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I Think I Saw A Thai Ghost.


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All i can say is....you guys who poo-poo any afterlife....... are in for a hel_l of a shock one day.......

and your own disbelief could cause you to be one of those ghosts you ridicule..

The different realms of the heavens and hells exist all around us...but are on different dimensions or vibrate at different frequencies so we are unable to perceive them.... just as the air is full of many radio waves but we need a radio set and to tune into the frequency to receive the sounds.....

Ghosts are people from the human realm who have become stuck between realms and are unable to be reborn according to their karma.... some died suddenly such as in a car accident...and do not yet realise they are dead... or when they were alive they had no belief in any afterlife so are hanging around wondering <deleted> is this?...do I exist or not?...how come I can still think?...

Some people become very attached to a place or person or their belongings and this causes them to linger around them...unable to go and get reborn where they should...

Sometimes people can adjust their own frequency and perceive beings in the ghost realm...or the ghosts can alter their own frequency and become visible to ones who are attuned to them...but not all present at the time will be able to see them.

Sometime those who practise meditation can alter their frequency and seem to visit other realms...but they really are just able to perceive them for a while.

You explained it very well in few words,i had my experience in Sri Lanka many years ago.Ghosts don't scare you if your heart is clean.Better don't ridicule them btw.. :o

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All i can say is....you guys who poo-poo any afterlife....... are in for a hel_l of a shock one day.......

and your own disbelief could cause you to be one of those ghosts you ridicule..

The different realms of the heavens and hells exist all around us...but are on different dimensions or vibrate at different frequencies so we are unable to perceive them.... just as the air is full of many radio waves but we need a radio set and to tune into the frequency to receive the sounds.....

Ghosts are people from the human realm who have become stuck between realms and are unable to be reborn according to their karma.... some died suddenly such as in a car accident...and do not yet realise they are dead... or when they were alive they had no belief in any afterlife so are hanging around wondering <deleted> is this?...do I exist or not?...how come I can still think?...

Some people become very attached to a place or person or their belongings and this causes them to linger around them...unable to go and get reborn where they should...

Sometimes people can adjust their own frequency and perceive beings in the ghost realm...or the ghosts can alter their own frequency and become visible to ones who are attuned to them...but not all present at the time will be able to see them.

Sometime those who practise meditation can alter their frequency and seem to visit other realms...but they really are just able to perceive them for a while.



show me one shred of any proof

you never can

know why

its all crap


ghosts, etc

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Well, SOMETHING is happening, that much is sure. And apart from gullible grannies, there are many sober, sane people who have had SOME sort of experience.....like the many sober rational aircraft captains and police who have seen UFOs, up close and for a long time. There is SOMETHING out of the ordinary being experienced, in both cases. There is just too much anecdotal evidence. People seem to get too caught up in words and definitions though. Evidence ? How can there be, when it is no longer in the physical realm ? I like to keep an open mind. We are very limited by our senses, and if they sometimes open up a bit more, who knows what they see ? I don't claim to know, but I think there i something out of the ordinary happening.

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I can tell you about some hair-raising experiences on Ave St Charles, in New Orleans, that will simply enforce

any Thai/Leo experiences about one million percent. And I dont suffer fools easily.

Anyone denying these events is living in a simplistic, three dimensional world.


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A 50 years back or so, people here also tend to believe in ghost, my grandma did, actually it was just in their heads. Same with the Thais, they haven't evolved yet, to know they do not exist. With all, you just imagined it, I also sometimes have this experiences, it's quite normal.

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I can tell you about some hair-raising experiences on Ave St Charles, in New Orleans, that will simply enforce

any Thai/Leo experiences about one million percent. And I dont suffer fools easily.

Anyone denying these events is living in a simplistic, three dimensional world.


another completly meaningless statement-

what was the point of that?

what did you just say- NOTHING< ZERO< NADAR

you have added zero to any credibility and show more about what your sort are like

can you just admit- that you are unable to show one single tiny piece of evidence

oh, is it all going to stay in the realm you talk of, I suppose only the gifted can get into that realm

and it is above any sort of scrutiny

like the god squad who claim that only the lord talk to them due to their special relationship

well, is that fine and dandy

got proof?- show it to me, I ,ll make it worth your while

you have nothing, you never have had, and never will have- because its all a bunch of BS

and you are more than welcome to try and prove me wrong

but no more " I can tell you..." you can tell me what you like, you can rove nothing, and you know it

" I do not suffer fools..." what is this......?

what a crock, what the hel_l does that prove my friend...ZERO

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I think it is all part of the Thai culture and it is part of what attracts me to them.

In 1984 my then to be wife suggested we should take a trip to Koh Samet and check it out. We had been going to Samui alot in previous years so we decided we would check out Samet, since it was alot easier to get to in these days.

We were late getting the 'canoe' across to the island, by the time we arrived it was already dark and the tide was out. We had to wade about 100 yards to the shore! Once ashore we seeked out a bungalow. it was near 2100 by the time we 'checked' into one. We just had enough time to get a quick feed before the kitchen closed. My wide chose this time to remind the owner to tell the Guardian Spirit of The Land that he had two new residents staying in his Bungalow. He assured us he would do this.

We retired for the night. In the morning we were strolling over for breakfast when my wifeasked me how I slept last night. Terribly in fact. I tossed and turned all night. My wifes suspicions were aroused, for she had slept badly also.

Having breakfast, she politely asked the owner if he had indeed made good on his promise of talking to the Guardian Spirit. The bloke went sheepish, very embarrassed, no he had forgotten. My wife then told him about our disturbed sleep and could he please do the right thing by us and have a word.

My wife looked at me and said - 'There! do you see!' Of course, what could I do but 'take the piss', in a nice way. But she was adamant and got annoyed that I was not taking her seriously.

We went exploring that day and got back to the Bungalow near on Sunset. We went for some food. Once again my wife asked the owner had he made an offering and informed the Guardian Spirit of our presence. He almost shit himself with embarrassment this time. No, he had not!

The next thing he darts away, gets fruit, a bottle of fanta, joss sticks etc., and fronts up to the Spirit House. he spent what must have been hslf an hour or more.

That night. You guessed it. We both slept like logs. You can imagine the lecture I got the next morning.

Don't you just love it!!!

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I've never been religious, superstitious or seen Ghosts but it doesn't hurt to have an open mind. I'm pretty sure Mankind doesn't have all the answers just yet.

I think a lot of it has to do with the 'Collective Subconscious' or 'Collective Unconscious' ;-) . The Vast Majority of people in Thailand seem to beleive in Ghosts and spirits, it appears to be part of daily life. So I suspect your more likely to see a Ghost here than say Holland.

We bought our first spirit House yesterday, only 12 years too late. Now the Wife doesn't really have a clue and I suspected there was more to it than just placing it in a corner and giving it some fruit, So we had a chat with some of the villagers. It appears Friday is a good day to do the 'installation' or 'House warming' for want of a better word. It was interesting that a few people thought we should get someone who can talk to the spirits beforehand and find out who and how many are actually staying with us and what we could do to tempt them to stay there. I must admit I hadn't thought of that one, I suppose it makes sense to be on good terms though. I do hope they like Leo ;-)

Maybe I'll get a better nights sleep on friday than I have been doing of late. ;-)

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