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Thai Women Caught In Sex Slave Scheme


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Read this in the Melbourne paper and I think some thai women should be careful about being lured abroad on false promises

Shelley Hadfield

April 23, 2009 07:44pm

A THAI woman who claims to have been caught up in a sex slave scheme sent $32,000 to Thailand while under a contract in Melbourne, a court has heard.

Prosecutor Daniel Gurvich told the Supreme Court earlier this week that five women came to Australia under contracts to service 650 to 750 men to repay a debt for their passage to Melbourne and the opportunity to earn money.

Four men are on trial facing slavery-related offences.

James Montgomery, SC, representing Ho Kam Ho, told jurors that the main issue in the trial was whether the women were slaves. He said that when jurors looked at a whole series of factors they could not possibly convict his client of slavery offences.

He told the court that one of the women sent $31,900 to Thailand during her four- to five-month contract period.

On Wednesday, Mr Gurvich said Kam Tin Ho, 40, Ho Kam Ho, 38, Chee Fui Hoo, 42, and Slamet Edy Rahardjo, 53, were each accused of playing a part in a sophisticated and well-planned scheme to bring Thai woman to Australia and profit from their willingness to work for minimal reward in the sex industry.

Defence counsel John Dickinson, SC, urged jurors to use their heads not their hearts.

He said the case involved sex, prostitution, brothels and allegations of slavery, "all of which can excite a reaction in most normal people''.

Mr Dickinson, representing Kam Tin Ho, said the ultimate question for jurors to decide was whether the women were slaves.

"The prosecution says the relationship is slave owner to slave - or is it contractor/sub-contractor, employer and employee, or some other categorisation that is not slave owner and slave,'' Mr Dickinson said.

Mr Gurvich told jurors during his opening address that the five women came to Australia on contracts, under which they had to service 650 to 750 men to repay a debt for their passage to Melbourne and the opportunity to earn money.

He said there were strict controls over many aspects of the women's lives and their passports were taken from them while they worked off their debt.

But Mr Dickinson said claims that the women had their movements restricted and passports taken from them were issues in the trial.

Jim Bisas, representing Mr Hoo, said his client was a driver or gofer for two of the women but he disputed that he possessed or used them as slaves.

He said there was a dispute that he played any intentional or active part in a scheme to bring Thai women to Australia to work for minimal reward in the sex industry or that he had knowledge of debt arrangements into which they entered.

Leonard Hartnett, representing Mr Rahardjo, of Maroubra in New South Wales, said his client was not charged with engaging in a scheme but entering into a commercial transaction involving a slave.

Mr Hoo, of Burnside Heights, is charged with two counts of possessing a slave and one of using a slave.

Kam Tin Ho, of East Doncaster, is charged with five counts of possessing a slave, four of using a slave, one of entering into a commercial transaction involving a slave and four offences of structuring cash transactions.

Ho Kam Ho, of East Doncaster, is charged with four counts of possessing a slave, four of using a slave, one of entering into a commercial transaction involving a slave and one of structuring cash transactions.

The men have pleaded not guilty.

The trial before Justice Philip Cummins continues next week.

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Slaves and they're sending back $32,000 in only a few months? You know they recruit these people from Nana, Soi Cowboy, and Pattaya. More than they would have saved at their old gogo jobs.

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Spot the odd one out? Kam Tin Ho, 40, Ho Kam Ho, 38, Chee Fui Hoo, 42, and Slamet Edy Rahardjo, 53.

5 women to service up to 750 men? That`s 150 men for each girl if shared equally.

These women are no more than walking sperm culture banks.

And to think, there are guys that actually fall in love with them, amazing.

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An Indo friend of mine just came back from Geylang where she averaged 20 blokes a day. She was there for 30 days....hmmm.

This was her third trip. :o

She doesn't particularly like it but she needs the money...which added up to about 3k Sing.

These girls in Melb. got it easy.

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Spot the odd one out? Kam Tin Ho, 40, Ho Kam Ho, 38, Chee Fui Hoo, 42, and Slamet Edy Rahardjo, 53.

5 women to service up to 750 men? That`s 150 men for each girl if shared equally.

These women are no more than walking sperm culture banks.

And to think, there are guys that actually fall in love with them, amazing.

not only fall in love with them but marry them. There are some desparate guys out there just look at Pattaya. Some of the girls there actually have up to a dozen foriegn guys who think they are the only ones who go home and send money back to them each month thinking she is waiting for him to return.

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An Indo friend of mine just came back from Geylang where she averaged 20 blokes a day. She was there for 30 days....hmmm.

This was her third trip. :o

She doesn't particularly like it but she needs the money...which added up to about 3k Sing.

These girls in Melb. got it easy.

20 a day ? highly unlikely unless they were all premature ejaculators.

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An Indo friend of mine just came back from Geylang where she averaged 20 blokes a day. She was there for 30 days....hmmm.

This was her third trip. :o

She doesn't particularly like it but she needs the money...which added up to about 3k Sing.

These girls in Melb. got it easy.

