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Help! I'm Losing My Hair.


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I'm still quite young (28 years old) and I'm noticing that my hair is starting to thin out. I dread becomming a baldy, no offence to those who are.

Are there any over the counter solutions available in Bangkok? I haven't developed any bald spots, just noticing that it is thinning out in general and my hairline is receeding slowly.

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You can spend a load of money on snake oil cures, get hair implants which make you look like a tw#t, ad your own vowel, or just get used to being a slap head. Those people who insist on keeping a tiny bit of hair also look foolish. :o

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I'm still quite young (28 years old) and I'm noticing that my hair is starting to thin out. I dread becomming a baldy, no offence to those who are.

Are there any over the counter solutions available in Bangkok? I haven't developed any bald spots, just noticing that it is thinning out in general and my hairline is receeding slowly.

Buy a wig.Many types and colours,if you really are of the opinion a lot of hair improves your look.
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If your grandfather on your father's side was bald...then you can probably thank him for your predicament. I looked into this years ago when I was around your age. I saw a doc who confirmed it was largely hereditary. You could try using Propecia pills which may slow down or halt the balding process. These pills are available over the counter in Thailand (look it up on wikipedia). High stress levels may exacerbate the hair loss problem...check how tight your scalp muscles are and if necessary massage your scalp regularly to reduce tension.

Edited by mark5335
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Thanks mark5335,

I am going to research Propecia now. I never met my grandfather from my dads side so I wouldn't know if he was bald but I am going to guess that he was. Wigs and hair transplants are not for me, I would rather go bald than resort to that. I'm just looking for a way to stop the hairloss while I still have a decent amount left.

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Firide and Harifin are locally made generic equivalents to Propecia.

(Don't confuse Harifin with Harifin-5, the latter is a higher strength used for prostate disease)

And be sure to read up on the contraindications and side effects first.

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If your grandfather on your father's side was bald...then you can probably thank him for your predicament. I looked into this years ago when I was around your age. I saw a doc who confirmed it was largely hereditary. You could try using Propecia pills which may slow down or halt the balding process. These pills are available over the counter in Thailand (look it up on wikipedia). High stress levels may exacerbate the hair loss problem...check how tight your scalp muscles are and if necessary massage your scalp regularly to reduce tension.

Not sure if that statement is entirely correct.

My grandfather on my father's side lived to be 98 years old and died with a full head of hair.

My grandfather on my mother's side died from heart failure at 72, he lost all his hair before he was 30.

I'm nearly 60 and 80% bald...!!!! I started losing it when I was 22. bought an overpriced 'rug' that I was a slave to for a couple months before chucking it in the garbage and hasn't been a problem since. Nothing wrong with being bald, can't even imagine the money I've saved in haircuts, shampoo, etc., and it didn't hinder my lifestyle either....mature women seem to prefer bald men....a sign of high testosterone levels, libido, etc....accept it, maybe it's a blessing in disguise.

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ok this may sound spooky

but my family has been believing in using "freshly made" the coconut milk to combat the thinning

----put it on and cover the head for 1 hr, then rinse off and shampoo as usual - once a week---- :o

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ok this may sound spooky

but my family has been believing in using "freshly made" the coconut milk to combat the thinning

----put it on and cover the head for 1 hr, then rinse off and shampoo as usual - once a week---- :D


Nice one TC

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ok this may sound spooky

but my family has been believing in using "freshly made" the coconut milk to combat the thinning

----put it on and cover the head for 1 hr, then rinse off and shampoo as usual - once a week---- :D


Nice one TC

YAY....I'm on a random act of kindness this month :D

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Thanks mark5335,

I am going to research Propecia now. I never met my grandfather from my dads side so I wouldn't know if he was bald but I am going to guess that he was. Wigs and hair transplants are not for me, I would rather go bald than resort to that. I'm just looking for a way to stop the hairloss while I still have a decent amount left.

I have been taking Propecia since June 2001. It is a prescription drug and insurance refunds the cost.

It's expensive - 6 months worth of pills, if taken from Bumrungrad doctor, would be 12400B.

You can find it yourself, at "Save Drugs" Rama IV Carefour it is 1200B. But no doctor - no refund. Bumrungrad knows that.

It will show results after 6-12 months, so you are in for long and expensive treatment.

People who know me said I have regained about 5% of hair over last 8 years. Definitelly, hair loss has stopped.

So for 5 years, if you buy it cheaply and without doctor's prescription (and no refund from health insurance), you are shelling out 72,000B.

Edited by think_too_mut
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I have been taking Propecia since June 2001. It is a prescription drug and insurance refunds the cost.

It's expensive - 6 months worth of pills, if taken from Bumrungrad doctor, would be 12400B.

