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hi there, could some one please help me on the following point please. At the moment is there any limit to the number of FLR visa;s that a thai lady married to a uk citizen can obtain ? thank you.


I don't think there is A limit.

But The Border Agency May ask why The person has not made progress towards obtaining ILR

That may be A requirement To show you have taken steps to gain ILR. Life In The Uk, And made Progress.


thanks for that reply.the problem we have is that we spend to long in thailand each year, they refused ILR last time because we spent to long out of the uk , together, the wife has passed the life in uk test, and has two jobs in the uk, so i thought about just applying every two years for FLR. its cheaper as well!! at the end of the day the wife does not want a passport , just the ability to work and return to the uk with out the hassle of makeing a new visa app; any more comments would be very welcome.


At present there is no limit on the number of times a person can apply for, and recieve, FLR. However the government is currently undertaking a massive review of the immigration rules and one possible outcome is that such a limit will be imposed.

Also consider that although a FLR application is cheaper than an ILR one, FLR has to be applied for every two years but ILR, once granted, is indefinite.

There is no requirement for an ILR holder to subsequently seek British citizenship; although the advantages of doing so make it an option many take.

How can your wife hold two jobs in the UK, yet still manage to spend so long out of the UK that she was refused ILR?

Perhaps you should both 'bite the bullet' and spend most of the next two years in the UK so she can get her ILR?

Remember, though, that ILR is to allow residence in the UK. Once granted it will lapse if it becomes apparant that the holder is no longer a UK resident; e.g. they were to spend a continuos period of two years out of the UK.

Depending upon how much time you and your wife spend in the UK each year, maybe a series of visit visas would be a better and cheaper option? Although she could not work if in the UK with a visit visa.


thanks for that 7by7, well the wife works at a hotel mornings, only cleaning, and in the evening in our local supermarket, we both work 6 months in the uk, ie, summer time and winter in thailand , yes good life i know we are lucky!! every time she hands in her notice both bosses say :keep your uniform see you when you get back: like wise with me, oh the thought of two whole years in the uk does not bear thinking about !! any idea about when this review will be aired ? cheers micky.


No idea, I'm afraid, when the review will be finished and what changes they will definitely make, I'm afraid.

Although there is no actual set limit on how long one is allowed out of the UK whilst qualifying for ILR, the basic assumption is that one should spend more time in the UK than out of it. Perhaps 9 months in the UK per year and 3 in Thailand for the next two years?

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