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Murder In Thailand


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Hello everyone. After alot of debating with some of my local friend, we have decided to study these strange suicides lately of non-thai in BKK or Thailand in general. Here is what we would like from you.

1. Your true story of a death that was ruled suicide by the local authorities that did not make sense. (make sure you provide your source ie: newpaper issues, dates and times and all names relavent)

2. do not include your true name (i hope mods can help with this)

3. We are NOT taking this infomation to the locals so please do not post with the hopes we can solve a case as we are NOT investigators but rather intrested in the field.

As most of you can see i am not a troller but rathern intrested in these events to see if there is in fact a trend of something we should all know about.

Thank you for all the participate in this.

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Hello everyone. After alot of debating with some of my local friend, we have decided to study these strange suicides lately of non-thai in BKK or Thailand in general. Here is what we would like from you.

1. Your true story of a death that was ruled suicide by the local authorities that did not make sense. (make sure you provide your source ie: newpaper issues, dates and times and all names relavent)

2. do not include your true name (i hope mods can help with this)

3. We are NOT taking this infomation to the locals so please do not post with the hopes we can solve a case as we are NOT investigators but rather intrested in the field.

As most of you can see i am not a troller but rathern intrested in these events to see if there is in fact a trend of something we should all know about.

Thank you for all the participate in this.

My cousin Mark Bennett Gambell Died at Maple House Apartments on Dec13,2004 it was in the Nation on Dec 14,2004 All the information we have on his death has been written in this forum American Plunges to death in Sathorn District

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Hello everyone. After alot of debating with some of my local friend, we have decided to study these strange suicides lately of non-thai in BKK or Thailand in general. Here is what we would like from you.

1. Your true story of a death that was ruled suicide by the local authorities that did not make sense. (make sure you provide your source ie: newpaper issues, dates and times and all names relavent)

2. do not include your true name (i hope mods can help with this)

3. We are NOT taking this infomation to the locals so please do not post with the hopes we can solve a case as we are NOT investigators but rather intrested in the field.

As most of you can see i am not a troller but rathern intrested in these events to see if there is in fact a trend of something we should all know about.

Thank you for all the participate in this.

How many times have you been in Thailand ???? :o Ok , you just want to investicate a littlebit , not too bad . Allthough in Thailand ( the Thailand i know ) there is a rule from , not my business , and in these subjects they are quite strict about it . I'm sure that when you have been in Thailand several times you know things which maybe you better not know ... if you understand what i mean . Be very carefull if you start to investigate things like this or you can be investigated yourself . The power of the "mafia" is very strong in some parts of Thailand ( i don't know if it rules the country completely ) .

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Ok i have gotten alot of PMs from people concerning this topic. Can you please just post it in the thread and have your name unknown if your that worried. as far as how long or how many times i have been to Thailand. I have been living in Thailand with my wife for over 3 and half years now. so yes i am aware of the dangers etc...... also have the connections for protecting myself. Im not doing a research to find or catch anyone ok. so like i said before.... do not hope i will solve a case cause this is not my goal nor my object. my goal is to see if there is something we all need to know about and inform the expac community. Also to learn a little about the Sweeping of things under the carpet here in Thailand.

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Hello everyone. After alot of debating with some of my local friend, we have decided to study these strange suicides lately of non-thai in BKK or Thailand in general. Here is what we would like from you.

1. Your true story of a death that was ruled suicide by the local authorities that did not make sense. (make sure you provide your source ie: newpaper issues, dates and times and all names relavent)

2. do not include your true name (i hope mods can help with this)

3. We are NOT taking this infomation to the locals so please do not post with the hopes we can solve a case as we are NOT investigators but rather intrested in the field.

As most of you can see i am not a troller but rathern intrested in these events to see if there is in fact a trend of something we should all know about.

Thank you for all the participate in this.

Horace Greeley said “Go west, young man, go west!” He was exhorting people to make their fortune in the American west (probably California). But, one of the effects of this advice was a spike in suicide rates in the ‘old’ west. In particular, the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco became a popular jumping off point, so to speak. The theory was that the ‘young man’ had gone as far west as he could literally go…..and he had still not found happiness, so he jumped from the bridge that divides San Francisco Bay from the Pacific ocean. His final step was into water…there was no more hopeful land to cross.

