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Citizens Of Aragon, Catalonia, England, Ethiopia, Georgia, Greece, Lithuania, Palestine, Portugal, And Russia And Others Who Like A Party


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St George is often most closely associated with England but as you can see from the thread title he is the patron saint of many other places as well as sufferers of syphilis, farmers, shepherds, the Brazilian football club Corinthians and scouts.

This Thursday, 23rd April, we shall be celebrating St George's Day at Tuskers with a bangers, mash and onion gravy supper. There will also be a promotion on large bottles of Leo and gin and tonics.

Everyone who celebrates St George, indeed anyone who celebrates anything is welcome to join us.

If you would like a bangers and mash dinner please fill in the form at the link above to help us cater for the right numbers.

Hope to see you there. :o


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... snip ... sufferers of syphilis, farmers, shepherds, the Brazilian football club Corinthians and scouts. ... snip ... a promotion on large bottles of Leo ...

Sawadee, Khrup, Khun MB,

I applaud the broad invitation to so many of our classes of local expats to bang away at your mash-up in honor of the legendary Tookay killer. Your compassion for our large syphlitic contingent is laudable. And you are so right to not bother inviting the Alzheimerians; they'd just forget to show up, anyway. As a shepherd of tookays, I feel personally invited.

But I think you left out one of our most numerous expat flavours in your invite : the Euthanasians. I know they can be troublesome when they insist on singing their anthem : "Killing Me Softly" with plastic bags over their heads, however. Still, I think you might consider an outreach to them because as consumers of rot-gut they really rock.

May I ask what a large bottle of Leo is ? Is that like a jereboam sized Sagittarius ?

regards, ~o:37;

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I would love to come over and party with you guys, BUT I got to work and the flight back home to C/M from Spain where I am working for a few months -------- you know. Have a great party and see you all soon Graham & So :o

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I am from Vulgaria. I will attempt to make it. After a few drinks I will go into my rant of Vulgarity, my native tongue, and unsure if any will know of what I speak.

For those of you who were in the Navy..you could possibly understand 85% of what I speak.

Its tough being from a small country.

Beer Leo.. not fuc_kin' bad. ( excuse my vugarity.. but like I said, I'm a Vulgarian.)

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How much is the bangers and mash supper? Is it a buffet all-you-can-eat event? Will you be serving Sausage King sausages?

I'm not a syphillis sufferer and I'm definitely not English (which one is worse???? :o ) but I do like bangers and mash!



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How much is the bangers and mash supper? Is it a buffet all-you-can-eat event? Will you be serving Sausage King sausages?

I'm not a syphillis sufferer and I'm definitely not English (which one is worse???? :o ) but I do like bangers and mash!



A man was was cupping his hand to drink from a highland burn.

A passing gamekeeper shouted "Fur goads sake dinna drink thon watter its foo a coos keech an pish"

The man turned and said excuse me but I am english,could you please say that again.

The gamekeeper replied,"I said cup both hands you will spill less that way.

Syphillis is better and it can be cured.

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