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Irishman Faces Death Penalty For Drugs Arrest

sriracha john

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He has been enjoying the big money for years,so let him enjoy the nasty prison for years.The guy was fully aware of what will happen if he gets caught.

My guess is that he sold drugs in the UL too,as you dont jsut start selling stuff like that without experience,contacts etc.

lol. selling yaa baa to thai teenagers = big money. get real. he was obviously desperately short of cash. only explanation for dealing "on the street" to thai kidz.

So you believe the newspapers about him selling to kids????

Think what you want mr know it all,and pm me if you know the guy and know the history,if not shut the fxxxk up as you know nothing big man.Do you live Pattaya or soi khao talo,do you know his customers,do you know anything

Sounds like you know a lot about him - care to share the history? All I know he has been arrested for selling drugs in Pattaya. You aren't his dad are you?

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the BBC did a 1 hour program on Bang Kwang Prison, it was on YouTube but not anymore...;-(

Any idea where you can watch this?

sell some drugs. grass your self up. u get a live perfomance. could also filme it on your mobile.

as for Irish Tom.

good and bad. survaval from now on mate.

i don't condome drug dealers. specially in Thailand. Think that it is the one place people should come for holiday and have a break from crime.

as from life in prison and death sentence. I still wouldn't wish that on a local drug dealer. personally. if i was a drug dealer i would rarther be shot by a rivial street gang than get caught

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the BBC did a 1 hour program on Bang Kwang Prison, it was on YouTube but not anymore...;-(

I've watched that. Terrifying and frightening!

Looked ok to me. Pretty relaxed in fact, apart from the cramped sleeping rooms (if you didn't have money to pay for a bigger room).

No worse than some of the places I stayed in my backpacking days. The rooms at Bang Kwang are probably cheaper than Khao San these days.

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the BBC did a 1 hour program on Bang Kwang Prison, it was on YouTube but not anymore...;-(

Go there and pay a visit for yourself, the prisoners always like to have a visitor.

Check before you go. I heard that the Department of Corrections was trying to discourage what they saw as jailhouse tourism - a steady stream of backpackers visiting people at the facility that they had no conections to. From what I heard, the DoC was only allowing relatives, consular/charity support and legal council to visit inmates.

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People convicted on drugs charges cannot apply for parole or pardons. However, he could be deported after serving one third of his sentence through a prisoner repatriation treaty.

How do you figure one third of a death sentence or a life imprisonment?

Not sure, but perhaps it is done thusly for a life imprisonment...

Life expectancy for males in Thailand is 69 years (W.H.O. statistics)

69 x 0.33 (1/3) = 22.77 (we'll be generous and round it down), so 1/3 of a life sentence is 22 years in prison.

As for 1/3 of a death sentence, the weight of both legs is roughly equivalent to 1/3 of total body weight... so perhaps they ship the legs of the cadaver back to the home country.

But would they not have to use his present age? 1/3*(69-48)=1/3*21=7

So 7 years in prison, not that bad. What a prat though, what "major" drug dealer sells his drugs on the street? 

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the BBC did a 1 hour program on Bang Kwang Prison, it was on YouTube but not anymore...;-(

Go there and pay a visit for yourself, the prisoners always like to have a visitor.

a friend of mine used to go to the english embassy. then she would get access to the prison or something.

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the BBC did a 1 hour program on Bang Kwang Prison, it was on YouTube but not anymore...;-(

Go there and pay a visit for yourself, the prisoners always like to have a visitor.

a friend of mine used to go to the english embassy. then she would get access to the prison or something.

Find out from the Embassy what Building he is in. Then go to Bangkwang on the Appropriate day for that Building (Embassy will tell you that too).

Anyone with a passport can visit these days, just dress neatly.

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just watched an interesting BBC N.Ireland show "Spotlight" which featured the

McAuley case and has cast some very serious doubts on the facts as presented

by the Thai police.

I won't even begin to dignify the "som nam naa" and "hang em high" brigade with any reply other than

- find out the full facts before rushing to judgement on someone who it now appears

might very well have been the victim of a set-up.

Anyone in the least familiar with miscarriages of justice or corrupt police and judicial systems

would necessarily pause before throwing some wretch to the wolves.

Especially in a country that implements the death penalty.

