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Why Do People Ride Bikes During Songkran


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I have never in 5 Songkrans thrown or squirted water at a motorcyclist, but I see it all the time and think why? Why do these people insist on riding their bikes? The water chuckers will not change - so you have to.

P1ssed now so feel free to flame away

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I have never in 5 Songkrans thrown or squirted water at a motorcyclist, but I see it all the time and think why? Why do these people insist on riding their bikes? The water chuckers will not change - so you have to.

P1ssed now so feel free to flame away

ermmmm......i aint bothered this year to join in the so called fun,but a few yrs ago then i had to go on a bike to get into town to play so how do you suggest i get there...walk, no chance. we dont all live within a few 100 m of central pattaya but if i did live inside then i would walk for sure.

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Do they moan about it ??? everyone looked happy to me.

There are a lot of people who cannot afford any other means of transport other than a motorcycle.

I walked about 5 miles today - I can afford transport

Edit// I was referring to the guys on the forum. I see many happy motorcy taxi men today - I inadverdantly wore a red shirt and they were all saluting me.....lol

Edited by QED
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I have never in 5 Songkrans thrown or squirted water at a motorcyclist, but I see it all the time and think why? Why do these people insist on riding their bikes? The water chuckers will not change - so you have to.

P1ssed now so feel free to flame away

You certainly are p1ssed to come out with a stupid statement like that,

do you really expect everyone to stop using their bikes during the week long water throwing that occurs in Pattaya?

If you don't own a car, what other choice do you have, being a sitting duck in the back of a songtaow?

QED, you need to sober up quick!

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I have never in 5 Songkrans thrown or squirted water at a motorcyclist, but I see it all the time and think why? Why do these people insist on riding their bikes? The water chuckers will not change - so you have to.

P1ssed now so feel free to flame away

You certainly are p1ssed to come out with a stupid statement like that,

do you really expect everyone to stop using their bikes during the week long water throwing that occurs in Pattaya?

If you don't own a car, what other choice do you have, being a sitting duck in the back of a songtaow?

QED, you need to sober up quick!

It was meant lightheartedly, maybe I should have added a few smilies? :o:D

This stemmed from a discussion I had with a mate earlier - he has been here for a few years as well and knows not to take his bike out during the silly week.

We walked miles today and whilst cringing at the full face buckets, we still asked each other why do they still do it?

I will sober up quick, sorry about that ociffer

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I have never in 5 Songkrans thrown or squirted water at a motorcyclist, but I see it all the time and think why? Why do these people insist on riding their bikes? The water chuckers will not change - so you have to.

P1ssed now so feel free to flame away

You certainly are p1ssed to come out with a stupid statement like that,

do you really expect everyone to stop using their bikes during the week long water throwing that occurs in Pattaya?

If you don't own a car, what other choice do you have, being a sitting duck in the back of a songtaow?

QED, you need to sober up quick!

Songteows have four wheels.

Motobikes have two wheels.

In a songteow you will get wet, but you will not get killed or injured.

Get it?

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It's the kee-niow can't afford a car crowd that complains...but can understand their predicament having to be shut-ins for about a week. Having a car, I was never inconvenienced once all week and went wherever I wanted/needed to go. My only inconvience was that my regular coffee cafe closed one-day for the Songkran holiday and I had to have instant coffee at home :o

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...My only inconvience was that my regular coffee cafe closed one-day for the Songkran holiday and I had to have instant coffee at home :o

I feel with you: Getting soaked is something we can accept; but being left without coffee is a crime!!!! :D:D

(This comes from the heart from a fellow-coffee lover)

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It's the kee-niow can't afford a car crowd that complains...but can understand their predicament having to be shut-ins for about a week. Having a car, I was never inconvenienced once all week and went wherever I wanted/needed to go. My only inconvience was that my regular coffee cafe closed one-day for the Songkran holiday and I had to have instant coffee at home :o

No it's the tossers that chuck water indiscriminately that are the problem, and the City that lets it happen for a week. I have both car and motorcycle but still chose to stay home as, in previous years, I have ended up laid up on my back for several days with back pain brought on by the iced water. Not all all of us are permanent 3 yr olds....... some of us grew up, aged and surprisingly, actually behave responsibly on occasion!

