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Caught Smuggling At Suvarnabhumi


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600 means 3 cartons? at say roughly usd15 per carton, his total cost was approx usd45? I asume you are talking about Regal cigarettes?

US $15 a carton? Your having a laugh aren't you. Regal King Size cigarettes are from the UK, they would could approx $70+ a carton,so approx US $210 in total. That's why we call it rip off Britain.


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Here we go again.... More TV Hyperbole.

Some guy brings more cigarettes in to Thailand than is allowed under the Thai customs regulations, gets caught, has to pay the penalty applicable to the regulation he's been caught breaking and we get a report on TV that the guy was robbed.

Turn up at Heathrow (or any number of other airports around the world) with more duty free goods than are permitted and you might face, a fine, confiscation of the goods, confiscation of all your luggage and/or imprisonment.

Of course the argument can be made that Thailand needs tourists, as indeed it does, but it doesn't need tourists who break the local laws.

Just because its the law does not make it right. I got caught in Manchester with 4000 cigarettes. They kept the cigarettes took my name and told me not to do it again. How can you people be so arrogant in trying to defend the indefensible. Wake up and know Thailand for what it is corrupt,and just because i have a Thai wife and visit frequently dose not mean i cannot see it for what it is.

Seems to be the common denominator of many TV posts these days:

1) Thailand is a tinpot third world country. Ergo, is corrupt and out to get foreigners. As such, must COMPLAIN.

2) Then, when said supposed tinpot third world country applies standards you would expect in the west, as such, must COMPLAIN. "I wuz robbed".

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20,000 Baht is a fine for tax evasion, not tax, and certainly not robbery. I have heard of people being charged the same amount for being over their alcohol allowance. Moral of the story is don't go over your limit and try to smuggle taxable imports through the green channel - even though customs at Suvarnabhumi look like a slack lot, they can catch you out.

The OP exceeded his duty free allowance and didn't declare it. He broke the law and was fined, not robbed. Had he declared, he would have still had to pay tax, but it would have been a lot less. All countries have laws pertaining to smuggling, and offenders are fined or imprisoned for breaking those laws.

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Just because its the law does not make it right. I got caught in Manchester with 4000 cigarettes. They kept the cigarettes took my name and told me not to do it again. How can you people be so arrogant in trying to defend the indefensible. Wake up and know Thailand for what it is corrupt,and just because i have a Thai wife and visit frequently dose not mean i cannot see it for what it is.

What utter nonsense. We can't opt out of the law just because we don't like it, and there is nothing 'corrupt' about fining someone for smuggling. The fact that you got off with only a caution for smuggling 4,000 cigarettes into the UK doesn't mean that everyone else should get off with a caution for smuggling elsewhere in the world.

Edited by dbrenn
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How the hel_l do you get caught at Bangkok customs anyway? I've entered Thailand at least 50 times and have never been searched.

Me, the same, I have never ever been checked or even spoken to by any customs official at either of the Bangkok airports.

The customs are like the immigration, they never want to speak to foreigners even.

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How the hel_l do you get caught at Bangkok customs anyway? I've entered Thailand at least 50 times and have never been searched.

The duty free bag tends to give them away.. :D

That could be it - 600 ciggies in a clear duty free bag :o

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This isnt tax evasion, he was intending to use them himself not to sell them on at a profit.

But Thailand does like to put huge taxes on all goods from the west whilst thinking theyve the right to sell their products world wide with NO tax levy.

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How the hel_l do you get caught at Bangkok customs anyway? I've entered Thailand at least 50 times and have never been searched.

The duty free bag tends to give them away.. :D

That could be it - 600 ciggies in a clear duty free bag :D


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How the hel_l do you get caught at Bangkok customs anyway? I've entered Thailand at least 50 times and have never been searched.

A lot of EU'ers on flights via the middle east tend to stock up on EU brand ciggies there on the stopover on the way over to Thailand. Buy them at a fraction of the cost at home. They bring them into Thailand, mostly so they can pack it into their checked luggage on the way home (as well as buying a few more on the way back).

Said ciggies are then sold on the black market back home for a profit, and used to pay for their shenanigans in LOS.

Problem is that customs are onto this trick, and tend up their guard on passengers who are arriving from the middle east. Importation of undeclared and unapproved tobacco into Thailand is an offence, even if you are intending to re-export it.

Bet a tenner that this bloke was flying via the middle east.

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This isnt tax evasion, he was intending to use them himself not to sell them on at a profit.

But Thailand does like to put huge taxes on all goods from the west whilst thinking theyve the right to sell their products world wide with NO tax levy.

Revenue and inelastic demand

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This isnt tax evasion, he was intending to use them himself not to sell them on at a profit.

