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My wife told me this morning about seeing on Thai TV, a report of a group of quite elderly couples making van runs, thru Mae Sai, to the Casino in Tachalek

Buuuut realllllly not to gamble too much, but rather pick up a load of yaba.

Apparently done many times, but this time got caught coming back over.

Anyone hear anything about this ??



Dunno, I was there Thursday but never got searched.

Didn't fit the pattern I suppose.... you can't be over the hill if you never made it to the top. :o


Elderly people, Yes It`s been going on for years now. They go by the name of th Chiang Rai Amphetamine Peoples society (CRAPS) Usually the take sets of golf clubs as a ruse. But they are actualy handy for storing said YABA.

You see these people aroud town all the time.They are very unassuming. But believe me, be wary of them. They are evil and have to be stopped.

C35B :o

I thought they used those stick things for burying the dope in the sandy holes golfers spend a lot of time in.


Better mention which course{s}.... I spend so much time there they think I am the gardener..... might accidently dig up a stash....

Hey maybe we can make some funds selling the modern updated pirate treasue maps with the big X on them...

Like new treasure maps call em stash maps gen u wine 50 Baht

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