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Football In Chiang Rai: Chiangrai United FC

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The game Phichit - Chiangrai United of Saturday August 29 :

Though not really expected, as Chiangrai United alreay became champion last week when runner up Phichit lost at home of Uttaradit, the two leaders of the league made an exiting game of it.

For the second time during this competition Chiangrai United fell behind and it happened already after 26 minutes this time.

Four minutes later the unthinkable almost happened: a second goal for Phichit was hanging in the air as a player of Phichit went through the last defense line of CRUTD and the only way to stop it from happening was a deadly sliding of one of our defenders.

The referee was inexorable: From that moment on we played with only ten men in the field.

So that's how we started the second halve: 0 - 1 and ten men to catch up with it.

At that moment the almost unbelievable happened: The Chiang Rai train started to roll at its finest and halve an hour later it was 3 - 1 to our advantage!

Not much later a little discord about some details of a collision between two of the sporting gentlemen lead to a kind of pushing and pulling in which the referee saw a reason to show red again. This to both players involved.

The last quarter of the match CRUTD played with nine men and Phichit with ten.

Phichit made the last goal of the match:

Phichit - Chiangrai United 2 - 3 !

Tired and excited at the same time, but deeply satisfied, our players climbed into the vans.

Thanks to the sportive driving of our chauffeurs they were back in Chiang Rai already at three o'clock Sunday morning.

Don't forget: the match of CRUTD against Sukhotai coming Saturday starts at 4 pm !!!

Limbo :)

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..........C h i a n g R a i H i l l s o n t r a c k !

June 21, at the stadium of the Janjua school, the first talent identification day for The Hills took place and about two months later, last Sunday, the Chiang Rai Hills played their first trainingsmatch against the team of Ban Huay Khom on the second field of Sanaam Kila.

It was the first opportunity for coach Brad to see how his players function as a team and at the same time he took into account the possibility to discover some talents in the Huay Khom team that might be able to reinforce The Hills.

The base for recruitment is rather small as The Hills is an all-hilltribe team and the players of Huay Khom are Karen and Akha, thus hilltribe youngsters as well.

Chiang Rai Hills, coaches Brad and Albert post-6305-1251928753_thumb.jpgBan Huay Khom, coach Pee (second left) post-6305-1251928706_thumb.jpg

The players of both teams have 'grown up' on little fields in the villages, often at the local school, where they untill dark kicked balls around with the typical pattern of streetfootball: Every player is a forward, a striker, so anybody who takes possession of the ball will start moving straight towards the goal and will proceed with that untill another player conquers the ball and starts to do the same in the opposite direction.

Mostly you see a group of 20 to 30 players like a swarm with a ball in its midst moving collectively over the field. Everybody wants to play the ball and the space of the field gets completely neglected. Taking into account that most school fields are too small anyhow and in miserable condition there are not much more options either.

It's great fun to play that way for those involved, but for the onlooker it is a disaster.

The game has aspects that remind about football, but it is not comparable.

During the match we could see that there at least seemed to be a certain distinction between defenders, midfield players and forwards.

They tried to hold their positions but didn't spread, play wide.

So I must regretfully say that all of you who didn't see the match didn't miss anything. Or it must have been this special, almost historical moment during which coach Brad in despair stretched his arms towards heaven and despondent shouted: "Play Football!!!"

Coach Brad holding a sermon post-6305-1251928616_thumb.jpg Superb referee Albert post-6305-1251928818_thumb.jpg

It was the first time The Hills wore their new kits and even so new shoes and that they played on a decent field against another team. I think our players were under a rather strong pressure and therefore they had the tendency to fall back on the kind of play they master: on the square centimeter! They won, 4 - 2 and if they hadn't missed the penalty it would have been 5 - 2. Coach Albert showed himself to be an excellent referee. It is seldom that you hear the wistle already at the moment that the foul is committed.

Those who had hoped for miracles after five weeks training didn't see their secret wishes answered. But for our coaches it was 'business as usual' last Monday: A lot of work has to be done and will be done!

They see it as their task to create a team that is stronger than the sum of its individual players potential and they will go for it!

Chiang Rai Hills susu, susu, susu!

Limbo :)


..........................................................................:) ..................................................................

Tomorrow, Saturday September 5, is celebration time at the stadium (Sanaam Kila) !

For those among you who didn't follow the developments in Chiang Rai football:

Chiangrai United, our local semi-professional club, is champion of the Northern Region of the 2d Division of the Thai Football Association!

The moment it happened was when Phichit lost the home game against Uttaradit two weeks ago. We were suddenly 11 points ahead with only three matches to go.

Last week we went to Phichit and won in a spectacular match with 2 - 3. The report of this match you will find in an earlier posting in this thread.

So now we are 14 points ahead with only two home matches to go: tomorrow against Sukhothai and next week against Chayanat.

After 18 games Chiangrai United, unbeaten yet, has 52 points and Sukhothai, in seventh position out of eleven, 20.

. . . . . . .post-6305-1252041190.png Chiangrai United - Sukhothai post-6305-1252041231.png

**********************************Attention: The kick-off for the last two games will be at 4 pm!!! ***************************

Limbo :D


Extremely dramatic game. Sukhothai disputed the decision of the referee to punish an action against a Chiang Rai United forward who was about to break through. It happened in the last minute of an exciting game. When the penalty finally was taken the goaly of Sukhothai made a show by standing with his back towards the stip. He turned around at the crucial moment and stopped the penalty with a admirable action. Result 1 - 1 !