20 a day ? highly unlikely unless they were all premature ejaculators.

Pig on a spit might be able to do it

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Spot the odd one out? Kam Tin Ho, 40, Ho Kam Ho, 38, Chee Fui Hoo, 42, and Slamet Edy Rahardjo, 53.

5 women to service up to 750 men? That`s 150 men for each girl if shared equally.

These women are no more than walking sperm culture banks.

And to think, there are guys that actually fall in love with them, amazing.

yes, Slamet Edy Rahardjo is only charged with using a slave, or were you inferring something else?

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An Indo friend of mine just came back from Geylang where she averaged 20 blokes a day. She was there for 30 days....hmmm.

This was her third trip. :o

She doesn't particularly like it but she needs the money...which added up to about 3k Sing.

These girls in Melb. got it easy.

so you will be recommending prostitution to your mother, sister or daughter (enslaved or not)?

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Im re-opening this thread, as we have to respect that discussion of some aspects of prostitution is necessary. Especially when it comes to keeping those that might be affected informed of the downside of things.

however, to make sure we can carry on discussion without violating forum rules, please strictly observe the following:

discussions about where to obtain, how to barter, how much for short/long time etc., and similar lines are certainly not allowed, including how many clients is the norm is also not allowed. re-opening this thread is not an indication to encourage that.

thanks for your understanding.

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An Indo friend of mine just came back from Geylang where she averaged 20 blokes a day. She was there for 30 days....hmmm.

This was her third trip. :o

She doesn't particularly like it but she needs the money...which added up to about 3k Sing.

These girls in Melb. got it easy.

so you will be recommending prostitution to your mother, sister or daughter (enslaved or not)?

Do you think she would tell me this if it wasn't true? seems an unlikely thing to brag about.

thaiwanderer, you are a complete idiot.

No woman should need to sell herself, but if they feel the need to, or are forced into it then 150 in 3 months would be a heck of a lot better than 600 in one month for 1/10th of the money.

It is a fact of life and comments like yours are not only naive but show you to be a complete ignoramus.

Anyone ever been to that little alley off Desker road in Singapore? there are Indians/Bangladeshis etc lined up outside these cheapo brothels. 20 minutes a pop in and out.

Go have a look for yourselves folks. Not all sex work is short or long time. Most of it is production line.

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An Indo friend of mine just came back from Geylang where she averaged 20 blokes a day. She was there for 30 days....hmmm.

This was her third trip. :D

She doesn't particularly like it but she needs the money...which added up to about 3k Sing.

These girls in Melb. got it easy.

3,000 singapore$, that's about 70,000 Baht right? :o For 600 customers!!!!

That is disgusting, extreme exploitation.

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Some are willing actors of this trade, but some are victims.

I believe that there are a number of organizations that deal with the victims of these modern days slave trades. Would it be within forum rules to list those organizations ? I mean someone we can contact if we know know of someone who is in danger to be victim of this trade ?

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Some are willing actors of this trade, but some are victims.

I believe that there are a number of organizations that deal with the victims of these modern days slave trades. Would it be within forum rules to list those organizations ? I mean someone we can contact if we know know of someone who is in danger to be victim of this trade ?

I should imagine that would be a great thing to post.

BTW, apologies for my tirade against thaiwanderer.

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  • 1 month later...
An Indo friend of mine just came back from Geylang where she averaged 20 blokes a day. She was there for 30 days....hmmm.

This was her third trip. :)

She doesn't particularly like it but she needs the money...which added up to about 3k Sing.

These girls in Melb. got it easy.

Can I have her number? I would like to marry her and put as much land as possible in her name. If she's not available, perhaps she can hook me up with one of her friends from Geylang?

All jokes aside, I know a girl who was supposed to go work in Singapore, non bar girl, to work a normal job. On arrival, they took her passport and put her out on Geylang where she to had to service 20 - 30 men a day before she could have a place to sleep. She was able to escape with the help of a falang. Madness.

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How can anyone consider someone who is able to send so much money back to Thailand a "slave". It sounds more like a "sex worker". Calling it a sex slave scheme sounds like media sensationalism.

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  • 3 weeks later...

June 27, 2009 06:40pm

TWO men have been found guilty of involvement in a sex slave scheme in Melbourne brothels.

The scheme saw Thai women providing sex for up 750 men in exchange for their passage to Australia.

One man, who could not be identified for legal reasons, was found guilty on five counts of possessing a slave and four counts of structuring cash transactions to avoid financial disclosure laws.

The Melbourne Supreme Court jury was unable to reach a verdict on two counts.

A second man was found guilty on four counts of possessing a slave and one count of structuring cash.

He was acquitted of four counts of using a slave and found not guilty of entering into a commercial transaction involving a slave.

Chee Fui Hoo, 42, was not guilty on one count of using a slave and there was no verdict on two other charges.

Slamet Edy Rahardjo, 53, was not guilty on one charge.

