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Caution! Nasdaq, Dow, Sp, Nikkei, Hang Seng

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Funny that because where i was looking the trend has been UP for the past few days, and my account shows real money as the bears have been throwing themselves in front of a train

like all dumb traders they want to short the lows after a decline that started in Jan 09, looking for Armageddon Numbers, and get forced out, once they capitulate then we will have a meaningful top in place

All i see is fear, not fear from the bulls fear from the Bears that got roasted the past week

Unless it was a mirage

Ask the bears what happens if we violate the 780 and the 805 area on the SPX are they going to summise that we are still in a wave 4 of (5)??? ala EWI count

I think you will find the trend has indeed changed if we pass 805, and i am expecting a multi-week/month rally back towards the 950 area or higher, as many bears get forced out and a short squeeze gets momentum

market does this time and time again, it never changes, too many on to one particular count and too many geared to one side

regarding your EW count, i can see why you post the "end is nigh" talk, as your count has got to be the most bearish count on the planet

good luck with that count, but if you want to leave 100+ point rallies alone, be my guest, but money is money, and right now we ARE very near a confirmed trend change on the SPX

needs a little more upside but confirmation is near, and pullbacks can be bought as the trend will likely be UP over the Spring/Summer ( that`s not to say when this move that started from 666 eventually tops out there wont be a retracement,) but key support in the SPX is now 715 and 734

Sentiment was ripe at the recent low and for a change of trend and too many Bears looking for lower lows of 600 or lower, when the market has other ideas

The NDX has confirmed the trend change,

(nothing is certain like the market never is) but i will take my chances on a trend change, for the next few weeks/months of a substanial rally with a move likely to be back to 950

Hopefully the Bears will keep shorting this market and adding further fuel for higher prices

i have no doubt that eventually the market will be heading alot lower over the coming months, but is that after we rally another 100 points ???

>>>> i have no doubt that eventually the market will be heading alot lower over the coming months, but is that after we rally another 100 points ??? <<<<<


Amateur! :o:D

By your own admission, this is therefore a bearmarket rally regardless where it goes. Therefore only herbivores are playing it. That's as it should be. :D

The successful bears have scored 800+ S&P points on futures, swimming with the current, not against it - figure it out for yourself taking nominal leverage upto max. leverage and contract size.

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If anybody here is interested in reviewing some basics of herd behaviour please re-read Nouf's most recent post. This is why I don't mind socializing here - lots of opportunities to revisit the basics.


See attached chart of the S&P500 Index. I've removed all extraneous lines, symbols etc., so it should be visually easy to digest with just one go.

Tony Robbins defines insanity:

Doing the same things you've done before, yet this time expecting a different result!!!!! :o

Case in point:

See the 9 blue arrows on this bare chart of the S&P500?

They denote the previous bottoms on the way down to today.

At 8 previous bottoms Nouf & his fellow grazers claimed a new bullmarket had started.

And every single time they were wrong!

So is it any surprise that they are doing the same thing again at this current, 9th bottom?

No! This is what they do.

Therefore as per Tony's definition they belong in the nuthouse.

Same goes for me - why? because I post here!!!! :D


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but since these nutcases call every single bottom the final bottom, sooner or later at one such bottom they will be right. But they quickly forget they were wrong at all preceding bottoms and hail themselves as geniuses.

So what's a trend player to do?

The answer is as old as HISTORY itself:

The alleged new trend must prove itself first.

After rising nicely in 5 subwaves from the alleged final bottom, it must come back down to retest the alleged bottom and it must do so with 3 subwaves and then, get this, it must rise again and take out its most recent rally top on rising volume.

Only then do we trend traders get interested and acknowledge that something is indeed afoot.

Then and only then would we be interested in getting on board this new trend.

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Precther is perhaps the greatest Wave enthusiast of all time(and a total genius in my opinion), and he was constantly calling every high from 1999 THE HIGH! He may of been right in the end, but thats alot of points and a long time, to be underwater.

Id say the difference between this latest rally and its predecessors is that banking and finance are leading this up, and they have; until a few weeks ago, been leading markets down.

I ultimately think equity markets will go lower than they were several weeks ago, but I like this rally :o

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>>>> i have no doubt that eventually the market will be heading alot lower over the coming months, but is that after we rally another 100 points ??? <<<<<


Amateur! :o:D

By your own admission, this is therefore a bearmarket rally regardless where it goes. Therefore only herbivores are playing it. That's as it should be. :D

The successful bears have scored 800+ S&P points on futures, swimming with the current, not against it - figure it out for yourself taking nominal leverage upto max. leverage and contract size.

Wow 800 handles is that all???? mate i have taken more than twice that over the past 16 months UP and DOWN, i can sure you i am NO amatuer,

did i touch a nerve with my post????? i think so

Bear rally or not, it is the Bears that were swimming against the tide from 666-803, thats some drawn down, hey if you want to trade with 200+ stops be my guess, but thats NOT trading its gambling and the mark of an Amatuer

i dont have a bais i am a Professional, i trade the Tape that is given to me, my opinons when it comes to the tape stay at the table come 9.30am-4.15pm

i will trade the market up or down its makes no odds, trading is about making a living and making Coin, not trying to be a hero posting Wanna be EW counts predicting Armageddon

will you advise the bears to continue trading against a trend that is going higher???? or will you fight the immediate trend if the Spoo`s take off and we head up to 900+

Over the years i have seen many a trader come and go, they have there 5 minutes of fame make a few good calls and think they are some sort of GURU, this game is full of them ( trying to drum up business for subscription service are we???)

I guess your reply said it all to me,

Good luck with Your Armadgeddon calls, but taking 100+ handles from the past 2 weeks is what this game is about the past 6 days the trend has been UP not DOWN

The intermidiate trend is UP, NOT down, and 130+ points are nothing to be sniffed as fighting the trend is what will cost your account

you are dangerous if you are trying to advise traders to trade against a rally of over 130+ points, but then any real serious trader will know this and not have a bias and go against a trend on any time frame,

so Bears want to fight a trend of over 130 handles, thats is Plan and simple suicide, and silly and that sort of trading only lends to one thing and thats a Bust out

Being right in the bigger picture means nothing if you dont make any money from it, we can all get the direction right what makes a successful trader against an Amatuer is the ability the trade the tape he is given and that means making money day in day out week in week out, UP and DOWN

Go and ask those bears that have just lost there account fighting a move off from 665-803 how it feels to be on the WRONG end of a rally

regardless where it goes huh!!!!, what happens if this market gets legs and its back over 900, will you consistently short a market that keeps going up???? reminds me of all those EWI subscribers that kept shorting the move off the 2003 low, only the STU kept saying its going to crash, eventually one year later Hochberg gave up on that idea

of will you keep adjusting your Elliot wave count, as a 3rd of a 3rd of a 3rd of a 3rd, of a 3rd

i think you have been reading EWI too much, almost all your posts have some EWI theme to them, in fact its like a recording of Prechter

and the STU got everyone looking for lower as we were in wave (4) of 5 ha ha Dumb bears all covered as we pushed through 780 and they got severly roasted last night, easy money fading the Crowd, it was all over forum land that we were in wave (4) of 5 and we cant break past 780

does anyone not think a local in the S&P pit doesnt read the Blogs and forums the market knew there would be a ton of stops from the Elliot wavers above 780, it was like taking candy from a baby, as stops were tiggered as bears folded one by one as we broke 780,

Now thats proper trading, not some fake BS count, real money trading real numbers and real contracts, this game is about making money not trying to be a GURU posting some EW counts on a forum

Fading EWI bought me close to 96 handles, but then they are the contrarion, EWI are like a stopped clock, eventually they will get it right, only they were 6 years too late

Your Post on the DSI indicator gave it away, that indicator is from Jake Bernstein, and is only via subscription, yet you quote it, which tells me you are a EWI subscriber

I wish you well in your trading,

Edited by Nouf
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Theres nothing wrong with EWI, you just have to know what theyre good for, which is anecdotal evidence and wave theory, not wave practicing! They did after all call banking/financials leading equities lower, which was an awesome call. :o

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>>>> i have no doubt that eventually the market will be heading alot lower over the coming months, but is that after we rally another 100 points ??? <<<<<


Amateur! :o:D

By your own admission, this is therefore a bearmarket rally regardless where it goes. Therefore only herbivores are playing it. That's as it should be. :D

The successful bears have scored 800+ S&P points on futures, swimming with the current, not against it - figure it out for yourself taking nominal leverage upto max. leverage and contract size.