I really hope not to witness again that decisions of referees are disputed. I don't want to say that referees are infallible, but there have to be some rules and one of those is to respect the decisions of the referee.

Furthermore I want to express my admiration for the supporters of Sukhothai. They contributed a lot to the great atmosphere on the stands.

Thanks Chiangrai United, thanks Sukhothai for the fantastic entertainment you offered tonight!

One of the nice things was that several of the foreign daddy supporters had brought their sons tonight.

Even a Swiss person who told everybody that if he was put into play he would win the game in five minutes brought his son.

But okey, Swiss.... (555). Kuckuck!

Sleep well!

Limbo :)

He turned around at the crucial moment and stopped the penalty with a admirable action. Result 1 - 1 !

As a Chiangrai United supporter it was a little bit difficult to admit, please accept it as it is:

It might have been one of the most beautiful football moments in this match!

As a spear he flew to his right post and took this ball, that was on this treacherous sixty centimeters hight!

He was thereby the matchwinner for Sukhotai, as they possibly couldn't have hoped for more than a draw

against CRUTD's after its spectaculair win last Sunday in Phichit.


Coming Saturday, home again, the last game against Chayanat (or Chianat) we hope to see the old

champion style beautiful football back!

Go Chiangrai United, go!

Limbo :)




an important difference between a good and a bad referee

.... manifests itself in the time needed to react after a foul.

The hesitating referee of the match Chiangrai United against Sukhothai, who on top of this made two capital mistakes,

didn't serve our team well.

Some people, especially those who have the tendency to see conspiracies when logic explanations are missing,

might play with the thought that the referee, a gentleman from Nakorn Sawan, acted as a 'home-referee' or even worse.

What happened was that the referee hesitated too long when a striker of CRUTD was shoveled under the grass

in the penalty area seven or eight minutes earlier. He waited so long that he couldn't blow his whistle anymore.

He might have realised that this was the moment that the penalty should have been given and that he was 'indebted'.

When again a striker of CRUTD was sent for a flat landing, he again hesitated more than a full second and this time he blew

his whistle and pointed at the penalty spot. But this time it was a shoulder and the reaction of the players and supporters of

Sukhothai was understandable.

The referee made thus two capital mistakes, the first one by not giving a penalty when it was appropriate to do so

and the second some minutes later was the opposite.

A referee needs to be concentrated and confident. And this confidence has to be based on a superb insight concerning

the noble game of football preferably based on a long experience as player or coach.

post-6305-1252308052_thumb.jpg Last week Albert was the fluteplayer of the game between Chiang Rai Hills against

Ban Huay Khom (4-2). The whistle was already in his mouth when the foults took place and its shrill peaked in the ears of the offenders that where

caught in the middle of the act. But here we talk about a former player (teammate of Emmanuel Adebayor) and licensed coach and sports instructor.

Anticipation, knowing what, when and in which situations can happen.

As a physical coach Albert has played an important role in the success of Chiangrai United.

We all remember that during the first leg of the league CRUTD made most of its goals during the first half and the few goals

that the unsurpassable goaly Pansa Meesatham allowed to happen fell during the second.

Players went down too easy, missed speed and alertness. Now we see that CRUTD finally even can even play a second half

stronger than its first.

No, the referee didn't do us a favour! On the contrary!

Limbo :) . . . . .





This Saturday, September 12, at the stadium of Chiang Rai:

. . . . . post-6305-1252554597.png Chiangrai United - Chainat . . . . post-6305-1252553246.png

Chainat is now in third position with 38 points, after Chiangrai United with 53 and Phichit with 39.

So Chainat is (at least 'was') our second best contender! After the dip of last week, this time the knives are sharpened again.

We look forward to an interesting game!

CRUTD is champion of the Northern Region of Division 2, Narathiwat of the Southern Region and Raj Pracha of the Bangkok and Field Region.

Ayutthaya (?) seems to have better chances than Samut Prakan to become champion of the Central and Eastern region as they have both 43 points

but in the head-to-head Ayutthaya won at home and in Samut Prakan the game ended in a draw.

In the North Eastern Region Nakon Ratchasima (?) won twice of Loei City and also there both teams lead with 42 points. So also here the head-to-head

results might decide.

These five teams will next month enter a series of each 8 games to decide which three of them will play in the first division next year.

**************************************** Attention: The kick-off will be at 4 pm!!! ******************************************

Limbo :)



.The match against Chainat ended with a draw: 2 - 2 ! Halfway CRUTD was ahead with 1 - 0.

It was good old Chiangrai United again with floating and sharp combinations, building up the attacks from the wings.

Chiangrai United never lost during the whole series of twenty games:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 wins and 3 draws!

Were it the secret powers of Albert, who already in the years that he played in Enttente Il Lome with

Emmanuel Adebayor (now Manchester United) had the nickname 'Neverlost'?

It happened only two times in twenty games that CRUTD was behind and both times Albert kept smiling as

if he knew that his team would come back.

