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Beware Of Duty Free 'theft' Scam

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This country is different from the UK or US counterpart, there is no exact law or order, is all up to the person holding the power, you just gotta be real careful here. There are just too many corruptions, and words that make your hair stands that you didn't even know exists, like professional killers etc. So in this Kingdom of smile, smile as much as you can, and don't touch someone's mistress, don't go into deep argument with your thai partners or your thai girlfriend, or else, you will be smiling forever lying down. Always remember, there is a famous thai saying "thai chuay thai", that go with every countries in the world, which priority is to your own citizen.

So, for those that are suspicious or in doubt, please hold on to your opinions first and your brilliant FBI's analytical talent. Do yourself a favour, just go to the duty free shop :D and shop for yourself, also to accept all freebies :) , and tell us about your story and how you broke your bank later :D . God Bless!! :D

Edited by Cobrabiker
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Is this really going on?

Or is this another Thai urban myth?

If it is true it is a shocking state of affairs! Do the embassies just turn a blind eye as usual?

Perhaps that is why they target Asians from other countries because their diplomatic staff are too weak.

The last time I bought something from King Power the staff were very rude for no reason. A long time ago I vowed never to buy from them again. Is this scam always with K/P?

Frightening stuff if true.

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The following 'Letter to the Editor' was in Nation newspaper, April 30:

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An Indian traveller was detained in Bangkok for [allegedly] stealing a box of cigarettes from a duty-free shop at Bangkok International Airport. He had paid for chocolates and a carton of cigarettes. The cashier put a packet of cigarettes into his bag and he thought it was a free pack. He was arrested for shoplifting and the Thai police extortion price was Bt30,000 for his release. He spent two nights in jail and paid Bt500 for an air-conditioned cell, Bt200-300 for each visitor, and Bt11,000 for his final release. The police shared the money in front of his eyes. On top of that, he was charged in court and fined Bt2,000 by the magistrate and handcuffed and escorted to his plane. His passport was stamped "Thief". While in jail, his relatives requested help from the Indian Embassy but were told the embassy was unable to assist.

The man shared a cell with a Singaporean on the first night, who paid Bt60,000 for his release. On the second night there was a Malaysian national who paid Bt70,000. Many Asians are victimized similarly daily, and letters and phone calls to the Thai authorities are ignored. This was not in a shop in downtown Bangkok but in a duty-free shop at Bangkok's international airport. Be warned.

Sorry guys, but the story sounds very weird. I haven't even seen the new airport yet, but I'm really sure that they only sell cartons there, right? Without pointing a gun on somebody's head; Would it be possible that a person is stealing cigs. at a shop? If that's true, let's think about other countries who just cut the right hand off.......

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If this is not a staged video, they may not wish to return for their day in court!


Not too many people have commented since you posted this valuable item. It would seem that the couple has alot of explaining to do.

Any of the bashers care to explain the King Power statement or the CCTV documentation?

There are 2 sides t every story and its idiots like this, that make life horrible for real victims.

Rich people shoplift/steal too, so a fellow tossing down a wad of cash means SFA.

Their are asian gangs that roam Bangkok airport just as they do other asian airports shoplifting, and stealing PAX belongings. In North American airports, it's a plague of thieves from Central America and the Czech Republic & Romania.

Too often we blame the easiest people, when in fact the 2 main culprits of thefts at airports worldwide are these gangs and of course the baggage handlers.

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  • 4 weeks later...
If this is not a staged video, they may not wish to return for their day in court!


Not too many people have commented since you posted this valuable item. It would seem that the couple has alot of explaining to do.

Any of the bashers care to explain the King Power statement or the CCTV documentation?

There are 2 sides t every story and its idiots like this, that make life horrible for real victims.

Rich people shoplift/steal too, so a fellow tossing down a wad of cash means SFA.

Their are asian gangs that roam Bangkok airport just as they do other asian airports shoplifting, and stealing PAX belongings. In North American airports, it's a plague of thieves from Central America and the Czech Republic & Romania.

Too often we blame the easiest people, when in fact the 2 main culprits of thefts at airports worldwide are these gangs and of course the baggage handlers.

