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Why No Thai Men In Agogos?


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I don't think they are allowed in without a foreigner with them. That's why you hardly see any Thai Men in Gogo bars.

I know this because a few years back, a guy who used to serve us every day in a restaurant we used to eat at, asked if I would accompany him to a Gogo bar, because he really wanted to go but they would not allow him to enter if he was not with a foreigner.

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Been many times with Thai friends and never a problem. Also been many times to Thai bars (with them) and always received the most wonderful welcome anywhere in Pattaya, as they are all curious about what you are doing there and want to talk to you and buy you a drink. Never tried it on with a girl in one of those places though as that may be deemed to be treading on someone's toes :o

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The places where Thai men go usually have beautiful girls. Check out Ratchadapesek Road in Bangkok :o

There are plenty of beautiful girls in Walking street...

you should look closer.. she may have the wrong tool :D

yeah, I know, I got tranny tricked few days ago...

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Been many times with Thai friends and never a problem. Also been many times to Thai bars (with them) and always received the most wonderful welcome anywhere in Pattaya, as they are all curious about what you are doing there and want to talk to you and buy you a drink. Never tried it on with a girl in one of those places though as that may be deemed to be treading on someone's toes :o

I think thats the point,generally speaking thai kaoroke bars are for thais only unless you are invited by a thai then its ok,i would love to go to them.

Like you dont see many thais in farang bars.

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The places where Thai men go usually have beautiful girls. Check out Ratchadapesek Road in Bangkok :o

There are plenty of beautiful girls in Walking street...

you should look closer.. she may have the wrong tool :D

yeah, I know, I got tranny tricked few days ago...

male, would i be right in saying that your quite new in town!

How was the expieriance anyway? :D

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male, would i be right in saying that your quite new in town!

How was the expieriance anyway? :o

Yes, quite new (moved here 2.5 weeks ago) and never thought it could happen to me... Oh well, I'll try to be more careful from now on :D

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Asked a friend some time ago who owns several of the Walking Street properties. He said there isn't some universal law, but in general his tenants frown on the practice of Thai males in patronage as it lowers the moral of the bar workers. He mentioned that worse yet, the arrival of 'normal' Thai women was the worst for morale, as many workers apparently want to feel like they are doing something secret 'outside' of social lines.


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I don't think they are allowed in without a foreigner with them. That's why you hardly see any Thai Men in Gogo bars.

I know this because a few years back, a guy who used to serve us every day in a restaurant we used to eat at, asked if I would accompany him to a Gogo bar, because he really wanted to go but they would not allow him to enter if he was not with a foreigner.

After reading these comments, I'll take an uneducated stab in the dark as to why Thai men may have trouble getting in the door. Putting myself in a doorman's shoes, I might be concerned that a lone Thai man could be entering with a chip on his shoulder, and crosshairs in his eyes for a working girlfriend inside, maybe to finish a dispute they started earlier.

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Been many times with Thai friends and never a problem. Also been many times to Thai bars (with them) and always received the most wonderful welcome anywhere in Pattaya, as they are all curious about what you are doing there and want to talk to you and buy you a drink. Never tried it on with a girl in one of those places though as that may be deemed to be treading on someone's toes :o

I think thats the point,generally speaking thai kaoroke bars are for thais only unless you are invited by a thai then its ok,i would love to go to them.

Like you dont see many thais in farang bars.

Been in loads of Kareoke bars and only been threatened once by some nutjob Jap (probably a relic from WW2 parents!) over a rigged bin :D

All the others have been fine. The beer was cheap and the girls don't speak english so if you speak thai you can usually sort some groove out.

Be prepared that 90% have Thai BFs who are in on the whole deal.

The prices are about the same as beer bars.

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Where were these from, I can feel a sinsot coming on (or 2) :D

...because every Thai woman dreams of being married to a western man, right? :o

Very nice subjects ! Not the types found in Walking Street ,,,,,,


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Been in loads of Kareoke bars and only been threatened once by some nutjob Jap (probably a relic from WW2 parents!) over a rigged bin :o

All the others have been fine. The beer was cheap and the girls don't speak english so if you speak thai you can usually sort some groove out.

Be prepared that 90% have Thai BFs who are in on the whole deal.