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Albert, the man who physically changed the team in the sense that the first half nowadays just seems to serve as a

warming up for the second. And this for a team that in the beginning of the competition hardly had enough air for the first.

Now he will help to put Chiang Rai Hills physically on track, not the most gratefull task as it is back to the beginning for him.

Great man, sportsman 'pur sang' and a blessing for Chiang Rai football!

In two weeks CRUTD will play against the champion of Isarn, the North East:

Nakon Ratchasima, Korat, at least for 95 % sure (Loei City, at least theoretically, still has a chance).

The same day the supporters groups, including the coaches and other staff will play against each other.

On top of this it looks as if also the game Chiang Rai Hills against Chiangrai Rajabhat University will be played the same

weekend, so tell the misses to make some sandwiches and to prepare the thermos: It's going to be football, football and football!

I hope Brook of Benguesthouse can provide more details concerning the after-competition. He is the leader of the

finest supporters team Chiang Rai ever had, the Orange Power!

Chainat showed up with a great enthousiast legion as well yesterday, that greatly contributed to the fantastic atmosphere.

Thanks Chainat for coming (610 km)!

Limbo :)

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Next opponent: post-6305-1252819604_thumb.png

The incredible happened: Loei City is the champion of Isarn (North Eastern Region)

and will in two weeks time be the first opponent of Chiangrai United in the after-series

for promotion to the First Division of the Thai Football Association.

The same Loei City that lost at home with 1 - 3 of Nakon Ratchasima (Korat).

The same Loei City that lost away against Nakon Ratchasima with 4 - 2.

The same Loei City which goal difference is only 25, compared to the 29 of Nakon Ratchasima.

But Loei City won its last game and Nakon Ratchasima didn't come further than a draw .....

Yesterday, the last day of the series, Loei won and Korat lost the championship:

With two points ahead Loei City is Champion of Isarn!

I feel deeply sorry for the team, the coaches and the supporters of Nakon Ratchasima, leading for

six weeks and then, the last day, being confronted with the hardships of being hit by the iron fist of

the game called football. Sorry lads, but things are the way they are...

The Champions: Chiangrai United, Rai Pracha Nonthaburi, Narathiwat, Loei City and Ayutthaya (?)

(or will Samut Prakan make the impossible happen in the Central and eastern region as well?).

Limbo :)





Yesterday Chiang Rai Hills played a training game against Huay Khom FC

It was the second time in four weeks. The first game ended 4 - 2 to the advantage of The Hills

and this time the score was 5 - 1 after 90 minutes.

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The players of the Hills were instructed to concentrate on ball-possession, which they effectively did.

The first quarter of the game they 'owned' ball and field at least 80 percent of the time.

After 35 minutes they had three players free in front of the box and we could write it down: 1 - 0.

Huay Khom had their best men on the field this time and showed themselves to be a tough opponent:

In the 14th minute of the second half the came alongside with a goal that didn't deserve a beauty price,

but, as goals do, counted anyhow: 1 - 1.

After this moment the machinery of the Hills started to get going for real, suddenly they seemed to remember

what coach Brad had been hammering into their collective football instinct and they put subsequently another

four balls in the net: 5 - 1.

Yes, summarizing we can say that the result of the match mirrors the progress that has been made.

We played against a stronger team than four weeks ago, but put neverteless one ball more in the pot

and kept on top of that another one out. Compliment to the players, well done gentlemen!

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This time another aspect of football was introduced to the players, namely the 'protocole sportive'.

Before the match the players came together for a picture and the playing manager of the Hills offered a ball

and a copy of the book about the Belgian-Siamese Prince Chao Phya Abhai Raja to the coach of Huay Khom FC

(the foundation with the same name is the main sponsor of the Hills). The players got a 'Hills' key ring as souvenir.

The Hills also provided transport for eight players and supporters of Huay Khom, some snacks and, very important: drinking water!

After the match coach Brad took his men to the dug-out of Huay Khom and coaches and players shaked hands.

Nice match! It's nice to see how the players are enjoying the game and getting better and better at the same time!

Compliment to the coaches!

Limbo :)

All threads that have over 100 replies need to be pinned. This one an hash house need pinning

Thats a matter of opinion,

The HHH thread was started nearly three and a half years ago and as attracted 147 replies (big deal)

The Chaingrai Football thread was started 30th April 2009 and as attracted 100 replies.

What Mumbo Jumbo wants is that these two threads to be pinned so someone else can conplain that there are to many

pinned threads so the Mods can send them off to the Darkest depths like they did with the Chaingrai Classified that in my opinion,once it was taken out of limelight a very good local thread will go dormant.

Its all about Houses sorry Horses for Courses

Or good Pitches and bad Pitches


The nice thing about the HHH is that it pops up once in a month and that it is fun to read.

'Whoops', there it is again and these crazy guys present us their crazy story again.

I tried once and I am not strong enough for the HHH. Don't underestimate what they are doing!

It sounds all like fun, but there is a quite tuff story behind it! You need strong knees and no fear!

The HHH does not only offer an opportunity to meet nice fellow expats, but also to systematically

explore the fantastic environment of our beloved town Chiang Rai.

The country side of Chiang Rai is beautiful and the miraculous runs of the HHH help you to discover it.

