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I Really Want To Live In Thailand... Help Me.


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You could always consider other locations in Thailand than Bangkok too. Chiang Mai for example is cheaper and less hectic (imo) than Bangkok, but has the facilities you request (including ..i believe..a very good University. CMU).


$50.000 what......... USD, EURO, POUND???????? O_o...

Granted there are a few currencies that use the dollar symbol, but usually when people use $ they mean US dollars. If another $ it is usually stated. The OP is coming from Japan, and the symbol for the local currency is ¥, so its not like the $ symbol can be confused with local currency.


€ = EURO

£ = GBP (Pound)

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Why do you want to come here to learn kickboxing? They don't have kickboxing here, that's a western incarnation... you meant MUAY THAI? You're serious enough about wanting to move here to train muay thai and you don't know its name? What's the deal man? How old are you? What are your intentions with your training? Fitness? Fight? I'm not being an ahole, I'm trying to figure you out so to best give you proper advice.

Dude, you seem pretty intense. That's good. You probably full of invaluable information. I just want to be fit. I don't want to fight.

Thank you for educating me on proper terminology. My priority is my degree. Muay Thai is just for fitness and fun.

YA! Im intense! Wrar! Motherfracker! lol No not really, you used the tourist name for Muay Thai and thought it odd you were moving here to train but if its only for fitness I understand that. No real advice to give you, where you move will probably dictate where you train.... DO NOT pay for private lessons and certainly not at a commercial fitness gym like California wow. Go to a nice outdoor hot sweaty dirty muay thai gym. Don't let them charge you alot of money just cause youre white... or whatever you are heh.

WASABI, glad to hear the blinkers came off and you are making a decision to improve your happiness, I knew you a bit in another life and we talked before you moved here, you seemed a little naive and I was a bit worried about you. Youre a nice and smart guy so good for you figuring things out for yourself without (hopefully) losing all your money and sanity while here.

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Japan to Thailand sounds like a step backwards. I'm sure you've been called a gai-jin(Jap for foreigner right?) but get prepared to be called farang like you don't belong there. You will miss the lack of nationalism in Japan to the overabundance in Thailand. You will miss nobody begging you for money because almost everybody in Japan is rich.

Read my posts for my Thailand to Korea transition. The more I'm here, the less I miss Thailand. I do miss 50 cents food, $5 two-hour massages, and yes $25 long-times, but I don't miss making $600 a month, being called foreigner and told how handsome I supposedly am just so I can get into a bar or buy something I don't want, seeing trannies and all the things I already mentioned in my old posts.

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Coming from Japan, life here will be very cheap. (I am quiet jealous at you, Japan fascinates me)

About teaching degree English: not every teaching job requires a teaching degree. Sometimes it is enough when English is your first & most active language (I was told by an English teacher from Ireland)

As you mention food & health (care) in one row: you can always grab some food for 40 baht, but is it healthy? I recommend to make your own food once in awhile for the vits and minerals.

I hear from people that they don't take health insurance but pay the bills directly as the costs are relatively low. Or have you an chronic illness?

A place to stay in BKK for + 11,000 baht...don't be picky...Does it really have to be BKK? Maybe other cities will suit you as well.

Good luck with your start in Thailand!

Now hear is a question I really need answered. What other cities have:

1. High speed internet access

2. Proximity to a University

3. Proximity to good medical care

chiang mai has all you require and is cheaper than BKK


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WASABI, glad to hear the blinkers came off and you are making a decision to improve your happiness, I knew you a bit in another life and we talked before you moved here, you seemed a little naive and I was a bit worried about you. You're a nice and smart guy so good for you figuring things out for yourself without (hopefully) losing all your money and sanity while here.

I do think I was somewhat naive when I moved here. I thought Thailand was the answer to all that ailed me in my other life but I was smart enough to come prepared with ample savings and to have an exit plan in case I changed my mind. I was burnt out from western women and George Bush politics, arrogant elite. Little did I know these problems exist out here too in different but equally irritating forms. I am aware a part of every problem is yourself and there is no geographic solution to all that ails you. But now I have found myself starting to look for things wrong with Thailand beyond what is really there, it's a symptom of frustration with the things that are truly wrong and an indication I should not live here and become a bitter expat. It's like any romance I guess, at first you don't see the flaws only the charms. Well the charms need to outweigh the flaws for a long term relationship and that is not the case for me. Though I do still see the charms and they make me sure I'll at least come back for holidays.