What I am saying is that Thailand might be the ‘west’ for a lot of people who are unhappy with their lives back home. Many are down on their luck back in their home countries and they come to BKK or anywhere in Thailand in hopes of finding the good life. And, when they don’t: maybe they ‘jump’.

When you leave home your suitcase always contains your personal troubles; you don’t leave them at home.

I would not be surprised to learn that the rate of Expat suicides in Thailand was higher than that in their respective home countries.

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very true but some of these things ive read and heard about are very strange do you not agree? i mean ive heard people committing suicide tieing their feet up, tieing hands up, etc..... this does seem kinda strange to me in a major way.

Like some others have said as well why would you buy a two way ticket on a 2 week holiday and then kill yourself?????? The suicide rate in my home country is much higher as well but working in the hotels there i never once had a suicide from another country.

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very true but some of these things ive read and heard about are very strange do you not agree? i mean ive heard people committing suicide tieing their feet up, tieing hands up, etc..... this does seem kinda strange to me in a major way.

Like some others have said as well why would you buy a two way ticket on a 2 week holiday and then kill yourself?????? The suicide rate in my home country is much higher as well but working in the hotels there i never once had a suicide from another country.

one thing I have noticed is that the reports of a foriegners death are reported in the English language newspapers, normally with the suggestion that the death was due to natural causes, suicide or accident, and ends with the statement that further investigation will be conducted. However, there never seems to be anything more written on the death after the initial article...this lack of transparency leads to the perception that the investigation is a sham. I would be interested in knowing why there little in the way of follow up reporting on foreigners dying in Thailand. Is it journalistic laziness, or is there some cultural reason? Investigative journalism in Thailand seems pretty limp compared to most weastern countries.

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My experience is that it is a: not hard to find , b: police is sometimes very involved , c: it is cheap . What do i mean , look around where the mafia is ??? You'll find out quite a lot when gettin closer . Cheap , yes ( price i heard from very reliable source is 50.000 bath ) , for sure and they explain they make it look like suicide . Probably in bigger cities , it is harder to find , because better protected and not so easy to see in a large community . In smaller towns is is quite easy to see where it is and how the system works ( not the system itself but more the setup ) . Also how they work together with police . I don't mention names , a because i don't know them by name , only by face , and b i want to continue going where i'm used to go and you never no i need help from them at 1 time .

I also agree with the people who posted here before with the rating from suicides being higher then back home due to the problems they bring from home and hope they solve here . Many of the expats in Thailand who "work" in the tourist industry (laid back working ) , find themselves also being drowned in alcohol and girls . Both are a nice combi for holidays , but can kill you fast when living there ( not litterally ) . Ask around here and there and you will find what you are looking for ... i'm sure .

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some intresting thoughts into the deaths of locals. only one person has posted their info for a direct death. Is this because the facts are not known? Or am i scaring a few of you? Or could it be that there is no facts and the simple truth is right in front of us? Well i'd like to have a few facts but if not within a few days then ill ask to have this thread closed please.

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Once more i have gotten so many emails and pm's regarding this topic. Thank you to all that are helping me in the search for real documentation of this truely intresting subject. Seems there are alot more than even alot of the hard core members here know about.

My local reps from my country have also been able to find intresting articles about this. Others say i need to be from their home lands. :o

Thank you again for all the infomation and as it keeps coming ill keep reading and answering and gathering what i want.

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Medical News Summary: Suicide is the main cause of injury deaths in Australia

About: Suicide is the main cause of injury deaths in Australia

Date: 17 December 2004

Source: News

Medical News Summary (summary of medical news story as reported by News): The AIHW reports that young men are the most prone to injury deaths. Suicide, car accidents and falls are the leading causes of injury deaths. Over half of injury deaths in Australia occurred in men aged 20 to 39 in 2002. Suicide accounted for 30% of all injury deaths. This was followed by falls, drug poisoning, murder, drowning and smoke and burn injuries.

URL: http://www.news.com.au/common/story_page/0...%5E1702,00.html

Suicide is common in Farang countries, do you suspect them of being murders as well?

