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Thai Boxing Vs Other Systems


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Aw..to those who kept arguing Chinese kungfu is the better fighting system..stop exchanging views and just tell me why the top 5 legendary chinese kungfu masters was knocked out cold by average muay thai fighters in rajadamnern stadium.

Just tell me why ?

actually- that is totally wrong

completely and utterly

just like all this nonsense about michael jackson being the best- its all hype, the best KF do not get in the ring, the ring is not their domain

i do agree about all that animal nonsense, but reall KF dso exist, they are rare- but they would desimate any muaythai man

i love muaythai, its so effective, but its a sport, with rules.. KF, real KF does not have those rules

but its thai, and ;like thailand it lacks depth and reality ( no scoring for punches) and is a kind of show nowadays and totally loaded against anyone trying to beat one of there boys

i have seen KF men lightly slap concrete blocks and turn them into dust

punch coke can with one didgit and put a hole in it

a small chinese man toss a huge oyame guy around like a rag doll

a average BJJ destroyed a top muaythai figher in an army base,

the guy did not even land one single blow

i do agree that most KJ is a joke,

but beware the private little men who conduct training behind closed doors

the BJJ was not even a black belt, we were not allowed to take the DVD away

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Muay Thai beats boxing and martial arts, its the best striking style there is.

Brazilian jujitsu beats all

On the ground that is! But its not very practical for use in self defence. Bad idea to be rolling around on the ground.

Muay Thai number one go go! Everyone who's in Thailand and fit should go for some training!

Real fights, fighting for your life, ALWAYS ends up on the ground. If you are tyrying to kill someone you want him face down on the ground with his back to you.

another completely utterly wrong remark

i have ended up on the ground very rarely in fact

forget this BJJ hype that all fights on the ground

many do- not all

where do you guys get your logic from?

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Real fights, fighting for your life, ALWAYS ends up on the ground.

:) Nonsense. Some do, but not all. Having worked as a doorman in the UK ( albeit for a brief time) I would say a very small percentage end on the floor.

Most of the street fights I have been in and the ones i have seen ended up with at least one person on the floor. It has always been the loser. The only ones that I have seen or been party to that have not ended with one participant on the floor were the ones that were broken up by another person or persons.

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Aw..to those who kept arguing Chinese kungfu is the better fighting system..stop exchanging views and just tell me why the top 5 legendary chinese kungfu masters was knocked out cold by average muay thai fighters in rajadamnern stadium.

Just tell me why ?

actually- that is totally wrong

completely and utterly

just like all this nonsense about michael jackson being the best- its all hype, the best KF do not get in the ring, the ring is not their domain

i do agree about all that animal nonsense, but reall KF dso exist, they are rare- but they would desimate any muaythai man

i love muaythai, its so effective, but its a sport, with rules.. KF, real KF does not have those rules

but its thai, and ;like thailand it lacks depth and reality ( no scoring for punches) and is a kind of show nowadays and totally loaded against anyone trying to beat one of there boys

i have seen KF men lightly slap concrete blocks and turn them into dust

punch coke can with one didgit and put a hole in it

a small chinese man toss a huge oyame guy around like a rag doll

a average BJJ destroyed a top muaythai figher in an army base,

the guy did not even land one single blow

i do agree that most KJ is a joke,

but beware the private little men who conduct training behind closed doors

the BJJ was not even a black belt, we were not allowed to take the DVD away

Mostly right. China did have a few contests to see who was the best kung <deleted> master in china. The first one did not have rules and several people died. China Stopped the contest because they did not want to lose some of the their best masters.

Another thing i have to say about the KF vs MT fights that have taken place is that you can not execute all of the KF moves with balloons on your hands.

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Aw..to those who kept arguing Chinese kungfu is the better fighting system..stop exchanging views and just tell me why the top 5 legendary chinese kungfu masters was knocked out cold by average muay thai fighters in rajadamnern stadium.