As far as the Farang thing I have to admit I use it sometimes myself but it's a case of when in Rome do as the Romans and I use it more to point someone out when the majority are Thai's, not in a pejorative sense. But from Thai to me I have overheard teens talking about me like I'm a wild dog or something not worthy of consideration. Learning Thai has opened some doors I wish remained shut. In America we definitely do have our share of racial problems but you can generally go in a restaurant, hailing from anywhere in the world and get the same service. That is not the case in Thailand. If you are Farang you are likely to be discriminated against and scams perpetrated against you are rife and tolerated at all levels of society.

Also to my point about nationalism. I think every person has a right to feel a sense of pride and self respect, but here I feel it sometimes goes beyond that to an inflated sense of supremacy and intolerance for other viewpoints. Farangs, or neighboring SEA countries are often blamed for problems they have nothing to do with, passing the buck rather than contrition. Like I said, my reaction to this has been to increase my own nationalistic feelings.

I actually miss hard work and having my boss telling me both when I am doing a crappy job and a good one. Sometimes I see 6 or 7 motor taxi guys laying on a table under an umbrella for the better part of the day and just want to crack a whip! It's strange because I use to admire Thai's ability to take it easy and 'not think too much."

Yep time for me to hit the road!

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OP this does not sound like such a great idea to me... you are coming with $50,000 and plan on spending it all and having nothing when youre done in 4 years except an advanced degree and some training in Muay Thai? So you will have to start all over again saving money and looking for a job in a global recession economy (possibly soon to be depression if layoffs continue at the current rate)? How do you plan to build your cash and investment reserves up again after your 4 Thailand years are done? MCSE again? Doing that here will be hard for you, and teaching will be hard for you if you do not have an advanced degree or certificate.

My advice, save up for a few more years, take a vacation to Thailand for a week or two at a time, and when you have saved enough to retire and not have to worry about money, then rethink your plan. I have heard many stories of guys selling everything, retiring too early, and having no plan of what happens when the money runs out. Thailand is a black hole when it comes to money.

My advice is to seek the advice of a CPA or financial planner. I was one for 20 years, and if you came to me and told me your plan I would tell you that you are crazy. (I guess I just did that anyway)

You make truly valid points. Not to disclose/brag about my net worth but $50,000 is what I have budgeted just to finish my degree. I have quite a bit more than that. I've gotten to this point by making a life time of prudent financial decisions (being cheap). It' hard to tell a CPA that life is not all about money. I guess I just want to enjoy the most productive years of my life while I can. I will reenter the rat race at some point in the future but will have a Masters Degree as leverage. I'm going to be working all of my life. I know this. I don't want to wait until I'm 65 to start living and than die at 67. I rather live now, go back to work in 5 to 10 years and spend my twilight years behind a cozy desk.

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YA! Im intense! Wrar! Motherfracker! lol No not really, you used the tourist name for Muay Thai and thought it odd you were moving here to train but if its only for fitness I understand that. No real advice to give you, where you move will probably dictate where you train.... DO NOT pay for private lessons and certainly not at a commercial fitness gym like California wow. Go to a nice outdoor hot sweaty dirty muay thai gym. Don't let them charge you alot of money just cause youre white... or whatever you are heh.

Thank you. You advice will be taken.

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chiang mai has all you require and is cheaper than BKK


There appears to be a consensus on this point. Thank you. I've already started adjusting my plans.

I would check out the smoke pollution in the CM area 1st. (Burning off) :o

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chiang mai has all you require and is cheaper than BKK


There appears to be a consensus on this point. Thank you. I've already started adjusting my plans.

Ya but uh, Chiangmai is also missing a ton of <deleted> that bangkok has to offer, wouldnt catch me dead living anywere but Bangkok when it comes to Thailand. Im not an old man seeking the quiet dull life of a farm/small town or ever small city. Im relatively young and need modern, I need technology, I need energy and excitement, I need luxury when I want it. If you need those things than do not move to Chiangmai.

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chiang mai has all you require and is cheaper than BKK


There appears to be a consensus on this point. Thank you. I've already started adjusting my plans.

Ya but uh, Chiangmai is also missing a ton of <deleted> that bangkok has to offer, wouldnt catch me dead living anywere but Bangkok when it comes to Thailand. Im not an old man seeking the quiet dull life of a farm/small town or ever small city. Im relatively young and need modern, I need technology, I need energy and excitement, I need luxury when I want it. If you need those things than do not move to Chiangmai.