The prices are about the same as beer bars.

I think JimsKnight pretty well nailed it. Thai men go where THEY feel comfortable and falong men go where they can speak to Thai women who have some degree of English. If you can't communicate in the native language it makes things difficult. You can always find some cheap place to drink if that is all that's on your mind. Once you've been to a few go-go bars it starts to get repetitious, boring... and expensive.

Most Thai men don't have that much money that they are willing to waste it in places they can't afford. The more affluent Thai men have no trouble finding the prettiest women imaginable, so why waste their money in go-go bars that over charge for drinks. An affluent Thai business man MIGHT take clients to a go-go bar, but they have far better connections on a personal level.

It is as simple as that... just a case of getting the most value for your money.

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BTW, what is 'pay for play' or P4P as described earlier. Been here a long time but you guys have lost me on that (or are we not allowed to discuss that?)

some guys just have 'issues' regarding the whole financial/love thing. it's beyond me. what confuses me is where do they get to play for free? after all, they are implying that in some cases they need to pay for it while in other cases no. I don't think it's possible to make love for free. unless you cheat a woman out of financial support.

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Are there Thai Go Go bars? Yes, definitely. One might think if you went to a Go Go bar in Chiang Mai that you were in a Thai bar. Although a lot of the men you might think are Thai are Japanese or Korean. Filipino men frequent Go Go's as well as men from Burma. A lot of them work on merchant ships that dock in Chalong and Rayong. Rayong has some striking women dancing. The high class places in Bangkok have been mentioned before and are much more expensive than most western Go Go bars. The same can be said of the Korean and Japanese places in Pattaya. If you ever want to go now is the time because this year they are letting in anyone although it is obvious they don't like European males very much.

Do all Thai Go Go dancers have Thai boyfriends? Nope. Some of them have Farang boyfriends.

I was a Go Go dancers boyfriend. I didn't want to be nor did I plan to be it just happened.

I had been living with an ex Go Go dancer for a year or so and paying our expenses. She had turned into a housewife and we were getting along as well as could be expected. We were living in Chiang Mai. When we moved to Pattaya things started to go downhill. There are few decent women in Pattaya. My lady asked me for an allowance. A ridiculous amount of money for a woman with a sixth grade education. I told her when pigs fly. Not being the brightest star in the sky she spent a couple of months observing pigs and when she saw no signs of them ever becoming airborne she became quite angry with me. I moved out. It is easier than kicking out a Thai woman. She and her daughter got a job dancing. She was in her late 30's and the daughter was 18.

You may think Go Go dancers make a lot of money but they don't really. They have a lot of expenses. They have to buy costumes and underwear. They go through a lot of underwear. They have to have their hair and makeup done daily. That includes picking lice out of their hair and their underarms plucked. If they are from Issan they also probably have to have their facial hair plucked. In some bars they are tested for disease weekly and the girls pick up the tab. A lot of the girls have drug habits and their boyfriends drug habits can amount to a lot of cash. There is also a lot of gambling in Pattaya and their best customers are Go Go dancers and gicks. I suppose a few send money home to their families and children. I never met any but I only knew a couple of thousand dancers and there are many more than that working in Pattaya.

After a month of bachelor bliss my Go Go girlfriend found me and told me she was lonely. She said I didn't have to give her an allowance, in fact she would pay me to be her boyfriend. She said her daughter missed me too and they both wanted to move back in with me. I am a soft touch for tears and heartfelt emotion so I said OK and I became a Thai Go Go dancers boyfriend.

At the first place she worked the owner did not mind me coming to watch her dance. There were three other Farang boyfriends and we all used to go together. My girlfriend did well on stage with tips although I must admit it was embarrassing at times to realize that half the population of Pattaya was familiar terms with certain parts of my sweethearts anatomy.

The second place she worked did not want boyfriends in the club so I would wait across the street in a bar owned by a man of Scandinavian descent. The girls from the club would come across the street on their breaks to smoke and buy me a drink and talk about the evening. The Scandinavian guy took to telling customers that he had a Falang that Go Go girls bought drinks for. When I would walk into his bar everyone looked at me funny. I would sit there without a drink till one of the girls came over and bought me one.

