have in the country where the event took place. That would be in conflict with international legal principles.

Furthermore, as an example: in Holland we also distinct between a "religious" marriage" and a "legal marriage": for instance, people here who are Catholic, have a wedding ceremony in church. A priest declares them husband and wife "until death do you part". According to Catholic church, divorce is next to impossible (only if the marriage "is not consumed"; that means: if there has been no sex and for some reason sex that results in children is impossible). This Catholic ceremony has nog legal consequences. These people still have to sign a legal paper in front of an Officer of the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, before they are "really" (that is: legally) married. And if they should wish to divorce, they can divorce legally. Although the divorce is then not "recognized" by the church, they ARE legally divorced if the Civil Court declares them divorced.

This seems pretty much the same as the distinction between the Buddhist wedding ceremony and the legal marriage in Thailand.

Now would US law recognize the Catholic wedding in church as a legal marriage, while Dutch law - the country where the event took place - does NOT? That seems pretty strange to me.

I think the same thing goes for the Buddhist thing in Thailand. I guess this US Consul is simply wrong.

But I could be wrong too, ofcourse.

Good luck anyway.


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To Jem Jem:

Both Peter (Bud) and Savitri Lall, myself are very real people.

I am from a third world country, in South America, now Naturalized US Citizen, no longer married to him but his best friend. If it was not for Peter I would not be where I am today, I am associated with ZGRAM and an RN at Palm Beach Medical Center. In my opinion Peter or Captain Bud Zumwalt has a heart of gold. He has amazing information for all of you and is putting it all together while at sea, something about email, someone giving up a bar stoll for a computer (newest scam out), Thai computer programmers obtaining a kick back, and email account of farang being used for sending out thosands of spam, thus farang used twice. I do not know what that all means but you will being hearing from him in a week.

To verify him and I as real, I have posted his flight to Bangkok which I got for him ...

Subj: Northwest Airlines Trip Summary and Receipt #4NAR6W

Date: 8/15/2003 4:33:47 AM SA Eastern Standard Time

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

File: email_html.html (49170 bytes) DL Time (TCP/IP): < 1 minute

Sent from the Internet (Details)

Bud or Peter ZUMWALT

ZGRAM Yacht Deliveries. com


WEST PALM BCH FL 33404-3032

Thank you for choosing Northwest Airlines.

NWA/KLM Reservations available at www.nwa.com or 1-800-225-2525.

Confirmation Number: 4NAR6W

E-Ticket Issue Date: 15AUG03

Number of Passengers: 1

Passenger/E-Ticket Number/Frequent Flyer Number:

Peter  ZUMWALT - 0122192092877-878 - 517680726

Most non-refundable tickets will have no value if changes are not made

prior to scheduled flights (a 100% cancellation fee equal to the total

cost of the ticket will apply). See "Changes & Refunds" section below

for details.



Flight Number: NW0893

Departs: WEST PALM BEACH, FL (PBI), 03OCT at 1005A

Arrives: DETROIT, MI (DTW), 03OCT at 1253P

Class: Q


Meal Service:

Equipment: 319


Flight Number: NW0011

Departs: DETROIT, MI (DTW), 03OCT at 320P

Arrives: TOKYO - NARITA AIRPORT,  (NRT), 03OCT at 535P

Class: Q


Meal Service: Dinner

Equipment: 744


Flight Number: NW0001

Departs: TOKYO - NARITA AIRPORT,  (NRT), 04OCT at 730P

Arrives: BANGKOK,  (BKK), 04OCT at 1150P

Class: Q


Meal Service: Dinner

Equipment: 744


Flight Number: NW0028

Departs: BANGKOK,  (BKK), 01NOV at 605A

Arrives: TOKYO - NARITA AIRPORT,  (NRT), 01NOV at 145P

Class: Q


Meal Service: Brkfst

Equipment: 744


Flight Number: NW0012

Departs: TOKYO - NARITA AIRPORT,  (NRT), 01NOV at 240P

Arrives: DETROIT, MI (DTW), 01NOV at 1210P

Class: Q


Meal Service: Dinner

Equipment: 744


Flight Number: NW0892

Departs: DETROIT, MI (DTW), 01NOV at 855P

Arrives: WEST PALM BEACH, FL (PBI), 01NOV at 1149P

Class: Q


Meal Service:

Equipment: D9S

Subj: Re: Woodlandsinn Booking

Date: 9/3/2003 11:59:41 PM SA Eastern Standard Time

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Sent from the Internet (Details)

Dear Mr. Peter Zumwalt (USA),

Thank you very much for your mail and reservation.