I also noticed that Chiangmai is not close to any ocean. Which means I can't go deep sea fishing, my preferred method of leisure. That may be a show stopper. Back to looking at Bangkok again.

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chiang mai has all you require and is cheaper than BKK


There appears to be a consensus on this point. Thank you. I've already started adjusting my plans.

Ya but uh, Chiangmai is also missing a ton of <deleted> that bangkok has to offer, wouldnt catch me dead living anywere but Bangkok when it comes to Thailand. Im not an old man seeking the quiet dull life of a farm/small town or ever small city. Im relatively young and need modern, I need technology, I need energy and excitement, I need luxury when I want it. If you need those things than do not move to Chiangmai.

I also noticed that Chiangmai is not close to any ocean. Which means I can't go deep sea fishing, my preferred method of leisure. That may be a show stopper. Back to looking at Bangkok again.

I went deep sea fishing off koh samet. The ex G/F hired a boat and crew and we went to some reef or something, now as an aussie I know what deep sea fishing is, however we hooked into and amazing school of 4 inch yellowtail type of fish. Everybody on board was screaming with excitement. Do they have Marlin, Tuna etc around the islands? havnt seen any pro type of vessel catering for it

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Wasabi. Are you male or female? Male i guess. Under 40 or over? Just 20's perhaps? Have you cultivated many friendships in Thailand, both farang & Thai? Do you go out at night?

You need to lighten up, lay back & become more accepting. Being away from home is not the same as being at home.

You say you miss the parks & places of interest. Have you been to the oh-so-many of those all around the Kingdom of Thailand? I don't know where you stay, but i'd dare guess there's a park of some sort not a mile from you right now.

Farang is a colloquial term for a white foreigner. Although technicially, it is an insult, its widely not used with such intention. Are you from the northern states? Have you never spoken derogatorily about any one from the southern states or mexico in your community?

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Apartments in price range you quoted should be no problem finding.

Food options depends on type of food you desire. You can spend very little if you eat Thai food but if you desire western style foods it can run the cost up real quick depending on where you like to eat. For Thai food I usually stay away from street vendors and opt for small clean restaurants or food courts. Cost usually under 150 baht for the day. Western style food can be had for 150 baht and up per meal.

Health insurance will depend on age but for in-patient only less than 20k baht per year should be no problem.

I'm shocked ballbreaker.....your missing some really good thai food by staying away from street vendors. What are you scared of?

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Apartments in price range you quoted should be no problem finding.

Food options depends on type of food you desire. You can spend very little if you eat Thai food but if you desire western style foods it can run the cost up real quick depending on where you like to eat. For Thai food I usually stay away from street vendors and opt for small clean restaurants or food courts. Cost usually under 150 baht for the day. Western style food can be had for 150 baht and up per meal.

Health insurance will depend on age but for in-patient only less than 20k baht per year should be no problem.

I'm shocked ballbreaker.....your missing some really good thai food by staying away from street vendors. What are you scared of?

Really good Thai food from street vendors ! opposed to eating in local clean restaurants ! :D

Neverdie :o yeah right keep eating at your grimy, polluted, dirty, grubby food street vendors..... see ya in heaven


clean food / utensils

better quality meat food

less pollution

cold drinks


air con

sweet waitress's

street vendors


quality meat cuts?



plastic seats?



Except bar b q chicken <deleted> and deep fried maggots what else is from the street you can't order in a restaraunt ?

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Apartments in price range you quoted should be no problem finding.

Food options depends on type of food you desire. You can spend very little if you eat Thai food but if you desire western style foods it can run the cost up real quick depending on where you like to eat. For Thai food I usually stay away from street vendors and opt for small clean restaurants or food courts. Cost usually under 150 baht for the day. Western style food can be had for 150 baht and up per meal.

Health insurance will depend on age but for in-patient only less than 20k baht per year should be no problem.

I'm shocked ballbreaker.....your missing some really good thai food by staying away from street vendors. What are you scared of?

Really good Thai food from street vendors ! opposed to eating in local clean restaurants ! :D

Neverdie :o yeah right keep eating at your grimy, polluted, dirty, grubby food street vendors..... see ya in heaven


clean food / utensils

better quality meat food

less pollution

cold drinks


air con

sweet waitress's

street vendors


quality meat cuts?



plastic seats?



Except bar b q chicken <deleted> and deep fried maggots what else is from the street you can't order in a restaraunt ?