Wow 800 handles is that all???? mate i have taken more than twice that over the past 16 months UP and DOWN, i can sure you i am NO amatuer,

did i touch a nerve with my post????? i think so

Bear rally or not, it is the Bears that were swimming against the tide from 666-803, thats some drawn down, hey if you want to trade with 200+ stops be my guess, but thats NOT trading its gambling and the mark of an Amatuer

i dont have a bais i am a Professional, i trade the Tape that is given to me, my opinons when it comes to the tape stay at the table come 9.30am-4.15pm

i will trade the market up or down its makes no odds, trading is about making a living and making Coin, not trying to be a hero posting Wanna be EW counts predicting Armageddon

will you advise the bears to continue trading against a trend that is going higher???? or will you fight the immediate trend if the Spoo`s take off and we head up to 900+

Over the years i have seen many a trader come and go, they have there 5 minutes of fame make a few good calls and think they are some sort of GURU, this game is full of them ( trying to drum up business for subscription service are we???)

I guess your reply said it all to me,

Good luck with Your Armadgeddon calls, but taking 100+ handles from the past 2 weeks is what this game is about the past 6 days the trend has been UP not DOWN

The intermidiate trend is UP, NOT down, and 130+ points are nothing to be sniffed as fighting the trend is what will cost your account

you are dangerous if you are trying to advise traders to trade against a rally of over 130+ points, but then any real serious trader will know this and not have a bias and go against a trend on any time frame,

so Bears want to fight a trend of over 130 handles, thats is Plan and simple suicide, and silly and that sort of trading only lends to one thing and thats a Bust out

Being right in the bigger picture means nothing if you dont make any money from it, we can all get the direction right what makes a successful trader against an Amatuer is the ability the trade the tape he is given and that means making money day in day out week in week out, UP and DOWN

Go and ask those bears that have just lost there account fighting a move off from 665-803 how it feels to be on the WRONG end of a rally

regardless where it goes huh!!!!, what happens if this market gets legs and its back over 900, will you consistently short a market that keeps going up???? reminds me of all those EWI subscribers that kept shorting the move off the 2003 low, only the STU kept saying its going to crash, eventually one year later Hochberg gave up on that idea

of will you keep adjusting your Elliot wave count, as a 3rd of a 3rd of a 3rd of a 3rd, of a 3rd

i think you have been reading EWI too much, almost all your posts have some EWI theme to them, in fact its like a recording of Prechter

and the STU got everyone looking for lower as we were in wave (4) of 5 ha ha Dumb bears all covered as we pushed through 780 and they got severly roasted last night, easy money fading the Crowd, it was all over forum land that we were in wave (4) of 5 and we cant break past 780

does anyone not think a local in the S&P pit doesnt read the Blogs and forums the market knew there would be a ton of stops from the Elliot wavers above 780, it was like taking candy from a baby, as stops were tiggered as bears folded one by one as we broke 780,

Now thats proper trading, not some fake BS count, real money trading real numbers and real contracts, this game is about making money not trying to be a GURU posting some EW counts on a forum

Fading EWI bought me close to 96 handles, but then they are the contrarion, EWI are like a stopped clock, eventually they will get it right, only they were 6 years too late

Your Post on the DSI indicator gave it away, that indicator is from Jake Bernstein, and is only via subscription, yet you quote it, which tells me you are a EWI subscriber

I wish you well in your trading,


Why do you keep insisting I'm still SHORT?

See Feb 27th post here

"Close ALL SHORT positions and go to 100% CASH - withdraw your cash from brokerage accounts, then put it anywhere but a bank.

Then just become a spectator, hide and watch.

Preservation and protection of Capital is our creed. Greed kills and maims, be satisfied and happy with your spoils.

If the market rallies north you'll be happy you took SHORT profits. If it however crashes further and you feel you should have continued to be SHORT, resist the temptation to re-enter - you might not get paid neither winnings nor your capital.

Hasta la vista"


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>>>> i have no doubt that eventually the market will be heading alot lower over the coming months, but is that after we rally another 100 points ??? <<<<<


Amateur! :o:D

By your own admission, this is therefore a bearmarket rally regardless where it goes. Therefore only herbivores are playing it. That's as it should be. :D

The successful bears have scored 800+ S&P points on futures, swimming with the current, not against it - figure it out for yourself taking nominal leverage upto max. leverage and contract size.

Wow 800 handles is that all???? mate i have taken more than twice that over the past 16 months UP and DOWN, i can sure you i am NO amatuer,

did i touch a nerve with my post????? i think so

Bear rally or not, it is the Bears that were swimming against the tide from 666-803, thats some drawn down, hey if you want to trade with 200+ stops be my guess, but thats NOT trading its gambling and the mark of an Amatuer

i dont have a bais i am a Professional, i trade the Tape that is given to me, my opinons when it comes to the tape stay at the table come 9.30am-4.15pm

i will trade the market up or down its makes no odds, trading is about making a living and making Coin, not trying to be a hero posting Wanna be EW counts predicting Armageddon

will you advise the bears to continue trading against a trend that is going higher???? or will you fight the immediate trend if the Spoo`s take off and we head up to 900+

Over the years i have seen many a trader come and go, they have there 5 minutes of fame make a few good calls and think they are some sort of GURU, this game is full of them ( trying to drum up business for subscription service are we???)

I guess your reply said it all to me,

Good luck with Your Armadgeddon calls, but taking 100+ handles from the past 2 weeks is what this game is about the past 6 days the trend has been UP not DOWN

The intermidiate trend is UP, NOT down, and 130+ points are nothing to be sniffed as fighting the trend is what will cost your account

you are dangerous if you are trying to advise traders to trade against a rally of over 130+ points, but then any real serious trader will know this and not have a bias and go against a trend on any time frame,

so Bears want to fight a trend of over 130 handles, thats is Plan and simple suicide, and silly and that sort of trading only lends to one thing and thats a Bust out

Being right in the bigger picture means nothing if you dont make any money from it, we can all get the direction right what makes a successful trader against an Amatuer is the ability the trade the tape he is given and that means making money day in day out week in week out, UP and DOWN

Go and ask those bears that have just lost there account fighting a move off from 665-803 how it feels to be on the WRONG end of a rally

regardless where it goes huh!!!!, what happens if this market gets legs and its back over 900, will you consistently short a market that keeps going up???? reminds me of all those EWI subscribers that kept shorting the move off the 2003 low, only the STU kept saying its going to crash, eventually one year later Hochberg gave up on that idea

of will you keep adjusting your Elliot wave count, as a 3rd of a 3rd of a 3rd of a 3rd, of a 3rd

i think you have been reading EWI too much, almost all your posts have some EWI theme to them, in fact its like a recording of Prechter

and the STU got everyone looking for lower as we were in wave (4) of 5 ha ha Dumb bears all covered as we pushed through 780 and they got severly roasted last night, easy money fading the Crowd, it was all over forum land that we were in wave (4) of 5 and we cant break past 780

does anyone not think a local in the S&P pit doesnt read the Blogs and forums the market knew there would be a ton of stops from the Elliot wavers above 780, it was like taking candy from a baby, as stops were tiggered as bears folded one by one as we broke 780,

Now thats proper trading, not some fake BS count, real money trading real numbers and real contracts, this game is about making money not trying to be a GURU posting some EW counts on a forum

Fading EWI bought me close to 96 handles, but then they are the contrarion, EWI are like a stopped clock, eventually they will get it right, only they were 6 years too late

Your Post on the DSI indicator gave it away, that indicator is from Jake Bernstein, and is only via subscription, yet you quote it, which tells me you are a EWI subscriber

I wish you well in your trading,



Prechter would run circles around you with his eyes closed and running a 103 fever. Sorry you lost alot of money. That's never a good thing. :wai:

What do you trade?

Why not just go head to head with me right here or in my Gold thread or in Spot EURUSD or GBPUSD in the US Dollar thread.

I figure I've got another 2 weeks here.

That will settle any claims easily.

What do you say?

Hey, no hard feelings - wish you well in your trading. :D

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Harmonica - I enjoyed your postings and found them incisive.

How about starting a new thread and commenting on the market?

It would be helpful to many of us who are not really trained in this area -- and would be alot more helpful than most brokers.


Thanks. :o

We might have to stick to this thread for now as there are just too many oldtimers who have become cops here and they're just itching to send me back to the joint for another 4 years. All I did was kiss the girl. :D

See chart of S&P500 - 60-min. realtime analysis taking into account upto yesterdays action.

