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Football In Chiang Rai: Chiangrai United FC

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Was reading though the posts. Is there any more news on the new Chiang Rai Stadium ready for play in 2011? What will it's capacity be and are there any pictures of the plans?

good to see the interet going strong in Chiang Rai, good luck next week. I am really hoping to see Chiang Rai make it to the Premier League 2011.

Was reading though the posts. Is there any more news on the new Chiang Rai Stadium ready for play in 2011? What will it's capacity be and are there any pictures of the plans?

good to see the interet going strong in Chiang Rai, good luck next week. I am really hoping to see Chiang Rai make it to the Premier League 2011.

What we heard (from reliable sources :) ) is that the Chiangrai United stadium, located at the airport, will sit between 8 and 9000 people, with stands on the 4 sides of the field. It should be ready by the next season...

But things might change, of course...






post-6305-1268196294.png Saturday March 13 !

For the first time ever in history a football game of the Thai First Division league will

take place in our province and it is Chiangrai United FC hosting it.

The visiting club is Customs Phetchaburi FC. History will be written, be part of it!

The kick-off will be at 17.00 o'clock at the same Sanaam Kila Klang

(Municipal Sports Stadium) were Chiangrai United FC played last year.

So NOT as I mentioned in an earlier posting at the stadium of the Mae Fah Luang University!

It deserves recommendation to be early or to pass by the stadium earlier during the

afternoon to buy the ticket.

Altogether about 5.500 tickets are available, divided over 4 or 5 sections.

The best places are on the 'grand stand' of course, 120 seats for 120 Baht each.

Depending on position (among others their 'rain-proofness') the other seats are 60 en 30 Baht.

The membership of Weah Radio enjoys another arrangement behind the left goal.

. . . Chiangrai United . . vs . . Customs Petchaburi . . . . . . . .

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The last warming up game of Chiangrai United was last Friday against

BEC Tero Sasana and ended with a draw: 3 - 3. Not bad if you consider that

BEC Tero isthe most succesfull club ever in Thailand and ended in forth position

in the Thai Premier League last year.

Last Sunday Customs Phetburi warmed up against Pattaya United that ended in

10th position in the same premier league last year and won by 3 - 2.

Brasilian coach Jose Carlos Ferreira, who coached Chula United during the last

six months of its sejour in the Premier League is coach of Phetchaburi now.

It is not sure yet if we will see his fellow countryman midfielder Marcio da Silva

between the lines, but for sure Japanese defender Masoa Kiba will be.

Masao Kiba, a former player of the Japanese national team, later playing and

coaching in Osaka, Fukuoka and Kusatsu, is a first class defender, who easily

compensates his age (35) with his enormous experience and rutines.

Of the other foreigners, three players from Cameroon, probably striker

Etounde Pie Claude will test our goaly hardest, finding Edward Arnould Efimba

thereby at his side.

It is not sure if midfielder Minka Marcel will be able to show his talents this Saturday.


It is going to be an exciting match! Okay, it was fun to play against clubs

like the ones of Chiang Mai or Pitsanulok, but now things are getting real!

Now we start to talk real football!

Limbo :)

PS: In earlier postings, as you might have noticed, I have mentioned the close

relationship between art and football. Great was thus my satisfaction when I saw

that Angkritgallery/Bookafe/Saharot now offers a little space to Chiangrai United:

Circles are round!

On the pictures we see artist and gallerist Khun Angkrit Ajchariyasophon, Khun Korbtip

and Khun Miti (the chairman of Chiangrai United, to who we own Chiang Rai football).

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Sad, very sad!

No football this weekend!

For reasons only known to them the authorities have decided that playing football

this weekend could be at treath to the political stability of this beautiful country.

Personally I would sooner have expected that the extreme air pollution

would have been the reason to cancel football in Chiang Rai.

Playing football is at this moment probably more hazardous than chain smoking.

One game corresponds at least to two packets I would guess.

The game against Customs Phetchaburi is postponed to a later date.

For the time being there is no no change considering the rest of the schedule.

So next week Chiangrai United will play away in and against Nakorn Pathom and,

as planned, at home the 28th of this month against 'Angstgegner' Narathiwat.

As a cold comfort please enjoy some great pictures made on and around the

pitch by our superb club photographer 'Hualek' when Narathiwat visited

Chiangrai United last year (we played them twice, two times resulting in a draw).