If you would inspect all the kitchens of that restaurants you would probably no eat at all.

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Wasabi. Are you male or female? Male i guess. Under 40 or over? Just 20's perhaps? Have you cultivated many friendships in Thailand, both farang & Thai? Do you go out at night?

You need to lighten up, lay back & become more accepting. Being away from home is not the same as being at home.

You say you miss the parks & places of interest. Have you been to the oh-so-many of those all around the Kingdom of Thailand? I don't know where you stay, but i'd dare guess there's a park of some sort not a mile from you right now.

Farang is a colloquial term for a white foreigner. Although technicially, it is an insult, its widely not used with such intention. Are you from the northern states? Have you never spoken derogatorily about any one from the southern states or mexico in your community?

Your wasting your time lancashirelad - the yanks i've met over here - dont travel well at all - "if this was the states" "this wouldn't happen back home" blah blah

I think Brits travel better and have more understanding due to the fact we have to travel outside of the UK to experience different climates / sports or as our history shows we enjoy travelling and adapting to foreign climates.

I think yanks find it harder to adapt as the majority of them haven't had to travel to foreign destinations for holidays and experience more of a culture shock

Wasabi - teenagers worldwide diss everyone - get over it man - you really think you are that worthy that everyone is talking about you cus you is farang :o

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Do other people in this forum regret their decision to live in Thailand?

I know many!!

well.. just be careful with money, don't fall for spending it on girls and stuff... Times for nice work for foreigners and stuff aren't the best... but well if I was you I would give it a try, why not? if you don't like it you can go back :o

it is always a smart thing to know when to quit something that is not working.. :D

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Your wasting your time lancashirelad - the yanks i've met over here - dont travel well at all - "if this was the states" "this wouldn't happen back home" blah blah

I think Brits travel better and have more understanding due to the fact we have to travel outside of the UK to experience different climates / sports or as our history shows we enjoy travelling and adapting to foreign climates.

I think yanks find it harder to adapt as the majority of them haven't had to travel to foreign destinations for holidays and experience more of a culture shock

I think you're full of shit.

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Your wasting your time lancashirelad - the yanks i've met over here - dont travel well at all - "if this was the states" "this wouldn't happen back home" blah blah

I think Brits travel better and have more understanding due to the fact we have to travel outside of the UK to experience different climates / sports or as our history shows we enjoy travelling and adapting to foreign climates.

I think yanks find it harder to adapt as the majority of them haven't had to travel to foreign destinations for holidays and experience more of a culture shock

I think you're full of shit.

Actually I'm a yank and I agree with him. Let me qualify that, I am a yank who has spent most of his life outside of the States. Germany, Spain, France, Korea, Japan...the list goes on. It's really easy to tell the well-traveled Americans from the others. Obviously it's all about perspective. The well-traveled group appreciates the differences (even if they don't understand them) and the other group, well...you know what they do. It's gotten to the point where I find it very difficult to maintain a healthy friendship with any one who hasn't spent a considerable amount of time in at least 3 different countries. I am not trying to be a snob, that's just the way it is. Of course people that don't travel think I'm weird.

Although one thing can certainly be said about Brits also, many of them do tend to raise hel_l where ever they go. Maybe that is the British version of "the other" group. :o

One thing you learn quickly when traveling is that every culture has it's good and bad. There is no perfect culture...except maybe Switzerland.

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Your wasting your time lancashirelad - the yanks i've met over here - dont travel well at all - "if this was the states" "this wouldn't happen back home" blah blah

I think Brits travel better and have more understanding due to the fact we have to travel outside of the UK to experience different climates / sports or as our history shows we enjoy travelling and adapting to foreign climates.

I think yanks find it harder to adapt as the majority of them haven't had to travel to foreign destinations for holidays and experience more of a culture shock

I think you're full of shit.

Thoughtfull, well presented response.

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Wasabi. Are you male or female? Male i guess. Under 40 or over? Just 20's perhaps? Have you cultivated many friendships in Thailand, both farang & Thai? Do you go out at night?

You need to lighten up, lay back & become more accepting. Being away from home is not the same as being at home.

You say you miss the parks & places of interest. Have you been to the oh-so-many of those all around the Kingdom of Thailand? I don't know where you stay, but i'd dare guess there's a park of some sort not a mile from you right now.

Farang is a colloquial term for a white foreigner. Although technically, it is an insult, its widely not used with such intention. Are you from the northern states? Have you never spoken derogatorily about any one from the southern states or mexico in your community?