Alternative count shown in red. Any trendline break should be taken seriously by short-term traders.



Trendline still the guide.

Current resistance level @ 61.8%





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>>>> i have no doubt that eventually the market will be heading alot lower over the coming months, but is that after we rally another 100 points ??? <<<<<


Amateur! :o:D

By your own admission, this is therefore a bearmarket rally regardless where it goes. Therefore only herbivores are playing it. That's as it should be. :D

The successful bears have scored 800+ S&P points on futures, swimming with the current, not against it - figure it out for yourself taking nominal leverage upto max. leverage and contract size.

Wow 800 handles is that all???? mate i have taken more than twice that over the past 16 months UP and DOWN, i can sure you i am NO amatuer,

did i touch a nerve with my post????? i think so

Bear rally or not, it is the Bears that were swimming against the tide from 666-803, thats some drawn down, hey if you want to trade with 200+ stops be my guess, but thats NOT trading its gambling and the mark of an Amatuer

i dont have a bais i am a Professional, i trade the Tape that is given to me, my opinons when it comes to the tape stay at the table come 9.30am-4.15pm

i will trade the market up or down its makes no odds, trading is about making a living and making Coin, not trying to be a hero posting Wanna be EW counts predicting Armageddon

will you advise the bears to continue trading against a trend that is going higher???? or will you fight the immediate trend if the Spoo`s take off and we head up to 900+

Over the years i have seen many a trader come and go, they have there 5 minutes of fame make a few good calls and think they are some sort of GURU, this game is full of them ( trying to drum up business for subscription service are we???)

I guess your reply said it all to me,

Good luck with Your Armadgeddon calls, but taking 100+ handles from the past 2 weeks is what this game is about the past 6 days the trend has been UP not DOWN

The intermidiate trend is UP, NOT down, and 130+ points are nothing to be sniffed as fighting the trend is what will cost your account

you are dangerous if you are trying to advise traders to trade against a rally of over 130+ points, but then any real serious trader will know this and not have a bias and go against a trend on any time frame,

so Bears want to fight a trend of over 130 handles, thats is Plan and simple suicide, and silly and that sort of trading only lends to one thing and thats a Bust out

Being right in the bigger picture means nothing if you dont make any money from it, we can all get the direction right what makes a successful trader against an Amatuer is the ability the trade the tape he is given and that means making money day in day out week in week out, UP and DOWN

Go and ask those bears that have just lost there account fighting a move off from 665-803 how it feels to be on the WRONG end of a rally

regardless where it goes huh!!!!, what happens if this market gets legs and its back over 900, will you consistently short a market that keeps going up???? reminds me of all those EWI subscribers that kept shorting the move off the 2003 low, only the STU kept saying its going to crash, eventually one year later Hochberg gave up on that idea

of will you keep adjusting your Elliot wave count, as a 3rd of a 3rd of a 3rd of a 3rd, of a 3rd

i think you have been reading EWI too much, almost all your posts have some EWI theme to them, in fact its like a recording of Prechter

and the STU got everyone looking for lower as we were in wave (4) of 5 ha ha Dumb bears all covered as we pushed through 780 and they got severly roasted last night, easy money fading the Crowd, it was all over forum land that we were in wave (4) of 5 and we cant break past 780

does anyone not think a local in the S&P pit doesnt read the Blogs and forums the market knew there would be a ton of stops from the Elliot wavers above 780, it was like taking candy from a baby, as stops were tiggered as bears folded one by one as we broke 780,

Now thats proper trading, not some fake BS count, real money trading real numbers and real contracts, this game is about making money not trying to be a GURU posting some EW counts on a forum

Fading EWI bought me close to 96 handles, but then they are the contrarion, EWI are like a stopped clock, eventually they will get it right, only they were 6 years too late

Your Post on the DSI indicator gave it away, that indicator is from Jake Bernstein, and is only via subscription, yet you quote it, which tells me you are a EWI subscriber

I wish you well in your trading,



Prechter would run circles around you with his eyes closed and running a 103 fever. Sorry you lost alot of money. That's never a good thing. :wai:

What do you trade?

Why not just go head to head with me right here or in my Gold thread or in Spot EURUSD or GBPUSD in the US Dollar thread.

I figure I've got another 2 weeks here.

That will settle any claims easily.

What do you say?

Hey, no hard feelings - wish you well in your trading. :D

Ha ha now you are sounding like a spoilt child, trying to entice me in to some sort of trade off pissing contest,

You think i need to be posting trades just to prove to you my ability; i think you mistake me for some sort of amateur on a forum trading site or Blogger site

I have no desire to want to be portrayed as some sort of Guru, maybe you do?????

You do know there is a REAL difference in real money trades not made up ones

Often over the years i have seen many traders feel they need post on forums like they have some agenda or they have to show the world they have a super trading system when really all they are trying to do is look for novice traders to suck money from for some sort of trading service

Its that’s sort of reply, that brings me to be suspicious that maybe you are indeed a snake oil salesman trying to drum up business for un- suspecting novice traders, but hey if you are generally interested in helping others then that’s fine by me, but your replies challenge to me otherwise and your tone in language denotes that as well

Post away, only you may want actually post your own content and not something that is from EWI service

Believe me i have seen and read many a forum, and seen the tricks used to suck in novices into thinking the poster is a GURU, when reality he is a leach, this game is full of them

(again i am suspcious but in no way suggesting that you are)

With subscription services and trading rooms

Again your reply denotes, what sought of trader i think you are

You know how the saying goes

“Those that can’t, teach” and life is full of teachers in this game, just look around at all the trading subscription services

I trade a manor of markets, SPOOs, and currencies, but again, i don’t feel i need to post trades on a BB to get interest from a others, i have nothing to gain unless i was trying to push a subscription service

Once again trading is about making money not trying to be a hero

You really do need post you OWN content and not EWI`s stuff, as it’s not really right to steal others work.

You think Prechtor can really help me trading the S&P`s in real time,??? Clearly you must have amnesia as he has been right on this crises

Ask him about those calls made from 98-2003 (being early is still wrong in my book) as even if you get the direction right you loose

Do you think he has the ability to know when a Big house , like Merriyl or Goldman comes in to the pit and buys 2 or 3000 Large S&P`s

If so i got to join up EWI as they must be the messiahs of Trading, it’s only recently that EWI have had a claim to fame, up until Aug 07 they were the laughing stocks with their calls

EWI give a bad name to Ralph, there are far better Ellioticans out there, but if you wish to carry believing in EWI feel free

Just because he wrote the book don’t make him a trader; he is a teacher because him or Hochberg simply can’t trade

Big difference trading in real life than following a subscription service

How do i know that, because i trade the info that comes right out the CBOE, and those traders in the SPOO pit don’t give a crap about Elliot it’s a simple game of buying or selling a number of S&P contracts, not some Pattern that EWI claim is working

Anyhow i am digressing, and really don’t want to dwell on this no more as it gives no benefit to me

But since you posted the Question i felt i respectfully needed to reply

I wish well in your trading and success for the future

PS - you really need to be aware when calling others Amateurs’ as per your previous post, when in fact i am quite the contrary

But no hard feelings, i have seen this sort of behaviour all over Web land; when others are challenged they have to resort to this tone

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>>>> i have no doubt that eventually the market will be heading alot lower over the coming months, but is that after we rally another 100 points ??? <<<<<


Amateur! :o:D

By your own admission, this is therefore a bearmarket rally regardless where it goes. Therefore only herbivores are playing it. That's as it should be. :D

The successful bears have scored 800+ S&P points on futures, swimming with the current, not against it - figure it out for yourself taking nominal leverage upto max. leverage and contract size.

Wow 800 handles is that all???? mate i have taken more than twice that over the past 16 months UP and DOWN, i can sure you i am NO amatuer,

did i touch a nerve with my post????? i think so

Bear rally or not, it is the Bears that were swimming against the tide from 666-803, thats some drawn down, hey if you want to trade with 200+ stops be my guess, but thats NOT trading its gambling and the mark of an Amatuer

i dont have a bais i am a Professional, i trade the Tape that is given to me, my opinons when it comes to the tape stay at the table come 9.30am-4.15pm

i will trade the market up or down its makes no odds, trading is about making a living and making Coin, not trying to be a hero posting Wanna be EW counts predicting Armageddon

will you advise the bears to continue trading against a trend that is going higher???? or will you fight the immediate trend if the Spoo`s take off and we head up to 900+

Over the years i have seen many a trader come and go, they have there 5 minutes of fame make a few good calls and think they are some sort of GURU, this game is full of them ( trying to drum up business for subscription service are we???)