We have booked One Single Room in our hotel from

04.10.2003 to 01.11.2003  and free American Break fast.

Facilities of  room :  the facilities such as Air condition, telephone,

spacious beds, attached bathroom with shower & 24 hr.. hot water supply,

toilet, refrigerator and television etc.

WOODLANDS INN( next to General Post office ( GPO ) of Bangkok )

is located in the heart of the city and is about 24 kms. from the Bangkok International Airport.

The hotel is near major shopping malls and other tourist attractions  in the city.

To avail this facility you have to make an advance payment at the link


Location map.,please find the following map to reach our hotel without

any  difficult. (more information, please visit our website-

http://www.woodlandsinn.org   at Transportation icon )






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I think Captain Bud is real, and I'm sure he has more entertaining stories to tell than most people on this site.

Abolutely !  Like Santa Claus , I'm sure your parents told you about Cap'n Bud when you were a kid!

Speaking of stories , do you have any of your own , or are you just a critic?


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To everyone Bud is coming back within a day, he is on route from West End Grand Bahamas to Palm Beach about 12 hours.

I only log on too mostly handle delivery quotations while he is gone, thus another added hat, keep his post up. I do not know how to change my photo on the web site, Bud takes his former  web design teacher out to dinner everytime he wants an update, after dinner she and he work on some things and at least the web site gets up. That was me being funny.

I do not know if I will get into trouble with him or not, but I just noticed the latest email from his email soul mate in Thailand, it kind of blows all his theories about her may being a women who gave up her bar stool in Nana or Cowboy for a computer. I think Bud has found a real lady, and she is setting him straight on some things. He may very well end up married to her in time, because if this lady is sincere in my opinion Bud will do the right thing. He is respectful and honest.

This is quoted, {with some editing to English}

"{Name Deleted} is very sincere with you, very much so. I have never replied to any emails except yours. I have never even replied to other emails before I met you. I am only for you I will prove my love over time.You’re my sunshine. If I don’t have you then my sunshine is out. I have never worked in night life. I don’t come from NANA Plaza or Cowboy. I’m only a tailor who has her own small business. I’m a Thai lady who is sincere, and honest. In time I will prove my real love. I will be glad to see you very soon and I have packed my cloths already. I’ll pick you up on 4th October at the airport and prove my true love. I truly love you so much. I want to stay with you at the hospital and hotel.

Love you.

{Name Deleted}

I hope his hotel does not charge a guest fee.


Savitri Lall

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Roll on the 4th!

Regards charging a guest fee , if Bud is staying at the Woodlands Inn , they will unless he has booked a double room.

Only about 150 baht extra per night , and less hassle in my opinion. They have a decent Indian restaurant and Internet access , so he can keep us updated.


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As the owner of an internet cafe for 4 years and having run a translation and message forwarding service there's not much I haven't seen or heard.

There are many Thai women desperate for a good man and a better life. That doesn't mean they are all good or bad.

That also doesn't mean they want to leave Thailand.

There are also many educated computer literate women who work the internet very well, looking for men who are desperate for a woman and a relationship.

I've seen plenty of guys taken for a little or a lot in the nicest of ways.

Spend a little time in the chat room, keep an open mind and you may start to see it.

They'll all want to meet you at the airport and be your guide when in Thailand.

They'll also try to stop you from having the opportunity to meet anyone else.

If they do have a good job, the chances are they'll have little time to spend with you.

That's not to say that I don't think you can't find a good woman.

It's pretty much the same everywhere in the world. Remember to use your head not your heart, big head that is. And, if it seems to good to be true, it probably is.

Have fun in Thailand and remember it's the Land where you have to Smile.

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Big John,

Your right on. I have gotten all those indicators. Read my reply too the post on should prostitution be legalized in Thailand. I too have had experience with handling Entertainers, Asian Ladies, one year in South Korea. I handled 400 clubs and 12,000 Entertainers, I was the US Army Officer with power to put them off limits to GI's, thus close them up if the VD got out of hand.

