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So, I have just spent 5 unglorious minutes with Windows 7, after a quick install and a quick boot up, yes it is quick but I have decided to take it off, mainly because:

- the UI is too different in places to XP

- it doesn't adhere to KISS, it comes accross all flash and no substance - for gods sake its just an OS

- it really is over complicated it parts, just opening up a torrent file in utorrent is yuck

- it wants to "mother" you too much

I love xp because it is SIMPLE, its not snazzy, hasn't got a million windows opening up god knows where or a million options, when xp gets killed off I will go to linux, but I will never touch vista or win7

After all, all win7 is . is vista lite, a rebadged vista to fool people

This is all a personal viewpoint.


Nothing mean or anything, but if you're looking for simplicity, you may end up wanting to look at OSX rather than Linux once XP is oudated for ya.....

Guest Reimar


5 minutes using a new OS and know everything!!

But you're right, better for you go back to XP and stand with that BSOD OS forever because you didn't need to learn!

Unfortunate I've to admit that I use Windows 7 since several month and can even run my old software again which wasn't possible in XP and later Vista. My good old SCSI scanner works again, also impossible in XP and Vista! Maybe XP and Vista are to advanced? Stop, could it be that those OS's, I mean XP and Vista, were much more buggy than XP and Vista?!

And on my laptop the Bluetooth is working now which wre also not possible in Vista and impossible most of the time in XP because before every use in XP I had to reinstall the driver!

Ok, never mind, be happy with XP forever!


Wow! A Sarcastic comment from the moderator (super) of the internet section. Lets see, I have used bbs and forum for coming close to 17 years now. If I want a sarcastic comment from a moderator because of a PERSONAL VIEWPOINT , (clearly stated, can you read) I will ASK YOU FOR ONE.

Now, onto your comments.

Put a man and a woman in a room together, within 30 seconds they know if they like each other.

Test drive a car for just 5 minutes, you know if you like it.

For myself I have used PC's and Mainframes (I was a mainframe Operator, a computer programmer) all versions of DOS , most versions of Windows barring Vista, yes I can pretty much make up my mind within 5 minutes if I like it or not.

You can't disguise shit, no matter how much you try, I'm talking about Win 7 here, just in case you thought I was having a go at you.

And yes, I can get all my old progs to work, not in XP, its called a seperate partition.

Guess what, that's a personal opinion or are we not allowed these on TV without having super mods take the piss, oh sorry you're a super mod and know more than me.

And again, All I have stated are personal opinions if you want to get personal (via your fantastic sarcastic wit) as a super mod, go ahead but you shouldn't even be one if you act like that.

Guest Reimar
Wow! A Sarcastic comment from the moderator (super) of the internet section. Lets see, I have used bbs and forum for coming close to 17 years now. If I want a sarcastic comment from a moderator because of a PERSONAL VIEWPOINT , (clearly stated, can you read) I will ASK YOU FOR ONE.

Now, onto your comments.

Put a man and a woman in a room together, within 30 seconds they know if they like each other.

Test drive a car for just 5 minutes, you know if you like it.

For myself I have used PC's and Mainframes (I was a mainframe Operator, a computer programmer) all versions of DOS , most versions of Windows barring Vista, yes I can pretty much make up my mind within 5 minutes if I like it or not.

You can't disguise shit, no matter how much you try, I'm talking about Win 7 here, just in case you thought I was having a go at you.

And yes, I can get all my old progs to work, not in XP, its called a seperate partition.

Guess what, that's a personal opinion or are we not allowed these on TV without having super mods take the piss, oh sorry you're a super mod and know more than me.

And again, All I have stated are personal opinions if you want to get personal (via your fantastic sarcastic wit) as a super mod, go ahead but you shouldn't even be one if you act like that.

First at all, even Moderators or Supermoderators are allowed to have an personal viewpoint! And a Moderator or Supermopderator is an Member of that forum, where a post is in question, as well.

And you as an member will never be in an position for to tell to other members how and what that other members have to post, answer or whatsoever. Same as an Moderator or Supermoderator is not in that positions as well. Except in the situation that an member is breaching the Forum Rules in any way.

As an logical thinking human, you should be able to understand that!

In case you open an topic on any forum, you request at the same time answers! That is just one of the natures of an forum!

That not all answers only positive you should know a that educated human you show you are! In case you can't accept any critic, better you don't post.

About your personal background I don't mind in any way! How much or less you know about computer I don't mind either. But I mind about being the same human with the same rights as others. At all times you should give others the same rights as you expect from others!

And you will NOT give me the right to post as normal member?! Only as Supermoderator?!

And now just to your 5 minutes post:

My live will be never long enough to know my counterpart!

I need to drive a car longer than 5 minutes to get the details to be able to choose I want that car or not!

Installation of Windows 7 is fast (agreed) just need 20 minutes and runs fast.

So now what all you can install and checkout within 5 minutes?

To install Office you need min. 10 min, so test within 5 minutes impossible!