In this case it doesn't matter who was smoking the ciggies - he exceeded the duty free limit allowed for personal consumption and tried to avoind paying duty on the excess.

But Thailand does like to put huge taxes on all goods from the west whilst thinking theyve the right to sell their products world wide with NO tax levy.

Customs tariffs and excise duty are found the world over. Not only in Thailand.

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Only briefly looked at the website Id better not bring my laptop, mobile, sweets etc??? Its a bit vague isnt it?


Controlling organizations

* Buddha images, religious or ancient arts, and


Department of Fine Arts

* Weapons, bullets, and explosive devices

Office of National Police

* Plants and planting materials

Department of Agriculture

* Live Animals, pets, and animals products

Department of Live Stock Development

* Food and drugs

Food and Drug Administration

* Automobile parts

Ministry of Industry

* Cigars, cigarettes, and alcoholic beverage

Excise Department

* Wireless transmitters and receivers,

telecommunication equipments

The National Telecommunications Commission

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If this had been someone stopped with a few grams of marijuana in his pocket or a couple of ecstasy pills this thread would be full of the let him/her rot in jail comments from the pious TV oxygen-bottle set.

If it had been a couple of bottles of whisky instead of cigarettes - which are becoming less socially acceptable - I imagine their would be more shouts about the "thieving Thai customs".

Amazing the standards that apply on this forum.

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The fact that he paid over 5x the price he could have bought them for here, and then got fined makes it even funnier - it's just a tax on the stupid. Why would anyone smuggle cigs/ booze INTO Thailand, surely it's supposed to be the other way around??

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What in the hel_l? What was the 20k for? You have to declare stuff you bring on VACATION?! Uh isnt declaration for when you go back home? So what exactly was the 20k for?

if it's cigarettes or alcohol yes you do. and you do that entering any country on this planet. and you pay freaking duties and fines in any country of this planet if you exceed what is allowed. try to enter Singapore with just 5 packets of cigarettes (you are not even allowed to import a single cigarette!).

but how would you know having never travelled abroad? :o

There was an occasion once where I was bringing 5 bottles of wine from Australia to Thailand for a friend. A few days before departure I was diverted to Singapore.

My friend had assured me that the Thai customs would be no problem (and they weren't, things were "organised" at the airport) but what to do about Singapore ? I declared the wine to the customs official telling him I was taking the wine on to Thailand. He asked "sure you're not leaving it in Singapore ?" "Absolutely not" I said explaining it was for a friend in Thailand. "Ok, no problem" he replied.

Just goes to show and that in my experience if you are over the quota slightly (like an extra carton or bottle, or in this case an extra 4 bottles) and declare it chances are you'll be waved through. Don't declare it and you run the chance of loosing it and paying dearly for the privilege.

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What in the hel_l? What was the 20k for? You have to declare stuff you bring on VACATION?! Uh isnt declaration for when you go back home? So what exactly was the 20k for?

if it's cigarettes or alcohol yes you do. and you do that entering any country on this planet. and you pay freaking duties and fines in any country of this planet if you exceed what is allowed. try to enter Singapore with just 5 packets of cigarettes (you are not even allowed to import a single cigarette!).

but how would you know having never travelled abroad? :o

Ya right I just spawned in Thailand lol, I didn't travel abroad to get here hehe. Truth is I don't smoke or drink so both those examples would be totally foreign to me. Is there anything else I can't bring into a vacation country?! Don't want to do 10 years from bringing my japanese animation collection or 3 hard drives instead of 2!

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This has nothing to do with robbery, but everything with stupidity.
The fact that he paid over 5x the price he could have bought them for here, and then got fined makes it even funnier - it's just a tax on the stupid. Why would anyone smuggle cigs/ booze INTO Thailand, surely it's supposed to be the other way around??

The advent of the modern jet engine, wide-bodied aircraft & low cost carriers, mass air travel has become a reality. One of the unfortunate side affects of this is that it has allowed complete knobheads to travel to destinations previousely denied to them.

More suited to day trips to Skegness or a week at Butlins Bognor Regis.

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This has nothing to do with robbery, but everything with stupidity.
The fact that he paid over 5x the price he could have bought them for here, and then got fined makes it even funnier - it's just a tax on the stupid. Why would anyone smuggle cigs/ booze INTO Thailand, surely it's supposed to be the other way around??

The advent of the modern jet engine, wide-bodied aircraft & low cost carriers, mass air travel has become a reality. One of the unfortunate side affects of this is that it has allowed complete knobheads to travel to destinations previousely denied to them.

More suited to day trips to Skegness or a week at Butlins Bognor Regis.


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