I know you have the background, because you have just described it all so well. I had emailed several, gotten many replies, some tour guide offers, meet me at the airport types, even some that will know if your talking to other ladies, tighten it all up by telling you not too email others or else Sunshine will go out for you. Some seem to have English to Thai translation software, maybe some computer programmer who speaks English to help them, many come from the same family, maybe the family of Nanan or Cowboy Bars who know each other, from the bars or attended the same grammar school back in rurual areas, thus they know if your emailing several of their friends at the same time or use the infomation you give the others to best determine how much gold you bring with you.  I clearly see the patterns your described. Matter a fact other things, actually my account was used several times by spammers, used to send out large volumes of spam, almost lost my Internet with AOL account because of it, but I came up with a password they could not figure out based on the personal information I sent to some of the girls. This lady has me puzzled, she is either for real or one of the best Pro's I have run into lately. I do not consider myself needy, have two female roommates here in USA, platonic, but good company. I just wanted a pen pal, but most of these ladies are looking for the big pay off, husband or maybe rob you blind before you leave.

I think once in her company I could figure her out quickly, but I am 40/60 on this lady? Hate to bounce her if she is a really a nice lady. I am presently leaning on just telling her that coming to my hotel is not an option, I would be too exposed in that scenario. But I just booked a double room, so maybe I need to think this all out more. That's a helpful response, you have really been a big help, you kind of reassured me I was actually seeing the Red Flags, she claims not to be the bar type, maybe she is not .. or maybe she is? Not all bar girls are bad either, but some are real scam artists. Only time will tell. I may just tell her the rules up front and see if she withdraws on her own.


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Hello Savitri,  I have just had a wonderful idea.

Why don't you come to Thailand on the 4th October with Bud and I will be your tour guide for two weeks.

I will take you to the crocodile farm, the butterfly farm, the elephant camp and the Katoey shows.

I will hold your hand in mine and make sure the sun shines for you everyday.

We will have pineapple and pappaya picnics on the end of the bed and laugh endlessly at the way you say broiler and I say grill, you say stove and I say oven.  We will be obsessed with each other and sleep together like two puppies in a basket.

At the end of your holiday you will be so infatuated with my childlike charisma you will have an irresitable urge to send me 500 dollars each month.  Of course you understand that I am not asking for any money and do not want this money, but you MUST send it.  Not one cent  will be spent on me, it will all go to my family. I have to send my younger sister to university, she is taking a Phd in harlotry, support my brothers cocaine habit, pay off my mothers gambling debts and keep my father in booze.

Naturally I will still be accepting the cheques from my German and Finnish girlfriends,  but I do not love them.  I love only you Savitri.    I love you forever and ever,  in this world and the next.  My love for you will never die if the cheques keep coming.

I hope this idea appeals to you as much as it does to my family.

Yours Forever,


PS  I don't have the taxi fare to get to the airport

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Unofficial Internet Dating Rules and Notes

The sociology of internet dating.

Most of the people will select one of the first 5-6 people they meet because they get overloaded after that number of people contacts them. Most, women more than men, get 30 to 200 responses and just get burned out after the first dozen meetings. The first people one meets tend to stick out in that persons mind more because the others start blending together in the density of increasing contacts, emails, phones calls and meetings. If you don't meet soon you will be buried in the confusion that follows as the increasing volume of email contacts builds up. Most of relationships on match turn out to be with one of the first 6 people one meets according to the survey. If people are trying to meet quickly, they are probably trying to get in to your "emotional window" before it closes. Women tend to get 10 responses for every one response men get online. Do not send more than 6 emails or talk on the phone more than 45 minutes without meeting in person. The human mind will always create a bigger-than-life image of who you think you are talking to and it will be impossible for the other person to live up to that. You will set yourself up for disappointment and your experience here will always be unproductive. The longer you wait, the more likely you are to be disappointed because the vision and the real-world don't match. Don't do internet dating unless you are prepared to meet people and you have from 6-10PM Free every night, 30-90 minutes a day to read and respond to emails and at least half your weekend free to meet a few people. I will not work for most people unless they make a commitment to the

process, feel that getting a special person is the most important priority in their lives (Over work, money, material things, etc.)and really treat the effort like a job. Most people are completely surprised by how much work is involved in this kind of dating. Many people select one of the first few people they meet just to avoid the time-drain. But, when you meet the person that you want to be with, it makes it all worth it

ten times over. Most dating systems forward from an anonymous email to your personal email. Be sure and set your email system up so your emails pop up on your work desktop or on your home system to avoid coming home at night and

