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Are There Polution Tests Done Of The Sea?


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I want to start going swimming but how safe is the water? Have tests been done to show its unhealthy?

I think the colour should be enough to suggest how dirty the water is,

Brown = bad water qaulity

Blue = good water qaulity

A few years ago the "Lonely Planet" were surveying Pattaya and they tested the water, the verdict was enter at your own risk!

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I want to start going swimming but how safe is the water? Have tests been done to show its unhealthy?

Don't try Jomtien not only is the water brown it stinks of diesel

And it is still far cleaner than Pattaya beach! :o

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I recall from last year's discussion that the standards used in Thailand for measurement were less stringent than in the west.

For example, in the USA if tested waters exceed 14 fecal coliform per 100 mL. or 104 enterococci per 100 mL., it is considered unsafe and the beach is closed. Some countries in the EU have more stringent standards. In Thailand, beaches are not closed, in large part because there is no monitoring. Even when measured, with a high fecal coliform count the beach can still be given 2 stars (Jomtien) or 3 stars (Patong). In the west, these beaches would be closed to the public as health hazards.

I think water quality is at the bottom of the list of priorities.

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It's such a pity re beaches around Pattaya (Jomtien, Dong Tan, Wongamat etc). Rather than spending biliions on the proposed skytrain and other hare brained "make the politician rich" schemes, it may return more in tourist $$$ if some investment was made in cleaning up the beaches and surrounding sea, and keeping it clean. I have not heard of anyone going to a city just because it has a skytrain or a Central or brand name shops...but certainly people do choose if a place has clean beaches and sea. Pattaya is unique in its combination of sea, sand, sun and, dare I say it, sex :o

Let the beach situation deteriorate further, you are left with a seedy sex destination with few redeeming features!

Even the beaches in RAYONG has bins every 50 or so meters and cnsequently a lot cleaner. I was hard pressed to find one the last time in Wongamat, and little surprise there is a shocking amount of rubbish strewn on the shore.

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depends on how fussy you are.

don't forget it is not just human wast products out there, I mean where do fish piss and s__t...

That about sums it up. The gulf of Thailand is enclosed and fairly shallow so it's never going to be crystal clear. That said, lots of people spend time in the water around Pattaya and don't get sick. You're more likely to die crossing the road to get to the beach.

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I'm not sure what happens to a man when he comes to Thailand that causes him to lose his mind.

1) In your own country, you would NEVER, EVER date or marry a girl with an 8th grade education.

2) You would NEVER, EVER jump into the local filthy river / lake where everyone throws their garbage and companies dump their waste.

Yet when man steps foot into Thailand...


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We WON ! The beach is clean. Problem sorted. (according to a UK newspaper)


Few, however, will mourn the moves to clean up both the sea and beaches. A ban has been imposed on the disposal of sewage straight into the sea. Millions of pounds have been spent on the introduction of new water treatment and sewage disposal plants. The effect has been staggering, making the resort far more acceptable than many Mediterranean destinations.

As Pattaya is steadily surrounded by golf courses, the sea fills up with all manner of water sports, and hotels become even grander, visitors are being lured back, but it is an uphill task.


So, thanks to this thread, and it's readers, the water is now clean, and, there will be no further testing.

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Lots of yapping, few facts. Another fine day on Thaivisa.

This is the site of the Marine Pollution Control Department: http://www.marinepcd.org

On there you can find surveys of all touristed beaches in Thailand. Here's one for 2006:


This shows the result for the WQI, the (Marine) Water Quality Index.

This is explained, for example, here: http://www.plu.edu/~envt/envt350/indicator%202005/WQI.htm

As you can see, the values for the whole gulf are overwhelmingly similar, with obviously far lower values around Bangkok (Samuit Prakan, Samut Songkhram and also Petchaburi is not good).

For Pattaya beach, only South Pattaya scores average. Parts of Jomtien are also average. North Pattaya is 'good', at least as good as anything else on the Gulf coast towards Trat.

For Chonburi the big exception in negative sense as you might expect is Laem Chabang harbour. Don't swim there. :o

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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