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^^ please keep the Royal Family out of the discussion.

thank you.


tony soprano you dont know much about this by the sounds of it ...it has all to do with the royal family...that is who thaksin is rebelling against..he wants to be more powerful than the king :D the thai people love the king and thaksin wont change that....its the poor people from the north east who dont know any different who are voteing for him because they are getting paid to do so......

now you blamed the northern and eastern people

It is true that they got better lives when Taksin was in charge, and yeh they are paid for being with the mob. What I'm saying is Bangkok people also be there. now can you say that they all are poor?

And they also join the PAD.

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I am a white-shirt person. I did like Taksin, yeh but no but yeh but Now can't really say that which side i'm in.

Yellow-closed the airport

Red-closing the roads

oh well well

The Yellowjackets closed the airport AND the roads - if that helps any. :o

oh yeh that is right too! also destroyed the gov building

I am a white-shirt person. I did like Taksin, yeh but no but yeh but Now can't really say that which side i'm in.

Yellow-closed the airport

Red-closing the roads

oh well well

The Yellowjackets closed the airport AND the roads - if that helps any. :D

oh yeh that is right too! also destroyed the gov building

lets not forget the bottles of urine grenades and the used condoms at government house. :o

I am a white-shirt person. I did like Taksin, yeh but no but yeh but Now can't really say that which side i'm in.

Yellow-closed the airport

Red-closing the roads

oh well well

The Yellowjackets closed the airport AND the roads - if that helps any. :o

oh yeh that is right too! also destroyed the gov building

No they did not destroy it, not even the park, just some grass and I was there and made pictures if you need (but there are anyway enough pics around. Damage lower 50.000 Baht and they offered to fully repair it, but instead they replaced big healthy unharmed trees to get some under the table money in their pocket.

^^ please keep the Royal Family out of the discussion.

thank you.


tony soprano you dont know much about this by the sounds of it ...it has all to do with the royal family...that is who thaksin is rebelling against..he wants to be more powerful than the king :D the thai people love the king and thaksin wont change that....its the poor people from the north east who dont know any different who are voteing for him because they are getting paid to do so......

Barry, I believe there are two main points to check before posting :

- It has to be within forum rules

- you need to know what you're talking about

You fail both.

What's weird is you haven't been reported by SJ yet :D Wait ... you're on the same side :o:D


To me Thaksin and the UDD gained the upper hand momentarily by managing to get so many people to attend the rally.

The Government took the advantage away by (1) declaring a public holiday and lessening the chance of any confrontation between ordinary Bangkokians trying to go about their business, (2) by maintaining police discipline (all the police at Prem's house were checked by senior police with metal detectors to ensure they had no weapons of any kind), and (3) by the army not coming out of their barracks to interfere.

Abhisit seems to have ice water running through his veins at the moment and by refusing to allow a violent confrontation to occur took the steam out of the situation.

I'm still trying to understand why the reds would try and take a major stand on the eve of Songkran though when they know that most Thais will want to go back home for the holidays.

Winding the situation up only to have the Thai social calendar bring things to a halt would appear to be bad timing and waste of money to me.

Wow, a shocker. When they yellows were protesting Abhisit thought the government should quit, but now that the reds are protesting he thinks the government quitting is a bad idea. :D

they should include a laugh track in these every TV station state of emergency speeches.

Classic example of: Do what I say and not what I do. :D

I think Army is getting ready to come out.

Also think they should pay for damages from Txsin frozen assets. Even the damage Yellow shirt have caused. That will fix all the problems. After all is all about money and power and not Thai people

You said: "After all is all about money and power and not Thai people." I think you are correct.

Red shirts vs Yellow shirts.....it reminds me, in a way, of the false struggle between Republicans and Democrats in the USA. In terms of basic ideology, there is almost no difference between Republicans and Democrats.

The corporate-military-political triangle of power--controlled by the ruling elite minority (who also control the mainstream mass media)--maintain power by creating an illusion of choice.

The reality is that it matters not who wins........Republicans, Democrats, Red shirts, Yellow shirts...........the masses lose.

In Thailand the concentration of wealth and power is immense......probably less than 200 families own virtually everything. Competition is negligible. The vast majority of Thais are in a dire state economically. And the education system has not prepared them to "think out of the box."