Just tell me why ?

actually- that is totally wrong

completely and utterly

just like all this nonsense about michael jackson being the best- its all hype, the best KF do not get in the ring, the ring is not their domain

i do agree about all that animal nonsense, but reall KF dso exist, they are rare- but they would desimate any muaythai man

i love muaythai, its so effective, but its a sport, with rules.. KF, real KF does not have those rules

but its thai, and ;like thailand it lacks depth and reality ( no scoring for punches) and is a kind of show nowadays and totally loaded against anyone trying to beat one of there boys

i have seen KF men lightly slap concrete blocks and turn them into dust

punch coke can with one didgit and put a hole in it

a small chinese man toss a huge oyame guy around like a rag doll

a average BJJ destroyed a top muaythai figher in an army base,

the guy did not even land one single blow

i do agree that most KJ is a joke,

but beware the private little men who conduct training behind closed doors

the BJJ was not even a black belt, we were not allowed to take the DVD away

Mostly right. China did have a few contests to see who was the best kung <deleted> master in china. The first one did not have rules and several people died. China Stopped the contest because they did not want to lose some of the their best masters.

Another thing i have to say about the KF vs MT fights that have taken place is that you can not execute all of the KF moves with balloons on your hands.

if you want to see something really effective.. check out eddie quinns street system

The Approach ( google it, eddie is from UK, a muaythai, silat instructor and super nice guy)

he has just developed the best attack system I have ever seen,simple,direct,fast,powerful

I love to hear anyone opionions on this

eddie will be in bangkok end of this month to give a seminar in it

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  • 1 year later...

im sorry but any thai fighter will beat any boxer pound for pound.

a boxer does not know how to kick, elbow, knee, clinch or defend any of the above. see the link for info

see this thai boxing site here for information on muay thai fighter history and how they train and fight.

it is without question an 80kg thai boxer would beat an 80kg boxer of the same experience.

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Real fights, fighting for your life, ALWAYS ends up on the ground.

:) Nonsense. Some do, but not all. Having worked as a doorman in the UK ( albeit for a brief time) I would say a very small percentage end on the floor.

Most of the street fights I have been in and the ones i have seen ended up with at least one person on the floor. It has always been the loser. The only ones that I have seen or been party to that have not ended with one participant on the floor were the ones that were broken up by another person or persons.

I teach a traditional form of martial arts. I've mixed in several other styles' techniques for street fighting and self defense purposes. There is no better style. In the street even more so.

And yes, the guy that ends up on the ground in a street fight is in most cases the loser; probably knocked out or with his hands in front of him; surrendering.

However I've seen 70kg novices beat up 100kg brutes in bar brawls. Only to find out after that the big guy is some boxer. I've also been involved where a boxer thrashed a guy who claimed he trained in MMA. In his defense, he banged his head when he tried to take the boxer down . . . .

I see no-one here rates any of the full contact karate styles like Ashihara or Kyokushin. Train them in face punching and they can be a handful.

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  • 1 month later...

I think i read this first if a lonely planet guide.

but in the 70s. I guess 5 Hong Kong Kung <deleted> master traveled to Bangkok to fight 5 top muai thai boxer.

fights last 6 minutes TOTAL with the Kung <deleted> master being knocked each time in the first round.

not sure if it's true but if so damm impressive

regarding the post standard boxing vs muai thai ....spot on one thing is muai thai fights keep their arms a more seperated to block against kicks and elbows

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  • 3 years later...
  • 6 months later...

Got to say, this thread has been most entertaining. Having spent many years training and competing in various styles, I can say there is no best system and the best technique is to blend as needed. I have always varied my technique based on who I was fighting (always in comp) as fighting to a weakness is best. We used to travel to fight in Thailand in the 90's in what was then called freestyle which was similar to MMA today. We were a group that used to train in Hong Kong and Shenzhen, and we used to clean up here against the Thai boxers. Did mixed against the foreigners who had backgrounds in other sports. As we were wearing grappling gloves, most of the Thai's could not take a punch and were useless when put on the ground. I studied BJJ for 2 years but was no where near a black belt. The guys that were would win fights in under 30 seconds. I think that is cause MT is specialized to be all about the speed of kicks and they lacked core strength, not just technique.

As for those who say KF is all about technique and no sparing, you should live in China and see how they really train to compete, it is just as brutal as MT. And the conditioning is a level above.

Do not take this to be anti MT as my point is any martial art by itself is in the same boat. Look at Buakaw, awesome MT fighter but when he went to HK to train, got his ass served by non professionals in stand up, let alone on the floor. It takes a different body to wrestle that would be too slow for a specialized form.

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