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Private Investigations


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just curious about the implications of using a PI...is what's good for the goose also good for the gander?  If one were to hire a PI to check up/spy on wife/GF, then wouldn't it be fair play for them to do the same in return?  I know I would personally be pretty upset to find out my wife/GF was paying someone to check up on me, even though I am not doing anything wrong.  Just wondering if those that advocate hiring PI's have given this question any thought...seems like it might be another example of hypocracy and double standards (do as I say, not as I do).

Good point, Nokkeow. If you found out your significant other employed a PI to spy on you, it would definitely cause problems with the relationship.

semper fi!

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just curious about the implications of using a PI...is what's good for the goose also good for the gander?  If one were to hire a PI to check up/spy on wife/GF, then wouldn't it be fair play for them to do the same in return?  I know I would personally be pretty upset to find out my wife/GF was paying someone to check up on me, even though I am not doing anything wrong.  Just wondering if those that advocate hiring PI's have given this question any thought...seems like it might be another example of hypocracy and double standards (do as I say, not as I do).

Good point, Nokkeow. If you found out your significant other employed a PI to spy on you, it would definitely cause problems with the relationship.

semper fi!


prior service?

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Bit of a daft question, but what if two different guys called up the same PI to investigate the same girl? If you were a PI, what would you do? :D

Charge them both as if it was a single case.business is busines. :o

I guess we can take Chuchok & Co. Investigations off the preferred investigators list. :D



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Bit of a daft question, but what if two different guys called up the same PI to investigate the same girl? If you were a PI, what would you do? :D

Charge them both as if it was a single case.business is busines. :o

I guess we can take Chuchok & Co. Investigations off the preferred investigators list. :D



I'll give you an example Vic. I once did a very large shipping proposal for a customer.Took me 5 days.I also had an other customer that was looking at the same thing. Charged them both.They both got what they paid for.You are in business to make money. :D

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True, but if you were a lawyer you'd be legally and ethicly prevented from representing both clients. I think this is more akin to the legal than the shipping profession.

And besides..... isn't this exactly what the clients are worried the other is doing? :o


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Bit of a daft question, but what if two different guys called up the same PI to investigate the same girl? If you were a PI, what would you do? :D

Charge them both as if it was a single case.business is busines. :o

I guess we can take Chuchok & Co. Investigations off the preferred investigators list. :D



I'll give you an example Vic. I once did a very large shipping proposal for a customer.Took me 5 days.I also had an other customer that was looking at the same thing. Charged them both.They both got what they paid for.You are in business to make money. :D

It's a company, not a democracy.

Go get the guitar.

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True, but if you were a lawyer you'd be legally and ethicly prevented from representing both clients. I think this is more akin to the legal than the shipping profession.

And besides..... isn't this exactly what the clients are worried the other is doing?  :o


Yep, it would make for an easy investigation though! :D

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True, but if you were a lawyer you'd be legally and ethicly prevented from representing both clients. I think this is more akin to the legal than the shipping profession.

And besides..... isn't this exactly what the clients are worried the other is doing?  :o


I disagree. it would be more like a class suit.

Now if the BG also asked hem to investigate the 2 farangs, then thats different... :D

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Let’s see hire:

A spook to follow them.

Electronic phone taps.

Spy ware on the computer.

Door cameras triggered by motion

Chemicals to check for seminal fluid on their clothes

Check soap being used and washing detergent for use during your absence

Obtain from the mobile phone company a list of the places they made calls

Pay the neighbours for a list of who’s been in the house, just in case they are doing it with the spook.

There are more but it just gets sicker.

If you say yes to any to the above, I feel sorry for you.

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it makes sense to check out your intended as thai women have a pretty bad track record

.they have a hidden agenda to excape poverty and shift money from your bank account into theirs . and then do a runner.

There seems to be more girls who communicate by SMS than email nowadays , and it wont be long before they have the latest phones capable of sending email so wont need the internet shop for sending hotmail.

if you want to follow up on a farang that came to grief with his Thai girl , go into google newsgroups soc.culture.thai and do an advanced search using the words jason and maitree and read the story of the guy jason rusell and his darling thai girl maitree.

its all there, the meeting ,visa hassles and the divorce .


Jason Russell Aug 6 2003, 4:14 am show options

Newsgroups: soc.culture.thai

From: "Jason Russell" <[email protected]> - Find messages by this author

Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2003 12:14:11 +0100

Local: Wed, Aug 6 2003 4:14 am

Subject: Jason & Maitree

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For those that know us/helped us via this NG, I have some sad news.

Due to her increasingly bizarre, aggressive and dangerous behaviour, we have

split and I have filed for divorce.

I wish her well.

I will remain lurking in this NG, as I do plan to return to LOS shortly, but

I will not be in a hurry to get into any form of long-term relationship.

Jason Russell

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Some Thai women do, this is true, as it is for women (and men ) from all over the world. Tarring all or even most Thai women with this label does the majority of them a disservice.

You can find sob stories all over the place if you want to find them because truth be told, few people feel compelled to jump online to shout to the world how happy they are. The ones who have an axe to grind need an outlet and often postings on usenet or places like this are where they do it.