It's a welcoming club to newbies, so don't hesitate to join for a try out!

The pinned section is like a churchyard, to be used to bury topics that don't catch attention enough to

stay in the running. And, of course, for real things like pictures of Chiang Rai, the Google map with

special adresses and a few things more.

The HHH club is alive and it doesn't want to be buried yet. The forum can be happy that the HHH keeps us informed

about their activity and I am sure that some of the members found their way to it by the information in this forum.

The same story about football in Chiangrai! I understand very well that those among us who don't like football might

get a little bit sick about this football thread popping up all the time and that they would like to see it buried in the pinned section.

I feel sorry about that, as I realise that I am the main culprit.

But the supporters club of Chiangrai United is growing and many of the fans registered at tv.com for information.

The moment that no foreign resident of Chiang Rai is interested anymore in joining ranks with the Thai fans of our great club

the thread should indeed sink into oblivion.

It's a great club and coming weekend will be a great home match against Loei, the champion of Isarn for joining the first division.

Yesterday our team played in Chiang Mai a friendly against Pit'lok and won with 3 - 0. The Orange Power supporters group got a team

together against the supporters team of Chiang Mai FC and lost with 3 - 4.

Dear Mumbojumbo, how naughty of you to deliver posting number 100 and then proclaim that threads with more than 100 postings

should be pinned! From now on we will keep an eye on you 555!

Limbo :)

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Next game:

Loei City , known for its excellent winery, became two weeks ago the champion of Isarn (North Eastern Region) and will coming Saturday, September 26, be the first opponent of the champion of Northern Thailand Chiangrai United in the after-series for promotion to the First Division of the Thai Football Association.

The Champions of the five regions of Division 2 of Thailand Football Association, Chiangrai United, Rai Pracha Nonthaburi, Narathiwat, Loei City and Samut Prakan will contest for three places in Division 1 ! This means four home games and four away.

It will be the first game ever played on national level in Chiang Rai. History will be written this Saturday. [

Be part of it!

Limbo :)

. . . . . . . . Time and location: Saturday September 26, 6 PM at the Stadium of Chiang Rai




The Champions of the five regions of Division 2 of the Thailand Football Association,

Chiangrai United, Rai Pracha Nonthaburi, Narathiwat, Loei City and Samut Prakan

will enter a complete mini league play off for three places in Division 1 !

This is the schedule for Chiang Rai United. For the other games please google to the national

English language thaileaguefootball website and see the Division 2 thread on its webboard.

Thanks Nige for the great info!

Saturday 26th Sept: 18.00 Chiang Rai United - Loei City

Saturday 3rd Oct: 16.00 Rachapracha - Chiang Rai United

Saturday 10th Oct: 16.00 Samut Prakhan - Chiang Rai United

Saturday 17th Oct: 18.00 Chiang Rai United - Narathiwat

Saturday 7th Nov: 16.00 Narathiwat - Chiang Rai United

Saturday 14th Nov: 18.00 Chiang Rai United - Samut Prakhan

Saturday 21st Nov: 16.00 Chiang Rai United - Rachapracha

Saturday 28th Nov: 16.00 Loei City - Chiang Rai United

Time and location next match: This Saturday September 26, kick off 6 PM

Stadium of Chiang Rai (best to arrive twenty minutes earlier!)

Limbo :)

Bryan Robson new national coach?


Former Sunderland and Manchester City boss Peter Reid's

contract as Thailand's national coach was terminated earlier this month after just a year. He has been

appointed number two at Stoke City. Bryan Robson's appointment as his successor appears imminent

after the former England captain indicated he is ready to sign a deal. The former Manchester United

skipper however wants to continue ambassador duties with his old club. "Thailand have a great chance

of qualifying for the Asian Cup. I have spoken to Peter Reid and he really enjoyed the one year here.''

On the picture: Thailand Football Association chairman Worawi Makudi introduces Robson.


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A blistering match, but Chiangrai United won by 2 - 1 of Loei City and thus made its first step

towards mmbership of the national Division 1 of the Thai Football Association by pocketing

the first three points.

The first chance for Chiangrai United to take the lead was a penalty in the 20st minute of the game.

Loei was playing sportive but tough.

As we remember of the match against Sukhotai: penalties are not our strongest side and the goalies of the

other side are not really willing to please us either. It was a fantastic save of the keeper of Loei!

After 32 minutes finally the relief came, but 13 minutes later, only less than a minute before tea-time

the equalizer was put on the score board as well.

Loei City played a very strong first half and the 1 - 1 was not really assuring at the begin of the second.

It took almost half an hour fo CRUTD to take the lead again.

The final stage was for CRUTD. The last ten minutes the team seemed to be able to play the stars down from heaven

and at least three goals were hanging in the air but didn't come down to earth as stars simply not are supposed to do so.

It was great entertainment and the stadium was full, even more than so. Including the supporters behind the fences of

the four corners of the field I estimate the total number of visitors on a little bit over 4000.

It's amazing how popular football became in Chiang Rai in such a short time. I hear from many sides that it is a national

trend and it is great that good old Chiang Rai is an exponent of it.

New were the cheerleaders, the orchestre and the tea-time entertainment. A game of CRUTD is more and more becoming

a happening of the first order.

