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So The Security Failed - The Police Failed


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I guess we can expect resignations and dismissals of those who failed to do their job?!

Would that not ultimately rest with the PM ?

I am certainly not advocating that should happen. However, this appears to have been a dog's dinner from start to finish .Whilst one can fog the issue with reference to the various sub-plots the outcome (to the outside world at least) is that the Thailand administration could not organise a p!ss up in a brewery.

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I heard on the BBC that there were 80,000 army and police drafted into Pattaya for the summit. 80,000 and the protesters just walked in. Unbelievable! Somebody should be made to pay for the embarressment that showed Thailand to be totally incompetent. Surely the safety of the attending leaders deserved better ?

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Having done nothing to prevent the invasion, the troops and police sat down to enjoy the summit banquet. The food had been prepared and paid for so the hotel had to serve it to someone so as not to waste it.

Pick a vowel: M_TIVE

(Clue: it's not A, E, I or U)

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I heard on the BBC that there were 80,000 army and police drafted into Pattaya for the summit. 80,000 and the protesters just walked in. Unbelievable! Somebody should be made to pay for the embarressment that showed Thailand to be totally incompetent. Surely the safety of the attending leaders deserved better ?

8000 was the figure given here.

Seeing all these police on TV here with all their ribbons and medals attached to their uniforms, one has to wonder how they actually earned them, must be for standing idly by and doing nothing!!!

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In any country (first, second or third world), after that the interior minister and Thai Police Chief were dismissed already. Thaksin broadcasting censored (he is wanted from thai government so not allowed to speak to his people), red shirts bosses jailed. The democratic order reestablished.

But, 24 hours later, nothnig of that happen jet.

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I heard on the BBC that there were 80,000 army and police drafted into Pattaya for the summit. 80,000 and the protesters just walked in. Unbelievable! Somebody should be made to pay for the embarressment that showed Thailand to be totally incompetent. Surely the safety of the attending leaders deserved better ?

I think they only deployed about 2,000, and the marines let the red shirt protesters through to the hotel around 3pm. Either the secuity force mostly supported the red shirts, or figured the meetings were canceled anyway. Regardless, Abhisit should have had a strong, solid force in place, and he didn't. He looks as weak as his two predecessors.

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I guess we can expect resignations and dismissals of those who failed to do their job?!

This is the big question in my mind too. I've read elsewhere that Abhisit had authorized whatever action necessary to secure the facility, so why didn't it happen? Obviously whoever was responsible for security and giving the orders is a red shirt sympathizer / Thaksin employee who was well paid.

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Seeing all these police on TV here with all their ribbons and medals attached to their uniforms, one has to wonder how they actually earned them, must be for standing idly by and doing nothing!!!

I suspect they use the American system where you get a little ribbon for all sorts of things like the scouts/guides do: boot lace tying, handling a rifle without killing a senior officer, surviving the guy next to you's rifle drill, efficient nasal excavation while on guard duty, tea-money collection merit etc...

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A very incompetent gov't. It has messed around with the security of some rather important international leaders. That will not set well with a lot of gov'ts.

They need to arrest the PAD leaders first, then go after the law breakers wearing red and then follow the rule of law after that.

Doubt it will happen.

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Seeing all these police on TV here with all their ribbons and medals attached to their uniforms, one has to wonder how they actually earned them, must be for standing idly by and doing nothing!!!

I suspect they use the American system where you get a little ribbon for all sorts of things like the scouts/guides do: boot lace tying, handling a rifle without killing a senior officer, surviving the guy next to you's rifle drill, efficient nasal excavation while on guard duty, tea-money collection merit etc...

:o:D That would definately explain such a colourful array!!

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There needs to be ENFORCEMENT of the law, not mere show but I guess that was too much to expect from this nation.

There was a BBC article that mentioned how tactically easy Pattaya should have been to secure. One side protected by the sea, access to the area only possible by two small roads. A simple road block and turning people around would have sufficed. This failure was due to incompetence or maybe disinterest. Police and military were likely sitting by portable TV's watching Thai boxing or listening to the radio as a massive motorcade rolled in uncontested. One can't even say they breached security as there was not even the slightest attempt to secure the area. You could have one million police with riot gear but if they are standing in rows waiing and smiling as anyone and everyone is allowed to pass it doesn't make a difference.

Once the reds were in the perimeter and reached a critical mass there was not much that could have been done without high casualties or riots so at this point inaction ironically probably was the best course but if even the slightest preemptive actions had been employed this could have been averted. The problem needed to be stopped before it began.

Either the police and military are incredibly incompetent or they willfully disobeyed the PM's orders. Either way it falls back on Abby and he now seems like a joke. A man not in control of his countries forces.

It's a good things most Thai's are friendly and fun loving as there is no such thing as law and order here.

Edited by wasabi
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"Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely."

I guess we can expect resignations ....

People don't resign from positions that are bought and paid for, and produce a healthy income from various non-salary sources.

.... and dismissals of those who failed to do their job?!

People don't dismiss those in the lower parts of the totem pole who are kicking dosh up to the higher parts.

As the saying goes, there's good news and bad news. The good news is that at least you know what it going on with the current system, namely SNAFU. The bad news is that no one is really sure what is going to happen with the passage of time, its eventualities, and perturbations in power and influence.

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I heard on the BBC that there were 80,000 army and police drafted into Pattaya for the summit. 80,000 and the protesters just walked in. Unbelievable! Somebody should be made to pay for the embarressment that showed Thailand to be totally incompetent. Surely the safety of the attending leaders deserved better ?

8000 was the figure given here.

Seeing all these police on TV here with all their ribbons and medals attached to their uniforms, one has to wonder how they actually earned them, must be for standing idly by and doing nothing!!!

"Lucky Bags" for those not of British origin a small bag full of aasorted things inc some sweets sold for kids.

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Does this mean if enough people say they want visa laws relaxed and all the farangs march we can overthrow immigration now? We know they will do nothing when we arrive to smash immigration gates in right?? :D

Yes in fact the same can be said for the Thai citizens... if they were to march to the US Consulate & demand adding TL to the long list on the US Visa Waiver Program. Tit for Tat I believe it is called. :o

As for the original question of dismissal for those who didn't do their jobs......Start at the top is proper etiquette

waaaaay at the top.

You cannot command something you have no control of. This if nothing else has shown who has no control of anything.

Reminds me of something I saw a long time ago when the Generals said something to the effect that the PM is the jockey of the military horse but the King is the owner.

Edited by flying
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The security forces have a tough job, look at the choices they had.

Let them through and prevent countrywide riots and mass loss of life or use maximum force and have countrywide riots and mass loss of life, and they will still get through and the ASEAN summit would still be cancelled.

I'm quite sure if the Security forces had used lethal force and a full scale French style riot had occured resulting in Farang fatalities and mass destruction of property, the Thais would still be criticised on this forum.

They just can't win.

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The security forces have a tough job, look at the choices they had.

Let them through and prevent countrywide riots and mass loss of life or use maximum force and have countrywide riots and mass loss of life, and they will still get through and the ASEAN summit would still be cancelled.

I'm quite sure if the Security forces had used lethal force and a full scale French style riot had occured resulting in Farang fatalities and mass destruction of property, the Thais would still be criticised on this forum.

They just can't win.

Surely deserving of an award for turning an absolute failure of the Thai security forces and a genuine reason for criticism of an aspect of Thailand into a 'They Can't win can they'.

If we are going to engage in torturous logical arguments to defend Thailand it begs the question had this scenario you have constructed occurred, what then would your defense of the Thais be?!

Really Maigo you stand head and shoulders above all others when it comes to sycophantic endeavor.

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