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For Those Who Do Not Believe In Love In Thailand


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you see , you should gauge yourself , if someone whom you love even before you got marreid is demanding money from you for her happiness .

you should consider .

before i go to ask for her , her family already know that i am a stable guy who is able to take care of the family , just like BANK . who want to see if your credit is good before there loan you .

See there you go again... lol. You are totally disregarding GREED and just plain bad people. Should give all your money to a girl because it makes her happy? Why the hel_l should she be permitted a life of slothfulness, why is she allowed to be lazy and not work for her money like anyone else? And once you've given all your money over, and she takes it and then leaves you and leaves you with NOTHING, making you completely miserable (penniless and heart broken) how is that right? You are supposed to be overwhelmingly concerned for HER happiness (to the point of sheer stupidity) but she doesn't have to be concerned for yours? I just don't get it.

You actually say it... you are an ATM to a family, you think it's love but its greed, you are their bank with limitless withdrawals? That is Love to you? Again... I just don't get it.

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Yeah right. If love is not about sex, then why do men always love women? :o

And I doubt any woman would 'love' a man if he were without money. Ever seen a homeless guy with a girlfriend? Uhuh. :D

REAL women do love men with little or no money. My woman loves me completely and I aint rich. Although... I'm not homeless.

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you see , you should gauge yourself , if someone whom you love even before you got marreid is demanding money from you for her happiness .

you should consider .

i on the other hand was not demanded for the money . and i am a willing person to show to her family i am more then able to takle care of them .


before i go to ask for her , her family already know that i am a stable guy who is able to take care of the family , just like BANK . who want to see if your credit is good before there loan you .

many farang . got into this Sin sod cycle that huant them cos many farang before you who paid for the high sin sod . is due to the BAD inresposibility of many farang out there who choose to throw out their wife .

when there have a problem . insetad of solving it together , ad the cycle go on to huant all farang .

i only see crazy SIn sod price mostly when you have a bAr girl with farang . cos there know this is their best way to get rich .

but don't mix this up with the average thai .

anyway like i said .

those who speak so loud and speak so much . i welcome you to my house or opver dinner table , i will pay for the meal . and also send you back hope if i need to . if you don;t want to fork out transport or i am more then happy to pay for your taxi .. if youw ant to come join me for dinner :o

my wife would love to see teh faces who had insult her :D and show you . how loving we are

Do you speak in Yoda speak in real life or is it just a forum thing

I speak so loud especially opver some cold brown ones I youw ant to come join you for dinner - i don;t want to fork out transport so you will be more then happy to pay for my taxi :D

I would love to see teh faces who had insult me :D and show you . how loving I am

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i have extented my invite and offer .

so the choice is open ,

whom ever is free , i am more then happy to arrange time to meet up for a simple meal . maybe Near my place where there have very nice food .

Yoda is a imaginary figure , i am real

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those who speak so loud and speak so much . i welcome you to my house or opver dinner table , i will pay for the meal . and also send you back hope if i need to . if you don;t want to fork out transport or i am more then happy to pay for your taxi .. if youw ant to come join me for dinner :o

my wife would love to see teh faces who had insult her :D and show you . how loving we are

if you pay for my airfare and 3 nights accommodation i might consider letting you and your wife be graced by my presence. :D

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Lust and infatuation are often confused for love. Neither will last. It takes time to build a relationship and the use of common sense and logic to choose a good wife/husband. Some couples may overcome a huge age difference but most will fail.

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Well, i think Ta22 sounds lovely! Also very good manners, considering some of the things people have fired at him.

Yeah right. If love is not about sex, then why do men always love women? :o

And I doubt any woman would 'love' a man if he were without money. Ever seen a homeless guy with a girlfriend? Uhuh. :D

Well..people love their friends/family and dont have sex with them (..usually...) Love is not about sex. Sex is a part of love. You can have sex without being in love. Love is a deeper respect and care for the person you are with. A willingness and wish to help them. Mutual caring. Sharing. ....A TON of things beyond sex.

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He's Chinese Singaporean. Ever spent significant time with them? I have. 5 years in LKY's police-state, I mean city-state.

My parents raised me to be polite too, therefore the nicest thing I can say is, they are unique. Proceed with caution westerners.

It's the oldest trick in the book. The ever so gracious and charming Chinese gentleman...Ever notice how he's always trying to meet up with farangs? Proceed with caution, trust me.

