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A Terrifying Experience With Ladyboys


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PS: Why on all of the Thailand forums is it so common for people to be accused of lying?

I was not accusing but made clear that there were too many aspects that did not simply make sense. So, if you like to impress me, ypou could concentrate making points clear, like what LARGE city you live in where are NO red light district etc. I think a large city is enough spacious to remain anonymous.

And what comes to attitudes etc. I have fought with my own sexuality enough long to detest lies and deception and pretending to be something that one is not. It is a common mistake that criticism is seen as not approving ones views. I have seen very few that are that narrow-minded.

So, if one is fragile and just accepts positive views, one should not post on this forum. After all, you have a GF and you look quite strange liaisons outside that. Not something that fully makes me feel that you are someone to trust 100%. We all are accountable for our actions. Unfortunately so.

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The vast majority of posters on ThaiVisa who want LB's are considered straight in Thailand, even those who want pre-ops. I moved it out of the gay forum after a few considerations. Brand new poster, wild violent story about unusual sex, prostitutes, police, big town and so forth. It was either put it in general, or delete the thread. Here it is.

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PS: Why on all of the Thailand forums is it so common for people to be accused of lying?

I was not accusing but made clear that there were too many aspects that did not simply make sense. So, if you like to impress me, ypou could concentrate making points clear, like what LARGE city you live in where are NO red light district etc. I think a large city is enough spacious to remain anonymous.

And what comes to attitudes etc. I have fought with my own sexuality enough long to detest lies and deception and pretending to be something that one is not. It is a common mistake that criticism is seen as not approving ones views. I have seen very few that are that narrow-minded.

So, if one is fragile and just accepts positive views, one should not post on this forum. After all, you have a GF and you look quite strange liaisons outside that. Not something that fully makes me feel that you are someone to trust 100%. We all are accountable for our actions. Unfortunately so.

I haven't named my location for obvious reasons. My situation is rather precarious I don't think broadcasting my whereabouts in a forum used by my neighbours is a good idea. It seems the fact that I'm trying to remain anonymous on this forum is suspicious to you. If you have an unorthodox sexuality yourself I would expect you to understand my caution.

I live in a large town, yes there are girly bars here but relatively few. The red light district is massive and and a good 20 minute drive from the town I live in. It is a big town but not a city so the chances of bumping into them are quite high. Infact even when I go out of town I always bump into people I know. Everyone knows everyone out here. Anonymity is a tall order.

Nothing fishy about any of that.

I don't have any problems with criticism or even people taking what I say on an internet forum with a pinch of salt but you have accused me of dishonesty and like a third rate lawyer you have tried to pick apart my post first by making out that there is something fishy about me saying I live in a large town "AWAY" from the red light districts by making out I said I lived in a large town with a NO girly bars and I did no such thing. When did I say my town has 'NO' girlybars?

Then you expressed credulity that they wheren't satisfied with 2000baht, but they were trying to rob me so lets not pretend that there is anything strange in that part of my post.

Then you go onto say that because I have a low income my paying of 2000baht is shady but you don't know me or my finances, maybe I have savings maybe my family send me money. You don't know so why the snidey comment about my income?

Then you say that my sexuality makes my post less plausible. I'm bisexual, I fancy women and guys that look like women. I think that fits the bisexual lebel to a tee. So how does my sexuality make my post less plausible? please explain yourself.

Last of all you use a bad bit of anecdotal evidence. "All the LB's I know are good people so your story doesn't hold up".

So all the LB's you have met are upstanding members of the community therefore the chances that I was robbed by LB's is slim and my post unreliable. Thats like saying all the Brits I know are lovely educated people so the chances that a British hooligan beat you up is very slim.

You are insinuating that I'm a liar and I resent that. Criticism is fine but witch hunts and accusations of dishonesty are a bit beyond the pale old bean.

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I know that I am just brain-washed by society, but I still think that any man who wants to have sex with someone with a PENIS is gay. blink.gif

Gay or bisexual yes, they are definitely not straight.

PeaceBlondie I wasn't having a go at you even though I disagree with your decision I can see why, the whole transgendered thing in Thailand is unique. I'm considered straight in Thailand and I'm gay in the UK.

I actually think if you go for post operative LB's you are probably straight but if you go for pre operative you are gay or bisexual. Especially if it's not a one off but a deeply rooted part of your sexuality.

Also I know that many in the gay community don't think of people like me as part of their world so even if you knew it or not you have probably kept the peace by moving my post.