I guess your reply said it all to me,

Good luck with Your Armadgeddon calls, but taking 100+ handles from the past 2 weeks is what this game is about the past 6 days the trend has been UP not DOWN

The intermidiate trend is UP, NOT down, and 130+ points are nothing to be sniffed as fighting the trend is what will cost your account

you are dangerous if you are trying to advise traders to trade against a rally of over 130+ points, but then any real serious trader will know this and not have a bias and go against a trend on any time frame,

so Bears want to fight a trend of over 130 handles, thats is Plan and simple suicide, and silly and that sort of trading only lends to one thing and thats a Bust out

Being right in the bigger picture means nothing if you dont make any money from it, we can all get the direction right what makes a successful trader against an Amatuer is the ability the trade the tape he is given and that means making money day in day out week in week out, UP and DOWN

Go and ask those bears that have just lost there account fighting a move off from 665-803 how it feels to be on the WRONG end of a rally

regardless where it goes huh!!!!, what happens if this market gets legs and its back over 900, will you consistently short a market that keeps going up???? reminds me of all those EWI subscribers that kept shorting the move off the 2003 low, only the STU kept saying its going to crash, eventually one year later Hochberg gave up on that idea

of will you keep adjusting your Elliot wave count, as a 3rd of a 3rd of a 3rd of a 3rd, of a 3rd

i think you have been reading EWI too much, almost all your posts have some EWI theme to them, in fact its like a recording of Prechter

and the STU got everyone looking for lower as we were in wave (4) of 5 ha ha Dumb bears all covered as we pushed through 780 and they got severly roasted last night, easy money fading the Crowd, it was all over forum land that we were in wave (4) of 5 and we cant break past 780

does anyone not think a local in the S&P pit doesnt read the Blogs and forums the market knew there would be a ton of stops from the Elliot wavers above 780, it was like taking candy from a baby, as stops were tiggered as bears folded one by one as we broke 780,

Now thats proper trading, not some fake BS count, real money trading real numbers and real contracts, this game is about making money not trying to be a GURU posting some EW counts on a forum

Fading EWI bought me close to 96 handles, but then they are the contrarion, EWI are like a stopped clock, eventually they will get it right, only they were 6 years too late

Your Post on the DSI indicator gave it away, that indicator is from Jake Bernstein, and is only via subscription, yet you quote it, which tells me you are a EWI subscriber

I wish you well in your trading,



Prechter would run circles around you with his eyes closed and running a 103 fever. Sorry you lost alot of money. That's never a good thing. :wai:

What do you trade?

Why not just go head to head with me right here or in my Gold thread or in Spot EURUSD or GBPUSD in the US Dollar thread.

I figure I've got another 2 weeks here.

That will settle any claims easily.

What do you say?

Hey, no hard feelings - wish you well in your trading. :D

Ha ha now you are sounding like a spoilt child, trying to entice me in to some sort of trade off pissing contest,

You think i need to be posting trades just to prove to you my ability; i think you mistake me for some sort of amateur on a forum trading site or Blogger site

I have no desire to want to be portrayed as some sort of Guru, maybe you do?????

You do know there is a REAL difference in real money trades not made up ones

Often over the years i have seen many traders feel they need post on forums like they have some agenda or they have to show the world they have a super trading system when really all they are trying to do is look for novice traders to suck money from for some sort of trading service

Its that’s sort of reply, that brings me to be suspicious that maybe you are indeed a snake oil salesman trying to drum up business for un- suspecting novice traders, but hey if you are generally interested in helping others then that’s fine by me, but your replies challenge to me otherwise and your tone in language denotes that as well

Post away, only you may want actually post your own content and not something that is from EWI service

Believe me i have seen and read many a forum, and seen the tricks used to suck in novices into thinking the poster is a GURU, when reality he is a leach, this game is full of them

(again i am suspcious but in no way suggesting that you are)

With subscription services and trading rooms

Again your reply denotes, what sought of trader i think you are

You know how the saying goes

“Those that can’t, teach” and life is full of teachers in this game, just look around at all the trading subscription services

I trade a manor of markets, SPOOs, and currencies, but again, i don’t feel i need to post trades on a BB to get interest from a others, i have nothing to gain unless i was trying to push a subscription service

Once again trading is about making money not trying to be a hero

You really do need post you OWN content and not EWI`s stuff, as it’s not really right to steal others work.

You think Prechtor can really help me trading the S&P`s in real time,??? Clearly you must have amnesia as he has been right on this crises

Ask him about those calls made from 98-2003 (being early is still wrong in my book) as even if you get the direction right you loose

Do you think he has the ability to know when a Big house , like Merriyl or Goldman comes in to the pit and buys 2 or 3000 Large S&P`s

If so i got to join up EWI as they must be the messiahs of Trading, it’s only recently that EWI have had a claim to fame, up until Aug 07 they were the laughing stocks with their calls

EWI give a bad name to Ralph, there are far better Ellioticans out there, but if you wish to carry believing in EWI feel free

Just because he wrote the book don’t make him a trader; he is a teacher because him or Hochberg simply can’t trade

Big difference trading in real life than following a subscription service

How do i know that, because i trade the info that comes right out the CBOE, and those traders in the SPOO pit don’t give a crap about Elliot it’s a simple game of buying or selling a number of S&P contracts, not some Pattern that EWI claim is working

Anyhow i am digressing, and really don’t want to dwell on this no more as it gives no benefit to me

But since you posted the Question i felt i respectfully needed to reply

I wish well in your trading and success for the future

PS - you really need to be aware when calling others Amateurs’ as per your previous post, when in fact i am quite the contrary

But no hard feelings, i have seen this sort of behaviour all over Web land; when others are challenged they have to resort to this tone

I agree with what you wrote though spare on commenting. Paper trading at it's finest, hehehe.

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>>>> i have no doubt that eventually the market will be heading alot lower over the coming months, but is that after we rally another 100 points ??? <<<<<


Amateur! :o:D

By your own admission, this is therefore a bearmarket rally regardless where it goes. Therefore only herbivores are playing it. That's as it should be. :D

The successful bears have scored 800+ S&P points on futures, swimming with the current, not against it - figure it out for yourself taking nominal leverage upto max. leverage and contract size.

Wow 800 handles is that all???? mate i have taken more than twice that over the past 16 months UP and DOWN, i can sure you i am NO amatuer,

did i touch a nerve with my post????? i think so

Bear rally or not, it is the Bears that were swimming against the tide from 666-803, thats some drawn down, hey if you want to trade with 200+ stops be my guess, but thats NOT trading its gambling and the mark of an Amatuer

i dont have a bais i am a Professional, i trade the Tape that is given to me, my opinons when it comes to the tape stay at the table come 9.30am-4.15pm

i will trade the market up or down its makes no odds, trading is about making a living and making Coin, not trying to be a hero posting Wanna be EW counts predicting Armageddon

will you advise the bears to continue trading against a trend that is going higher???? or will you fight the immediate trend if the Spoo`s take off and we head up to 900+

Over the years i have seen many a trader come and go, they have there 5 minutes of fame make a few good calls and think they are some sort of GURU, this game is full of them ( trying to drum up business for subscription service are we???)