Keep up the spirit good folks! Chiangrai United Susu, Susu, Susu!

Limbo :)

The first match at home will thus be Sunday March 28 !

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Reason for editing: a horrible typo, worse than any before ...

  • 2 weeks later...
Nakhon Prathom v Chiang Rai United at 4pm Sunday. First Div 1 match for CRUTD!

Thanks Nigel!

Exciting it will be: for the first time in history a team representing Chiang Rai Province will be playing in

the First Division! And Nakhon Pathom FC is not the easiest opponent CRUTD could find on its plate today.

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Nakhon Pathom FC has been playing in the Thai Premier League during the last three years.

In 2007 they ended in 11th position, in 2008 in 9th, but last year unfortunately in 16th and thus they

were relegated to the First Division.

Here they will be wellcomed today by another new-comer, more precisely our own Chiangrai United FC

that won the league of region north of the Second Division in 2009 and ended next in second position in

the after-competition among the five regional champions. This meant they were promoted to the First Division.

Nakhon is the team where former Northwich Victoria players Michael Thomas Byrne and Michale Aspin (Welsh and English)

were allowed to show their talents for a Thai public. At the moment Nakhon Phatom has enlisted a firm contingent of South

Koreans. Of those we can expect for sure to see Choi Wan Geon as regulating force on the midfield today.

Strikers Kone Francis(Ivory Coast) and Lee Tuck(United Kingdom) are other foreigners to fear.

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Kone Francis standing left, Choi Wan first row second from left and Lee Tuck first from right.

Limbo :)

PS: The enthousiasm of the Bangkok based supporters legion is great. This will be their first performance. It's great to have

a fan club in Bangkok as most first division teams have their home bases 80 kilometers or less from the capital.

If you are a Chiang Rai minded person in Bangkok, please contact them: post-6305-1269145870_thumb.png

At the moment Nakhon Phatom has enlisted a firm contingent of South Koreans. Of those we can

expect for sure to see Choi Wan Geon as regulating force on the midfield today.

Strikers Kone Francis (Ivory Coast) and Lee Tuck (United Kingdom) are other foreigners to fear.

Choi and Lee scored yesterday. Kone was the man that created the 'openings'.

Kone Francis was also the player that made the winning goal when Chiangrai United

was hosting Samut Prakan last year (the goal that might have cost us the first position

in the after-competition of the regional champions and three hundred thousand Baht cash).

It was the first time we ever lost (and this at home) after playing more than twenty games.

Kone Francis and Adu Gyamfi were the African players of Samut Prakan last year.

This year Adu is playing for Chiangrai United and, as we painfully noticed yesterday, Kone

for Nakon Pathom.

Anyhow: final result Nakon Pathom - Chiangrai United 2 - 1.

Chiang Rai FC played at home Saturday against Uttaradit FC and lost with 0 - 1.

Not a good weekend for football loving Chiang Rai ...

Let's hope that Chiang Rai Hills will reach the final of the 7to7 tournament of Maechan

today and, if possible, will take the cup home. They brought in two teams but after drawing

the lots they managed to have to play against each other in the first game...

Keep up the spirit gentlemen! Life goes on!

Limbo :)


As CRU progress thru the Leagues limbo. The competition obviously gets tougher. Playing against more experienced teams/players/coaches.

We must not expect too much from this season, after the euphoria of the previous season.

I think that maintaining there place in this division will be a good achievement for the year. Then we can build for the future.

Jai yen yen Na Khrap.

Just enjoy the spectacle of better quality teams coming to play in Chiang Rai.

Hopefully, when I get back from my working trip this time, I can join you in the stands with my orange colours flying.



The competition obviously gets tougher. Playing against more experienced teams/players/coaches.

We must not expect too much from this season, after the euphoria of the previous season.

Just enjoy the spectacle of better quality teams coming to play in Chiang Rai.

Thanks chang35baht, for your comforting and encouraging words!

You are right: loosing away against a team that played in the Thai Premier League for

three years is not really bad, especially not if it happens by rather modest digits (2 - 1).

By the way: I forgot to mention that it was Adu Gyamfi (from Ghana, now Chiang Rai)

who wiped our nill off the score board.

Last Saturday I wittnessed the game Chiangrai FC against Uttaradit Mor Seng.