Looking at thousands of postings over the years I can tell you that most of the ones I read who complain about being burned have, in other posts shown a rather inept ability to understand, or communicate with women. The writing was on the wall for them before they even met their teeraks.

Of course its always easier to blame her though..... :o


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Let’s see hire:

A spook to follow them.

Electronic phone taps.

Spy ware on the computer.

Door cameras triggered by motion

Chemicals to check for seminal fluid on their clothes

Check soap being used and washing detergent for use during your absence

Obtain from the mobile phone company a list of the places they made calls

Pay the neighbours for a list of who’s been in the house, just in case they are doing it with the spook.

There are more but it just gets sicker.

If you say yes to any to the above, I feel sorry for you.

the funniest line that I have every heard about was from a TG to her BF after she had been away in Singapore for the weekend.

TG: "you have a women in the apartment!"

BF: "how do you know that?"

TG: "too many shower..da soap too small"

BF: :D :D :o

Edited by chuchok
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the funniest line that I have every heard about was from a TG to her BF after she had been away in Singapore for the weekend.

TG: "you have  a women in the apartment!"

BF: "how do you know that?"

TG: "too many shower..da soap too small"

Now SHE should be a detective!



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Some Thai women do, this is true, as it is for women (and men ) from all over the world. Tarring all or even most Thai women with this label does the majority of them a disservice.

You can find sob stories all over the place if you want to find them because truth be told, few people feel compelled to jump online to shout to the world how happy they are. The ones who have an axe to grind need an outlet and often postings on usenet or places like this are where they do it.

Looking at thousands of postings over the years I can tell you that most of the ones I read who complain about being burned have, in other posts shown a rather inept ability to understand, or communicate with women. The writing was on the wall for them before they even met their teeraks.

Of course its always easier to blame her though..... :o


I agree.You only hear the bad stories, but I still believe that the propensity for Thai women to be deceitful is greater than the women from say NZ, where I come from. This is a little bit of a generalisation I know, so anybody that wants to flame me can get a big dog up their scotland. :D

As for the "da soaps too small" quote...all 100% true. While some Thai people can hve the old "Mai pen rai " attitude to life, when it comes to infidelity they move like the speed of light into "smart idiot detective mode".They will notice a dog hair that is two years old and is suspiciously lurking under the bed.... :D

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the funniest line that I have every heard about was from a TG to her BF after she had been away in Singapore for the weekend.

TG: "you have  a women in the apartment!"

BF: "how do you know that?"

TG: "too many shower..da soap too small"

Now SHE should be a detective!



I had an arrangement with a regular girl once.....if a High paying guy came into town she could go with him and I could go with other girls on the condition that we dont contact each other for that time......got woken up by a call from the reg girl saying she wanted to see me.....quickly got the other girl up and told her she had to leave, she knew the situation, so it wasnt a problem...she dressed and brushed her hair and left....minutes later the reg girl came in.....straight to the mirror and declared ..." you have girl here".....rather shocked I asked how she knew.....she picked up the strands of hair off the dresser.....I was impressed !!! :o

Edited by gburns57au
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My mate walked in the bathroom one day and thought he saw a ghost. It was his tilak on the phone stood with a towel over her head.

This muffled the echo's, thus not giving her position in the bathroom away to whoever she was on the phone to.

Crafty as a bag of weasels....hehehe :o

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My mate walked in the bathroom one day and thought he saw a ghost. It was his tilak on the phone stood with a towel over her head.

This muffled the echo's, thus not giving her position in the bathroom away to whoever she was on the phone to.

Crafty as a bag of weasels....hehehe :o

Reminds of the time my mate phoned his GF and he could hear was a muffled .............. wait a minute!

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He's dead unlucky my mate. Another time his tilak came back from visiting her 'friends' for a meal. She came back very late and he was suspicious to say the least. He accused her of going short time, which she denied vehemently.

Anyway she was only wearing a lacy outfit, no handbag, and didn't have any money on her, so eventually he dropped it and they ended up doing the do. He thought his mind was playing tricks, but it seemed as though someone had left their DNA inside his tilak. Use your imagination.

Afterwards he decided to have a look in her phone, to see if anyone had called,txtd etc. She came out the bathroom and tried to grab the phone off him. In the kerfuffle the back of the phone came off.

Lo and behold a crisp flat folded 1000 bht note dropped out from between the battery and the back cover onto the floor. He described her face as "You know when the cartoon character Wild E Coyote runs off a cliff in the Road Runner, and he looks down then looks at the screen" well it was that look at the screen look.

Hehehe........sneaky as a box of monkeys :o

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Lo and behold a crisp flat folded 1000 bht note dropped out from between the battery and the back cover onto the floor. He described her face as "You know when the cartoon character Wild E Coyote runs off a cliff in the Road Runner, and he looks down then looks at the screen" well it was that look at the screen look.

Hehehe........sneaky as a box of monkeys :D

Where are these people meeting these women? :o

They certainly don't sound any fussier about the people they hook up with than the women they complain about.


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