How many farangs on holiday commit suicide ? How many long termers?

Many farangs go to Thailand with a dream of a great life, the holiday experience that will just go on and on, many divorce their wives, give up their jobs and sell their property to chase that dream.

Eventually the money runs out, the dream is not all they thought it would be, they feel let down, they have nothing back home, No job, no home, the family disowned them, depression sets in, usually Alcohol is involved in the mix as well.

I for one am not at all surprised at the rate of suicide amongst the farangs in Thailand.

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Medical News Summary: Suicide is the main cause of injury deaths in Australia

About: Suicide is the main cause of injury deaths in Australia

Date: 17 December 2004

Source: News

Medical News Summary (summary of medical news story as reported by News): The AIHW reports that young men are the most prone to injury deaths. Suicide, car accidents and falls are the leading causes of injury deaths. Over half of injury deaths in Australia occurred in men aged 20 to 39 in 2002. Suicide accounted for 30% of all injury deaths. This was followed by falls, drug poisoning, murder, drowning and smoke and burn injuries.

URL: http://www.news.com.au/common/story_page/0...%5E1702,00.html

Suicide is common in Farang countries, do you suspect them of being murders as well?

How many farangs on holiday commit suicide ?  How many long termers?

Many farangs go to Thailand with a dream of a great life, the holiday experience that will just go on and on, many divorce their wives, give up their jobs and sell their property to chase that dream.

Eventually the money runs out, the dream is not all they thought it would be, they feel let down, they have nothing back home, No job, no home, the family disowned them, depression sets in, usually Alcohol is involved in the mix as well.

I for one am not at all surprised at the rate of suicide amongst the farangs in Thailand.

Are you serious Dr John?

i suppose that the Brittish couple that got gunned down,did so because they had a death wish suicide pact too... :o

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there may indeed be a lot of actual suicides here , but many of the "feet tied up" , "jumping off tower blocks" etc. are just as just as likely to be murders.

and it shouldnt surprise anybody.

falangs who should know better ,who are unable to assimilate properly into at least half way decent thai society or who just misjudge a situation they have got themselves into regarding property , business or romance , or who just can't judge the people they are associating with may end up paying the ultimate price.

entering into business or other partnerships with locals from backgounds that are almost impossible for a falang to fathom out will also lead to misunderstandings later on. people regularly put their trust in prostitutes , thai lawyers , relative strangers ... both thais and falangs ... they do things that they would certainly not do at home.

i would be interested to know how many of the victims of these suspicious deaths could speak or read the thai language to a reasonable degree.

thailand (and every other country) is full of sharks preying on wealthy, unwary foriegners with money to invest.

methods of evidence gathering by the police is pathetic by any standards and witness statements can be bought for the price of a bowl of rice. the police just can't be bothered to investigate and the local coroner can't be bothered to write words longer than suicide on the death certificate.

why should they when someone is probably making it worth their while not to.

many police and army personel moonlight as hired muscle and those who wish to murder people know that they stand a good chance of getting away with it.

The EIU (Economist Intelligence Unit) also reports that, “owing to widespread corruption and political influence, PERC [Political & Economic Risk Consultancy]rated Thailand’s police and judicial system among the worst in Asia in its June 2002 survey….” Based on increasing evidence of corruption in the judiciary, Thailand’s property rights score is 1 point worse this year.

your motives for investigations might be honourable , but they will get you nowhere.

better you devote your energies into printing and distributing factsheets to visitors and expats with warnings about choosing your friends , companions and business partners with great care in this country and that however many years you may have lived here for , it really is just as big a mystery as it was on day one .

all those deaths i'm sure were due to falling out with or unknowingly planting the seeds of greed with an unsuitable local or locally based falang , and the chances of a professional investigation are just about nil.

this is thailand. it is very much a corrupt country. justice and fair play are hard to find here. and foriegners are very much second class here.