Fine. But now go over the story again and this time assume that the Brits are guilty as sin. Ok? Do the Thai authotrities sound any more right? Nope. Not one bit. Whether the Brits were guilty or innocent, they were still extorted. Justice was NOT served. The law was NOT followed. And the Thais should be, but are NOT ashamed of their police. To me the issue is not so much the everyday greed and dishonesty of some tourists. That is not news at all. The NEWS is that the Thai authorities absolutely abused their power and dishonored all their countrymen. And they will do it again tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow. The police should be held to a higher standard, not the lowest. There is no way to make their actions right, and yet they scream for respect. THAT is the news in this thread, and anyone that focuses on whether the duty free shop sells cigarettes by the carton or single pack is just plain missing the story.

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I have never encountered any problems in the airport or with the staff, however there are just as many thiefs out there as corrupt officials. yes it is thailand, and provided you do not make a complete idiot of your self, a smile and a simple sorry is enough if it is a genuine mistake (which the CCTV shows otherwise). who was wrong. the Brits are as guilty as sin as the incident would not have started if the wallet did not go missing as shown in the CCTV. we all know what happens in thailand, well the regular travelers do.

smokes are by the carton only and all traveling smokers know that there is only 1 carton allowed.

If this is not a staged video, they may not wish to return for their day in court!


Not too many people have commented since you posted this valuable item. It would seem that the couple has alot of explaining to do.

Any of the bashers care to explain the King Power statement or the CCTV documentation?

There are 2 sides t every story and its idiots like this, that make life horrible for real victims.

Rich people shoplift/steal too, so a fellow tossing down a wad of cash means SFA.

Their are asian gangs that roam Bangkok airport just as they do other asian airports shoplifting, and stealing PAX belongings. In North American airports, it's a plague of thieves from Central America and the Czech Republic & Romania.

Too often we blame the easiest people, when in fact the 2 main culprits of thefts at airports worldwide are these gangs and of course the baggage handlers.

Fine. But now go over the story again and this time assume that the Brits are guilty as sin. Ok? Do the Thai authotrities sound any more right? Nope. Not one bit. Whether the Brits were guilty or innocent, they were still extorted. Justice was NOT served. The law was NOT followed. And the Thais should be, but are NOT ashamed of their police. To me the issue is not so much the everyday greed and dishonesty of some tourists. That is not news at all. The NEWS is that the Thai authorities absolutely abused their power and dishonored all their countrymen. And they will do it again tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow. The police should be held to a higher standard, not the lowest. There is no way to make their actions right, and yet they scream for respect. THAT is the news in this thread, and anyone that focuses on whether the duty free shop sells cigarettes by the carton or single pack is just plain missing the story.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My wife's family just said on the phone they saw some guy at the airport when we left being arrested for bringing 200 cigarettes into Thailand and he demanded to talk to someone higher up in charge but he lost? I thought one could bring 200 cigs in. Ahbisit? said no when his offc was called? It made the news but I didn't see it here...some American. Some TV news stations wwere trying to gain access to help him but the police said no. Anyone know anything about this story?

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My wife's family just said on the phone they saw some guy at the airport when we left being arrested for bringing 200 cigarettes into Thailand and he demanded to talk to someone higher up in charge but he lost? I thought one could bring 200 cigs in. Ahbisit? said no when his offc was called? It made the news but I didn't see it here...some American. Some TV news stations wwere trying to gain access to help him but the police said no. Anyone know anything about this story?

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Hi, I havent heard of this story. However last October I had 5 sleeves of cigs between me and my friend and was arrested and charged 3000 baht for each sleeve, what a great start to a holiday,and they kept the cigs. We were taken to an office about 15 minutes away and then freed after paying,I was complaining of thirst and one policeman kindly bought me a bottle of water,which I thought was nice of him,I mentioned a lawyer and he smiled and said if I want to wait a few hours it is okay. I am thinking,next time I will buy my silk cut in Dubai and maybe go through the red chanell in BKK, I believe the Duty tax is 300 baht per sleeve, or maybe quit smoking as their cigs make one cough too much. They charge 10 times the duty if you do not notice the signs they reckon are around the arrivals area???

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Why would an staff of the shop put a sigarettes pack in his bag?

What does he has to gain with this, Nothing i think.

I think that there is more to this story like many times.

500 baht, threats from the police, extortion, black mail.........

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We were taken to an office about 15 minutes away and then freed after paying,I was complaining of thirst and one policeman kindly bought me a bottle of water,which I thought was nice of him.

The bottle of water he brought you cost 10 baht. The fines you paid were 15,000 baht.

He sounds like a really kind policeman.

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