finding a plethora of responses and replies that you don't have time to give proper attention to. That is unfair to you and to the people that are interested. Don't ask a person if they like you on the date. It puts them on the spot and is too harsh to hear live and in person if they do not. Don't attack people who ask you for a picture and do have a picture ready to go. Having a digital picture ready to go is considered to be the number one "rule" of the web. Don't go online to date unless you already have one on your hard drive or you will just be creating a terribly frustrating experience for people you contact and most of them will be upset that you don't have a picture. The only difference in meeting people on the web or in person is that you have no visual context. Most people make their primary assessment based on appearance, even if they deny that they do, it is a natural human process

to seek visual confirmation. On the same note, don't judge a book by its cover. Many "pretty" people who seek only "pretty" people often find shallowness and vanity and no substance for that very relationship they seek...try a normal looking person, you will usually be surprised. There are no weirdoes and no normal people on the internet. There

aren't people at all, Just words and text. You have to realize it is a digital environment and employ it as an initiation place and then follow-up in the real-world. The unique thing about open network communication is that it has no established social order or boundaries so people are naturally supported in their theatrical creation. The difficult aspect of this is that there is nobody to reference you as you microscopically

grow bigger or into other tangents of a character without even noticing it. So; people tend to be more flexible with the facts or narrative because they feel like they are co-writing a novel with some one in real time. Can girls and guys be "just Friends. (Harry met Sally) Yes, if neither is physically attracted to the other. If one is and the other isn't it

will almost never work. In the case of one person being attracted but wanted to be friends, many of those people will either be in denial or embarrassed to acknowledge their attraction. Realize that time doesn't exist on the internet. What is a timely response or an appropriate development of social expectations will be too slow or too fast to the other person. Most internet socializing tends to move at "warp speed"...because it can. Don't discuss emotional issues in email. They will almost always be is interpreted. Hence the smiley faces: ;-) :-) etc. Never have a fight or

misunderstanding via email or you are done for. Context is not

apparent in email."

Guys talk about sex 70% more than most women. It is genetic

memory-burned into their brains. Many guys, though, use sex as emotional validation but they are incapable of admitting it, the rest are just horny. Society has programmed men to feel afraid to show sensitivity because it might make them look weak or gay. If you talk about sex in email or on the phone, before you meet, and you both seem to be equally interested in it, it will probably, then, never happen because you did that. By building it up in advance you create a psychological fantasy which your mind will always make bigger than reality can possibly live up to. When you meet and find out that neither of you are the "Fabio" or "Miss America" (..fill in name of whoever floats your boat) of your assumptive projections then your boat is sunk. Most people find the picture issue necessary but disconcerting. Many people's friends tell them they are not photogenic and never look the same from shot to shot. Most people look better in person than in a picture unless a modeling studio shot them. You can't really tell what a person looks like unless you have seen 5-6 different pictures in different settings. Many "socially-beautiful" men & women are conditioned to only go out with GQ/FratHouse looking people. These people have been taught that it

is all about facial balance, symmetry and small featured proportion; the majority of the real world does not have that symmetry. Frat House/Sorority people are singled out by a culture and guided to ...Frat Houses and Sororities for reinforcement from common-culture types.! If only we

could stop and look deeper than the shell..but those social imprints and media conditionings represent strong mnemonic triggers. Avoid the "Sherlock Holmes" technique. Many people feel that they have to squeeze as much information out and draw conclusions about that information in the first date. Don't make assumptions or second-guess others. If somebody responds to one question you ask with a lengthy answer

about food, work, cars, etc; don't assume that they are obsessed with one or the other. They may just be a long-winded or detailed communicator or they may just feel obligated to try to give you as much info as

possible about something you showed interest in. Try to adopt a flexible attitude in assessing a persons process based on one initial meeting. Cosmo advises that previous marriage should be an issue but the US census shows us that the Likelihood of new marriages ending in divorce is 50%. If your potential date has not been married, facts now show that they may have been smarter and more dedicated to a permanent relationship potential by waiting until after their 30's. Others have just not met the right person and hold the ideal partner dream firm. Some have asked people to marry them but the other person said no. So, not being married after 30 does not mean, today, what it might have meant in your parents times."

From somebody I got this:

"I don't have the answers. This might be funny for you, or it might not. I found

this card at a Hallmark display:

Bad Date #132:

He likes you. You don't like him. He says he'll call and does.

Bad Date #133:

You like him. He doesn't like you. He says he'll call and doesn't.