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i suppose that the Brittish couple that got gunned down,did so because they had a death wish suicide pact too

chuckchok , nobody said those deaths were suicide , and as much as i hope that that policeman is executed for his crime , it seems probable that the male victim caused the policeman to feel humiliated in some way , and in this country at 3 in the morning with alcohol lying around , you should not humiliate anyone.

the poor victim didnt know that.

only yesterday , on the front page of thai rath newspaper , there was a photograph of a policeman with a hole in his head , girlfriend weeping, blood everywhere. he had been shot at point blank range by another policeman.

the girlfriend said they had got into an argument over nothing and swear words were exchanged and the victim just said something humiliating to the other one and bang. needless to say this took place very late at night in a bar.

the police here are really to be avoided at all costs. they wont help you at all.

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If you are just looking for information you should read Pattaya Mail (www.pattayamail.com). There is an average of two suicides reported every week. A Google search on pattayamail and suicide will give you about 1300 hits, should be enough to get you started.

Most of them are drug related or involves someone with a terminal illnes. A lot of people go here with their savings and make the most out of it before they depart to the unknown.

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i suppose that the Brittish couple that got gunned down,did so because they had a death wish suicide pact too

chuckchok , nobody said those deaths were suicide , and as much as i hope that that policeman is executed for his crime , it seems probable that the male victim caused the policeman to feel humiliated in some way , and in this country at 3 in the morning with alcohol lying around , you should not humiliate anyone.

the poor victim didnt know that.

only yesterday , on the front page of thai rath newspaper , there was a photograph of a policeman with a hole in his head , girlfriend weeping, blood everywhere. he had been shot at point blank range by another policeman.

the girlfriend said they had got into an argument over nothing and swear words were exchanged and the victim just said something humiliating to the other one and bang. needless to say this took place very late at night in a bar.

the police here are really to be avoided at all costs. they wont help you at all.

I understand that mate(i'm really not that thick..honest!), I was just making a point to the good doctor, who seems to always make a point that all problems in this country stem from farangs and that the Thais are never to blame.

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I understand that mate(i'm really not that thick..honest!), I was just making a point to the good doctor, who seems to always make a point that all problems in this country stem from farangs and that the Thais are never to blame.

Yes I understand that also, but my point is that Thailand and Thai people are not always to blame for the situations some farangs find themselves in, and as you can see fom my previous Post, Suicide is hardly unknown in the farang countries is it?

Google search suicide in the western world and be surprised. :o

In my native NZ the youth suicide rate is close to the higest rate in the west,so I am not suprised at all. What I would be suprised about would be if I read in the NZ papers how a man who had his hands tied behind his back and a plastic bag tied around his head committed suicide....

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Yes I understand that also, but my point is that Thailand and Thai people are not always to blame for the situations some farangs find themselves in, and as you can see fom my previous Post, Suicide is hardly unknown in the farang countries is it?

Google search suicide in the western world and be surprised. :o

I heard similar things from Black friends in London years ago, they would get stopped by the Police in their cars , they would complain that they are being stopped because they are Black.

I hear the same in Thailand from Farangs getting stopped by police for not wearing a Crash Helmet , people think they get stopped because they are farang, but what about all the Thai people that also get stopped, are they stopped because they are Thai?

And what about the Police stopping me at a checkpoint in London, was i stopped because I was white?

We Farangs are a minority in Thailand, minorities always feel that the majority are out to get them. It's the way it is.

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Yes I understand that also, but my point is that Thailand and Thai people are not always to blame for the situations some farangs find themselves in, and as you can see fom my previous Post, Suicide is hardly unknown in the farang countries is it?

Google search suicide in the western world and be surprised.    :o

I heard similar things from Black friends in London years ago, they would get stopped by the Police in their cars , they would complain that they are being stopped because they are Black.

I hear the same in Thailand from Farangs getting stopped by police for not wearing a Crash Helmet , people think they get stopped because they are farang, but what about all the Thai people that also get stopped, are they stopped because they are Thai?

And what about the Police stopping me at a checkpoint in London, was i stopped because I was white?

We Farangs are a minority in Thailand, minorities always feel that the majority are out to get them.  It's the way it is.

Well, the farangs that I know here wear helmets/seat belts/have insurance etc.If they get stopped by a cop it is normally a 90% chance of a shake down..why? because it's easy money.

Of course Thais get stopped too, I mean there is only 60 million of them.

I could give many examples where a farang was singled out...because he/she was a farang.BTW, if I was a cop on a low wage then I would probably do the same.To refute the fact that this does happen,IMHO is looking at life with only one eye open.