- with Shelley Hadfield


Edited by saintofsilence
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And the mother keeps asking if I will sell the daughter in the UK? At 32 I said she was too old, but looking at this topic, I could be on a good earner of %

Not the first mother to ask either. :)

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Im re-opening this thread, as we have to respect that discussion of some aspects of prostitution is necessary. Especially when it comes to keeping those that might be affected informed of the downside of things.

however, to make sure we can carry on discussion without violating forum rules, please strictly observe the following:

discussions about where to obtain, how to barter, how much for short/long time etc., and similar lines are certainly not allowed, including how many clients is the norm is also not allowed. re-opening this thread is not an indication to encourage that.

thanks for your understanding.

It is good to be open to this discussion. However, the real lack of information, I think, is in the Thai media. Many Thai women seem to be oblivious to the dangers of employment in another country. I am talking about women who are not regular veterans of the entertainment trade here.

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A few months ago I was chatting to the Thai lady giving me a manicure and she told me that she had met a farang when he was on holiday and he had invited her to come stay with her in England. She had only known him for a week and, much to my horror, she was going!

He had told her that he and his mother ran a bed and breakfast (I think - it was a while ago now!), and she was hoping to be able to work with them running the B&B.

She had chatted with his mum over the 'phone who told her how much she was looking forward to meeting her!

I tried to tell her to be VERY careful, but it was obvious she was not listening and was convinced she was moving to a great life in England.

I've often wondered what happened, but it made me realise how easy it is for Thai women to be lured to other countries, thinking it will be a money making opportunity.

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A few months ago I was chatting to the Thai lady giving me a manicure and she told me that she had met a farang when he was on holiday and he had invited her to come stay with her in England. She had only known him for a week and, much to my horror, she was going!

He had told her that he and his mother ran a bed and breakfast (I think - it was a while ago now!), and she was hoping to be able to work with them running the B&B.

She had chatted with his mum over the 'phone who told her how much she was looking forward to meeting her!

I tried to tell her to be VERY careful, but it was obvious she was not listening and was convinced she was moving to a great life in England.

I've often wondered what happened, but it made me realise how easy it is for Thai women to be lured to other countries, thinking it will be a money making opportunity.

Yes then there is the other scenario like where a guy i knew married a prostitute ( yes we all tried to talk him out of it ,but "this ones different " ) after getting the landed papers in the uk off she goes to work at a brothel in leeds,.slavery, pull the other one,.they love it,. Edited by imaneggspurt
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A few months ago I was chatting to the Thai lady giving me a manicure and she told me that she had met a farang when he was on holiday and he had invited her to come stay with her in England. She had only known him for a week and, much to my horror, she was going!

He had told her that he and his mother ran a bed and breakfast (I think - it was a while ago now!), and she was hoping to be able to work with them running the B&B.

She had chatted with his mum over the 'phone who told her how much she was looking forward to meeting her!

I tried to tell her to be VERY careful, but it was obvious she was not listening and was convinced she was moving to a great life in England.

I've often wondered what happened, but it made me realise how easy it is for Thai women to be lured to other countries, thinking it will be a money making opportunity.

Yes then there is the other scenario like where a guy i knew married a prostitute ( yes we all tried to talk him out of it ,but "this ones different " ) after getting the landed papers in the uk off she goes to work at a brothel in leeds,.slavery, pull the other one,.they love it,.

Obviously they don't 'love it', they're just entirely motivated by money.

As for your friend, I'm afraid I have little sympathy. All anyone has to do is use a little common sense and look around them at the farang/thai relationships to see what it is all about.

That doesn't however, excuse people treating them like slaves.

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A few months ago I was chatting to the Thai lady giving me a manicure and she told me that she had met a farang when he was on holiday and he had invited her to come stay with her in England. She had only known him for a week and, much to my horror, she was going!

He had told her that he and his mother ran a bed and breakfast (I think - it was a while ago now!), and she was hoping to be able to work with them running the B&B.

She had chatted with his mum over the 'phone who told her how much she was looking forward to meeting her!

I tried to tell her to be VERY careful, but it was obvious she was not listening and was convinced she was moving to a great life in England.

I've often wondered what happened, but it made me realise how easy it is for Thai women to be lured to other countries, thinking it will be a money making opportunity.

Yes then there is the other scenario like where a guy i knew married a prostitute ( yes we all tried to talk him out of it ,but "this ones different " ) after getting the landed papers in the uk off she goes to work at a brothel in leeds,.slavery, pull the other one,.they love it,.

Obviously they don't 'love it', they're just entirely motivated by money.

As for your friend, I'm afraid I have little sympathy. All anyone has to do is use a little common sense and look around them at the farang/thai relationships to see what it is all about.

That doesn't however, excuse people treating them like slaves.

Sorry you read into that wrong, when i said they love it, i actually meant the money,............and i have to add that not all thai/farang relationships are doomed, ive been married to a wonderful thai lady for 8 years, we have a 6 year old daughter of course there are good ones, ,selection is the problem, if you marry a whore thats exactly what you have as a wife,.i didnt find my ex english wife in soho and i wasnt going to look for the next one in pattaya,. :)
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