I guess your reply said it all to me,

Good luck with Your Armadgeddon calls, but taking 100+ handles from the past 2 weeks is what this game is about the past 6 days the trend has been UP not DOWN

The intermidiate trend is UP, NOT down, and 130+ points are nothing to be sniffed as fighting the trend is what will cost your account

you are dangerous if you are trying to advise traders to trade against a rally of over 130+ points, but then any real serious trader will know this and not have a bias and go against a trend on any time frame,

so Bears want to fight a trend of over 130 handles, thats is Plan and simple suicide, and silly and that sort of trading only lends to one thing and thats a Bust out

Being right in the bigger picture means nothing if you dont make any money from it, we can all get the direction right what makes a successful trader against an Amatuer is the ability the trade the tape he is given and that means making money day in day out week in week out, UP and DOWN

Go and ask those bears that have just lost there account fighting a move off from 665-803 how it feels to be on the WRONG end of a rally

regardless where it goes huh!!!!, what happens if this market gets legs and its back over 900, will you consistently short a market that keeps going up???? reminds me of all those EWI subscribers that kept shorting the move off the 2003 low, only the STU kept saying its going to crash, eventually one year later Hochberg gave up on that idea

of will you keep adjusting your Elliot wave count, as a 3rd of a 3rd of a 3rd of a 3rd, of a 3rd

i think you have been reading EWI too much, almost all your posts have some EWI theme to them, in fact its like a recording of Prechter

and the STU got everyone looking for lower as we were in wave (4) of 5 ha ha Dumb bears all covered as we pushed through 780 and they got severly roasted last night, easy money fading the Crowd, it was all over forum land that we were in wave (4) of 5 and we cant break past 780

does anyone not think a local in the S&P pit doesnt read the Blogs and forums the market knew there would be a ton of stops from the Elliot wavers above 780, it was like taking candy from a baby, as stops were tiggered as bears folded one by one as we broke 780,

Now thats proper trading, not some fake BS count, real money trading real numbers and real contracts, this game is about making money not trying to be a GURU posting some EW counts on a forum

Fading EWI bought me close to 96 handles, but then they are the contrarion, EWI are like a stopped clock, eventually they will get it right, only they were 6 years too late

Your Post on the DSI indicator gave it away, that indicator is from Jake Bernstein, and is only via subscription, yet you quote it, which tells me you are a EWI subscriber

I wish you well in your trading,



Prechter would run circles around you with his eyes closed and running a 103 fever. Sorry you lost alot of money. That's never a good thing. :burp:

What do you trade?

Why not just go head to head with me right here or in my Gold thread or in Spot EURUSD or GBPUSD in the US Dollar thread.

I figure I've got another 2 weeks here.

That will settle any claims easily.

What do you say?

Hey, no hard feelings - wish you well in your trading. :D

Ha ha now you are sounding like a spoilt child, trying to entice me in to some sort of trade off pissing contest,

You think i need to be posting trades just to prove to you my ability; i think you mistake me for some sort of amateur on a forum trading site or Blogger site

I have no desire to want to be portrayed as some sort of Guru, maybe you do?????

You do know there is a REAL difference in real money trades not made up ones

Often over the years i have seen many traders feel they need post on forums like they have some agenda or they have to show the world they have a super trading system when really all they are trying to do is look for novice traders to suck money from for some sort of trading service

Its that’s sort of reply, that brings me to be suspicious that maybe you are indeed a snake oil salesman trying to drum up business for un- suspecting novice traders, but hey if you are generally interested in helping others then that’s fine by me, but your replies challenge to me otherwise and your tone in language denotes that as well

Post away, only you may want actually post your own content and not something that is from EWI service

Believe me i have seen and read many a forum, and seen the tricks used to suck in novices into thinking the poster is a GURU, when reality he is a leach, this game is full of them

(again i am suspcious but in no way suggesting that you are)

With subscription services and trading rooms

Again your reply denotes, what sought of trader i think you are

You know how the saying goes

“Those that can’t, teach” and life is full of teachers in this game, just look around at all the trading subscription services

I trade a manor of markets, SPOOs, and currencies, but again, i don’t feel i need to post trades on a BB to get interest from a others, i have nothing to gain unless i was trying to push a subscription service

Once again trading is about making money not trying to be a hero

You really do need post you OWN content and not EWI`s stuff, as it’s not really right to steal others work.

You think Prechtor can really help me trading the S&P`s in real time,??? Clearly you must have amnesia as he has been right on this crises

Ask him about those calls made from 98-2003 (being early is still wrong in my book) as even if you get the direction right you loose

Do you think he has the ability to know when a Big house , like Merriyl or Goldman comes in to the pit and buys 2 or 3000 Large S&P`s

If so i got to join up EWI as they must be the messiahs of Trading, it’s only recently that EWI have had a claim to fame, up until Aug 07 they were the laughing stocks with their calls

EWI give a bad name to Ralph, there are far better Ellioticans out there, but if you wish to carry believing in EWI feel free

Just because he wrote the book don’t make him a trader; he is a teacher because him or Hochberg simply can’t trade

Big difference trading in real life than following a subscription service

How do i know that, because i trade the info that comes right out the CBOE, and those traders in the SPOO pit don’t give a crap about Elliot it’s a simple game of buying or selling a number of S&P contracts, not some Pattern that EWI claim is working

Anyhow i am digressing, and really don’t want to dwell on this no more as it gives no benefit to me

But since you posted the Question i felt i respectfully needed to reply

I wish well in your trading and success for the future

PS - you really need to be aware when calling others Amateurs’ as per your previous post, when in fact i am quite the contrary

But no hard feelings, i have seen this sort of behaviour all over Web land; when others are challenged they have to resort to this tone



Greetings amigo - I meant it. The offer still stands. Post your current stock or ETF position(s) right here along with your CALL for proft taking LONG or SHORT. :D

Since you brought up sentiment, the odds strongly suggest you've been LONG all the way down from the Oct 2007 top and are now buying feverishly in this rally hoping to recover your losses and praying this is a new bullmarket - like most others I know. This is what's happening now with the multitude of investors that are still alive. For your sake I hope you're right about this alleged new bullmarket. :wai:

From a different sentiment viewpoint ... and more pertinent

What are the odds that you, who didn't even know that your own country was almost bankrupt, would be able to catch a final bear market bottom?

About the same as seeing Robert Prechter running nud_e in a supermarket aisle - with a horde of past subscribers chasing him to hug and kiss him.

Post your chart, amigo. :P

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Greetings amigo - I meant it. The offer still stands. Post your current stock or ETF position(s) right here along with your CALL for proft taking LONG or SHORT. :o

Since you brought up sentiment, the odds strongly suggest you've been LONG all the way down from the Oct 2007 top and are now buying feverishly in this rally hoping to recover your losses and praying this is a new bullmarket - like most others I know. This is what's happening now with the multitude of investors that are still alive. For your sake I hope you're right about this alleged new bullmarket. :D

From a different sentiment viewpoint ... and more pertinent

What are the odds that you, who didn't even know that your own country was almost bankrupt, would be able to catch a final bear market bottom?

About the same as seeing Robert Prechter running nud_e in a supermarket aisle - with a horde of past subscribers chasing him to hug and kiss him.

Post your chart, amigo. :D


Wow!! You really are threatened by me enough to keep issuing challenges, that you need some sort of way to prove to the world your ability as some sort of GURU trader, or maybe you need to prove to yourself???

Take EWI away and maybe you can’t trade like you thought you could and that you have relied on Hochberg and Prechter to much

You mention posting charts and calls etc,

Ask yourself why i would need to do such a thing??? Do i want to show the trading world or even Thai visa, my ability as a trader, what possible gain I get for showing traders my calls, unless i wanted to open a Subscription Service?

Now very few owners of subscription site actually trade their own money so in essence it’s a scam to lure traders into the market

Why do i need to post charts to challenge you into some sort of trader pissing contest? Do you feel threatened by me??? My ability?? Maybe somebody understands the markets more than you think you do???

Or maybe you are trying to push out your calls to show novice traders that you are some sort of Guru and you want followers to think you are, or maybe even you are trying to prove to yourself that you” think” you are some sort of GURU and that you want approval??

Guru or not, the only thing that pays is price action and money in your account (well that’s the only thing that matters to me) not some heroic calls made on a forum or trying to dig up a 3 year thread on a forum to tell others you were “right” only 3 years late????

I guess that B wave of Prechters ran a little higher than he or you thought and you had to refrain from posting in this thread in case you never noticed the timing of your appearance is odd


I have seen this behaviour time and time gain

Do i need or have an agenda here, NO, i have helped many trader friends over the years, improve their trading styles

But since you ask, i am reluctantly going to show you a chart that will make you money in real time

Yes “REAL TIME”, not some factious Elliot map

Study this chart with Real support and resistance numbers, its the ES contract

If you think i have time to post trades in “real time” on some Bulletin board, you are clearly mistaken, i trade “real time” using “real” numbers, with "real " money, not made up of some make up patterns where i think its goes, i trade “where it is going in real time LIVE actual trading not some make up pattern

I trade for a living, i don’t need to post to become a “hero” for others, i let my trading do the talking and that means profitable trades and money in my account

I don’t need to post to become a GURU

I don’t need to gloat about how good i “think” i am, as i will always respect the market, the market will take out the best of traders, those that think they have the market cornered will fail

You comments make me chuckle, can you show me a reference to where i called a new bull market

I challenged you to the fact that the trend in the near term was UP, and we quite possibly have enter a phase of a new trend change likely to be a rally in this Bear market, only many Bears may not have realised that yet, until they loose their accounts if we continue the press higher

Successful trading evolves listing to the market, i have no bias, i listen to the market and trade in the obvious direction

I think you will find i am as bearish as most, yet and most of my posts have reflected that, i leave that bias at the door at 9.30am-4.30pm,

i look to take trades long or short day in day out

Trading is about making “real money” not trying to be a hero making calls

I don’t have any bias, if the market wants up, then i am getting long at support, likewise i would be looking to sell at resistance

I don’t need a Elliot map to tell me what goes on in “real” time when i am trading against a Local, or what happens in Globex

Now you do know what Globex is and what a local is don’t you???? If not i suggest you look them up and do some homework, because it might just help you make some money understand the psychology of the markets and might just give you an edge (i guess Prechter and Hochberg don’t understand that too well huh!)