Limbo :)

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tonight new team chiang rai hills played thoeng. fc.

the result chiang rai hills 4 thoeng fc 3

the result even more significant as thoeng wish to become the new 2nd division team from the north.

a challenge being issued via the internet, in thai, on the cru website, to see who the 2nd best team in chiang rai is.

challenge accepted, and we won. this only after 6 weeks of training, and with a team made up of hill tribe youngsters mainly from maechan.

before the next game that cru play at home, chiang rai hills will play thoeng fc as the curtain raiser.

if you love football as i do. please come and support the 2nd best team in chiang rai.

a claim made before the match by thoeng fc.

the boys played with great heart and compassion to win the game, and even only 6 weeks after being formed as a team, played with a maturity beyond ther age.

by the way. go cru. a great result against loei, and i hope to see the same support for cru from the chiang rai community as was evident the last game out.

cru soo soo.




Thoeng FC - Chiang Rai Hills FC . 3 - 4

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The match was played at the home field of Thoeng FC, about 70 kms from Chiang Rai town last Sunday afternoon.

A great pitch, located in a breathtaking beautiful natural environment behind the local hospital.

Thoeng FC started with Thoeng students at the Rajabhat University of Chiang Rai, who at the same time proved themselves to be the stars of its football team.

Those gentlemen are not the only talents of this charming little town and some of the local opinion leaders, among which politicians, civil servants and last but certainly not least some doctors of the hospital joined forces and created a sportsfield and a real club for their own local football players, soon to be joined by talents from elsewhere.

Tawich Katin, a former player of the national team of Thailand, had been approached to shoulder the task of coach with the idea to strive for participation in the Thai Football Association 2nd Division Region North. The formula showed to be succesfull and within a short time football intelligence and team spirit were added to the natural talents of the individual players.

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The 'Chiang Rai Hills' came up as an idea when two hill-tribe youngsters wittnessed the match of Chiangrai United against Petchabun. These young hilltribe men, also students of the Rajabhat University, subsequently applied succesfully for support from the Chao Phya Abhai Raja Foundation in Maechan.

Their history can be found in earlier postings in this thread. The foundation approached Australian Brad Cutler, a former professional football player (Sydney City, Home United Hongkong, Selangor Malaysia and Army Singapore), holding a FIFA Cat. 3 Cert. on top of his own 'ball experience'. Typical coach, former midfielder of course.

The talent identification days for the team took place at the end of June and resulted in a first official training at 4th of August in Maechan.

Coach Brad has been working with the team for less than two months and the result is spectacular: A group of nice, talented, but very individualistic players, even some 'super-stars', were re-modelled into a team that shows the souplesse of a well-oiled football-machine. Brad Cutler did exactly the same thing as the unsurpassable Dutch coach Guus Hiddink did with the players of South Korea ahead of the world championship in 2002. Before Guus came, the team was composed of a couple of 'generals' and their subordinates. Guus made them an 'all-general' team and this formerly completely unknown underdog became the number four of the world!

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When I looked at the game last Sunday and saw that the players gave it all they'd got I felt as if I wittnessed a miracle!

I saw eleven players playing as a team, giving so much more to the whole of the game than the sum of their individual talents and efforts ever could bring, that I really understood what Guud did in South Korea and what Brad is doing now in Chiang Rai. When I had the privilege to approach the players in the dug-out after the game and noticed how 'deep' they had gone I realised that a team of champions was born! It's about spirit, heart and yes, some talent, personality and physical strength is usefull as well 555!

The Chiang Rai Hills, with coach Brad, almost incredible after such impossible short training periode, seems ready to accept the challenge on CRUTD's website for the position of being the second team of the Province Chiang Rai!

Saturday 17th of this month October Chiangrai United will meet Narathiwat at the stadium of Chiang Rai City at 6 pm.

I think the 'curtain raiser' as coach Brad proposed, might be a good idea!

Limbo :)





CRUTD is one step closer to promotion to the First Division!

The game Rachapracha - Chiang Rai United ended yesterday 1 - 2 to the advantage of Chiangrai United !!!

At your service!

Limbo :)




The result after two weekends play offs for promotion:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . games / points

. . . . . . . . . . . . Chiangrai UTD . . . . . 2 . . . . 6

. . . . . . . . . . . . Samut Prakarn . . . . . . 1 . . . . 3

. . . . . . . . . . . . Narathiwat . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . 3

. . . . . . . . . . . . Raja Pracha . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . 0

. . . . . . . . . . . . Loei City .. . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . 0

What we know is that three of the teams will be playing in the First Division next year

and it's up for guessing which ones. Don't exclude the possibility of miracles!

Coming Saturday, October 10, will be interesting!

Chiangrai United will pack its bags again and travel to Samut Prakarn this time to

meet the only other unbeaten candidate.

These two teams are the Titans of this little league.

Differences are small now. There has been no goal difference bigger than 1 yet.

Don't underestimate Narathiwat, that will visit Chiang Rai Saturday 17 October!

They lost at home of Samut Prakarn with a meager 0 - 1, but won away in Loei with a

spectacularly contested 2 - 3.

Limbo :)





It's always nice to start a week with good news, so let me share it immediatly with you:

Chiangrai United is still unbeaten after 24 games (21 wins and 3 draws)

Samut Prakarn - Chiangrai United 1 - 2

The situation is now as follows:

. . . . . . . . Chiangrai UTD 3 games 9 points.

