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Hunting In Thailand?


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has anyone done any hunting on thailand?  :D

does any have any links to places offering hunting, borrowing of firearms etc.  :D

i could bring over my own, but i'm not sure of the firearm laws (for farang) in thailand..  :D

There's nothing here in Thailand to hunt mate. :o

The only hunting is usually done after dark in the bars. :D

I suggest that if you're looking to use firearms for hunting, you're better off back in Oz. :D

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are we on again for mid march? Tuky wants a padong from Bang Phra!!!

any update on the little engine? also perhaps we could try a few jetty's around too!!! How are those plates going mate? all finished :o

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i really have no idea whats available in thailand..

in australia i normally go after, pigs, rabbits, foxes and deers.

first of all sorry for against killing animal. but what i'm going to type is "used to be"and it is not me who hunted. i loved animal.

you hunt pigs? sorry, little funny to hunt pig, well my families used to be hunt. we hunt birds and fishing mostly. but Thai law did not allowed to hunt much right now. there is several place to hunt the birds. to fishing also we still do it, we fished blue marlin, shark...and more. but then we have to let them go. well right now our boat is break causes of Tsunami hits our boat "Isabella Cruise Center" is our boat if you have been to Phuket. and if you really want to hunt. what you interest? right now we hunt birds. I don't really like it. but my uncle does like. he got lotta of riffle type. the gun we have not against the law :o. but bought it around 24-25 years ago:D.



Edited by MistaDorn
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the pigs we hunt in australia an little, there wild boars, and most weigh more then we do. the hunting i do in australia and animals killed are eaten, its not just a sport, but i food source.

not that interested in hunting birds. thanks for your reply.

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From what I've heard thailand has a problem with poachers and I have yet to hear of any kind of game management other than what you find in the bars.

Apparently this forum is populated by a quite a few "tree huggers" hence the rather negative reaction to your question.

If you're a fisherman there is some interesting action out there to be had

For the premier hunting adventures South Africa and Alaska are the places to go.

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The sport of shooting is nill, clay pigeons in BKK and a few other ranges around if you want to stay in step. Hunting?? well I don't think its quite like Aust. or US where you apply, license and spend a weekend out. (Too bad) However if your really want to hunt head north to the mountains, visit a village and go out with the boys for a day of hunting snake, small rodants and such and then in the evening you can sit with lao kow and enjoy the barbeque! :o

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has anyone done any hunting on thailand?  :o

does any have any links to places offering hunting, borrowing of firearms etc.  :D

i could bring over my own, but i'm not sure of the firearm laws (for farang) in thailand..  :D

If your interested you need to make a thai friend first who shares the same hobby. I sometimes go with my friends dad. He lives in Bkk but has a summer place in Kanchanaburi province and we go hunting in the mountains there. You will be mostly hunting birds, as most of the other crap they hunt you wouldnt want to eat. To legally own a firearm here is very difficult for farang. To get the permits you would have to know someone very high up or show some real need for it. Most guns here dont have permits though because people bought them before the laws came into effect. Hope his helps, cheers.

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Hi Smacko,

All the male members of my Thai family hunt.Its illegal but if you know the right people anything is possible in LOS.Ive seen them bring back wild pig,Deer & all kinds of birds.

If you need any other info PM me.

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chuchok i'd like to see you hunt an aussie wild boar with a knife

you'd run for your life.

can't see what the diff is between an aussie boar and a NZ one(Capt cooker). Two pig dogs and a pig stick is all you need.Done it before in my youthfull destructive days.

ahhh with pig dogs you'd do alright, but without them you wont get close enough to a pig, unless your a very faster runner

32x, i'll keep that in mind.... although i'm not that keen on illegal activities while in LOS.

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if you think they just let farangs come here and own loaded firearms in this country you got some learning to do. :o

Btw, up to you to kill (even if it's only animals) if you can deal with the karmic consequences.

Not preaching, just stating the obvious.

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