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Western ladies in bangkok

Bud Zumwalt

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Ok, Ok, maybe the Tuk Tuk was an over kill, how about a scooter with leg rest for both legs on one side. You know like in the old westerns when your ladies rides side ways. Sound more impressive?

But the photo, where and how can I post it?

Hey got an idea! Ladies go to my business web site and this part is for real no kidding. Once on the site click on the resume page and view my photo.



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Well I guess beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.

I do admire his honesty and giving up his anonymity though.

Bud, I would advise you to get a couple of more professional looking photos on your site. Your photo is very dark and unflatterring, you should remove your sunnies as well.

Also the photo of Savitri Lal isn't exactly what you need either. How about a decent front on view so that she is recognisable.

I'll be in Thailand in October, so now maybe I'll recognise you wandering down the street with one of these ladies by your side.  :D   :o

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For Tiz Me,

Ok you all been on my web site,


now who needs their yacht delivered or a Captain for their yacht touring the Gulf of Thailand or China Sea? Kidding ..

I arrive BKK Airport Oct 4, midnight.

This information is for ladies only, no Thai Katoey's or Ladyboys either, after gender reassignment surgery maybe considered. LOL

My waist line in about 32, I am 5'11" and my wieght 175 lbs.

Savitri Lall is my ex-wife and best friend, she was first runner up for Miss Guyana, in the 70s and still looks the same today as then, she and another lady are my roommates, platonic, we save monies and they both work nights in the hospital so I am out to sea often, everyone goes their own direction, I am often at sea in Bahamas, Cuba or Bermuda, but I take the lap top and use via satellite .. my direction is now Thailand, sell out and move.

My crotch is not patched, but I do need double jocks to hold it all back. LOL

Good close up photos upon request, my web master and I am not dating any longer, so I cannot update my photo yet. Actually she removed my professional photo and stuck up my worst one to get even, since then I have changed the pass word, and she is being replace with a Thai lady.

I am trying to post a close up head shot here but how did Tiz Me get it on this post???? tell me Tiz Me, I have close ups but I am really confused everything I am trying is not working! I cannot get my close head photo on one of these replies!!!

If you saw a close up you could tell my appearance is very young, and I did shave 5 years off and Chon .. he is never missing anything! I do have several Thai lady addresses and ladies who want to meet me in Thailand, and more coming back with a constant flow of follow up emails , but some do not speak or write English, that could be a problem, since their email translators cannot come out on a date. So I thought maybe this site would produce some Westernized fluent English speaking ladies. I am not a butterfly. I could use some advise on my email proposal post, so read that post, lots more important then this one, about the lady picking me up at the airport, she seems very determined, I really need some help and advise about her.


Captain,  Ship's Master US Merchant Marines


[email protected]

[email protected]

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Oh one more thing .. Taxexile ..

If you want a close up of the chin please write me with your email address.

[email protected]

I had my chin and nose done June 4th, 2003 at Bangkok Hospital in their International Plastic Surgery Building, nice private hospital and they did a great job, the nose was 105,000 baht and the chin implant was only 42,000 baht, some for us guys having plastic work done frequent Thailand often. US Doctors are fat, unskilled, and charge 6 times what the more skilled Thai doctors charge.


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First the photo has to be somewhere on the net. Its no good if its just on your computer.

Then go just have to click the Image button that appears just above where you type, then a user prompt opens up for you to enter the URL into.

So here I just hotlinked to your existing photo.


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Tiz Me,

Look you know a lot more about this then I do, if I send you my correct photo, the one that should have been on the site, would you do one or two things for me,

1.-give me your email, send me a email too

[email protected]

I will forward you my photo via electronic email, you either help me FTP it back onto the web page, or give a reply saying the truth about how I look in a photo that shows me up close .. I am not telling you what to say, just look at the photo and make a comment, honest ..

2.-help me out by removing the photo you placed on the post reply, personally I did not even know my webmaster had changed photos on me, actually my face is not shown in that photo, it is just too dark and too far away, certainly I am not bald, fat, or 70 years old .. but I do have much better close up photos, really after two trips to Bangkok for nip and tuck within the last year you owe me at least looking at the work in a photo you can see, then you tell me .. my webmaster was my original web design teacher, she taught me everything except how to FTP and add photos via FTP and she as well never showed me how to change text I worked on the site before it was posted, so after the post she kept me obligated and relying on her .. now that we are not talking look what happened ..

Is it really fair I take all these hits from people who show nothing .. like to see the face of some of these complainers ..

and to speak of the devil ..

taxexile dearest,

Perhaps you'll post your chin or if you have no web site .. send a photo over

[email protected]

then we will compare photos, I realize the last thing you need is just a chin shot .. but for you everything is shown .. the whole picture .. get it now?


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To you all, I have replaced the photo on my web site, go to the resume page and look!


Most of these remarks from Western Queens, kind of make the case why Western men don't want them. They are rude and crude. Hidding behind their computers, too fat to move, to ugly to be seen, cracking jokes at guys they could never have, because those guys have selected Asian ladies of class and looks.


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i have no need to see your photo or that of anybody elses on this board,but as you chose to post yours (or direct us to your website where we could find it) then, as a five star self publicist and a man of no small ego you must take the brickbats that you have opened yourself up to on that reconstructed chin of yours, and hopefully take them in good spirit.

i am the shy retiring type,and would not dream of posting my photo.you can judge my character better from my words than from my appearance.

once again, good luck with your search for a good woman.

i found my good woman in bangkok 12 years ago and if you find half the happiness that i found you will not want for anything more, but to judge from your postings here there and everywhere on this board you dont look like a good bet for a stable relationship with a thai woman or any woman at the moment, and i think you are a wind up merchant looking for sex.why play all these charades?

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Johnny Cash , isn't that change from the Durex machine?

The old ones are the best.....

What do you say to a woman with 2 black eyes?

Nothing , she's already been told twice....

An Englishman, Irishman and Frenchman walk into a pub...

The barman looks up and says..." Is this some kind of a  joke?"

Look forward to Kwiz conspiracy theory behind those beauts.


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Ok, I deserve the hits. I am hopefully on the correct path. I have turned over a new leaf. I have a lady who I hope will prove all you are wrong about me. I will be moving slow and carefully. I will behave myself and be a perfect gentleman.

Actually I look much better in person. I will take some new photos for the web page in Bangkok. Actually Michael Jackson would of looked better had he used a Thai Doctor, Thailand has it all great doctors, beautiful ladies.  Within the last year I decided to try and look younger, I am not that old please, most who see me in person judge me much younger, but as we all know age is just a number in Thailand. I guess some of you feel that having upper/lower eye lids, full face lift, nose reduction and styling and chin augmentation and hair replacement in Thailand since 1978 did not work out well, but  I have had some compliments believe it or not from people who have seen me up close. I am not a vain person, just a guy trying to make some conversation and learn from others.

It is not uncommon for males to do plastic work, many will not every say they have had any. I will never tell again. I guess being honest is one of my virtues. LOL


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