Though I must say that the players of coach Tawid Klaitin really 'went' for it, it was a game

without climaxes. A wave of players, ping-ponging the ball in their midst, kept moving from

side to side and corner to corner. Hardly any space was created for spectaculair actions.

The first twenty minutes the ball was enabled twice to smell the net behind the

Chiang Rai goaly, but these occasions couldn't be booked as goals because in the

process obviously some reglementary technicalities had been overlooked.

After half an hour Chiang Rai FC managed to tame the optimistic and rather efficient

playing team from Uttaradit, which was not conductive for the game in general as it reduced

the speed in the game utterly. The passes got shorter as the clocked ticked away the remaining

rest of the first 45 minutes.

It was the brilliant goalkeeper of Chiang Rai FC that saved the football beauty of the first half

and thereby at the same time the honor of his team.

At least three times he treated the crowd to spectacular saves.

Finally, in the 11nd minute of the second half Uttaradit managed to pass our goaly and after this deserved

netball the remaining part of the game became a kind of lumberjack football that turned the final sound of

the whistle into a relief.

The whistle had been heard many times in the 95 minutes that the performance alltogether lasted: Not less

than 11 times the arbiter raised his arm, his hand showing a yellow card. I must say that he divided them

in a honest and balanced way over both teams.

Chiang Rai FC is now holding the eleventh position in a row of sixteen teams. When they will go on like this

I am sure they will manage not only to consolidate this position, but maybe even climb upp one or more

rungs of the ladder to success. Susu, susu, susu!

Limbo :)

As the game started one hour later than announced a lot of people where enabled to study the

environment thoroughly. The picture shows the situation some minutes before the kick-off.

The enthousiasm of the fans was in no way subdued by the result. That's the real spirit!

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Last weekend was indeed not very succesful for football minded Chiang Rai:

Saturday Chiang Rai FC allowed Uttaradit FC to take the full three points home

and Sunday Chiangrai United left them behind in Nakon Pathom.

What sweetened the pill was that both teams lost with the smallest margin.

Chiang Rai Hills FC did better!

In Maechan an important regional footsal tournament took place this weekend in which

32 teams from all over the province participated. The tournament was sponsored by

Tessaban Maechan and Osotspa.

The Hills managed comfortably to reach the final, cutting out the strong team of Ban Dong

Hong Yok surprisingly easy in the half-final. Four players of this strong village in the Maechan

area, among which promising Passkorn, usually play for Toyota Chiang Rai.

After two times twenty minutes the score board showed a firm 3 - 0.

The sympathetic team of Immanuel FC from Ban Farm had managed to reach the final by winning

all games from the penalty spot. All of their games ended in a draw and so the 'seven-meters' had

been necessary to point out the winner (the goals are about five by two meter).

It looked as if also the final was going to be an easy cake for the Hills, as they managed to find the

net for the first time after eleven minutes and secured their headstart less than four minutes later.

The second half however showed itself to be disastrous.

A couple of minutes into the game the Hills suddenly seemed to loose their concentration and

their so far well-oiled football machine seemed to come to a grinding halt.

The other possibility is that Immanuel FC suddenly got wings (they are sponsored by a heavenly

oriented foundation), but a fact is that in time of less than nine minutes the Hills were behind by 3 - 2.

The end result was 4 - 3 to the advantage of Immanuel FC.

The team of Taweeheng lost the semi-final of Ban Dong Hong Yok by 4 - 0, so the end result of

the tournament was Immanuel FC number one, Chiang Rai Hills FC number two and Ban Dong

Hong Yok and Taweeheng respectively three and four.

The Hills took home their cup and 4000 Baht price money.

Summary: hard and fast football, sharp combinations, power play! The absolute star was Kalasin, the

number 13 of Chiang Rai Hills. Brilliant player!

Limbo :)


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Dear friends, if you read this today the historical moment will arrive the day after tomorrow,

to be more precise:

Sunday March 28 at 16.00 at the Sanaam Kila Klang

post-6305-1269563821.png Chiangrai United FC - Narathiwat FC

Last year, when both teams played in the after competition of the regional champions of the Second Division for promotion to the

1st Division (Chiangrai United was champion of Region North and Narathiwat of Region South) the games ended 2 - 2 in Chiang Rai

and 1 - 1 in Narathiwat. At the beginning of this year both teams played a friendly that ended 0 - 0.