Bad Date #134:

You like him. He likes Jim. He dresses better than you.

Bad Date #135:

He wears too much aftershave. He flirts more with the waitress than with you. But that's a good thing.

Bad Date #136:

He talks all night about his ex. Then he cries.

Bad Date #137:

You like him a lot. He likes you a lot. Then he changes his mind.

I've been on all of those, and then some. My friend pointed out that the existence of that card means that it happens to loads of us. Somehow that thought should make us feel better, right?"

Hopefully the above will be interesting feedback/reflections for your travels in dating.


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Actually I was hoping you all would go onto this free email sight and report your own experiences to this post ... my soul mate is on a different web page ...


But first I would read my above reply post on Internet emailing too ladies and learn how it works.

Note all comments by Big John in his reply. He knows what is going on. I just received another email from soul mate last night, but with this return email I included a modified copy of what Big John said... so maybe she feels napped .. she had offered the Guide Tour, she is obviously planning an airport pick up and planning to stay with me .. she has managed to keep me from emailing anyone but her .. is she honest or a real pro?


PS: If my lap top is not stolen the first night in the hotel, I will keep up. hee hee

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Being a thai girl i know for sure that no SANE ladies would propose to a man first, let alone doing it on emails!!!! Getting marriage is a big big deal and u dont discuss it like ur going to join a golf club esp. with a man u have never even met.I think u'd better not meet any of them because u will never know what they would pull and believe me ur not even in the same league.I personally cant stand ppl who see a marriage as a way to feed them and their family but the question is can u?She could end up falling in love with u and make a good wife but if this was her first intention would u care?

   One thing i think farangs can be easily mislead because u think everything here is like thai ways and that our mind might work differently than yours that we have some bizarre traditions and manners or ways of thinking or whatever that u cannot understand but in fact we are all human esp when it comes to love.So do not think u have to understand something that u dont just because ur dating a thai girl.Many thai girls think or would say that marriage is a way to prove ur love to her but come on....is it really? I met my farang bf three months ago and the first night we went out on a date he said he fell in love with me from the first time he saw me which was two weeks ago with friends and what scared me was that he actually meant what he said, well thank god he didnt start talking about getting married and kids cos i would have to hit him in the head with french bread or something.I do dream about getting married but it should come when the love is blossomed (which means 4 yrs of living together and two kids or more lol) so dont expect me to understand ppl who mentioned marriage on emails with someone they never have met or even know if they would meet.Well its just my opinion anyway.Take care of urself.Thailand is a country where u could get thrown off the bridge or beaten to death just becos someone wants ur 4000 baths mobile phone when what they can do is simply ask and maybe play with a fake knife in their hands.....Go figure!!!

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To Thetyim and Big John,

I am really appreciative, your scenario, like Big John's it was right on, as most of us know sending any money back once you leave is for only guys who have money to waste, I do not. So far I have sent her modified versions of both what Big John and Thetyim said, she has finally commented on what Thetyim said ..

Her actual word, "You said at the end of my stay, before I return full time, I will be so infatuated with your childlike charisma I will have an irresistible urge to send you 500 dollars each month. Of course I understand that your not asking for any money and do not want this money, but I MUST send it. Not one cent will be spent on you, it will all go to your family. I know you have to send your younger sister to the university, she is taking a Ph.D. in harlotry, you must support your brothers cocaine habit, pay off your mothers gambling debts and keep your father in booze."

"Naturally you will still be accepting the cheques from your German and Finnish boy friends, but you do not love them. I love only you Bud. I love you forever and ever, in this world and the next. My love for you will never die if the cheques keep coming. Really {name deleted}, I realize that Thailand ladies are really the same as anyone else in the world. I know you girls, most farang guys fall for you the first time they see you, but the reality is no one falls in love until they are together, just like anywhere else in the world, here or in Thailand. So why don't we just live together for four years then decide .. just kidding."

Really Bud, don't say that please. It made me feel down. I don't like that. It's not joke. I love only you. I promise I have always been honest and sincere with you. I know you are not naive. You're a clever and smart man. I’ll meet you in 7 days. I'm excited and can't sleep because I’ll meet you face to face. We are the best love in the world. We take will care of each together until my last breath.

All my loving

{Name is deleted to protect the innocent?}

Well, what is a guy to think, help me anyone. This lady is very determined, but is she for real? I am still 40/60, but will meet her at the airport as planned. I think I need to see her in person, I am a fair judge of character, but via email alone, hard to know for sure, but at least worth meeting her, comments please.