Oh, Utorrent?! Need to have Internet connection to fist which needs 2 minutes to setup properly, download Utorrent need 1 minute! Ok, 2 minutes (max) left for to test Utorrent, which means download some program pp! How long that would need?

I think that's enough or?!

My dear friend, get real! I don't mind you like some OS or not, that's entirely up to you and nobody are able to choose for you what you like or what not!

But to admit to know an new OS after the first time installation within 5 minutes after an installation is just a bit to much!

And to be very clear: THIS answer, same as my FIRST POST here, is my personal view and NOT the view as Moderator.

Have a nice day!



You are of course entitled to your opinion, but I don't think you're being fair to W7 after just a few minutes.

Yes, the UI is quite different to XP, it's very much more Vista-esque and does take some getting used to (but so did XP after W2k).

If you have used Vista W7 is a breath of fresh air, actually everything Vista should have been, and, on my baby Acer Aspire One, it is faster than XP :o

I now have no machines with XP, I DO have one with W2k (IMHO the most stable Windoze OS to date bar W7 [maybe]).

Just my opinion of course :D

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"



I fully agree - five minutes is nothing to get to know a new OS. If you don't like the flashy bits, they can all be turned off, there's a "classic" GUI which will make it look like like XP (or even like W2K) if you insist.

And no, i have NOT yet tested W7, however from what i have read (in WAY more than five minutes) i know i am going to like it - it is FAST, it runs on not-so-high-end hardware (so i can actually use that two-year-old computer without the need to buy a new one yet again) and older software works - no need for a new (expensive!) Office suite as my old one (Office XP) will work (at least i hope so... it was a nightmare under Vista!)

I am running Linux right now, so if you think you could switch from XP to Linux easier than from XP to W7 let me tell you - you can NOT. Despite having no problems at all it took me quite some time to get used to it.


Valid question and off-topic - DOES an older Office suite such as Office XP work well under Windows 7..?

Kind regards......


PS testing uTorrent requires a working internet connection and a properly forwarded port in case you use a router and/or firewall and also a static IP on the computer (again if a router is used). Other than that "loading a torrent into uTorrent" is double-clicking the torrent file - how much easier could it be..?? And above steps have to be taken under Vista and XP same-same - i have done it. Even under Linux (!) it's exactly the same - where uTorrent runs in Wine, it's still my one-and-only torrent application.


my new job is as interaction designer for microsoft's ad campaigns. my main project is windows 7. it is interesting to read the comments here. i have to help think of a way to change the minds of you detractors. :o


I trust ernest1966 tried to voice his frustration he experienced with something regarding W7.

He stated that he has indeed many years of experiences with computers...

so I guess it was honest frustration based on his "personal experiences"

Yes, it might take longer than 5 minutes to judge if something is good or bad

but not everybody is equal and some might have the ability to do it in 5 minutes.

How can we know about?

Each of us will have different experiences with W7, so let us be neutral and benefit from each other

findings and experiences. Thats the best way IMHO. Remember how the Thais say it? "chai yen yen"...

That works best!

Guest Reimar

I fully agree - five minutes is nothing to get to know a new OS. If you don't like the flashy bits, they can all be turned off, there's a "classic" GUI which will make it look like like XP (or even like W2K) if you insist.

And no, i have NOT yet tested W7, however from what i have read (in WAY more than five minutes) i know i am going to like it - it is FAST, it runs on not-so-high-end hardware (so i can actually use that two-year-old computer without the need to buy a new one yet again) and older software works - no need for a new (expensive!) Office suite as my old one (Office XP) will work (at least i hope so... it was a nightmare under Vista!)

I am running Linux right now, so if you think you could switch from XP to Linux easier than from XP to W7 let me tell you - you can NOT. Despite having no problems at all it took me quite some time to get used to it.


Valid question and off-topic - DOES an older Office suite such as Office XP work well under Windows 7..?

Kind regards......


PS testing uTorrent requires a working internet connection and a properly forwarded port in case you use a router and/or firewall and also a static IP on the computer (again if a router is used). Other than that "loading a torrent into uTorrent" is double-clicking the torrent file - how much easier could it be..?? And above steps have to be taken under Vista and XP same-same - i have done it. Even under Linux (!) it's exactly the same - where uTorrent runs in Wine, it's still my one-and-only torrent application.

You can use Office 95 if you like, it just works well. I was testing that on the NEC Mate 17, an 8 years old machine! Ad as I wrote in an other thread, Image Pals and Windows Draw (18 years old both) just working well too!!

About the uTorrent, who' really working with that will know exactly how to set it up and how to use it!



While I'm a fairly ardent Linux promoter, I don't ever want to see Microsoft go down. If they do I fear for the innovation that's spring out from the F/OSS world. Plus we'll be subjected to more Ubuntus and fewer SuSEs (that jab's in there because I haven't railed on the subject for a while :o ).