According to some sources the kick-off will be at 17.00, but the most reliable ones mention 16.00

as the moment that the first First Division match ever in our town will be commenced.

Believe me, it's better to be to early than too late as we can expect a 'full house'.

'Chiang Rai' will be there, in big numbers! Susu, susu, susu!

Limbo :)

Chiang Rai home vs Narathiwat last year: post-6305-1269563106_thumb.jpgpost-6305-1269564182_thumb.jpg

Thanks to Hualek for the pics!




Last season there was only one standard price, 30 Baht for all seats (5500) in the municipal stadium.

On an average about 2500 people, mostly youngsters, enjoyed the matches for free from behind the railings.

Times have been changing, Chiangrai United FC plays in the First Division now, which means much higher

costs, while the number of seats remains the same.

The new stadium of appr 9000 seats, at the airport, will be ready next season.

Think only about the away games, the team of Narathiwat that visits us today has been travelling the

same distance as AIK Stockholm would have done if playing against AC Milan today, a ferm 2000 km.

26 Players, a team of 6 coaches, aso, aso. Don't forget details like the costs of the pitch itself ...

Information about ticket prices and season cards

This year there will be 5 categories:

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The most superbly priced seats are those that are reserved for the members of Weah Radio.

The members of Weah, a radio station for -and run by- youngsters (under the umbrella of the Chao Pya

Abhai Raja Siammanukulkij Foundation of Mae Chan) will receive their free ticket upon presenting

their membership card of Weah Radio. The almost 500 seat stand behind the northern goal is their home.

Standing room around the whole field, with exception of the space in front of the main stand, has a price

tag of a rather surmountable 20 Baht.

The main stand offers two possibilities. Or you choose for the noble grand stand position in the middle

(the so called VIP seats) and you contribute with 120 Baht to your team or you choose for the wings of

the stand for exactly half the price, 60 Baht.

Though the main stand probably will be your favourite during the rainy season as it has a roof, the

open stand at the opposite

side of the field offers a great alternative for 40 Baht.

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For the dedicated supporters Chiangrai United offers season tickets for the same price you would pay

for all 15 games to come. The priveliges are that your seat is guaranteed, that you can get your ticket in an express lane, that you,

if 'grand stand' get a food and drink package, a free shirt and a free copy of Chiangrai Goal, the club magazine,

published every home match, with background information, news, game analyses, interviews with players, coaches and ... orange

girls and much more (this week a for instance a poster of the team). The 'Chiangrai Goal' magazine is normally available for 20 Baht.

Grand stand 1800 Baht, wings of the main stand 900 Baht and open stand 600 Baht.

Limbo :)

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PS: The first Grand Stand VIP season ticket (009) went to a lady. Not surprisingly if you realize that more than one/third of the fans is female.

We see the Chairman of Chiangrai United, Khun Mitti Tiyapairat, handing over the card, shirt and magazine to Khun Tunyong, an agricultural expert,

that recently moved to Chiang Rai.

Latest news: Adu's friend got his contract at AC Milan (is going to be a trip of more than 2000 km). Let's hope we can keep Adu himself to the end

of the season!

Today, be in time! Kick-off time 16.30, not 17.00 . . . post-6305-1269747631_thumb.jpg







Chiangrai United FC back on track:

. . . . . . Chiangrai United FC - Narathwat FC 3 - 1 !

Yesterday, March 28, Chiangrai United finally played its first home game in the First Division of

the Thai Football Association. The victim was Narathiwat FC, our former 'Angstgegner'.

Finally, after being forced three times to accept a rather compromising draw, we managed to win.

It was an exciting match that certainly pleased the crowd (in between 3500 and 4000).

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Weah Radio (and internet ‘television’) was there with its film/ crew for those who physically are

unable to see Chiangrai United play. About 260 members of Weah Radio came to the stadium to enjoy

the match life.

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After forty minutes a very hard taken free kick never higher than ten centimeters above the field,

from two meters outside the penalty room, surprised the keeper of Chiangrai United and the second

nill on the score board had to be changed into a one.

Three minutes later though the score board manager was called to duty again, this time to note

down the equalizer. It was not long after, in injury time, that in front of the goal of Narathiwat

a melee up stood that saw a seemingly hesitating ball cross the goal line. 2 - 1 For Chiangrai United!