You have an impossible task as gays will tell you I'm straight and heterosexuals will tell you I'm gay and I'm telling you I'm bisexual. It's enough to drive you mad :o

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I think we are all entitled to our opinions however, I also think that the OP should be respected for firstly addressing his situation on a site where he understood that he would have as much, if not more negative feedback as he hoped for positive. I also believe that he should be applauded for the way in which he has conducted himself throughout this thread, refraining from accepting posters bait for the normal childlike argument and actually responding to and contributing to as much of this thread as possible. Do we need to turn every thread into a pi@@ing contest? Personally I'm sick of the way interesting material degenerates into pure and utter drivel, a future thread in itself I feel!!


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If you see yourself as a deviant, then exercise a little self control.

If you do not see yourself as a deviant, then why don't you be honest with yourself and those around you, and come out of your proverbial closet.

If you can't manage to come to terms with yourself, and ever run into one of these ladyboys, then pop them in the mouth before they can open it, then turn to those that you are worried about and proclaim that you hate <deleted>**ing ******.

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Best to break up with your girlfriend now. Try to save her some heartache. She is not aware of your sexuality so you are not being honest. Better to break it off now than to continue letting her live a lie. Then if you are truely bisexual you need to find some one who is open with that and be 100% honest from the start with them.

Back on topic. You were very lucky this time. Hope this never happens to you again. Try not to put yourself in a position for a second time, you may not be lucky twice.

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If you see yourself as a deviant, then exercise a little self control.

If you do not see yourself as a deviant, then why don't you be honest with yourself and those around you, and come out of your proverbial closet.

If you can't manage to come to terms with yourself, and ever run into one of these ladyboys, then pop them in the mouth before they can open it, then turn to those that you are worried about and proclaim that you hate <deleted>**ing ******.

Good advice :D offence is the best defence :o

It's difficult to be honest about my sexuality, I know your right but I suppose I have to be honest and say the thought of going public about my sexuality scares me shitless. Almost everyone I know says such nasty things about ladyboys, gays and bisexuals. In fact most people I know accept gay people, they say rude things about them but it's accepted but I think they find ladyboys threatening to their sexuality so they really hate them.

I know most people would probably accept my revelation but the thought still fills me with dread.

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Glad you saw the intended humor.

I think you need to be honest with who you are, or want to be. What is more important? Your urge or your lies?

Then the course should be a little clearer for you.

Nobody says you have to be honest with everybody, but at the very least you should be honest with yourself and your sexual partner.

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Glad you saw the intended humor.

I think you need to be honest with who you are, or want to be. What is more important? Your urge or your lies?

Then the course should be a little clearer for you.

Nobody says you have to be honest with everybody, but at the very least you should be honest with yourself and your sexual partner.


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I live away from the girly bars and red light districts in a large Thai town.

I have an issue with believing you.

1st a large town and NO girly bars/red lights? Er...

2nd 1000 Baht each and they were not happy? And you speak some Thai and were unable to agree on payment and terms? I like to have my fun in some sort of controlled environment just to avoid this kind of hassle. And if someone would hit me I would come back at them with everything I can.

3rd You say that your income is low. So you consider 2000 Baht peanuts? Umh.

4th you state that you are gay or bi. Whatever but your story just does not seem to add up. I know exactly what I am into and what way, some experiments made when feeling like up to it but ALWAYS agreed beforehand

5th all LBs that I have met have been respectful towards me and we have had fun drinking and spending time together (although, I have never had sex with a LB). I think they normally get upset if someone does not pay them or makes false promise. They, as normal people, try to avoid problems in their own premises since they can be tracked down. Normal robbery would have involved some drugs in a drink or some other kind of trickery.

So, all said, don't believe you. Sorry if wrong but don't think so.

The fact that you lack experience and education in these matters doesn't mean the op is lying. Just means you don't know what you are talking about.

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They said 5000 each, ten thousand or they would get her dad to put me in the monkeyhouse. I told them I didn't have any more and tried to open the door but they had locked me in and started making phone calls. I said I would go to the bank and they only unlocked the door when I gave them my driving licence.

Just had a horrible thought...... my Thai driving Licence has my address on it!

I think you should check! :D

Luckily it was my UK licence so no address. That would be bad if they could pay me a visit.

I think the logic behind moving my thread away from the gay forum is that in Thailand ladyboys are considered female. With this logic it makes sense to move the thread because I am a man chasing a woman so I am totally heterosexual whether I chase trannys for what they keep in their pants or not I don't qualify as bisexual.

I think this is wrong and I know the contempt many heterosexuals who come to Thailand have for ladyboys and those who fancy them. It was only a matter of time until the accusations of me being a disease spreading pervert came up.

