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Health Question For The Ladies &/or Gf's/wives


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(sorry if this has been covered before)

Any recommendations for a good English speaking female doctor (gynecologist)?

Although not a fan of Ram, im of course interested in the Doctor, rather than the hospital. However, I do prefer Suan Dok/Sri Pat in general.

Added bonus would be an idea of cost from both hospitals (for a general check up, pap smear), but thats me just being lazy to do the leg work. :D

Thank you! :o

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(sorry if this has been covered before)

Any recommendations for a good English speaking female doctor (gynecologist)?

Although not a fan of Ram, im of course interested in the Doctor, rather than the hospital. However, I do prefer Suan Dok/Sri Pat in general.

Added bonus would be an idea of cost from both hospitals (for a general check up, pap smear), but thats me just being lazy to do the leg work. :D

Thank you! :o

I went to a lovely gynecologist on the Nimahemin Rd. His clinic is at the end near the Super Highway on the same side as Paparazzi Bar, just past the Tesco. Sorry, don't have his name, but the clinic is pink on the outside and you can see clearly that he's a gyny from what's on the window. He speaks very good English and told me that he doesn't have a fulltime job at a hospital (which many private clinic doctors do and I think is a disadvantage). He had the ideal approach for the job and only charged 300 baht for a smear test. Much easier than having to go through all the hospital admin before you even get to the doctor.

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I went to a lovely gynecologist on the Nimahemin Rd. His clinic is at the end near the Super Highway on the same side as Paparazzi Bar, just past the Tesco. Sorry, don't have his name, but the clinic is pink on the outside and you can see clearly that he's a gyny from what's on the window

He could have made it even clearer by making it pink on the inside.

<getting my coat in a hurry.. > :o

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Still hoping for a few more responses. ..ill rephrase that.. Still hoping for a few more helpful responses. (*smacks winnie*)

Thank you starrysky..although sounds goods, i really do prefer a female gyno. Jackr, thanks also...even though the phrasing of it was a tad um... ...um..nvm.

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