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The humor is part of the 'charm' thing to draw people in. After sufficient time has been spent in befriending and gaining trust, I'd bet my bottom dollar a unique 'business opportunity', 'partnership', 'once in a life-time purchase opportunity' will be brought up. Notice the little sly, slip-in of how he's made 4 million baht from his wife's family already?.... yeah right. The cheese is in the trap.

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whahhahaha - love your great great imagination .

as much as i do many business .

and believe in sharing . i relaly do not need any investment . and no smart business is going to sell you his money making idea

or a one off deal .

you are welcome with all your guess :o

and yes i am a sinmgaporean chinese , i am 32 now and i spend almost 30% of my life out of singapore .

in fact i been here for ages .

many forum poster had met me in chiangmai :D

but since i got married i am in bangkok most offen .


just to remind everyone here , not to trust any Get Rich business in thailand , cos is almost not possible .

but again most of teh hit and run deal i seem so far in my 10 plus years in thailand had been from FARANG .

whahahahhahaha how ironic to be warned by a FARANG :D .

so to make it real CLEAR .. please aviod any business chat with you if you think it would risk your money .

i am here to have a good time . and had no interest in you getting in my profit way .

i am offering to meet up cos i just enjoy meeting people . - those who had met me will tell you . how i am .

i am usually very busy . which i lose a social lifestyle .

but again i do meet people from all walk of life from my trade .

but i stille noy meeting mroe people ..

if i say i do not have bussiness deal with people i met i would be lying . and yes i did .

but most of the people who do bussiness with me , i am the one buying or paying cos i see profit in dealing with the person ..

anyway -- is good to remain carful ..

after all the first rule of bussiness if you want to put it , is to protect your investment .

but the first rule of Love is such that .

is not an Investment . and in my case , i do not ask for return when i love my wife .

and seriously i had been bring up by a family who believe if you want people to be nice to you ,

first be nice to others .

the forum is getting real cold .

but i don't blame anyone who is cold to me .

there have their reason .

my wife say .. forgive those who behave badly , some there , there will learn , is just too bad that we can't be the one that change them , but others will if he is lucky and had enought merit for such karma to come .

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this thread is most bizarre


cm96, if you have something to say, why not be clear about it, rather than make veiled references?

If you are suggesting that Ta22 likes to make friends with westerners because of money, then thats his choice. Personally I doubt it. But, I dont see why it should be a problem if a man who is successful in business likes to ask others who have money to invest in him. Its progress. Many business minded people work this way. You meet someone, you make friends, you suggest a business idea/plan. Either the person is interested or not. Why should it be a problem?

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this thread is most bizarre


cm96, if you have something to say, why not be clear about it, rather than make veiled references?

If you are suggesting that Ta22 likes to make friends with westerners because of money, then thats his choice. Personally I doubt it. But, I dont see why it should be a problem if a man who is successful in business likes to ask others who have money to invest in him. Its progress. Many business minded people work this way. You meet someone, you make friends, you suggest a business idea/plan. Either the person is interested or not. Why should it be a problem?

Because NO-ONE should ask friends to invest money in them. It's normally called a scam.

Even if the intention is genuine, any normal person would be wary of asking friends to 'invest' money in one of their plans, knowing if it all went horribly wrong - they would lose the friend.

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Ok fair enough. I meant that you should be clear why exactly you are saying this about him. But it doesnt really matter. I think the thread has ran its course anyway and looks like its going rapidly downhill.

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I'm suggesting that his claims of 'making 4 million baht' through his wifes family already, and 'money comes easily to him' are a complete load of BS. In any case, I personally find someone who continually starts 'sensational' types of threads such as 'for those who dont believe in love in thailand etc', and constantly offers to buy people meals and drinks, and to stay in his house,... a little creepy.

Furthermore, although a generalization, generalizations are so for a reason and I have had extensive experience with Chinese Singaporeans. Let's just

say I have found just about every single one I've met to be all about money and NOT what westerners would call 'straight shooters'. Having said all this,

I have never met him and sure I could be wrong. But he's the one who keeps posting cheeky threads and wanting to meet up with people. And now I'll drop it as it's not worth any more of our time. Have a nice day everyone! :o

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Shotime, I thought I did stop picking on you, unless you are Ta22?! lol

Ta22.... for the love of Pete... you keep asking me about my life and trying to paint me with the old man hooker loving brush and I didnt want to respond because I dont want to sound like I'm bragging but <deleted> it. I am in Thailand following a very important career, THATS IT. If it wasn't for that I would be in another country. However I met my love here and have been with her for 5 years and no she's not Thai, but she is intelligent, highly educated, powerful, successful, ambitious and devoted to me. I've got enough experience to know a good woman when I find one, I am a lucky man. I am about the same age as you.