You can find it yourself, at "Save Drugs" Rama IV Carefour it is 1200B. But no doctor - no refund. Bumrungrad knows that.

It will show results after 6-12 months, so you are in for long and expensive treatment.

People who know me said I have regained about 5% of hair over last 8 years. Definitelly, hair loss has stopped.

So for 5 years, if you buy it cheaply and without doctor's prescription (and no refund from health insurance), you are shelling out 72,000B.

The locally made generic equivalents will be a lot less expensive.

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I have been taking Propecia since June 2001. It is a prescription drug and insurance refunds the cost.

It's expensive - 6 months worth of pills, if taken from Bumrungrad doctor, would be 12400B.

You can find it yourself, at "Save Drugs" Rama IV Carefour it is 1200B. But no doctor - no refund. Bumrungrad knows that.

It will show results after 6-12 months, so you are in for long and expensive treatment.

People who know me said I have regained about 5% of hair over last 8 years. Definitelly, hair loss has stopped.

So for 5 years, if you buy it cheaply and without doctor's prescription (and no refund from health insurance), you are shelling out 72,000B.

The locally made generic equivalents will be a lot less expensive.

Not if you have health insurance that refunds all prescription medicines. Mine does. Back in Australia, my then insurance was refunding 70% of all prescriptions and Propecia in Oz was 1 month doze 72A$, so I was paying 22A$ (500B).

Another thing, if there are no visible or spectacular results after a year, one would think "bloody me taking those cheap supplements, that's why it is not working, who knows what it did to me and my hair is still going, just wasted a year".

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  • 2 weeks later...

I use finasteride (generic propecia). My Dr prescribed 1 mg per day, so I buy the 5 mg tablets and split them 4 ways. Annual cost in the US is only around $100. This is good insurance to keep the hair from hair transplants I had 4 years ago. So far, it's working pretty well. I wish I would have started taking this drug in my 30's, as I'm convinced it would have saved me the $5000 I had to pay for the transplant. I would suggest that you try it for a year and see what happens.

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i use a Thai hair growth product. its made from sun flowers and is only available in Zier Rangsit shopping centre (near Don Muang) at a big beauty supply shop. all the hair on the top of my head was gone by about 35, now i'm 49. i started using this sun flower stuff about 3 years ago and now I have quite a bit of hair on the top of my head. i certainly works for me and only costs about 200baht/month.

if you need a picture of the bottle, i can post it.

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My hair is thinning at the top of my head. Will Propecia stimulate hair growth only in that area, or will it cause my entire pate be covered with more dense growth? Does it stimulate hair growth elsewhere on the body?

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The best official treatment is the topical application of minoxodil and the ingestion of proprecia daily... but it probably only works for a small percentage of people. As the original poster is only thinning and not bald then he will have the best chance of keeping his hair if he tries that regime... and if you stop doing the treatment hair will start to thin again.

Alternative treatments include using a something called a laser-comb daily which seems to be effective for some people at maintaining and thickening the hair they already have. There are some extreme forms of diet, pill popping and lotion appliaction that some people swear will work miracles. Inversion another option - being swung upside down on an inversion table (cheap on eBay) to improve blood flow to the head also works for some people. If you can find a shop that does it, a daily Indian head massage is also an option if living in Thailand.

At best, you can expect to slow or delay further hair loss and thinning.

Modern hair-transplant done by a proper surgeon (mostly American) using follicular grafts do not leave the owner looking like a twit although older methods certainly do. This is an expensive option but can produce excellent results. I have seen some terrible stuff done by Bangkok surgeons so tread with care in LOL

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Modern hair-transplant done by a proper surgeon (mostly American) using follicular grafts do not leave the owner looking like a twit although older methods certainly do. This is an expensive option but can produce excellent results.

OK, but how then do we explain Donald Trump? :D :D :D

Sorry -- couldn't resist. He's sort of a poster child against hair transplants IMO. Since he can presumably afford the best I have taken his appearance as an indication that the science still has a long way to go..... :o

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If you google Donald Trump hair transplant there is quite a bit of discussion on this, the thought that it was done in the 1980's and he does not have enough donor hair left to have modern corrective hair transplant, so he is a poster child for the old style of hair transplant still sometimes practiced in Bangkok! However much money you have you can not make hair available for transplant once it has all been used up... having said that there is now the ability to transplant body hair and put it on the head - and oddly the hair then takes on the features of head hair rather than body hair! Hair can also be extracted as follicular units rather than via the more usual strip of skin from the back of the head routine though the best surgeons can also close up the skin from the latter so that it does not form a scar. All these advances don't come cheap and you could easily drop ten grand US on a couple of modern transplant sessions.