. . . . . . . . Narathiwat . . . . 2 games 3 points.

. . . . . . . . Samutprakarn . . 2 games 3 points.

. . . . . . . . Loei City. . . . . . 3 games 3 points.

. . . . . . . . Raj Pracha . . . . 2 games 0 points.

(Earlier the 17th of this month has been mentioned but...)

The next home game Chiangrai United - Narathiwat will take place coming weekend

Sunday 18 October at 18.00

in the Stadium of Chiang Rai

It will be North against the runner up from the South and I recommend to be at the stadium at least a quarter before

kick off as the crowd is getting bigger for each game that goes!

Limbo :)




It's always nice to start a week with good news, so let me share it immediatly with you:

Chiangrai United is still unbeaten after 24 games (21 wins and 3 draws)

Samut Prakarn - Chiangrai United 1 - 2

The situation is now as follows:

. . . . . . . . Chiangrai UTD 3 games 9 points.

. . . . . . . . Narathiwat . . . . 2 games 3 points.

. . . . . . . . Samutprakarn . . 2 games 3 points.

. . . . . . . . Loei City. . . . . . 3 games 3 points.

. . . . . . . . Raj Pracha . . . . 2 games 0 points.

(Earlier the 17th of this month has been mentioned but...)

The next home game Chiangrai United - Narathiwat will take place coming weekend

Sunday 18 October at 18.00

in the Stadium of Chiang Rai

It will be North against the runner up from the South and I recommend to be at the stadium at least a quarter before

kick off as the crowd is getting bigger for each game that goes!

Limbo :)

Hi Limbo you seem pretty clued up on the football,can you tell me where the stadium is in Chiang Rai and is the game on for Sunday the 18th.



Hi Limbo you seem pretty clued up on the football,can you tell me where the stadium is in Chiang Rai and is the game on for Sunday the 18th.



With all pleasure Cheesey!

We all know the 'superhighway' I think, but for those among us who don't: It is the big four lane motorway, that connects Bangkok with Maesai and passes through Chiang Rai.

There are a lot of attractions along this road, some of them hidden, but the more innocent ones like the Big C, the Sriburin Hospital and the Highway Massage for instance are completely in the open.

This 'superhighway' passes the statue of King Mengrai, also called Por Khun, the founder of Chiang Rai and does this at the complex square called 'Hi Yek', which means something

like 'five streets'.

If you count the 'streets' that are connected at this 'square' by fingers you need indeed a hand.

Two of them are the in and outs of the superhighway, one comes from the Singaklai road all the way from the Overbrook Hospital and the other leads those who choose to do so from the square into town, for instance to the Post Office, but it is about the fifth we talk!

The fifth is the smallest one, leading eastwards out of town and is recognizable by a kind of plastic or styropor 'arc de triomph' that is built like a gate over this road. In the top of this construction we see a portrait of His Majesty the King.

The road through this 'arc' leads to Ban Panjamorn, Wiang Chai, Waterford Valley and a lot of other places.

You take this road and after about two kilometers you see on your left the yellow sign of the Family House, also called the Bakery, which is a fantastic place to enjoy a steak in all privacy.

For many of the long time Chiang Rai expats this is a point of recognition.

Here you start to slow down, because a hundred meters further you have to take to the left.

Don't worry, there are three roads to the left and they all lead to the stadium.

If you are not colourblind you might just follow cars with orange dressed people in it and/or stickers of Chiangrai United on it, because they are overrepresented on this traject between 5.30 and 6 pm.

About 1 kilometer from this road is the sportcomplex Sanaam Kila (field sport), with swimming pool, tennis courts, indoor sports hall, shooting range, football fields, 'petange' somethings and other strange things connected to physical fittness and mental illness, eh...?

Be in time, because it is going to be full house!

I am looking forward to it, but that is a personal thing.

After having been an Ajax fan for many years, it is now Chiangrai United for me. Fantastic team! Great football and an atmosphere you wouldn't believe! Hope you make it there!

Limbo :)

Yes, Sunday October 18, kick off at 18.00 start ceremonies and warming up (among others of the cheerleaders) about half an hour earlier. Again: be in time!

Hi Limbo you seem pretty clued up on the football,can you tell me where the stadium is in Chiang Rai and is the game on for Sunday the 18th.



With all pleasure Cheesey!

We all know the 'superhighway' I think, but for those among us who don't: It is the big four lane motorway, that connects Bangkok with Maesai and passes through Chiang Rai.

There are a lot of attractions along this road, some of them hidden, but the more innocent ones like the Big C, the Sriburin Hospital and the Highway Massage for instance are completely in the open.

This 'superhighway' passes the statue of King Mengrai, also called Por Khun, the founder of Chiang Rai and does this at the complex square called 'Hi Yek', which means something

like 'five streets'.

If you count the 'streets' that are connected at this 'square' by fingers you need indeed a hand.

Two of them are the in and outs of the superhighway, one comes from the Singaklai road all the way from the Overbrook Hospital and the other leads those who choose to do so from the square into town, for instance to the Post Office, but it is about the fifth we talk!