If you don't believe that then we will have to agree to disagree.

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Medical News Summary: Suicide is the main cause of injury deaths in Australia

About: Suicide is the main cause of injury deaths in Australia

Date: 17 December 2004

Source: News

Medical News Summary (summary of medical news story as reported by News): The AIHW reports that young men are the most prone to injury deaths. Suicide, car accidents and falls are the leading causes of injury deaths. Over half of injury deaths in Australia occurred in men aged 20 to 39 in 2002. Suicide accounted for 30% of all injury deaths. This was followed by falls, drug poisoning, murder, drowning and smoke and burn injuries.

URL: http://www.news.com.au/common/story_page/0...%5E1702,00.html

Suicide is common in Farang countries, do you suspect them of being murders as well?

How many farangs on holiday commit suicide ?  How many long termers?

Many farangs go to Thailand with a dream of a great life, the holiday experience that will just go on and on, many divorce their wives, give up their jobs and sell their property to chase that dream.

Eventually the money runs out, the dream is not all they thought it would be, they feel let down, they have nothing back home, No job, no home, the family disowned them, depression sets in, usually Alcohol is involved in the mix as well.

I for one am not at all surprised at the rate of suicide amongst the farangs in Thailand.

You are absolutely right! I bet if you took a suicide census of all the farangs who ever sat at the beer bars in Nana you would find an astonishing percentage of blown out brains (literally out of skull brains...not just ones

ansent because of alcohol).

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few posts kinda off topic but related in other ways. I notice alot of pms i get do not mention their sources such as times and dates and papers etc... can you please keep in mind i want to have proof and not just hear say, thank you all again.

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jeez where would you start there are so many over the years .

its mindboggling .

the case that sticks in my mind is the 2 english girls murdered for their Walkmans on Ko Chang back in the 80s .

Their family was very wealthy so there was a big stink about it at the time .

Eventually 2 local fishermen were caught and jailed.

Also there was the strange case of the "Mekong whiskey" murders back in the 80s ,where victims were all found drunk drugged and dead . Even old Trink was commenting on it at the time and BKK expats were a tad worried about the weekly death toll .

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you wouldnt happen to have a link to them two storys would you? or a date it was in the papers etc.... i heard about the walkman ones but not the drinking one.

you could try emailing bernard trink he will remember , these deaths went on for a while with corpses turning upeven in expensive hotels with very unlikely victims of drug ODs . there was a reporter from a HK newspaper . Prolly a homicidal maniac on the lose but they were said to be suicides/ODs .

Did you get the taxi driver who picked up new arrivals and bumped them off , he took 7 victims from DonMuang .

And the brit who murdered 2Canadians in Phuket , he went on to murder more in Singapore and was eventually hung there .

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most of the infomation ive been getting are from pms sent to me with rather vague referances and such. Yes i did hear about the Brit that was killing for a few months and also the taxi driver. Problem is i really only want infomation regarding deaths that they have said are not murder but when you read the full story there is no way it can be suicide. Murders are one thing and strange deaths and causes are the other. Strange and not making any sense is what i need. With all referances gathered with it as well.

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Ok i have gotten alot of PMs from people concerning this topic. Can you please just post it in the thread and have your name unknown if your that worried. as far as how long or how many times i have been to Thailand. I have been living in Thailand with my wife for over 3 and half years now. so yes i am aware of the dangers etc...... also have the connections for protecting myself. Im not doing a research to find or catch anyone ok. so like i said before.... do not hope i will solve a case cause this is not my goal nor my object. my goal is to see if there is something we all need to know about and inform the expac community. Also to learn a little about the Sweeping of things under the carpet here in Thailand.

Your IP is not Thai. Who and what are you really ?

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dr_Pat_Pong: when did loxinfo become non-Thai may i ask????? I have my own forums exactly like this and it shows my Thai ip but if im some one else can you at least tell me who i am so i can find myself?

Ive already stated what im doing. nothing other than gathering info of things that get me thinking and keeps me busy.

I have many more comments but ill keep my fat mouth shut as ive seen what happens (????) when some ones steps on your toes.

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