I have said it before and will keep on saying it till I'm blue in the face......I have nothing against people enjoying Songkran as long as I am free to enjoy what I want to do at the same time! In other words, throw water over each other to your heart content, but leave the workers and others who don't want to be involved ALONE.

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Apart from the main Songkran day where traffic is at a standstill throughout town and nobody can go anywhere (bike or car), it's easy to get around on a bike and stay dry.

...Just use a good waterproof poncho. I never got wet once except when I didn't mind anyway.

Edited by tropo
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It's the kee-niow can't afford a car crowd that complains...but can understand their predicament having to be shut-ins for about a week. Having a car, I was never inconvenienced once all week and went wherever I wanted/needed to go. My only inconvience was that my regular coffee cafe closed one-day for the Songkran holiday and I had to have instant coffee at home :o

Hey big shot car owner!

You either have a lot of time on your hands or don't realise how long you spend sitting in traffic around Pattaya, then when you finally reach your destination spend forever trying to find a parking space, when you eventually do, you then have a fair walk to get from your car to your destination.

Been there and tried it already, cars are just not convenient in and around Pattaya, whereas with a bike any destination is within 20mins door to door,even from Jomtien to Naklua

Get real mate, it's got nothing to do about kee-niow, and everything to do about common sense. :D

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It's the kee-niow can't afford a car crowd that complains...but can understand their predicament having to be shut-ins for about a week. Having a car, I was never inconvenienced once all week and went wherever I wanted/needed to go. My only inconvience was that my regular coffee cafe closed one-day for the Songkran holiday and I had to have instant coffee at home :o

Hey big shot car owner!

You either have a lot of time on your hands or don't realise how long you spend sitting in traffic around Pattaya, then when you finally reach your destination spend forever trying to find a parking space, when you eventually do, you then have a fair walk to get from your car to your destination.

Been there and tried it already, cars are just not convenient in and around Pattaya, whereas with a bike any destination is within 20mins door to door,even from Jomtien to Naklua

Get real mate, it's got nothing to do about kee-niow, and everything to do about common sense. :D

I drove everywhere the whole of last week and it was slow going - today broke out the bike after a long week and made the rounds w/o dealing with traffic.

Bikes are fun and quick :D

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It's the kee-niow can't afford a car crowd that complains...but can understand their predicament having to be shut-ins for about a week. Having a car, I was never inconvenienced once all week and went wherever I wanted/needed to go. My only inconvience was that my regular coffee cafe closed one-day for the Songkran holiday and I had to have instant coffee at home :o

Hey big shot car owner!

You either have a lot of time on your hands or don't realise how long you spend sitting in traffic around Pattaya, then when you finally reach your destination spend forever trying to find a parking space, when you eventually do, you then have a fair walk to get from your car to your destination.

Been there and tried it already, cars are just not convenient in and around Pattaya, whereas with a bike any destination is within 20mins door to door,even from Jomtien to Naklua

Get real mate, it's got nothing to do about kee-niow, and everything to do about common sense. :D

Utter rubbish. Never have any problems parking, I can actually drive a car in city traffic, doesn't take too long and is the safest way to move around.

Sorry, I'm with the can't afford a car that complains mob. Common sense is having a car or truck. End of story.

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I just need the car when:

a.) going out of the city

b.) doing big shopping

That's quite common sense, as I do not have time enough to kill in my car.

Thank you moo9, that's exactly my theory too, the traffic congestion in Pattaya is bad enough and getting worse,

but even when doing big shopping in Carrefour or Topps they offer free delivery, and if you buy anything thats too bulky from most other shops they will always deliver, so all in all owning a car is a waste of time,space and money.

Unless you do frequent out of city trips.

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I had to have instant coffee at home :D

oh, the humanity! i would rather die than drink instant! :o

Half a dozen cups of instant coffee & you probably would die, even the best brands are fairly toxic,

remind me in time next Thai new year, I will crank up our coffee machine & all those dying for the "Real Thing " are welcome to join for a cup or 2 of Bon Cafe Gourmet blend in Jontiem.

Thats assuming you can get through the traffic jams of course !


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