This thread definitely shouldn't be in the general forum but in my experience a loud minority in the gay community are just as disgusted with my mixed up sexuality and they probably don't want my devitaion diluting their corner of the web. You would be surprised at the amount of gays who look down on ladyboys and those who love them.

PeaceBlondie was probably smart enough to anticipate the trouble from some of those in the gay forum at a tranny chaser gatecrashing the party. It's not good for me to have this thread in the general forum but it's probably a wise move for the peace of the gay forum.

In the UK there is a section of the lesbian community who see transgendered men as an insult to womanhood and a section of the gay community as whole who see bisexuality as a cop out. To be both bi and involved with trans people is a double heresy. It looks like this thread will have to sit it out here.

PS: Why on all of the Thailand forums is it so common for people to be accused of lying? Why would I bother lying about having an unpopular sexual deviance and being beaten up by ladyboys? It might make sense if I was boasting about something but to talk about such an embarasing and scary episode brings me no joy.

I have seen this kind of cynicism on so many other threads. Usually it's a wizened expat with years of experience in Thailand who declares through their superior knowledge of Thai culture to be able to spot the OP's lies a mile off.

If someone gets slapped by the police or robbed by a bargirl some cynical know it all expats always pop up and say that they are obviosly lying because "bargirls don't operate like that" or "It's a myth that the police slap people about" etc etc

How sad.

I wish it was a lie or a bad dream and I could wake up tomorrow and know that I can go anywhere I want without the fear of being outed infront of my girlfriend and friends or attacked by lunatic ladyboys. It's a horrible feeling looking over your shoulder.

Speak for yourself. Others just think they are gays in drag. :o

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The fact that you lack experience and education in these matters doesn't mean the op is lying. Just means you don't know what you are talking about.

In what matters? I would be interested knowing..?

I have had my rounds here more than 4 years already and that includes various encounters that I am not necessarily proud of.

I simply think that OPs concentrating around blaming others rather than addressing issues at hand is highly suspicious. He also has never posted in gay section before and that is an indicator that he is not that genuine necessarily.

I hope I have my rights for an opinion or should I just encourage everyone without a bit of critical viewing?

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I think this was a disturbing story on so many levels!

But I would like to say to all you bi ladyboy lovers or what ever you like to call yourself:


It is because of guys like you that heterosexual HIV even exists. And I am not saying that to flame it is just a fact.

Don't go giving your girlfriends diseases that they can pass on to others!

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Sorry to hear about your unfortunate encounter and understand that you must be pretty shaken up. However, I will add that i also think being attracted to/turned on by transgendered individuals is not accepted by the gay community as being "gay." Perhaps you would receive less resistance from us if you quite self identifying as gay or bisexual. Just stick with bisexual as gay = being physically attracted exclusively to men that look like men. Therefore, by definition I'd say you'd be safer going with saying your bi. Also, to all you straight guys might want to think about why all the katoey bars are down sukhumvit around the corner from the straight venues. That's not a coincidence guys! :o

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The fact that you lack experience and education in these matters doesn't mean the op is lying. Just means you don't know what you are talking about.

In what matters? I would be interested knowing..?

I have had my rounds here more than 4 years already and that includes various encounters that I am not necessarily proud of.

I simply think that OPs concentrating around blaming others rather than addressing issues at hand is highly suspicious. He also has never posted in gay section before and that is an indicator that he is not that genuine necessarily.

I hope I have my rights for an opinion or should I just encourage everyone without a bit of critical viewing?

Omni, you are not alone, and I claim to be pristine pure................

Agree with your points, but if he had had the honesty to admit to being gay he wouldn't be in this mess would he? He's middle aged and trapped in a 20,000B crappola job. Know what that says to me? Uh huh. Time for him to go home and get some therapy from his NHS.

The one I feel sorry for is the unsuspecting girlfriend. No one deserves that and the OP earns my contempt. Word up OP, don't cheat on a g/f or b/f, cuz it's the lowest of things to do and when you end up with an STI you put her or him at risk. You're a selfish sod.

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Another bullshit story.

True or not it makes a welcome relief from the current political machinations & alerts us to the real source of danger to the farang in Thailand.

Yaba crazed redshirts or enraged ladyboys? take your pick. :D

I know it's not nice to laugh at the misfortune of others but..... :o

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Sorry to hear about your unfortunate encounter and understand that you must be pretty shaken up. However, I will add that i also think being attracted to/turned on by transgendered individuals is not accepted by the gay community as being "gay." Perhaps you would receive less resistance from us if you quite self identifying as gay or bisexual. Just stick with bisexual as gay = being physically attracted exclusively to men that look like men. Therefore, by definition I'd say you'd be safer going with saying your bi. Also, to all you straight guys might want to think about why all the katoey bars are down sukhumvit around the corner from the straight venues. That's not a coincidence guys! :o

well gee, as a self appointed spokesperson for the straight community i think its pretty ridiculous for you to be claiming he is not allowed to use your label.

perhaps it is time for peaceblondie to step in and tell us about himself banging 18 year old straight mexicans for free as a shining example of what to be truly gay is.

the op, if indeed real, is a moron, you are simply laughable.