I believe on the other hand that you CAN decide within five minutes whether something's to your liking or not. For instance on my work 'puter it took me like 2 minutes to decide that Vista should be as 'Classic' theme as possible. When time is money, there's no incentive to pecking around, no matter how smart you are and how many systems you know you're going to be doing that if you are switching around, so why shouldn't you be able to complain about not liking a system that changes things so drastically you lose money?

Now granted the OP could have a very valid complaint or he could be a luddite who's yelling at the kids to stay off his grass; I don't know.....but wouldn't a more constructive course of action be to determine that and than tear him a new one if he's being stupid? Or try and explain to him how to accomplish in 5 minutes or less setting up his install to perform same-same as XP so that he doesn't lose valuable minutes relearning an operating system?

Oh, and by the way I still have problems with ls versus dir and the whole "," versus ";" and "ctrl-n" versus "ctrl-o" on Excel versus Ooo.org (I have to do a LOT of spreadsheets!).


I am an XP supporter, then the wife got Vista and screwed it up so I had to learn it. In its latest incarnation, with a lot of hardware, its not as bad as I thought. I still use XP though.

I have got W7 running on a test machine, and i like it. Quick to load, install, so far doing everything better using less resources. But I think the key is, it isn't on my primary machine.

I would never load a pre-release O/S on my main machine.

W7, like the latest Vista 64, seems to load all the drivers and do an awful lot of the setup and driver hunting all on its own. I really cant see that as a bad thing.

And I too think its a little harsh to take the OP's "5 minutes" as literal. Also I found it very useful with Vista and W7 to set the theme to windows classic.

Guest Reimar
I am an XP supporter, then the wife got Vista and screwed it up so I had to learn it. In its latest incarnation, with a lot of hardware, its not as bad as I thought. I still use XP though.

I have got W7 running on a test machine, and i like it. Quick to load, install, so far doing everything better using less resources. But I think the key is, it isn't on my primary machine.

I would never load a pre-release O/S on my main machine.

W7, like the latest Vista 64, seems to load all the drivers and do an awful lot of the setup and driver hunting all on its own. I really cant see that as a bad thing.

And I too think its a little harsh to take the OP's "5 minutes" as literal. Also I found it very useful with Vista and W7 to set the theme to windows classic.

I spend a lot of time on Windows 7, all of them on my own computer. From that experiences, my own of course, I really can tell that Windows 7 is the best Windows I had worked with till now and that's since the first windows was launched 1985. Since than and before Windows 7 Windows 3.1 and 3.11 were the best Windows. It wasn't for nothing that those Windows was sold and serviced till November last year.

All other Windows versions in between 1992 (3.1) and 2008 as I started to use Windows 7 in Pre-Beta Stage, were full with bugs and a lot of problems. Special XP with it's BSOD was terrible. Vista was getting a lot better but there was the need of to get use with it. That wasn't a problem for me because I'm in this business since many many years and have to work with many different systems.

From my experiences I frankly can tell that any OS has it's own "soul" which you'll need to learn to know if you want to get out at min what you need. And that isn't a 5 minutes step!

To tell to like something or hate that, is one thing but to admin to know the same after a few minutes, or even hours, is everything but true!

I'm a practice guy who read a lot but didn't take that over as a holy word. I try that things out by myself, work with it, even bring it to it's border! I can frankly admit that I do have the experiences I'm talking about. One very important step is at all times that we go with an positive mind to test what we like to test. If we go with an negative mind, I'll do everything to get an bad result just because to be able to tell to myself: Ha, I'm right, it isn't good! Starting with an negative mind also forced to finish fast and don't give that product a chance to show it is better!

A negative mind is also behind those who just using the results others bur didn't retesting the product.

From my point of view Windows 7 is an excellent product, the best Microsoft has produced till now. There was an other Program, which was running on DOS environment which was better than any Windows and far ahead it's time (beginning 1990): Geo Works! Unfortunate that prog was disappearing quite fast. But the GUI was excellent and it was very fast and the first program which was letting me printing pictures in Photo quality. At that time I was doing a lot graphic and design work for customers and I had to produce the printed samples. The Printers I was using were: Fargo Primera, Spectra Star and Spectra Q10. I don't think many of you had ever heard from that printers.

About the systems my customers was using I had to use mainly PC based systems which means MS Software/OS! For a couple of years I was using Mac's for the design work till the PC's were able to produce the same quality.

That just to show that I'm not just a PC freak! I need to work with the systems my customers using and which can do that work i need to have done, regardless the OS!

And to be honest, the only OS which can do all was the other systems can do partly, where they're excellent in, is the PC with MS OS's. And again, Windows 7 is the best to date!



Port 10x to XP and forget about it.   :o   Yes this is a kind of win fan site at times, but people are free to post their way.  Thats the way it works.  More then 98% of forums are win fan sites.  Trust me on that.  Biggest problem is going to be going forward more and more people understand that 98% of what they do with a PC can be done without windows and its not that hard.  even I did it. So 5 rather 4 % will use linux and the rest will just take what comes when the choice is gone.  Never really has been a need to sell it, it comes in the box.

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