The fifth is the smallest one, leading eastwards out of town and is recognizable by a kind of plastic or styropor 'arc de triomph' that is built like a gate over this road. In the top of this construction we see a portrait of His Majesty the King.

The road through this 'arc' leads to Ban Panjamorn, Wiang Chai, Waterford Valley and a lot of other places.

You take this road and after about two kilometers you see on your left the yellow sign of the Family House, also called the Bakery, which is a fantastic place to enjoy a steak in all privacy.

For many of the long time Chiang Rai expats this is a point of recognition.

Here you start to slow down, because a hundred meters further you have to take to the left.

Don't worry, there are three roads to the left and they all lead to the stadium.

If you are not colourblind you might just follow cars with orange dressed people in it and/or stickers of Chiangrai United on it, because they are overrepresented on this traject between 5.30 and 6 pm.

About 1 kilometer from this road is the sportcomplex Sanaam Kila (field sport), with swimming pool, tennis courts, indoor sports hall, shooting range, football fields, 'petange' somethings and other strange things connected to physical fittness and mental illness, eh...?

Be in time, because it is going to be full house!

I am looking forward to it, but that is a personal thing.

After having been an Ajax fan for many years, it is now Chiangrai United for me. Fantastic team! Great football and an atmosphere you wouldn't believe! Hope you make it there!

Limbo :)

Yes, Sunday October 18, kick off at 18.00 start ceremonies and warming up (among others of the cheerleaders) about half an hour earlier. Again: be in time!

Hi Limbo,Thank you for the directions will be there Sunday.



According to most spectators this was the most nerve-racking game of the season.

The players went very 'deep' this time and forced the crowd to go with them.

CRUTD was the better team from the start, but it was Narathiwat that just before tea took the lead.

The second halve both sides throttled back a bit and it was not until the official time was almost over that Chiangrai

managed to get the game-tying goal into the net.

Four extra minutes were to be played as the boys with the stretcher hadn't been allowed to sit and idle this evening.

Again the guests took the lead and it was not until the last seconds that Chiangrai United wrote the final bill: 2 -2 !

This was what you might call a game with a 'grande finale'. The spectators took it home!

I never saw this enthousiasm before. This was drama; this game had all the ingredients of it!

The stadium was full. Including the fans behind the fences I guess it might have been even more than four thousand.

Great supporters of Narathiwat, that travelled more than 2000 kms to see their team play. After the game the two

supportergroups went to greet each other and digitalized their shared enthousiasm for future contemplation.

Also Samut Prakarn and Raj Pracha shared the points so after four rounds we see the following picture:

1.Chiang Rai United.. 4 -10 . 8-5

2.Narathiwat............. 3 - 4 .. 5-5

3.Samutprakarn........ 3 - 4 .. 3-3

4.Loei City............... 3 - 3 .. 5-6

5.Raj Pracha............ 3 - 1 .. 3-5

The coming two weekends Chiangrai United will be free and in three weeks the team will pack the bags for a long trip to Narathiwat.

Depending on what the other teams have been doing in the meantime, we might be able to celebrate the promotion

of Chiangrai United to the First Division of the TFA if we don't come back empty handed.

15 November will be the day that we play at home again, against Samut Prakarn.

Limbo :)





Yesterday, October 25 the results in the after-competition for promotion to the First Division were touched up nicely:

Samutprakarn had to accept a draw against Loei City at home (1 - 1) and, even more surprising,

Narathiwat lost at home of Raj Pracha Nontaburi (0 - 2).

Yesterdays results mean that after playing the first half of the after-competition, with each club

another four games to go, all teams are still in the running for promotion to the First Division!

Only one club is above it all and that is our own Chiangrai United !

. . . . . . . . . 1. Chiang Rai United.. 4 . . . 10 . . . 8-5

. . . . . . . . . 2. Samutprakarn ....... 4 . . . 5 . . . . 4-4

. . . . . . . . . 3. Raj Pracha............ 4 . . . 4 . . . . 5-5

. . . . . . . . . 4. Loei City............... 4 . . . 4 . . . . 6-7

. . . . . . . . . 5. Narathiwat............. 4 . . . 4 . . . . 5-7

Limbo :)

Next game : November 7, Narathiwat - Chiangrai United

Next home game: November 15, Chiangrai United - Samutprakarn

  • 2 weeks later...




Last Saturday 31 October Loei City won at home of Samut Prakarn : 1 - 0.

Raj Pracha hosted Narathiwat and these two teams shared the points : 0 - 0.

This brings Loei City, after our own Chiangrai United the favourite of many local supporters, to a second place:

. . . . . . . . . 1. Chiangrai United . 4 . . . 10

. . . . . . . . . 2. Loei City................ 5 . . . 7

. . . . . . . . . 3. Raj Pracha............. 5 . . . 5

. . . . . . . . . 4. Samutprakarn ........ 5 . . . 5

. . . . . . . . . 5. Narathiwat.............. 5 . . . 5

Coming Saturday November 7 Chiangrai United will travel all the way to the south to meet Narathiwat.

Let's hope they come back healthy ...

Sunday 8 November Samut Prakarn will host the game against Raj Pracha.

Next home game Chiangrai United :

Sunday November 15 against Samut Prakarn, 17.30 at the Stadium of Chiang Rai City!