This whole story stank to high heaven from the get go, certainly enough discrepancies

to raise alarm bells.

The guy may or may not be guilty as charged, it remains to be seen.

May i suggest anyone feeling inclined to flame this post should make themselves aware of the content

of the Spotlight report beforehand.


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To All you ArmChair Experts

From what i heard he was a major loyalist drug dealer back in belfast and had too leave ….

Word in Pattaya is he also had a lot of guns when the local cops busted him ….

thanks for your input, nice 1st post.

"from what you heard" - what's your source?

the guy may or may not have been involved in Belfast, given his background it wouldn't

be entirely surprising. However, I don't know of his reasons for moving to LOS and i don't believe

you do either.

"word in Pattaya" - again lots of things floating round Patts that may have varying degrees

of credibility.

Up to you.

I haven't heard that he's facing any arms charges, bit of an oversight if he was in possession of

lots of guns when he was detained.

I'm not wishing to act as an apologist for any drug dealer, either in LOS or elsewhere. Neither do I claim any

special knowledge in this particular case, unlike yourself.

We can agree to differ but I'd need more convincing than on the present evidence before wanting to see

anyone spend an extended period in the monkey house.

Like your nick btw any relation to MadDog.


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To All you ArmChair Experts

From what i heard he was a major loyalist drug dealer back in belfast and had too leave ….

Word in Pattaya is he also had a lot of guns when the local cops busted him ….

Sounds like you are a bar stool expert.

"Word in Pattaya"........Come on, you got to be joking :)

Edited by madjbs
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To All you ArmChair Experts

From what i heard he was a major loyalist drug dealer back in belfast and had too leave ….

Word in Pattaya is he also had a lot of guns when the local cops busted him ….

thanks for your input, nice 1st post.

"from what you heard" - what's your source?

the guy may or may not have been involved in Belfast, given his background it wouldn't

be entirely surprising. However, I don't know of his reasons for moving to LOS and i don't believe

you do either.

"word in Pattaya" - again lots of things floating round Patts that may have varying degrees

of credibility.

Up to you.

I haven't heard that he's facing any arms charges, bit of an oversight if he was in possession of

lots of guns when he was detained.

I'm not wishing to act as an apologist for any drug dealer, either in LOS or elsewhere. Neither do I claim any

special knowledge in this particular case, unlike yourself.

We can agree to differ but I'd need more convincing than on the present evidence before wanting to see

anyone spend an extended period in the monkey house.

Like your nick btw any relation to MadDog.


whos mad dog ?

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google mad dog adair.

maybe our friend resides under a bridge somewhere, or perhaps he

really does have some inside info on Thomas McAuley :)

don't know about u-tube, will try to find links:

try here


cheers tried the link but it won't let me down load outside the u.k

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cheers tried the link but it won't let me down load outside the u.k

pity about that, it's quite revealing.

starts off with the usual human interest piece - local man faces

death penalty etc, interviews with the family and so on.

Pretty standard stuff.

Then the BBC fly their investigative team + McAuley's sister to Pattaya

to see if they can make contact, arrange visits and access to a lawyer.

Of course the journos want to poke around, do a bit of sniffing about.

A major cause for disquiet arises immediately from the police accounts of McAuley's

arrest in an apparent sting operation.

According to the authorities he was taken into custody outside a 7/11 having

tried to sell drugs to an undercover policeman.

This version of events is backed-up by the charge sheet( an English language

translation was shown, presumably the one presented to McAuley when formally charged).

An attempt to locate eyewitnesses to this supposed arrest was met with zero success.

However, witnesses at the place he was staying - hotel, guesthouse i'm not too

clear on this, were positive that McAuley had been confronted by a number of men

and taken away by them.

This seems to jibe perfectly with the account given by McAuley and contradicts the

official line.

In the opinion of a leading defense barrister interviewed back in the UK, this single

discrepancy would be sufficient to cause any prosecution to fail - should the case be heard

under UK law, of course.

In addition, the senior police chief is on record ( repeated several times on camera to the BBC )

that TM had made a full confession.

Once again the official record seems to be at odds with this assertion as the same charge sheet

clearly shows - in English, that TM made no such admission when the charges were put to him.

In fact, the VT released by Thai police clearly shows McAuley denying involvement in selling drugs.

