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Hi all.

New here and not sure what to do. Have been working for a school for a few months on short term contract and now time for a new one.

They are only prepared to give me 11 months. They say there is no teaching in April so they cannot include this in the contrct. I think they are trying to save money but they say they are sticking to regulations.

I don't really want a dabate on this but I was hoping someone may be able to give me a link on the net or point me in the right direction where I might get a copy of the regs from the top office, in both English and Thai,so I may have a word with the school to see if they are speaking the truth or not. Obviously if they are lying at this early stage then I will not sign the contract.

Thanks for any help you all can offer.


I think the 11 month contract idea is very common here. My school only has an 11 month contract but they pay a 'bonus' at the end of the contract which is one month's salary. You should suggest that your potential employer does this- again I think it's very common. Don''t know what the law says - sorry.


If they decide to keep you , they will pay you april if you stay the second year.Commonly you will get offered 9,10 or 11 months contract. Only the lucky few will get a 12 month contract. I know it should be 12 months, I feel you. I was in the same situation and now Im fighting for my 12 month pay.


We are lucky to get told we are needed or not needed. My initial school did not advise me that I was not required for the following year. Was it a case of 'saving face'? I never put a foot wrong in the entire year, always early, never late and work pro-actively. They ensured that I completed my contract. If I had done anything incorrectly, then obviously, I would have been terminated at an earlier time?

I was left in the dark, completely.


So how does one get a work permit (which I assume is for one year, as is the non-b visa), when you are only employed for 10/11 months? I would suggest that the contract (the one that is shown to MoE - probably in Thai language too), is for 12 months. This means they just don't pay you for the last month. I've had this situation for years - 12 months but pay for 11 and get one month bonus extra). I don't see how offical documents can be for one year but the conttract only 11 months or less.


To Terry:I know because thats what my current school is telling me.

Corruption. This is not our country, we cant do nothing about it period. They agency or school pockets the rest of the money. Its a scam and then they will hire a new teacher to scam again, and again. Do you realize how much the school makes off us? You clearly have no idea.The system is set up this way on purpose, thats why they cram 60 + students in one f****** classroom to optimize pay. It all boils down to one word, MONEY & greed.(But not in your pocket, thier pocket's)

To Terry:I know because thats what my current school is telling me.

Corruption. This is not our country, we cant do nothing about it period.

Double negative

They agency or school pockets the rest of the money. Its a scam and then they will hire a new teacher to scam again, and again. Do you realize how much the school makes off us? You clearly have no idea.The system is set up this way on purpose, thats why they cram 60 + students in one f****** classroom to optimize pay. It all boils down to one word, MONEY & greed.

That sounds very much like two words to me. :o

(But not in your pocket, thier pocket's)

hahahhha! Thats a funny post. Best laugh I have had all day. :D

Why is a clearly written contract for 11 months errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, corruption?

Since most schools are run as businesses, since when has it been a bad thing to pay as little salary as they can get away with? This is common in most countries.

If you don`t like your contract, you do not have to sign it. That is your CHOICE.


I added the greed part after lol, should of changed it to two words lol. We all should be getting 12 month contracts, unfortunatly alot of teachers arnt getting that as per say to their work permits.

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