Actually I agree with a lot of what you say. I am male 34 and in a long term relationship, I do have Thai and Farang friends but I don't enjoy going out at night too much though I do on rare occasions. The thing is I'm not as laid back as I thought I was, I do like more order and efficiency than exists here. However I've tried to stress I am very glad I came here and I do like Thailand and Thai people in spite of my grievances and yes it is a matter of perspective. I once saw a man walk into a Family Mart with a Python wrapped around his neck. No one was perturbed. That was great, that was wonderfully absurd and beautiful and would never happen back home. If I tried I could sit at a debate table and just as strongly debate the negatives to the United States our wars and financial shenanigans as an example. Also it is true teenagers everywhere are rude, that was silly of me to mention.

I have traveled all over Thailand, I have seen some beautiful landscapes, stunning temples, and swam in warm viridescent seas. I've sat and listened to Mor lam in Nong Khai which required no translation to understand the anguish and struggle it spoke. There have been times I almost felt I could call Thailand home but the pollution almost everywhere and the craziness of driving even walking in Thailand makes it less enjoyable to go to these places for me because I'm not sure if I'll live to get to my destination though I'll certainly be entertained up until that point. ynotme commented he doesn't get along with people who haven't spent some time overseas. I tend to like those people more too. I came here to be more like them and I have, but there is wisdom in knowing when you've reached your limit and it's time to move on. I will be here again, and to other distant shores but I have a feeling I will be buried where I was born and that is where my home is. Back to the OP I do say go for it and the things that bother me may be all the more reason you want to stay. But I once loved every little thing about Thailand now it's a more tempered appreciation. I'm glad I'm able to leave when I want to and you should prepare for the possibility you may want to leave too.

Edited by wasabi
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The OP makes good points about different kinds of Americans.

Chiang Mai has everything Bangkok has (for most foreigners), probably better medical facilities, and yes, worse pollution for two months of every year. I lived on the beach for a year, like I did in Mexico, and came back to Chiang Mai.

US$50K is hardly a fortune. You would have to go without sexual accompaniment, not buy a motor vehicle, etc., and pray it will last two years. Pensioned retirement visas require that much income for two years. Not much left over for deep sea diving.

Good luck. Thailand is neither Koh Samet nor Bangkok.

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They used to be, but Universities have made major strides. Many get the same respect as brick and mortar classes

In the English Speaking World, I believe you will find that Cambridge, Oxford, Imperial, Harvard, Princeton and MIT are the few that people accept at face value. Does not mean anyone should not pursue online study,but be realistic.

I continue to study thro' the Teaching Company Audio Series, most lecturers from prestigious universities like the above.

Not for any degrees but for pure knowledge.

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There is no perfect culture...except maybe Switzerland.

Oh wow..have you ever lived there? Insular prudish country. Their judicial system?..forget about "guilty before innocent" if you ever get caught up in it. All looks fine and well on the surface..so long as it runs by 'Swiss' clockwork. But, im no particular expect of course, and im off-topic..so never mind.

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There is no perfect culture...except maybe Switzerland.

Oh wow..have you ever lived there? Insular prudish country. Their judicial system?..forget about "guilty before innocent" if you ever get caught up in it. All looks fine and well on the surface..so long as it runs by 'Swiss' clockwork. But, im no particular expect of course, and im off-topic..so never mind.

Interesting...sounds like you either had a personal bad experience in Switzerland or know and/or heard of someone who did. I hope that you venting your frustration allows the healing process to begin.

In any event it was just a joke.

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There is no perfect culture...except maybe Switzerland.

Oh wow..have you ever lived there? Insular prudish country. Their judicial system?..forget about "guilty before innocent" if you ever get caught up in it. All looks fine and well on the surface..so long as it runs by 'Swiss' clockwork. But, im no particular expect of course, and im off-topic..so never mind.

Interesting...sounds like you either had a personal bad experience in Switzerland or know and/or heard of someone who did. I hope that you venting your frustration allows the healing process to begin.

In any event it was just a joke.

...or she is Swiss.

Edited by Birdman
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Well, I was deeply dissatisfied with my life in the states. Had no gf, no money, and no life. From my first visit, I worked by butt off scrimping and saving for my return visits. Eventually I found a way to make the move permanent and make a living here. I think the OP will not want to return after he has his taste of life here. Happens to a lot of people who come here. :o

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