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Thanks mark5335,

I am going to research Propecia now. I never met my grandfather from my dads side so I wouldn't know if he was bald but I am going to guess that he was. Wigs and hair transplants are not for me, I would rather go bald than resort to that. I'm just looking for a way to stop the hairloss while I still have a decent amount left.

I have been taking Propecia since June 2001. It is a prescription drug and insurance refunds the cost.

It's expensive - 6 months worth of pills, if taken from Bumrungrad doctor, would be 12400B.

You can find it yourself, at "Save Drugs" Rama IV Carefour it is 1200B. But no doctor - no refund. Bumrungrad knows that.

It will show results after 6-12 months, so you are in for long and expensive treatment.

People who know me said I have regained about 5% of hair over last 8 years. Definitelly, hair loss has stopped.

So for 5 years, if you buy it cheaply and without doctor's prescription (and no refund from health insurance), you are shelling out 72,000B.

Any side effects? What else do they sell at "Save Drugs"?


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Im sorry to say its just part of the aging process, in your case losing your hair quite young is not uncommon, i have a friend that went bald in 4 months, another went completely grey overnight and at 27 years old !. anything you put on your head to help prevent it will be as much use as those fake tans we use and and the whitening creams the asians use, worthless, as otheres have said get a good hairpeice ready, or have a few tattoos and move to pattaya, ! :o

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I'm still quite young (28 years old) and I'm noticing that my hair is starting to thin out. I dread becomming a baldy, no offence to those who are.

Are there any over the counter solutions available in Bangkok? I haven't developed any bald spots, just noticing that it is thinning out in general and my hairline is receeding slowly.

I hear that female hormones are readily available for the transvestite community. Maybe you could give them a try? :o

But seriously, if you check on the internet or consult with a *reputable* source you'll see there is very little you can do. There are some medicines, but you'll have to keep taking them for a long time. Why not just accept it?

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Thanks mark5335,

I am going to research Propecia now. I never met my grandfather from my dads side so I wouldn't know if he was bald but I am going to guess that he was. Wigs and hair transplants are not for me, I would rather go bald than resort to that. I'm just looking for a way to stop the hairloss while I still have a decent amount left.

I have been taking Propecia since June 2001. It is a prescription drug and insurance refunds the cost.

It's expensive - 6 months worth of pills, if taken from Bumrungrad doctor, would be 12400B.

You can find it yourself, at "Save Drugs" Rama IV Carefour it is 1200B. But no doctor - no refund. Bumrungrad knows that.

It will show results after 6-12 months, so you are in for long and expensive treatment.

People who know me said I have regained about 5% of hair over last 8 years. Definitelly, hair loss has stopped.

So for 5 years, if you buy it cheaply and without doctor's prescription (and no refund from health insurance), you are shelling out 72,000B.

72,000 baht!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Christ, I'm glad to be bald at that price. Plus I get to give myself a haircut whenever I want, for free! :o

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  • 2 weeks later...

i have a friend who started losing hair at about 25. it was especially obvious when he went wakeboarding, he looked like friar tuck when his hair was wet.

he started treatment at bumrungrad and the change was rapidly apparent, and improvement was ongoing.

he is 30 now, and the bald spot is gone.

unfortunately, the decline is equally apparent when he lapses for more than a month.

sorry i cant remember the treatment name.

as for an earlier comment about hats, i have a widows peak and rode a motorcycle and wore baseball hats for years (in thailand) and the guy who cut my hair pointed out that it was receding. he said lose the hats and limit the helmet time.

baseball hats are pretty sweaty and unpleasant in this climate anyway.

i stopped wearing hats, and since i sold the bike, have receded very little since.

the irony is my hair is so thick, that thais have trouble cutting it.

anyways, there are treatments out there that work, but there is no point in starting unless you are willing to keep paying. once you stop, reversal is quick.

edit: i said the treatment was topical, but really not sure. it certainly does work for him, though i reckon his nose hair growth doubled as well - made shpoing for a christmas gift for him easy though his girlfriend got him the same gift!

edit 2: saw your pic in another thread, a little sun wouldn't hurt either.

Edited by t.s
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i don't know but maybe it's just me, i tried zinc supplement and nizoral shampoo (the red one) and without too much hope, until now i still have my hair intact and still growing. no harm to try, right? no worries anymore and i stop thinking about it...

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I'm still quite young (28 years old) and I'm noticing that my hair is starting to thin out. I dread becomming a baldy, no offence to those who are.

Are there any over the counter solutions available in Bangkok? I haven't developed any bald spots, just noticing that it is thinning out in general and my hairline is receeding slowly.

I would consider my family tree. Have a look at photos of your relatives. Is there a genetic predisposition ? If so, there is not a lot you can do. Maybe some diet changes would help, but I dont know if it would make any difference. Sorry to be a bit negative. On the plus side, bald men are supposed to get more women, maybe?

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