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To jubjib,

I am so happy to finally hear from a Thai lady on this issue, thank you so much!

Jubjib says .. {Being a thai girl i know for sure that no SANE ladies would propose to a man first, let alone doing it on emails!!!! Getting marriage is a big big deal and u don't discuss it like ur going to join a golf club esp. with a man u have never even met.I think u'd better not meet any of them because u will never know what they would pull and believe me ur not even in the same league.I personally cant stand ppl who see a marriage as a way to feed them and their family but the question is can u?She could end up falling in love with u and make a good wife but if this was her first intention would u care?}

Actually Jip you have given great insight. She maybe desperate and in need of financial security or she maybe a very experienced con artist and I am no match for her according to you, you may be right, but with the help of people like Big John, Thetyim and now you jubjib, with my own prior experiences I may have a chance. But should one take any chances here, maybe a withdrawal is in order. Maybe she will realize that I am now not such an easy mark and withdraw herself, or maybe she is honest, but needy and cannot see that being desperate for financial security should not lend to false statements of love and marrage. However, I am still asking for more impute.

What scares me more is that you said killing or beating someone for a few thousand baht in Thailand is not uncommon. In all my visits to Thailand I never saw violence. I have seen many a con artist, even one professional plastic surgeon who is now funding my return trip and operation, and has too pay for several other Americans needing corrective surgery because of his dishonesty. His bank account has been seriously withdrawn. So I am always aware of what maybe behind the smiling faces of Thailand.

Your a real down to earth lady, your farang man has done what I may have failed at .. finding an honest, sincere, caring lady.If you have time tell me how you met him.

Thank you so much Jubjib!


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It is a go .. maybe my big mistake .. but I will try it .. God help me ..

This is an official report, soul mates latest email and my reply to her remarks ..

{Name deleted to protect the innocent?}

{She says} "It's about 6 days in which I can prove my true love and my sincereity...{Bud says}actually it is 6 days till I see you and after I meet with you we will both decide together who loves who and who is sincere .. Axxxx I am sorry if some of my questions bothered you .. but I must ask the hard questions sometimes .. I hope you understand my tactics .. {she says} I'm ready to prove my love. {Bud says}...it is up to both of us to prove we love each other .. {she says} I will take you go to my home to see my small business involving tailoring and dressing then meet my sister and my friends.{Bud says} I will enjoy that .. {She says} I’ll pick you up at the airport and greet you with a flower and love hug on 4th October.{Bud says} OK, but I would feel more comfortable if you come with Aey and the car that only you and her be in the car, I get uneasy if there are males that accompany you both, so please no male brothers or cousins with you all at the airport pick up, if you are not coming with Aey, but if you come alone by taxi I will pay you back for the taxi or bus, so it does not cost you anything, we can always take a taxi to the hotel from the airport, probably about 500 baht .. look I know your getting kind of stressed out, but do not worry, I am not a butterfly, but I must be sure you are not one either ..

{She says} Only time will prove true love and if we are sincere.{Bud says} yes, you are correct ..  Bud

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The lastest flash email has just arrived and this was the message.


Axxxx and Aey will pick you up at airport with Aey's car.{Bud replies} Oh, how very kind of the both of you, two ladies coming to greet me at the airport, certainly I feel so honored .. {Axxxx states} Aey will drop us off at Woodland Inn hotel. {Bud replies} Aey is so kind to be so helpful too the both of us, she is truly very idealistic, and very kind. She truly is such a friend and support system to you ..

{Axxxx says} Miss you, {Bud replies} I look forward to meeting the both of you in person ..


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To dr_Pat_Pong

Great to hear from you. I guess I just made history in now being the only person on this web site actually, minus and doubt, without reservation prove you wrong, please feel fee to email her and ask her if she knows me, additionally anyone else can, then ask her for her photo, and droll all over it,

hey come on Dr. lets be friends, I am not making anything up, so check if you like.

Subject: Dearest Peter Date: 9/28 11:47 AM From: [email protected]  

Subject: Dearest Peter

Date: 9/28/2003 11:47:39 AM SA Eastern Standard Time

From: [email protected]

Reply To:  

To: [email protected]

CC: [email protected]

Dearest Peter

Arlee and Aey will pick you up at airport with Aey's car. Aey will drop us off at Woodland Inn hotel.

Miss you



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