Enjoy the map, if you study the numbers hard enough, they may just make you some money, if not get off the paper trades and learn to trade with “real” money

Carry on with the tone of your remarks, but most, like i suspect, reading your posts have suspected you of having an agenda (perhaps trying to promote a trading service???)

Your posts do mirror that of another posted that was banned

But if they dug deeper they would see that most of your posts are literally straight from EWI

Any reason why you had to dig up a 3 year old thread and state “I was right” (being early is still wrong)

Was there any particular reason you went AWOL or was it the fact you were wrong in timing???

Like i say being early is just wrong,

Even i can call a new bull market in 20 years

Usually i don’t charge for any one that asks advice on the market, but in your case i will make an exception due to your earlier comments, trying to flame me,

Drop me an email if you need trading advice,( but i will have to charge) because from what i have seen on you charting skills you might just need it as your counting leaves a lot to be desired if you want to succeed

Your Elliot is poor in that you have a Bias, and don’t show the other bullish counts to any other your maps, that is the mark of an amateur that does not respect the other side to the trade, if you are going to present an idea at least show the other side to the trade

Carry on with that style of trading i can promise you, a bust out will occur or have you already had the Bust out

What i find the most interesting is why do you feel the need to show Elliot counts on a Non trading forum??? Most posters probably have not got a clue what Elliot wave is let alone traders

Is it because you don’t feel threaten that others can’t see the quality of your work????? or you have posted on traders forum yet you have not got approval from other traders???

EWI – Elliot wave International (for the benefit of others)

Bust out – means a broken account simple NADA left in your account

I wish you well in your trading


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Greetings amigo - I meant it. The offer still stands. Post your current stock or ETF position(s) right here along with your CALL for proft taking LONG or SHORT. :o

Since you brought up sentiment, the odds strongly suggest you've been LONG all the way down from the Oct 2007 top and are now buying feverishly in this rally hoping to recover your losses and praying this is a new bullmarket - like most others I know. This is what's happening now with the multitude of investors that are still alive. For your sake I hope you're right about this alleged new bullmarket. :D

From a different sentiment viewpoint ... and more pertinent

What are the odds that you, who didn't even know that your own country was almost bankrupt, would be able to catch a final bear market bottom?

About the same as seeing Robert Prechter running nud_e in a supermarket aisle - with a horde of past subscribers chasing him to hug and kiss him.

Post your chart, amigo. :D


Wow!! You really are threatened by me enough to keep issuing challenges, that you need some sort of way to prove to the world your ability as some sort of GURU trader, or maybe you need to prove to yourself???

Take EWI away and maybe you can’t trade like you thought you could and that you have relied on Hochberg and Prechter to much

You mention posting charts and calls etc,

Ask yourself why i would need to do such a thing??? Do i want to show the trading world or even Thai visa, my ability as a trader, what possible gain I get for showing traders my calls, unless i wanted to open a Subscription Service?

Now very few owners of subscription site actually trade their own money so in essence it’s a scam to lure traders into the market

Why do i need to post charts to challenge you into some sort of trader pissing contest? Do you feel threatened by me??? My ability?? Maybe somebody understands the markets more than you think you do???

Or maybe you are trying to push out your calls to show novice traders that you are some sort of Guru and you want followers to think you are, or maybe even you are trying to prove to yourself that you” think” you are some sort of GURU and that you want approval??

Guru or not, the only thing that pays is price action and money in your account (well that’s the only thing that matters to me) not some heroic calls made on a forum or trying to dig up a 3 year thread on a forum to tell others you were “right” only 3 years late????

I guess that B wave of Prechters ran a little higher than he or you thought and you had to refrain from posting in this thread in case you never noticed the timing of your appearance is odd


I have seen this behaviour time and time gain

Do i need or have an agenda here, NO, i have helped many trader friends over the years, improve their trading styles

But since you ask, i am reluctantly going to show you a chart that will make you money in real time

Yes “REAL TIME”, not some factious Elliot map

Study this chart with Real support and resistance numbers, its the ES contract

If you think i have time to post trades in “real time” on some Bulletin board, you are clearly mistaken, i trade “real time” using “real” numbers, with "real " money, not made up of some make up patterns where i think its goes, i trade “where it is going in real time LIVE actual trading not some make up pattern

I trade for a living, i don’t need to post to become a “hero” for others, i let my trading do the talking and that means profitable trades and money in my account

I don’t need to post to become a GURU

I don’t need to gloat about how good i “think” i am, as i will always respect the market, the market will take out the best of traders, those that think they have the market cornered will fail

You comments make me chuckle, can you show me a reference to where i called a new bull market

I challenged you to the fact that the trend in the near term was UP, and we quite possibly have enter a phase of a new trend change likely to be a rally in this Bear market, only many Bears may not have realised that yet, until they loose their accounts if we continue the press higher

Successful trading evolves listing to the market, i have no bias, i listen to the market and trade in the obvious direction

I think you will find i am as bearish as most, yet and most of my posts have reflected that, i leave that bias at the door at 9.30am-4.30pm,

i look to take trades long or short day in day out

Trading is about making “real money” not trying to be a hero making calls

I don’t have any bias, if the market wants up, then i am getting long at support, likewise i would be looking to sell at resistance

I don’t need a Elliot map to tell me what goes on in “real” time when i am trading against a Local, or what happens in Globex

Now you do know what Globex is and what a local is don’t you???? If not i suggest you look them up and do some homework, because it might just help you make some money understand the psychology of the markets and might just give you an edge (i guess Prechter and Hochberg don’t understand that too well huh!)

Enjoy the map, if you study the numbers hard enough, they may just make you some money, if not get off the paper trades and learn to trade with “real” money

Carry on with the tone of your remarks, but most, like i suspect, reading your posts have suspected you of having an agenda (perhaps trying to promote a trading service???)

Your posts do mirror that of another posted that was banned

But if they dug deeper they would see that most of your posts are literally straight from EWI

Any reason why you had to dig up a 3 year old thread and state “I was right” (being early is still wrong)

Was there any particular reason you went AWOL or was it the fact you were wrong in timing???

Like i say being early is just wrong,

Even i can call a new bull market in 20 years

Usually i don’t charge for any one that asks advice on the market, but in your case i will make an exception due to your earlier comments, trying to flame me,

Drop me an email if you need trading advice,( but i will have to charge) because from what i have seen on you charting skills you might just need it as your counting leaves a lot to be desired if you want to succeed

Your Elliot is poor in that you have a Bias, and don’t show the other bullish counts to any other your maps, that is the mark of an amateur that does not respect the other side to the trade, if you are going to present an idea at least show the other side to the trade

Carry on with that style of trading i can promise you, a bust out will occur or have you already had the Bust out

What i find the most interesting is why do you feel the need to show Elliot counts on a Non trading forum??? Most posters probably have not got a clue what Elliot wave is let alone traders

Is it because you don’t feel threaten that others can’t see the quality of your work????? or you have posted on traders forum yet you have not got approval from other traders???

EWI – Elliot wave International (for the benefit of others)

Bust out – means a broken account simple NADA left in your account

I wish you well in your trading


Hey buddy, I had my girlfriend read your last 3 responses to me and with the exception of a few difficulties in understanding here and there, the first thing she asked was, "are you having an affair with this woman?" :D

No offense my friend but you really ought to apply sentiment analysis to even this, not just to markets. :D

Since you've taken the time and trouble to reply to my posts, the name-calling notwithstanding, I'll show you the same courtesy (sans name-calling) and tell you why I post here ..

