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My Sweet Fiancé In Bkk


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When 2 girls have cheated on you, you could definately think they are not attracted to you?

Are you wealthy?

think further than your nostrils

Attraction to him is likely not the issue. Good luck one can find a Thai girl who will not cheat on them. Very commonplace here as the pathological lying.

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for easethesqueeze:

yes, there are people who could go without sex for a whole year.... and longer....!

speaking of myself of course.

and it was by choice then, not by circumstances either.

granted that it was a fashionable thing to do on campus, but there were

several others like myself who just prefered to pursue other interests instead.

critics may retrot, what other interests?

to name a few, buying old houses and restoring it for resale, for example.... lol

yes, that sure was more fun.... having to, on your hands and knees,

tackle hundred of different positions.... lol

and the fun lasted a lot longer too.... 3 to 6 months at a time.... lol

but it is surely not for everyone, i humbly concur.

some might chuckle and thought.... it must be the faulty equipment that rendered

the proprietor useless....

far from it, the hormone surely was bubbling like others, but it was the conscious

decision to do something different.... not necessary more fun, but imo certainly

seemed more challenging.

to each.... his/her own.... lol

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distance is one of relation biggest killer ,

well , to give you an answer to what you ask .. is very simple .

just ask yourself if you do love her ..

if you do love her .. what she does is not importance .

if you love yourself more then you love her , then what ever small thing . she do in the future would still be a black hole for you to guess and Ponder .

and this little black hole will eat you up and kill the love you assume you have .. cos at this moment maybe is just attraction . cos she is ncie or young ..


i would not advice or help you make choices to dump her or stay with her , i rather suggest you look into what is going on ..

- who paid for her stay in the US when she is there ?

are you in one of the Club where .. you are a sponsor for her lifestyle .. and yet distance is keepin you apart and she coming to you . once in a while .


Do you need love or you are just lonely .. and worry that you can;t find someone to love if you passes on this one .


i am 32 now , i had tons of GF and gigs . and one fine days . i met a wonderful girl . ( my wife now ) i ask her to marry me 6 days after we met and now we been happily married for 1 years 2 month 17 days .


my best wishes to you .

only you know the answer ..

don't lie to yourself . cos if yo do you suffer for it .

set yourself free by setting other free

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A schism in the soul, schism in the body social, will not be resolved by any scheme of return to the good old days (archaism), or by programs guaranteed to render an ideal projected future (futur ism), or even by the most realistic, hardheaded work to weld to gether again the deteriorating elements. Only birth can conquer death - the birth, not of the old thing again, but of something new. ~Joseph Campbell

In short: Dump.

Speaking with experience in long distance relationships which IMO are always a mistake. Don't do it. Find a way to be together or split.

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Wiser words have not been spoken.

That's why you never want to go for a girl who is in a relationship. If she cheats on him to be with you, she will cheat on you to be with whoever is next... see above quote... :o

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You could give the girl a break, you were away from each other for a long time afterall, it would a very different situation if she had another guy while you were in the same country.

I can only speak from my own personal experiences of long distance relationships where i have been unable to stay faithful simply because i've felt lonely and needed that intimate contact from somebody, i would hands down have preferred it to have been my girlfriend but as she wasn't around i had to find it elsewhere.

I guess this is one of the main reasons a lot of strong couples would rather separate that go through all the pitfalls of a long distance relationship.

I don't think young Thai's are particularly renowned for their monogamous tendencies, if she was far away from home in a university environment, young and attractive, then she probably did what most normal kids would do in the same situation, i don't think it's simply a matter of did she love you or not.

If she was really crazy about this guy then why did she agree to come home to stay with you.

If financially you are much better off than she is and are paying for her studies or offering her some kind of financial benefit for her to return and marry you then ignore everything i've just said. She probably was never that crazy about you in the first place.

But you're 30 years old so you know all this already right?

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