You originally said that you paid such and such amount for your wife, you did not clarify that you got the money back (a proper sinsod), you are too naive to realise that MANY falangs do not get their money back. You are so trusting as to suggest we would all be better off if we were naive and trusting like you when in fact the opposite is the reality, we need to be very careful in this country as we are targeted over and over again to be scammed out of our money all in the name of "love". Very few men here are smart enough (or deserving enough?) to find a woman that they can trust.

I DONT GO TO BARS, you keep mentioning that.

This farang got his 200,000 baht sin sod back,with interest..

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don't get so work out - , after all this thread is started to share love .

and to explore the possiblity of finding love in thailand .

i do not blame Cm69 for being what he is .

this work is cruel enough and alot of the kind hearted people get scammed and , once bitten twice shy ..

but i can tell you right in your face .

this if is not going to make me change abit .


my offer still stand . and be it i meet anyone my life is still happy , i just naturely enjoy social networking . and meeting more people ,

cos everytime i meet people . i learn more thing . and it open me to new window of choices ,

i have notthing to hide , i am a business man by nature . and i enjoy business . but that my hobby . is just like you don't F***every girl you see on the street . same go for business that you don't ask people to invest on you .

and i strongly agree on the part where , you shoul dnot do business with friends ,

cos is a path down the road with very small sucecss rate . i know it cos i been on that path ,

but please do not stop yourself from talking business with me on a casual basis which non of us is investing .


seriously . 3-4 million baht is really small money -

i do not know why . some see it as a Lure . for investment .

the retire visa alone for both my parent is almost 2 million .

anyway let skip all MONEY topic . -- and get back to LOVE :o


and please remind every user who follow up on this THREAD not to bring up topic about money and investment . and also .. please . if you have no interest in business chat just don't bring it up .

plus if i do go into business . and i know i am making money . and money is not a problem with me .

give me one reason why i should find investment to share my profit when money is not a problem with me ?

i hope we keep it simple . you can go ahead and do your psyco test on me . - but pleas ethat just what you think .

so unless you met me and talk to me .. don't try to judge me . -


back to topic .

:D while i say so much about myself . why not those who give so much comment about me share some thing about you .

everyone dare to hide behind the screen and say all kinda BS ( right cm69 )

why not come up to the front -- yo are welcome to come MEET me , and if you find me treating you to dinner is a set up to rip you off , why not you TREAT me to dinner - or we just share . -

need not be fancy places , maybe over a bowl of nice fish ball noodle on the street ,

if you worry coming alone would endanger yourself . you are welcome to get a 2 or maybe a group of people to come meet me ,

how about we call a meeting - over a simple MOO KATA :D

i am more then happy to treat maybe 5-10 people at the same time .

so we can just have a decent moo kata together ( i just love moo kata )

no business talk , just share abit on how have everyone been doign in thailand .

you can keep your telephone number a secret so nobody can contact you .

all we do id find a place and meet up :D

how do you'll think ,.

i really love to see the faces behind all those words .

and of cos only if you are willing to come out .

Ps. Cm69

- Just cos yo got bitten by a singaporean chinese don't mean every singaporean chinese will bite you .

i seem farang drug addict before , so should i assume all farang is drug addict , psyco killer ?

please there is alway good and bad people , i am just sorry that you met with the bad one before you met the good one .

hope someday you find your heart to find happiness in others .

Edited by Ta22
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there is a chinese saying " if you minger in the dye room . expect your shirt to be stain "

so i guess it boil down to where you try to find your match and the dregree of self .. indose lie you putting yourself into .

Those whacky Chinese eh, did you find that in a fortune cookie?

when i first speed read it i thought it said

' If you do a minger in the dye room . expect your shirt to be stain '

:o:D :D

I gotta read General more often.

That's my next signature!

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Actually I DO feel ashamed for bringing nationality into the discussion. It's just wrong AND unnecessary. What I SHOULD have simply said was;

ANYONE posting a thread titled "For Those Who Do Not Believe In Love In Thailand" is at the very least an attention seeking wonker (intentional misspelling for mods). Or at the very worst a snake trying to lure people in for rip-off. Why would I want to go have a meal with either one?

Have a nice day. :o

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