A packed forum that has alot of traffic daily with substantial numbers of regular long-term posters - this is different from most other forums because elsewhere especially on financial forums there are too many transients - they come and go with abandon. so why is this important to me?

You ought to know - along with charting, SENTIMENT analysis is so powerful that it alone could keep a trader on the right side of a trend. However combined with charting, it is the perfect backup weaponry. No trader /investor could ever call himself capable unless he can harness the messages of "collective psychology" aka herd mentality.

Nobody said dealing with the herd would be easy, but going thru' the trials and tribulations of assessing their collective stance is an absolute key to survival in the markets. Yes, I take this quite seriously and despite the concommitant bursts of anger here and there I know that its the best medicine for my future improvement.

That's one reason I post here.

Another is the dual-terminal nature of mental charge. If a lone trader keeps all his analysis and related thoughts within himself constantly, there is no discharge and sooner or later it backfires on him - writing them down on a board ensures that the "dual-terminal" aspect discharges in spades and thereby clears the mind of residual charge. Just simple writing in one's own diary or notebook does not work for the reason outlined above. This universe we live in is dual-terminal and its rules apply in everything we do.

Thirdly I love the date and time stamp of the post - the call is clearcut, there's no messing with it. Its either right or .... wrong. By seeing my own errors and re-reading my thoughts at the time of the call, I can make changes to my methodology and improve.

-end - personal stuff continued in next post

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I asked you to post your chart(s) because I'm sure I can help you - despite you believing that I'm not qualified or that you are the ultimate rich, profitable genius.

You might very well be a genius, but why should that stop you from at least posting the chart and letting me give you my opinion and suggestions and perhaps even taking a deeper look at where this alleged bullmarket is going or failing? This is a discussion forum, is it not?

It really is that simple.

The chart you posted thus far will not do because there is no analysis, no call, no thinking, no stops, no nothing.

You can do better than that.

What do you say?

In the meantime, US futures look excellent for tonight's starting gate - will post the 1H S&P500 chart tommorrow.

Goodluck trading. :o

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This is so interesting.........for me a beginer investor. Harmonica says its best to sell your shares and wait out the third wave. Nouf I am not sure what your predicting, you just seem to say your are a excellent trader. No disrespect intended. I look forwards to more of your posts, The CME Globex platform, the first global electronic trading system for futures and options. Elliott Wave International is the Internet's premiere source for technical analysis information.

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This is so interesting.........for me a beginer investor. Harmonica says its best to sell your shares and wait out the third wave. Nouf I am not sure what your predicting, you just seem to say your are a excellent trader. No disrespect intended. I look forwards to more of your posts, The CME Globex platform, the first global electronic trading system for futures and options. Elliott Wave International is the Internet's premiere source for technical analysis information.

As a beginning investor the first thing you need to learn is that you have to paddle your own canoe. It's not very hard technically to stay on the right side of the major trend. Don't listen to what others tell you. Develop your own simple tools and block out the noise, including mine accept the next sentance. Forget you ever heard of EWI.

This simple moving average crossover would keep you in most major moves:


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I asked you to post your chart(s) because I'm sure I can help you - despite you believing that I'm not qualified or that you are the ultimate rich, profitable genius.

You might very well be a genius, but why should that stop you from at least posting the chart and letting me give you my opinion and suggestions and perhaps even taking a deeper look at where this alleged bullmarket is going or failing? This is a discussion forum, is it not?

It really is that simple.

The chart you posted thus far will not do because there is no analysis, no call, no thinking, no stops, no nothing.

You can do better than that.

What do you say?

In the meantime, US futures look excellent for tonight's starting gate - will post the 1H S&P500 chart tommorrow.

Goodluck trading. :o


Thank you for the reply,

Now we are getting somewhere, it seems you attitude has changed, at least you never called me amateur this time, and further more you actually repied, which is somewhat different to other threads

Just maybe you have decided that i am the real deal, and i am not just some guy on a Thailand forum or maybe not

I post plenty of my work between friends, i see no reason to want to broadcast my opinions of the market, to anyone outside my circle of friends and you sir are not one of those, and from the tone of you other posts in various threads, its clear to me, you may have an ego problem (my opinion i cant speak for others)

The difference i think between me and you is that i get asked for opinions, i dont force my opinions on forums, i dont feel i need to put in writing to understand where i feel or think we are going, i dont need to start a thread posting my work, i can keep my work for me and close friends

There are always 2 sides to a trade and i present both sides

I have been there and done the Forum thread thing years ago

Are you looking for me to post a chart saying we are going back to 942 or 950 in a WXY correction or maybe a triple ZZZ

Or are you looking for me to claim that we have started a new bull market??? or are you still trading the dreaded C wave, only you seem reluctant to actual trade rallies (maybe the bear market has done things to your head)

If trading were that easy, there would be many winners, i listen to the market

Or maybe a primary wave (2) as per EWI??? Or maybe in a (:D wave if we count the top of Oct high as a wave V and we are going back to 1050-70

How would i know this???, i trade what the market gives me, i have bullish and bearish maps on the go

Or are you not sure where you think we are (having trouble with you Longer term map) still think we are in a 3rd of a 3rd???

Is it market calls you want or is it a road map back to 942 (previous 4th) or are your having trouble with your Elliot, not making enough successful trades??

Again what gain do i get with discussing these ideas with your attitude, i gain NOTHING from showing you my work, and from that i am not going to rise to your request, i have nothing to gain from posting my work

Any serious trader amongst Thai Visa is welcome to ask for an Elliot Opion, but they would get boths side to the in the intermidate time frame along with Numbers to watch for on the SPX/ES

I speak with and post my work to and receive from many professional traders on a weekly basis, you really think i am going to what to show you my work dream on,

I am sure you understand the concepts of stops and support/resistance areas, so i feel no need to dwell on such simple concepts of trading

Dependant of time frame one has to adopt to his/her risk

RE: my previous chart

If you understand these numbers and importance of some of those numbers then you will understand the basic concept of the market (but i am sure you understand that)

What i think you fail to understand is what happens in the CBOE, but then i am probably more geared to Day trading and you sir follow a script

I dont follow scripts or patterns, in intraday trading, i trade what i HEAR and see and only use Longer term analysis for the bigger picture

Anyhow this has really gone on too long for me; i have nothing to gain from any further replying other than to say

I wish you well in your trading and i am glad my conversations amused your girlfriend, please do carry on with your posting if others feel they offer value, but i will be refraining from viewing (if thai visa had a filter button i would glady Filter your posts)

Your work has have nothing to offer me, you comments alone in Non trading posts tell me you seem to have an Ego.

Edited by Nouf
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I asked you to post your chart(s) because I'm sure I can help you - despite you believing that I'm not qualified or that you are the ultimate rich, profitable genius.

You might very well be a genius, but why should that stop you from at least posting the chart and letting me give you my opinion and suggestions and perhaps even taking a deeper look at where this alleged bullmarket is going or failing? This is a discussion forum, is it not?

It really is that simple.

The chart you posted thus far will not do because there is no analysis, no call, no thinking, no stops, no nothing.

You can do better than that.

What do you say?

In the meantime, US futures look excellent for tonight's starting gate - will post the 1H S&P500 chart tommorrow.

Goodluck trading. :D


Thank you for the reply,

Now we are getting somewhere, it seems you attitude has changed, at least you never called me amateur this time, and further more you actually repied, which is somewhat different to other threads

Just maybe you have decided that i am the real deal, and i am not just some guy on a Thailand forum or maybe not

I post plenty of my work between friends, i see no reason to want to broadcast my opinions of the market, to anyone outside my circle of friends and you sir are not one of those, and from the tone of you other posts in various threads, its clear to me, you may have an ego problem (my opinion i cant speak for others)

The difference i think between me and you is that i get asked for opinions, i dont force my opinions on forums, i dont feel i need to put in writing to understand where i feel or think we are going, i dont need to start a thread posting my work, i can keep my work for me and close friends

There are always 2 sides to a trade and i present both sides

I have been there and done the Forum thread thing years ago

Are you looking for me to post a chart saying we are going back to 942 or 950 in a WXY correction or maybe a triple ZZZ

Or are you looking for me to claim that we have started a new bull market??? or are you still trading the dreaded C wave, only you seem reluctant to actual trade rallies (maybe the bear market has done things to your head)

If trading were that easy, there would be many winners, i listen to the market

Or maybe a primary wave (2) as per EWI??? Or maybe in a (:D wave if we count the top of Oct high as a wave V and we are going back to 1050-70

How would i know this???, i trade what the market gives me, i have bullish and bearish maps on the go

Or are you not sure where you think we are (having trouble with you Longer term map) still think we are in a 3rd of a 3rd???