A minute later the goalie of Narathiwat gave a rather literal meaning to the concept of 'injury time'

by getting seriously injured.

In the 30st minute of the second half Adu Gyamfi exploded into one of his spectacular 'spear fast' runs

over the left wing, turning to the middle by using an old 'Cruyffian' trick to eliminate the right back of

Narathiwat and scored with a hard, razor sharp and low shot: 3 - 1 !

It was a joy for the eye to see Adu Gyamfi play. Adu is a former player of the National Team of

under 19 of Ghana. Last year he played for Samut Prakan FC, the only team out of 72 teams in the

second division last year that was able to beat Chiangrai United. Samut Prakan ended as over-all

winner and forced Chiangrai United into the role of runner up.

Adu seems to move slowly and walks the field as if he is pushing a wheel barrier sometimes, but

when he ‘goes’ he is faster than a bullet. His friend, with who he came to Thailand together, is under

contract at AC Milan now. Let’s hope we can keep Adu for a while!

It was a tuff game; both teams equally shared a total of 4 yellow cards and 25 minutes into the second

half a player of Narathiwat even deserved and subsequently also got a red one.

As mentioned before, exactly thirty seconds before tea time the goalie of Narathiwat collided heavily

with one of our strikers.

The coach of Narathiwat obviously wanted to keep him at any price under the crossbar, so the whole

stadium was waiting for more than twenty minutes during which the good man got first aid.

Finally the ambulance took him away to a, in his condition, better place and the play continued for the

remaining thirty seconds.

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Coming Sunday Chiangrai United will be playing at home again,

this time against another club from the far South, Songkla FC.

Limbo :)

PS: Chiang Rai FC lost away of Chainat FC by 2 - 0 and now holds the 12th position

. . . in the Second Division Region North with seven points out of seven games.






This Sunday, April 4, again a home match of CRUTD:

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Last Thursday Chiangrai United played a friendly against the all-hilltribe Chiang Rai Hills FC

of Maechan. The manager of the stadium of the Mae Fah Luang University, who probably

wouldn't qualify for a Nobel prize and might have got his job for other reasons than his

management qualities and organisatorial skills, had made a double booking of the field,

so only one half could be played.

The Hills lost moderately with 2 - 0. It would have been interesting to see a second half as the

Hills physically seem to be extremely strong, a quality that tends to pay off in second halves.

But a 'friendly' remains a 'friendly', so it shouldn't be judged as an ordinary match.

This Sunday another team from the far south will be visiting us: Songkhla FC !

Songkhla is a team that was founded in 1999 and finished last year in 7th position in

the First Division.

So far the team has been rather succesfull: It won 3 - 1 of Thai Honda and shared at home

the points with Sriracha FC. Last week however they visited the Airforce and lost by one goal.

Chiangrai United played one game less and lost so far away of Nakhon Patom (2 - 1), but won

last week in a very convincing and elegant way of Narathiwat (3 - 1).

Adu Gyamfi, one of our star players, is from Ghana. He will probably meet not less than three

fellow countrymen in the field coming Sunday. Etoundi and Sylla, two other African players of

Chiangrai United, are from Cameroon and Ivory Coast, but the African section of Songkhla is

hundred percent Ghanese.

Since Gerald Adamoah, born in Ghana as well, has been playing 41 games for the national team

of Germany and scored six goals for his new country, Ghana has gained great fame in the

world for its football talents. Gerald has been playing for Schalke 04 now for many years.

That Adu's friend went to AC Milan is not a co-incidence either.

It's also great to see that Albert Kodjo, once playing next to Emmanuel Adebayor of Manchester

United, hasn't lost interest in his old club. Last Sunday he could be seen at the stadium again and,

of course he couldn't let it be: he had to whisper something into Adu' ear: low, low, low!

And this was the way Adu put his egg into the basket in the second half.

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I feel sorry for the supporters of Songkhla. By train it would take them 2 x 24 hours to see their

team play in Chiang Rai. Let's hope that Weahradio will put the match directly on internet again,

as it did last week againt Narathiwat. Just google to it and tune in!

Be sure that it is going to be a great game!

