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Hunting In Thailand?


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Pig hunting definitely takes place in the provinces north of Phuket.  Only people I know have done it are high-ranking police, military and their politician cronies.

The method of choice for catching wild pig is the sprung spear trap, the jungle is to dense for hunting with a rifle. I go out with some friends from the Thai parks dept on wildlife surveys, we take local guides and collect our own food, usually monkey (wih a shotgun) frogs or wild chicken. there is a lot of wildlife even quite close to Bangkok but all in protected parks. Tiger, asiatic black bear and wild elephant are becoming more prolific in many areas. let it be and just take a camera, I don't think they would take kindly to some aussie yahoo shooting up the place and you would probably just end up getting lost and having to be rescued, ya big gallar

Edited by toastwars
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  • 2 years later...

If the guy wants to hunt in Thailand then he deserves to have the information rather than people discouraging him from doing so. You can hunt in Thailand but it takes some doing. What you don't want to do is consult with some "liberal" American, European and the like , or any other environmentalist. Hunting all the world is alive and well, but the Sierra club freaks won't let you believe it.

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  • 2 years later...

I know this is a reply to a very old thread – but being from Australia, just thought I should come into defense of a fellow Aussie!

Hunting in the Australian outback is a good thing. The Australian Outback is actually full of pests and vermin e.g. camels, donkeys, pigs, rabbits, feral cats, etc. They were all introduced since colonial times and are a real destructive force to Australia’s native wildlife and fauna. Many native Australian marsupials and birdlife are literally being eaten by these pests.

I’m all for hunting with the objective of pest control. Anything similar here in Thailand?

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