Is it market calls you want or is it a road map back to 942 (previous 4th) or are your having trouble with your Elliot, not making enough successful trades??

Again what gain do i get with discussing these ideas with your attitude, i gain NOTHING from showing you my work, and from that i am not going to rise to your request, i have nothing to gain from posting my work

Any serious trader amongst Thai Visa is welcome to ask for an Elliot Opion, but they would get boths side to the in the intermidate time frame along with Numbers to watch for on the SPX/ES

I speak with and post my work to and receive from many professional traders on a weekly basis, you really think i am going to what to show you my work dream on,

I am sure you understand the concepts of stops and support/resistance areas, so i feel no need to dwell on such simple concepts of trading

Dependant of time frame one has to adopt to his/her risk

RE: my previous chart

If you understand these numbers and importance of some of those numbers then you will understand the basic concept of the market (but i am sure you understand that)

What i think you fail to understand is what happens in the CBOE, but then i am probably more geared to Day trading and you sir follow a script

I dont follow scripts or patterns, in intraday trading, i trade what i HEAR and see and only use Longer term analysis for the bigger picture

Anyhow this has really gone on too long for me; i have nothing to gain from any further replying other than to say

I wish you well in your trading and i am glad my conversations amused your girlfriend, please do carry on with your posting if others feel they offer value, but i will be refraining from viewing (if thai visa had a filter button i would glady Filter your posts)

Your work has have nothing to offer me, you comments alone in Non trading posts tell me you seem to have an Ego.


>>> you seem to have an Ego <<<

that, amigo, is yet another understatement! :o

No chart with analysis eh? Flying the rally off the seat of your pants with the milk and rent money?

I'm posting 2 S&P500 charts just for you - realtime and daily charts. Follow the advice to a T.

I'll be gone for a while but look forward to talking to you again when I return.

All the best


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Harmonica - I enjoyed your postings and found them incisive.

How about starting a new thread and commenting on the market?

It would be helpful to many of us who are not really trained in this area -- and would be alot more helpful than most brokers.


Thanks. :o

We might have to stick to this thread for now as there are just too many oldtimers who have become cops here and they're just itching to send me back to the joint for another 4 years. All I did was kiss the girl. :D

See chart of S&P500 - 60-min. realtime analysis taking into account upto yesterdays action.

Alternative count shown in red. Any trendline break should be taken seriously by short-term traders.



Trendline still the guide.

Current resistance level @ 61.8%






Harmonica's elliotwave anlaysis

First look at the 60-min chart posted above, then look at this one.


There are 3 wavecount schemes shown.

The blue is eliminated and we are left with only the red and the black.

If red is correct, then we can expect a deep correction. How this correction plays out we have to wait and see. A fullblown reversal? Possible too.

If the black alt: is right, then we have more upside yet to come over several days or weeks.


non-elliottwave, simple Tech method:

Place stop under March 20 realtime closing low @ 767.99. If stop is taken out, exit.

To finetune, just draw another trendline (blue) as shown. A close below this trendline that also violates 797.46 and the 61.8% level shown can be used for profit taking of 50% or more of your total position.

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S&P500 daily chart:

For the benefit of traders who are risking their family's milk and rent money hoping to recoup a full year of losses there is not much hope. BEAR will gobble cats like these up as micromini-snacks. Furthermore, I'll simplify the TRENDspeak to suit these societal menaces aka gamblers:

S&P500 Monthly TREND is down, down, down.

S&P500 Weekly TREND is down, down, down

S&P500 DAILY TREND is down, down, down.


but ....

S&P500 Hourly TREND is up, up, up.

and especially for Nouf

S&P500 nanosecond TREND is UP, UP, UP. :o:D


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Interesting direction for this thread.

Nouf, are/were you a local at the CBOE? I had a seat from 1999-2001. I traded SPX options at the CBOE and S&P options at the Merc. I worked for one of a group of guys that graduated from Penn and came to the CBOE and started in the Eurodollar pit.... then they moved over to the SPX and they were size traders... real bad-asses, they created the SPX options market essentially in the mid - 90s. I learned everything I knew about market-making from my boss - he was the best floor-trader I had ever seen - a &lt;deleted&gt; silent maniac genius.

I hadn't heard the term 'spoo' for a long time... made me smile when I read your post... It seems like another life ago, and I wonder what the floor is like now. By the time I left, firms were giving ex-football players badges to fight it out in the pit (especially at the Merc) and moving the brains upstairs. Arbitraging the futures vs. a basket of equities was just getting started and you could make mint on that trade even by calling a broker to do the basket side... it was that slow, until people started to use Instinet heavily (and a T1 line was golden back then, lol) and the arbitrage went backwards... but it was a sweet trade while it lasted.

I know what you mean when you talk about your style of trading vs. the Technicals. As a market maker, I didn't give a &lt;deleted&gt; about the technicals, it was just about what was going on around me and what my sheets said - and at that time things were moving so quickly sheets didn't mean shit. So that was real trading, real time... Nothing like it.

Maybe things have changed since then, traders probably have some clerk checking the forums etc. about Elliot wave crap and then just raping the market on the floor. People think it's a real market when they are trading behind a computer screen. But on the floor, there are all kinds of games... Broker dealers ALWAYS tell the traders (at least the ones close to them) what trades are coming in before they trade... and big options trades can move the futures market like mad, head-faking any technical computer traders out there...

At my last firm, we were all connected - traders in the SPX/S&P options pits, S&P futures traders, Equity traders upstairs, Globex traders upstairs, all clerks and all traders on one line, one headset... the futures guys knew what options trades were coming in, and if the trade was good, they could trade before the market (and then take the option future hedge to match whatever was delta-neutral).

Lots of people blabbering on on the internet now trading e-minis and whatever have no idea what SIZE is... There was even the arbitrage trade between the futures in the pit and the e-minis on Globex... You could phantom the shit out of Globex if you had a good platform (ours were game controllers), putting in HUGE orders to scare out the market, while the futures guy in the pit was doing the opposite to get a half-point spead... that was a sweet trade too, don't know if they still do that one.

I remember a guy, he was size in the Futures pit (S&P options and futures pits are right next to each other at the Merc -for those who don't know). I would often hear him yell out some ridiculous size trade, "Half bid, 200 UP!!!" and I would think to myself, "Holy shit, 200 contracts...." And that WAS NOT an options hedge... he was trading the market, pure trading. The most I ever traded was 50 S&P contracts (and it was an options hedge) and I was still shitting my pants, looking at my clerk, looking at my sheets, looking at my clerk, looking at the futures pit... all I could do was pray that some size trader in the futures pit were not planning to trade against me... I dunno, maybe now 200 contracts isn't much, but back then, it was nothing to laugh at (these were not institutional traders I'm talking about, just locals with seats and their own money - real trading).

All this just to say that I have to agree with Nouf that Elliot waves and "the 3rd of 3rd of 3rd" doesn't mean shit - really. Market makers will run you over like a train, and there are some size traders that can move the market or at least scare the shit out of the other traders. The game goes way beyond what you see on a screen. If you keep it simple, you may be able to trade the market. But if you get too technical, you are definitely removing yourself from the reality of what is going on in the pits... and you will get raped.

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S&P500 bear market rally targets:

note that S&P yesterday came right up smack into an important monthly trendline.





964, 994 or 1,016.

Any one of these could halt the rally and reverse it.


If this is a true bullmarket, this can only be known much further down the road. The only ones who are sure right now that this is a raging bullmarket are the fellows who are losing $150K+ - why are they so sure? Because if they, for even a moment believe its not true, the undertakers of the world would instantly go into a raging bullmarket of fresh business.


Bye. Won't be back for a while.

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  • 2 weeks later...

See post #295

>>>>> non-elliottwave, simple Tech method:

Place stop under March 20 realtime closing low @ 767.99. If stop is taken out, exit.

To finetune, just draw another trendline (blue) as shown. A close below this trendline that also violates 797.46 and the 61.8% level shown can be used for profit taking of 50% or more of your total position. >>>>>>>>>>>


Even though I was not here since March 24, the analysis presented would have given the trader a high profit level for 50% of his position at the black line shown in chart and since STOP #1 was not taken out, he'd still be in the game with the remainder of his position. Stop #2 is the current STOP.

A total no brainer.


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