We would go out most nights after work to a Thai club. Her favorite clubs both have Issan in their names. She and her dancer friends would always pick up the tab. Most nights it was upwards of 10,000 baht. They not only bought drinks for me but the male singers and dancers at the clubs. I rarely met other Farangs at the clubs. When she went on trips with customers I would usually get a gold chain or bracelet when she came back. If it was only a short trip she would buy me clothes.

Most of the ladies I knew had more than one boyfriend. They seemed to specialize. One for dancing, one for show, one for emotional support and so on. I guess I was the emotional support one because I am not handsome, young nor sing or dance that well anymore. I asked one particularly attractive young woman what she saw in one guy who I knew she was having a relationship with. I enquired if it was because he was a good communicator. I always felt inferior because my Thai is not that good. She told me she never even spoke to the dude he was only for sex.

I learned a lot during my year as a Go Go dancer boyfriend. I don't much like the Thai places. Too potentially explosive because of drink and jealously. The liaisons are mostly temporary and change frequently. The sexual preferences of the partners seem to change daily so you never really know who is straight or gay. I got drugged and rolled once and that left a bad taste in my mouth although they were nice enough to bandage my legs after they rolled me out of a truck and onto the gravel in a parking lot. It is odd waking up at dawn in a strange parking lot with bandages in your legs with stars and cartoon characters on the bandages. Another friend of mine got home from a Thai place with three bullet holes in his fender. He had been too drunk to notice the shots when he was driving. His wife found them in the morning.

I used to think the Thai people were kidding when they told me they had no knowledge of what went on in the Go Go bars. It is really true sometimes. I have taken Thai friends to bars and they were amazed at what happened.

Last month I took a Thai lady friend of mine on a tour of Go Go bars in Pattaya. She got a serious crush on one female dancer even though she is straight to a fault. That surprised me. Doing my bit for women's lib I took her to a male Go Go bar. It was a high class place with unusually high drink prices. But the somewhat inebriated woman cried on my shoulder all the time we were in the place, "Why are there no handsome male dancers in Pattaya?" Personally I thought they had a decent range of men and they all looked like guys you see on Fashion TV but apparently this is not what the average Thai woman wants.

Pattaya is really skewed towards Farang males. The Japs and Koreans get charged a lot more and the majority of ladies available for Thai guys are not something to write home about. The guys I saw at the Thai clubs (discos and live bands and male Go Go's I did not think were something to write home about. It is easy to understand why there are so few non Thai women in Thailand. Did you ever see Japanese guys try to dance? That is a show. It is so pathetic you want to cry for them.

To sum up Thai working ladies in my experience, 80% have Thai boyfriends/girlfriends/other (the other means I could not tell what the heck they were i.e. toms, ladymen or aliens). 5% are pregnant and don't have boyfriends. 3% have a health condition that precludes male contact. 5% are so into chemical substances legal and whatever they don't remember what day it is let alone if they have a boyfriend. 5% are so addicted to gambling that no one will touch them. 1% are faithful to some religion that does not allow sexual contact before marriage so no one will go out with them. 1% are hard core working girls and don't have the time or energy for a personal life.

Thai clubs are numerous in Pattaya. There are 50 within 1000 yards of South Pattaya and 3rd road. Most of them you would not know were clubs unless you knew the area. Some don't even have a sign over the door. They aren't the expensive joints that populate Bangkok. They are down and out grub clubs. You are not missing anything by not trying them. You can get in. Getting out may be a problem. It helps if you go with a giant Estonian guy who drives a big black car. It also helps if you speak Thai and some Estonian or Russian at least. Expect to take some knocks. Remember when you hit the ground tuck and roll. There are also after hours Thai gay clubs. They usually have a couple of women there. I went to one and ended up with the manager who was a lovely woman. She was a bit anxious though. She hadn't met a straight guy in 6 months. I had a good night. In another the ladyman boss called up his sister who came in to keep me company. They were quite congenial. Still the threat of getting a mickey and rolled but they are nicer about it.

I brought three drunk Go Go dancers into a Thai Karaoke late one night. They put on such a show that the manager of the club bought all my drinks and begged me to bring them nightly, he even offered me a job. Try a quart of Pernod with three Issan beauties right out of the rice paddy you can get in anyplace.

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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