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:D:D Wow this was exciting! This was supposed to be about rottweilers, so i guess we are a bit far out here....

Man has been modifing their pets for hundreds of years. On dogs mostly ears and tails. It seems like man likes to modify themselves too, how many penises in the world have had some skin removed?

A rootweiler is a large dog, and the natural tail makes it even larger. So I would prefere for esthetic and practical reasons to not have a long tail. But my rottie has, and its not a huge disantvantage. And as Nienke points out it makes it even easier to read the dogs body language.

Nienke, I have read your postings about dog behaviour and I am really impressed how you guide dogowners!!! :) You must have much knowledge in dog psychology. You are focusing on dog and owners behavior. Excellent!! Yes, every dog, puppy or mature, needs to mingle with all kinds of dogs (and other animals if possible) to lern to communicate with them. Every puppy should experince as much as possible, espesially at the age of 8-16 weeks. Cages, trunks, trains, shoppingmalls, old men with hats, babies, bars, left alone, LIFE.

In my opinion, a rottweiller should not be anyones first dog. Only if you have succeeded with another dogs behavior previoulsy, or at least know what you did wrong, should you get a rottweiller. It is a very demanding dog, needs lot of work, tasks and exersice. And extremely rewarding if you succeed. Or aggresive and dangerous if you fail. As we so often hear and read about here in LOS.

My rottweiler goes where I go. In airplanes dog travells in a cage in the cargo compartment. I used to have a pickup truck, but that was very hot, rainy and windy for long distance driving. When I open the trunk/boot of a sedan car, the rottie gets happy and wait for me to say jump. he jumps into the trunk, find a place beetween the suitcases (which are strapped to not move) and hardly moves for 8 hours. Except when we are 5 minutes ahead of coming home. he probably recognises the driving pattern and roads.....

The cars aircon keeps even the trunk cool as long as all windows and doors are closed, so i keep it running when stop for a break/gas. Rottie even finds room enough in the trunk/back of a Yaris whith the rear seats up in rear position. He just wants to go where I go. Next day he is eager to go into the trunk again.

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Man has been modifing their pets for hundreds of years. On dogs mostly ears and tails.

Looking at the huge differences between all these dog breeds, unfortunately man has modified a little more than only ears and tails. :D Thank goodness, the Kennel Club of England has been forced to do something about that as it has gotten completely out of hand, with lots of suffering on the part of our man's best friend. Hopefully, other kennel clubs will follow their example.

A rottweiler is a large dog, and the natural tail makes it even larger.

Not a very good excuse, IMHO.

Nienke, I have read your postings about dog behaviour and I am really impressed how you guide dogowners!!! :)

Thank you. Although, I do not undestand the rolling eyes smilie.

You must have much knowledge in dog psychology.

I have studied and still are studying about dog behavior and dog behavior modification.

to be continued due to too many quotes. :D

My rottweiler goes where I go...

Your dog is a very lucky dog with an owner like you. :D

In airplanes dog travells in a cage in the cargo compartment.

In airplanes as well? You still do search and rescue work?

The cars aircon keeps even the trunk cool as long as all windows and doors are closed, so i keep it running when stop for a break/gas.

I assume you know the dangers of that one as well. :)


I didnt really notice the rolling eyes before you pointed it out. But since they are rolling it must be in admire of your knowledge on dogbehavior and ability to advice other doglovers on how to behave. Excellent work Nienke :)

I have trained avalanche rescue/tracking, as hundreds of others in my homecountry. But never worked. Kids, work, the lots.

Dogs, espesially working dogs like rotties, need tasks. I let him surch for keys. Keys have a great smell, made from chromed brass, oil from the locks and human fingerprints. Start with dropping a key on the ground. More and more distance as dog succedes. No response when fails. Great response when bring key to me. Dont use your car or house key, in case its lost!

The airplanecage comparison was to make posters understand there are worse ways for a dog to travel than in an airconditioned trunk/boot of a car. I have sent several dogs with airplane, first traning them to be comfortable in the cage, then the cage on a pickup bed. My present rottie has never been in an airplane.

When I say my dog goes where I go, it means he doesnt need to always stay home. If I go to Bkk for a week, he comes along. In hotels he can either sleep next to the car (using a leash), or in the shower if hotel allowes dogs. If I leave my home by motorbike, he has to remaine home. he is allowed to walk 100 meters on the road in each direction from the house. He loves going to a bar now and then, because everybody pets him :D

I didnt really notice the rolling eyes before you pointed it out. But since they are rolling it must be in admire of your knowledge on dogbehavior and ability to advice other doglovers on how to behave. Excellent work Nienke

Thank you, really appreciated. :)

If I go to Bkk for a week, he comes along. In hotels he can either sleep next to the car (using a leash), or in the shower if hotel allowes dogs.

I think there are quite some people who really would like to know the name of the hotels that allow dogs. could you, please, place a list (names of hotels, tel numbers, addresses websites) in the pinned subject: pet friendly hotels?

  • 1 month later...

My Rottweiler has been acting strange last week. There have been some tourist drownings on the beach. Every time he sees someone swimming far out, he swims after them, circle them about one meter distance and swims back to shore. And wait for them to come closer. Then he walks on. Am I imaging this, or does he really sence danger? Tryed to take some pictures of him doing this, but it was just a small black dot in the ocean.


Kata Beach, Phuket, 09th June 2009 07-08Am.

  • 3 weeks later...

Here's a quick update about Hollie who the original post was about. She's now nearly 4 months old and growing slowly but surely which I believe is the best way for puppies, 'Fit not Fat' I read somewhere. Her diet started off as mainly pedigree puppy food but she now also enjoys other food as well such as raw chicken, raw beef, whole eggs (inc shell), fish (usually mackerel), brown rice and fruit. I'd like to try to raise her on the BARF diet which I imagine she will like too as she is not a happy girl when we give her only the puppy food, she loves the meat, fish etc. She's had, and is continuing to have, lots of socialization and training and is fine with people, inc children, although she occasionally barks at people when they approach the house until we greet them but I guess that is natural with Rotties who are quite protective of their home. She's had all her jabs and also a rabies shot and, apart from a minor skin infection, has been healthy so far and has a beautiful coat. She does have some ticks though but they seem to have had enough of her now as we often find them crawling up the walls in the morning where she's been sleeping. We walk her at the local university as there is lots of space there and beautiful gardens and a lake so hopefully she will start swimming soon as well. She always stops and waits for us if she gets too far ahead and (usually!) comes when we call her unless she's trying to nick some food off one of the students or is getting fussed over by one of them.

Here's a couple of recent pics too, she loves having her pic taken!



  • 1 year later...

My wife is expecting and I need to find a new home for my magnificent 3-year-old Rottweiler. Sired by Th.Rus.Rom.Mod. Grand Champion and Dam is Thai.Malay Champion. For details & pics please go to http://bangkok.craig...2246236205.html Good home ideally with experienced Rottweiler owner only please. Thank you


Why a new home?

I had a Rottweiler, 2 Bullmastiff, Boxer and a French Bulldog, all boys and got a Baby when the dogs had been 3 years or a bit younger.

No problem envolved. But I must say my dogs where socialised.

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