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I think this was a disturbing story on so many levels!

But I would like to say to all you bi ladyboy lovers or what ever you like to call yourself:


It is because of guys like you that heterosexual HIV even exists. And I am not saying that to flame it is just a fact.

Don't go giving your girlfriends diseases that they can pass on to others!

mr hammer. congratulations, you make the ridiculous sublime. sounds like you have some deeper issues.

please show us a source for your fact. i would love to read an old article by trink again.

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Sorry to hear about your unfortunate encounter and understand that you must be pretty shaken up. However, I will add that i also think being attracted to/turned on by transgendered individuals is not accepted by the gay community as being "gay." Perhaps you would receive less resistance from us if you quite self identifying as gay or bisexual. Just stick with bisexual as gay = being physically attracted exclusively to men that look like men. Therefore, by definition I'd say you'd be safer going with saying your bi. Also, to all you straight guys might want to think about why all the katoey bars are down sukhumvit around the corner from the straight venues. That's not a coincidence guys! :o

well gee, as a self appointed spokesperson for the straight community i think its pretty ridiculous for you to be claiming he is not allowed to use your label.

perhaps it is time for peaceblondie to step in and tell us about himself banging 18 year old straight mexicans for free as a shining example of what to be truly gay is.

the op, if indeed real, is a moron, you are simply laughable.

That’s malicious talk and you are out of order.

Maybe you was abused as a child by an Uncle.

Are you on any sort of medication?

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Sorry to hear about your unfortunate encounter and understand that you must be pretty shaken up. However, I will add that i also think being attracted to/turned on by transgendered individuals is not accepted by the gay community as being "gay." Perhaps you would receive less resistance from us if you quite self identifying as gay or bisexual. Just stick with bisexual as gay = being physically attracted exclusively to men that look like men. Therefore, by definition I'd say you'd be safer going with saying your bi. Also, to all you straight guys might want to think about why all the katoey bars are down sukhumvit around the corner from the straight venues. That's not a coincidence guys! :o

well gee, as a self appointed spokesperson for the straight community i think its pretty ridiculous for you to be claiming he is not allowed to use your label.

perhaps it is time for peaceblondie to step in and tell us about himself banging 18 year old straight mexicans for free as a shining example of what to be truly gay is.

the op, if indeed real, is a moron, you are simply laughable.

That’s malicious talk and you are out of order.

Maybe you was abused as a child by an Uncle.

Are you on any sort of medication?

report me, i am only repeating information he provided us in another thread.


sorry no uncles.

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I think this was a disturbing story on so many levels!

But I would like to say to all you bi ladyboy lovers or what ever you like to call yourself:


It is because of guys like you that heterosexual HIV even exists. And I am not saying that to flame it is just a fact.

Don't go giving your girlfriends diseases that they can pass on to others!

mr hammer. congratulations, you make the ridiculous sublime. sounds like you have some deeper issues.

please show us a source for your fact. i would love to read an old article by trink again.


July 13, 2004 -- Men who have sex with men and women are a "significant bridge for HIV to women," the CDC's new data suggest.

There are close to none new HIV cases in the US that doesnt involve drug use, prostitution or gay sex.

All this fear mongering is misdirected. Education should focus on getting gay and bisexual men to take precautions, that way the rest of us wouldnt have to use a plastic glove.

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This is the problem with putting this post in the general forum. Idiots who think HIV is caused by gays and bisexuals pop up and say disgusting things. Anyone who fears and hates gays and bisexuals so much probably fear their own latent homosexuality.

And to those who think me being a teacher and making this mistake are somehow incompatible they are just silly. As I have already said. Doctors, scientists and politicians make mistakes of this kind as well but that doesn't say anything about their ability to do their jobs. It only points to the universal fragility of the human condition. But of course all you homophobic red blooded straight men never make mistakes, get robed, catch diseases and come unstuck with bargirls do you? Of I forgot when you catch diseases thats our fault.

Please have some respect you ignoramuses. Some people have different sexualities than you...Get over it.

If you don't like it move away from Thailand because Thailand is a gay friendly country or you could try and get into government and institute a "Final Solution" for all of us disease carrying perverts. Would that be more up your street?

PS: I never said I was gay, I said I was bisexual. We do exist you know.

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