Limbo :)

Some pictures of last game against Loei at home:

post-6305-1257220887_thumb.jpg post-6305-1257221726_thumb.jpg post-6305-1257220971_thumb.jpg


post-6305-1257659818_thumb.jpg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . post-6305-1257659604_thumb.jpg

Yesterday in Narathiwat the game ended with a draw again:

Narathiwat - Chiangrai United 1 - 1

Chiangrai United is this year so far the most succesfull semi-professional club of Thailand: It didn't loose a game yet! Twenty times it won and the other 5 games the points were shared.

With eleven points out of five games CRUTD is now four points ahead of Loei City, our sympathic number two in the race.

But as we know: it's all about being among the first three. That Chiangrai United will be among them no real Chiangrai-er would be willing to doubt, but theoretically the other four clubs could still end in fourth and fifth position.

. . . . . . . . 1. Chiangrai United .. . . . . . 5 games 11 points.

. . . . . . . . 2. Loei City . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 games 7 points

. . . . . . . . 3. Narathiwat .. . . . . . . . . . 6 games 6 points

. . . . . . . . 4. Raj Pracha - Nonthaburi . 5 games 5 points

. . . . . . . . 5. Samut Prakarn .. . . . . . . 5 games 5 points

The remarcable thing about yesterdays match is that it was Chiangrai Uniteds first draw in an away game in this after-competition. It won away in Samut Prakarn and against Raj Pracha in Nontaburi with 2 - 1 (as it did at home of Loei FC). The only draw so far at home was also against Narathiwat.

Could it be that Narathwiwat is, what German football supporters call an 'Angst-Gegner', a for some reason irrationally feared opponent, for our CRUTD?

Is that why CRUTD here in Chiang Rai prohibited its cheerleaders from showcasing their beautiful appearencess and their charming talents when the southern, predominantly Muslim, club paid its respect in our stadium? Was it the reason that the National Hymn sounded through the loudspeakers before the match? To appease the Southerners politically?

Isn't it so that aside from the fact that Chiangrai United started to play stronger in the second halves of the games it also became clear that it started to feel itself more free and daring in away games, where the 'need' to win seemingly feels lighter than at home, where the enormous enthousiasm of the thousands of fans causes a pressure where our players still have to find a way to cope with?

Even being able to sleep in one's own bed and not having to make journeys of more than thousand kilometer doesn't seem to help. But wouldn't it be much worse if it would be the other way around?

We all know how the oppressing need to remain unbeaten can be tempered, maybe leading to even better football, but none of us would like or even dare to put it into words.

Many of us remember the disappointment of the fans when Chiangrai United for the first time didn't win and came home after a draw against Kamphaeng Phet.

I talked to the former physio-coach of CRUTD last week, Coach Albert 'Neverlost', the man who has had a strong hand in improving the ability of our team to play physically and therefore football-technically a better second half, about this phenomenon. He also saw the best games played away. He still phones coaches and players before the matches to wish them well and buck them up.

Coming Sunday he expects the team to play a more 'free' home game against Samut Prakarn, after having been 'done' with Narathiwat.

post-6305-1257660165_thumb.jpg Coach 'Neverlost' Albert Kodjo who not so many years ago played together with English Premier League star-player Emmanuel Adebayor in the same team in Togo and who is a certified sport physiotherapist is now engaged at one of the National Thai Sport academies in Lampang where he among others trains the atlethic teams.

Lampang FC, that aims at participating in the 2nd Division Northern Region next year, has been in contact already, but his heart is still with his old club in Chiang Rai so we can remain hopefully that he returns one day.

Limbo :)






post-6305-1257901502.png Chiangrai United - Samut Prakarn . . post-6305-1257901623.png

In the mean time it is a month ago again that the two teams met in Samut Prakarn and Chiangrai United won with 1 - 2.

In the after-competition for three places in the First Division of the Thai Football Association CRUTD leads now with 11 points out of 5 games

and Samut Prakarn is in last position with only 5 points out of the same number of games.

The pressure on Samut Prakarn to take home at least one point will certainly be felt strongly by its men. Only three games are left and the moment of the final truth

is coming closer and closer. Last week Samut Prakarn lost at home of Raj Pracha Nontaburi 1 - 2. It will be all or nothing this time; they will have to go on full power and take risks!

No space for tactical considerations anymore: Full throttle forward, no fear, if necessary blood on the posts!

Especially for the players of Senegal, Cameroon and Ghana it will be a challenge to show their value for the team and their dedication to it.

We are looking forward to a spectacular game, that's for sure: Chiangrai United will do its uttermost to prove it's class to the thousands of supporters

that without any doubt will show up and Samut Prakarn will play with the water already up to it's lips.

The last home game of Chiangrai United, against Narathiwat (2 - 2) was an absolute thriller visited by approximately 6500 - 7000 enthousiastic fans

and they will be certainly back and this time with even more friends, family, colleagues and neighbours with them. If you want to have a reasonable chance to find a good seat, be in time!

. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . Sunday November 15 at 17.30 at the Stadium of Chiang Rai !

Limbo :)

. . . . . . . . . . . . post-6305-1257905719_thumb.jpg supporters ready!post-6305-1257905792_thumb.jpg

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