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Farangs Guarding Primeminister!


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i read somewhere the primeminister did'nt trust the police enough to look after asia's leaders when they had the summit in pattaya so he decided to make his own security arrangements, sure enough when all the trouble started the police were nowhere to be seen and his special commando's wearing all black even balaclavas and sunglasses(must have been very hot) made all the arrangements to ferry everyone to safety good bit of forward thinking by the pm i thought!

now, i was watching the news when the red shirt leaders gave themselves up at the police hq and sure enough the balaclava clad commando's were there again obviously in charge bossing the police around, and for a few seconds i knew why they were wearing balaclava's as one of them pulled it over his head to reveal he was a farang! so the primeminister has to hire farang security to protect him from thai people? how ironic that the same people who are protecting him he makes life so hard for in thailand! :o

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i read somewhere the primeminister did'nt trust the police enough to look after asia's leaders when they had the summit in pattaya so he decided to make his own security arrangements, sure enough when all the trouble started the police were nowhere to be seen and his special commando's wearing all black even balaclavas and sunglasses(must have been very hot) made all the arrangements to ferry everyone to safety good bit of forward thinking by the pm i thought!

now, i was watching the news when the red shirt leaders gave themselves up at the police hq and sure enough the balaclava clad commando's were there again obviously in charge bossing the police around, and for a few seconds i knew why they were wearing balaclava's as one of them pulled it over his head to reveal he was a farang! so the primeminister has to hire farang security to protect him from thai people? how ironic that the same people who are protecting him he makes life so hard for in thailand! :o

Love to see that oficially confirmed/denied. By the way, I think you'll find it was the chappie flitting around the world trying to find a home and passport is the one who was behind making life so hard in Thailand for "Farang."

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With what happened to Sondhi, I can understand it. More than ironic it also is the typical hypocracy of those "in charge".

Take everything they can from westeners and give nothing in return. Talk about lose face, the PM, through this action, has just bit*h slapped the entire Thai police force.

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Maybe they were some of his old fags from his Eton days..?

[That'll puzzle the Americans... :D ]


But seriously :o ...being Yank and Kiwi at the same time... It wouldn't surprise me if they hired that American firm that the American Government uses to protect its VIPs in Iraq. Top flight guys, lots of whom are Kiwi ex-SAS (sorry, could be called something different there). Huge tax-free take-home pay, and most get to go home, cuz they're very good at what they do.

I have to laugh that the US gov't has to hire freelancers to protect its VIPs while their own troops are all around...similar type of b*tch slap, I reckon.

I gotta ask Mr Google for the name of that outfit...ah, he's got it: Blackwater USA, a private army.

edited: added Blackwater

Edited by noahvail
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Sounds like a PMC like Black Water to me.

At least you know the job will be done right now. Let a few 100 red shirts with sticks run up on a trained team of killers and watch what happens.

The downside to that is, I sure would hate to create a violent Thai vs Falang situation here. 10 Falang gun down 100 Thais... wouldn't be pretty.

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Well if you want the job done right, hire a Farang.

Well, that certainly applies to driving too.

How many noticed that the idiot driving the PM in Pattaya hadn't even locked the doors from the inside before slowly moving through a big crowd of red shirts? A female red shirt (about 5ft nothing tall) had no trouble wrenching the drivers door open. Imagine what could have happened next - and didn't!

Imagine how Sondthi and his driver could be living a normal healthy life now if the latter had had ANY idea how to react to that attack! Now we know it was a multi-motorcycle attack coming up from behind (not the pick up we saw on TV), that man should have clocked them in his mirrors - and begun violent braking and/or swerving left and right to knock em down the moment their guns came out.

The one thing you DO NOT do, which he obviously did, is STOP! Some tyres shot out? No prob. When you're down on the rims, it's only like driving on sheet ice. He wouldn't have had much experience of that here, I guess. But a hired pro from the west certainly would.

Hope one of those lads with - or without - balaclavas is driving the PM (and Prem) these days. But this place is not good at learning lessons, huh?

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Well if you want the job done right, hire a Farang.

Well, that certainly applies to driving too.

How many noticed that the idiot driving the PM in Pattaya hadn't even locked the doors from the inside before slowly moving through a big crowd of red shirts? A female red shirt (about 5ft nothing tall) had no trouble wrenching the drivers door open. Imagine what could have happened next - and didn't!