What I would like to know is what this really is about. Is it an internal struggle between ruling elite factions? Why? Is it about change? What change? Opening up markets........etc. Old guard vs New guard?

The masses are like sheep.........all are hurting........but with a roll of the dice they put on a red or yellow shirt. They are not going to understand the deeper issues/forces at play.

What is actually going on underneath the surface?

^^ please keep the Royal Family out of the discussion.

thank you.


tony soprano you dont know much about this by the sounds of it ...it has all to do with the royal family...that is who thaksin is rebelling against..he wants to be more powerful than the king :D the thai people love the king and thaksin wont change that....its the poor people from the north east who dont know any different who are voteing for him because they are getting paid to do so......

Barry, I believe there are two main points to check before posting :

- It has to be within forum rules

- you need to know what you're talking about

You fail both.

What's weird is you haven't been reported by SJ yet :D Wait ... you're on the same side :o:wai:

It's only because I wasn't aware of this "B" Team version of a thread in General that is a duplicate thread to one in News Clippings Forum.

Still, I'm sure you reported it within seconds of it getting posted as you are on the opposite side.

Pot? Kettle? Black? on this point, too, I see... :D

Now, I'll let you guys resume your second-tier thread.

Have fun and play nice.


I hate to break it to you , but I personally know of at least 5 people that protested for the yellow back then and that are now out protesting for the reds. So as long as they keep getting paid their stipend, they cannot protest for the other side. This actually is about democracy but going about it in the nastiest way, irregardless of what side you are on. Politician are all crooks or else they would not spend Millions upon Millions to get a job that pays a mere 2% of their initial investment to get elected.

I'm still trying to understand why the reds would try and take a major stand on the eve of Songkran though when they know that most Thais will want to go back home for the holidays.

Winding the situation up only to have the Thai social calendar bring things to a halt would appear to be bad timing and waste of money to me.

Thaksin has limited funds - a few hundreds of million baht budget - funds cannot last beyond a week

Strategy - to provoke to the fullest in shortest time possible, in order a bloodbath occurs.

Why the week before Songkran? - a good period to attract short term labour at Bt300-500/day - upcountry labour in Bangkok preparing to go back home for Songkran, and an opportunity to earn a couple of 1000s more to bring home.

Looks like that is another few 100m down the drain - 'cause the assasination attempt failed.

To me Thaksin and the UDD gained the upper hand momentarily by managing to get so many people to attend the rally.


How many was that again?

I expect you can answer via my previous question to you:


post 2009-04-09 15:01:46

Post #1642

QUOTE (photojourn @ 2009-04-09 13:45:27) *

For those interested in a first hand report on yesterday's rally it is now posted at

If anyone wishes to dispute the attendance figure then I suggest they get off their bums and go to the protest site rather than relying on reports from people who stood at one spot.

A photo compilation will be posted this afternoon.


I am not disputing your number, but before I get off my bum to do a headcount, perhaps you would be good enough to explain how you arrived at your conclusive number (not estimate) of "more than 150,000" in the body of your blog, or "hundreds of thousands" in your headline?


What's weird is you haven't been reported by SJ yet :D Wait ... you're on the same side :o:D

It's only because I wasn't aware of this "B" Team version of a thread in General that is a duplicate thread to one in News Clippings Forum.


I hope that someday the people will get the message that what they should be is protesting for democracy. Thaksin may be a figure head but he certainly isn't the embodiment of democratic values. But I guess that's how people are---they need a leader.

Well said.


What's weird is you haven't been reported by SJ yet :D Wait ... you're on the same side :o:D

It's only because I wasn't aware of this "B" Team version of a thread in General that is a duplicate thread to one in News Clippings Forum.


Unlike yourgoodself, mc2, someone, somewhere may be happy to own SJ. Alas, it will never happen for you.

Do you agree?

You're kidding, right? Thaksin is winning in the same way that Monty Python's Black Knight was winning after losing all four limbs to Arthur.

"Come back here, you yellow bastard, and take what's coming to you! I'll bite your legs off!"

Yeah, Toxin's got the government right where he wants them.

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