OK, so all in all not a "get out of jail free" card for our boyo, but surely enough to raise some significant

warning flags and certainly more than enough to justify extending the benefit of the doubt to

Thomas McAuley - at least until more is revealed.

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised at the waning of interest in this thread now that the

" <deleted> him, let the bast*rd hang" rhetoric might, just might have been given some pause for thought.

Pretty sad reflection though IMNSHO, given the enthusiasm with which many were prepared to condemn :)


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  • 2 weeks later...
just watched an interesting BBC N.Ireland show "Spotlight" which featured the

McAuley case and has cast some very serious doubts on the facts as presented

by the Thai police.

I won't even begin to dignify the "som nam naa" and "hang em high" brigade with any reply other than

- find out the full facts before rushing to judgement on someone who it now appears

might very well have been the victim of a set-up.

Anyone in the least familiar with miscarriages of justice or corrupt police and judicial systems

would necessarily pause before throwing some wretch to the wolves.

Especially in a country that implements the death penalty.

This whole story stank to high heaven from the get go, certainly enough discrepancies

to raise alarm bells.

The guy may or may not be guilty as charged, it remains to be seen.

May i suggest anyone feeling inclined to flame this post should make themselves aware of the content

of the Spotlight report beforehand.


Lets just say this guy is known in pattaya,.set up ? possibly, the thais hate competition for sure, fact remains hes a dealer, caught red handed, dont they all scream " IM INNOCENT " Edited by imaneggspurt
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  • 2 weeks later...
hope for him he do his time in bangkwang prison , that place is pretty relaxed for a thai prison compared to others

You mix that with Lard Yao. Bangkwang is considered to be the worst prison in Thailand! Its the "Big Tiger" and guess its on the list of the worlds 10 worst prisons.

They will send you there if your sentence is 20y++.

He had it coming. Good grief, he should have known better or seen it coming. His ankle cuffs are a one size fits all. I don't think that he'll get the death penalty, I do think that he'll be in there for a very long time. Also i think there are a lot of discrepencies in what really happened.

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It always amuses me how all the liberal wonks crawl out from under their rocks in defense of some miserable

douche who made a conscious decision to sell dope and wreck others lives.

You can bet your bottom Dollar this scumbag has been doing something illegal all his life.

But for the Grace of God, he has not - yet - touched you and yours.

The lack of comprehension and due process is disturbing, to say the least.

What happened to discipline?! Now everyone has an Oprah remedy or excuse on call.


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Clearly this clown had no respect for anyone's life - especially his own.

Besides, why spend the 16k Baht PA on him. If there is an exchange program with the UK, he will wreck more lives.

Burn him.


If you get caught in countries like Thailand or other Asian, where they have death penalty or in any other case you know what's gonna happen, your a real dumbass.

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By the time this dim wit writes his book, he'll of course be innocent also. Innocent people's books sell better than dope dealer books.

really, ever heard of the drug dealer Howard Marks ?

he was Britains most wanted man

he wrote Mr Nice, which was a best seller.

it was in fact the ninth non-fiction best selling book in 1997.

he has since written three other best sellers

apparently crime does pay.....

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the BBC did a 1 hour program on Bang Kwang Prison, it was on YouTube but not anymore...;-(

I've watched that. Terrifying and frightening!

Looked ok to me. Pretty relaxed in fact, apart from the cramped sleeping rooms (if you didn't have money to pay for a bigger room).

If you got the chance to go there with someone during visiting hours I trust you will change your opinion within seconds...

Do you know how that prison is called in Thai? Big Tiger. The Tiger will eat all!

Read the book from an Australian guy who spent 16 years in this h_ell and survived

trust his name was Warren Fellows: The damage done.

W. Fellows admitted in that book he was indeed guilty!

Read the book. But conditions are said to of improved from the 70s and 80s when fellows was getting led about on his leash. :)

2009 means even the thai prisons have moved up a notch or two.

This Irish fella obviously didn't find his pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, just the prison gates!

Edited by JimsKnight
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To All you ArmChair Experts

From what i heard he was a major loyalist drug dealer back in belfast and had too leave ….

Word in Pattaya is he also had a lot of guns when the local cops busted him ….

This does not suprise me. He looks 'of that ilk' if you know what I mean...

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