Imagine how Sondthi and his driver could be living a normal healthy life now if the latter had had ANY idea how to react to that attack! Now we know it was a multi-motorcycle attack coming up from behind (not the pick up we saw on TV), that man should have clocked them in his mirrors - and begun violent braking and/or swerving left and right to knock em down the moment their guns came out.

The one thing you DO NOT do, which he obviously did, is STOP! Some tyres shot out? No prob. When you're down on the rims, it's only like driving on sheet ice. He wouldn't have had much experience of that here, I guess. But a hired pro from the west certainly would.

Hope one of those lads with - or without - balaclavas is driving the PM (and Prem) these days. But this place is not good at learning lessons, huh?

Looking forward to hearing the details of your next top secret mission. :o สู้ๆ

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I read that in ancient times the king of Ayutthaya used Japanese samurai as bodyguards, so this is not new here.

The best bodyguards in the world are US Secret Service. Perhaps these guys are former secret service agents.

As for Blackwater protecting diplomats overseas, this is no slap in the face to US armed forces. They are under contract with the state department, and it is a bureaucratic issue, not that armed forces are unqualified.

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I read that in ancient times the king of Ayutthaya used Japanese samurai as bodyguards, so this is not new here.

The best bodyguards in the world are US Secret Service. Perhaps these guys are former secret service agents.

As for Blackwater protecting diplomats overseas, this is no slap in the face to US armed forces. They are under contract with the state department, and it is a bureaucratic issue, not that armed forces are unqualified.

and that statement is based on ??

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I read that in ancient times the king of Ayutthaya used Japanese samurai as bodyguards, so this is not new here.

The best bodyguards in the world are US Secret Service. Perhaps these guys are former secret service agents.

As for Blackwater protecting diplomats overseas, this is no slap in the face to US armed forces. They are under contract with the state department, and it is a bureaucratic issue, not that armed forces are unqualified.

and that statement is based on ??

It probably isn't based on the fact that 9% of their clients have been killed in office (Lincoln,Garfield, McKinley and Kennedy = 4/44)

The Pope is still protected by the Swiss Guard and they have a much better record than the USSS (0/49 murdered popes since 1506 - although conspiracy theories abound about JP-I) It has to be said though, that the popes in recent centuries have had a 100% fatality-in-office rate.

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I read that in ancient times the king of Ayutthaya used Japanese samurai as bodyguards, so this is not new here.

The best bodyguards in the world are US Secret Service. Perhaps these guys are former secret service agents.

As for Blackwater protecting diplomats overseas, this is no slap in the face to US armed forces. They are under contract with the state department, and it is a bureaucratic issue, not that armed forces are unqualified.

ha ha yeah right and that is why a british reporter walked right up to bush past these best bodyguards in the world and was not even searched. If I needed protecting I would go with Ex, SAS men. you wouldnt even know they were there until it was too late!

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Not totaly true. The Secret Service started protecting the US president in 1894, as an informal, part-time, task. After the assasination of McKinley the y were informaly asked to provide protection by congress in 1901 and they get the formal responsibility in 1902.

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so the primeminister has to hire farang security to protect him from thai people?

A couple of days ago I brought up the idea of the PM bringing in Gurkhas. When the Sultan of Brunei didn't trust the police and army around him, he depended on the Gurkhas instead. Great fighters; rich history behind them.

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Can't say that I blame the PM for not trusting thi POLICE very few Thai peoples do, and like wise with the Farangs, with what happen to him in Pattaya last week I think if true he is right on the mark, I have beem in the land of smiles for quite sometime I seen the Thai Police clear roads time and time again for VIPs, then a bit SHOCK when I read PM car stuck in Traffic, HMMMMM!!, something stink to high Heaven :D:o

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I would like to see some more proof too, otherwise this thread is closed. No need to discus vague rumors.

I'm all in favor doing that now... and upon something more substantial corroborating it being PM'd to a mod or using the report button to do so, then have it reopened.

Otherwise, it's just unproven Not The Nation-ish comical satire being passed off as fact. Something the board needs less of...not more of.

p.s. a fix of the thread title in the meantime might also be beneficial.

Edited by sriracha john
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