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Not sure where to post this so General topics it is.

Our 41/2 year old goes to the local government school. At the moment it’s the school holidays but the other day there was a meeting for the parents to get some general school information and pay fees for the next term.

It was not necessary for me to go, as I would not have understood anything anyway, so the wife went alone with the kid. When she came back she was a bit distressed about the ranting speech one of the teachers made.

Seems he was going on that the Muslim kids must be wearing headscarves and observing “true” Muslim ways or they, and their parents for not forcing them, would be dammed into everlasting hel_l. Apparently he went on at great length with this condemning every one that was not a Muslim and a true observer of the faith to everlasting damnation and eternal hel_l.

The school has a fair mix of kids some of which are Muslim and some of those that wear the headscarf, fair enough. I find it disturbing that this teacher is allowed to rant like this and start stirring up religious divides in these little school kids. They are 4-5-6 year olds for heaven’s sake.

Our Muslim neighbors that also have a girl going to the same school, she does'nt wear a headscarf to school, are concerned about this, not like me that it should not be allowed, but that they may not now be good Muslims. They are a very nice family; our two kids always play together and are regularly in each other’s homes. They go to the Mosque regularly, with the head scarves, and the kid goes weekly to Koran (?) lessons. So they are good Muslims but this teacher has got them concerned they are failing in their faith and perhaps start looking at us as dammed non-believers.

I feel this kind of radical preaching, especially from a teacher of children is sowing the seeds of religious and ethnic divisions in young minds that will germinate into future troubles.

Just my thoughts

DD :o


Nothing new mate,happening all over the world.Your choice,let him continue with that school and abide by the muslim preaching or go to another school

Easy realy if you feel that bad about it


If I were you, I'd pay a visit to this school and speak to the Head about this teacher. I am assuming that you are correct in assuming that this school is a Govt.school. Teachers are not supposed to biased in what they preach whatever religion they personally believe in!

...Pay them a visit!


Get together with the other parents. Your Muslim neighbours are obviously as uncomfortable with the situation as your wife is. So there must be more of the same opinion. Organise a petition and get the prat kicked out of school.

Not sure where to post this so General topics it is.

Our 41/2 year old goes to the local government school. At the moment it’s the school holidays but the other day there was a meeting for the parents to get some general school information and pay fees for the next term.

It was not necessary for me to go, as I would not have understood anything anyway, so the wife went alone with the kid. When she came back she was a bit distressed about the ranting speech one of the teachers made.

Seems he was going on that the Muslim kids must be wearing headscarves and observing “true” Muslim ways or they, and their parents for not forcing them, would be dammed into everlasting hel_l. Apparently he went on at great length with this condemning every one that was not a Muslim and a true observer of the faith to everlasting damnation and eternal hel_l.

The school has a fair mix of kids some of which are Muslim and some of those that wear the headscarf, fair enough. I find it disturbing that this teacher is allowed to rant like this and start stirring up religious divides in these little school kids. They are 4-5-6 year olds for heaven’s sake.

Our Muslim neighbors that also have a girl going to the same school, she does'nt wear a headscarf to school, are concerned about this, not like me that it should not be allowed, but that they may not now be good Muslims. They are a very nice family; our two kids always play together and are regularly in each other’s homes. They go to the Mosque regularly, with the head scarves, and the kid goes weekly to Koran (?) lessons. So they are good Muslims but this teacher has got them concerned they are failing in their faith and perhaps start looking at us as dammed non-believers.

I feel this kind of radical preaching, especially from a teacher of children is sowing the seeds of religious and ethnic divisions in young minds that will germinate into future troubles.

Just my thoughts

DD :o

If they started brainwashing with all religions / beliefs at age 18 and older i wonder how many believers there would be.


I'm arab but not a muslim. But, I've had fellow arab muslims try and "convert" me most of my life. There is only one way to deal with it. That is to stop it as soon as it starts. I am just not interested.

"religious mania" of any faith is dangerous, it spreads and is pretty virulent. If you don't stop as soon as it starts you later have to take drastic measures.

No I am not athiest, just against religion because like goverment it is corrupt and used to control.


No I am not athiest, just against religion because like goverment it is corrupt and used to control.


Yep, kill them all, let their "gods" sort them out. Life is toooo short for religious and government BS.

Seems like that takes up a majority of our efforts here on earth though...

I feel this kind of radical preaching, especially from a teacher of children is sowing the seeds of religious and ethnic divisions in young minds that will germinate into future troubles.

I thoroughly detest these kinds of classroom activities. Schools are a place for educating innocent minds with facts, not for trying to brainwash them with personal opinions. At the very least, this teacher needs to be confronted and disciplined through proper channels and protocol. My only other suggestion would be, when the time comes, put your emotions to the side and make sure that your concerns are adequately addressed by the Principal or Head Master. Good luck. I hope that you will post an outcome as I, for one, would be interested in the school's response.


Sounds like this teacher should be working for the Taliban. Obviously an ignorant religous fanatic. My mother used to shout at me for not wearing my scarf when i was a kid - she said i would catch a cold, never mentioned that i would go to h-ll :o


please try harder to troll/wind me up

Thank you.



Not trying put words in your mouth or to wind you up. I was stating my dislike for religion, especially

those that try to use force to gain your participation, as well as government in general. Sorry that you

seem to have mistook it as trolling or a wind up



Thanks for all the responses. If I were in my own country a visit to the school would be the first step with follow ups to the educational departments, but it's not so simple here.

Teachers here are highly regarded and the missis who is typical placid Thai and would die of embarrassment if I were to make waves. There are no other Farang parents to get together with and I doubt our Muslim friends would join in against a teacher.

I don't have any intention of complaining about this teachers behavior as it would just create bad local feelings and not really achieve anything. Just thought to share my thoughts on the subject.


"Lovia" Yes we are in the South near Krabi but I have been assured many times that these are "not the same Muslims" as in the deep South :o

"Lovia" Yes we are in the South near Krabi but I have been assured many times that these are "not the same Muslims" as in the deep South :o

Meh - good and bad in all religions and all governments throughout the world. But this teacher sounds like he has found his way a bit farther North from the DEEP South :D

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