Limbo :)

PS: Alan Bate from Chiang Khongpedalled 440 kms during the first 24 hours, so you might

say he that he is on track! :D

He is on his way to Singapore, from where he will fly to Australia.

Another 28,530 kms to go! Susu Alan!

On the picture we see Khun Alan paying respect to His Majesty the King of Thailand before

he starts his attempt to improve the world record extreme endurance.

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I feel sorry for the supporters of Songkhla. By train it would take them 2 x 24 hours to see their

team play in Chiang Rai. Let's hope that Weahradio will put the match directly on internet again,

as it did last week againt Narathiwat. Just google to it and tune in!

Be sure that it is going to be a great game!

Limbo :)

All the matches are supposed to be broadcasted live on Weah Radio (two cameras when playing at home, and one camera when playing away).

When on the Weah Radio website, click the link "Chiangrai United online" to access the page.

To watch the match online is free... But, as good suporters, the best is to go to the field, of course :D

But again... the members of Weah Radio have free access to the stadium for all home matches (1 member can bring 1 guest).

So... there is no reason not to go !!!


first game i've seen was last night. it was disapointing. might go so far as to say much "adu" about nothing.

i was worried when i heard cru had brought in african players. my experience from watching them play for other teams last year was that they felt obliged to be superstars. this seemed to be the case last night....a prima donna performance by the much feted adu......every freekick, he stood over the ball. unfortunately, in attacking positions, he took the kick. result. lollipop balls into the box that were a piece of cake for the keeper to take. don't know if he is the captain of the team or not, but, every time there was a dubious tackle made, who was in the referees or linesmans face. the team, most probably from instructions, seemed to have only one outlet in attack. you guessed it.i thought that might change when adu moved from the left to the right, but no, same old same old. next game i will take a stat sheet........passes completed, shots on goal, assists. similar to the stats shown after epl games........would paint a pretty damning picture me thinks. football is a team sport....last season cru were a great team......not saying they arent now.....only seen this one game, but the difference i noticed was the team relying on one player. having said that, adu did take the corner that resulted in the equaliser for cru......given the wasted balls he had played from dead ball situations, probably to be expected. i hope the cru of old return. i hope they return to playing team football and discover the form that took them to such great heights last term. go cru.






First of all: Great to see you back Brad!

I hope you don't mind sharing with the (not only) local football fans that you are a

former professional football player from Australia (among others Sydney City) and that

you later played for Malaysian and Singaporean clubs.

That you are a FIFA Licenced coach (cat. professional football) might be additional

information for those who don't know you.

Those who do know you, also know that you have done a lot for promoting football in

Chiang Rai and this in a way that gained everybodies respect! You were the man who

(among others) did the first selection for the Chiang Rai Hills and coached them into

being a team.

I had the privilege to see the match yesterday together with a Dutch former semi-professional

rugby player (AAC Amsterdam), later coach of the same team and after that (and some studies),

strange enough triathlon coach. The coach of Chiang Rai FC, Khun Thawid Klaitin, was sitting in

front of me and in the same section of the stands I was happy to see Brad! A lot of football

expertise on the square meter (not including me).

"If I would be the coach" the old Dutch rugby giant said, "Adu would start next game in the dug out".

I think this is in line with what Brad is thinking and saying...

Adu was prominently present on the front page of Chiangrai United's match magazine (Chiangrai Goal III)

and inside a whole article told us about his splendid football qualities. The supporters chanted his name

(though pronounced wrongly) and when he left the field, being exchanged for a more motivated player,

he not even looked at them. Mental problem ...?

Is he like Drogba (Chelsea), a brilliant player, who nevertheless needed a Guus Hiddink to put him on

the rails again?

Anyhow, back to the match.

First half the ball hardly left the midfield, defenders 'high up', tick tack and a tensed game.

In the last minute a player of Songkhla broke though and was tackled in the penalty room.

Yellow card, thus a penalty. No mistake was made, it went into the right upper corner, 1 - 0 to the

advantage of Songkhla.

This covered the actual power balance between the two teams during the first half.

Second half Chiangrai United came back, especially during the last twenty five minutes.

'All or nothing!' In the last minute, also in injury time, a beautiful and deserved goal defined the

final result: 1 - 1.

Coach Raymond expected CRUTD, after looking for twenty minutes to have a difficult time to win.

He pinpointed the better playing rutines of Songkhla and meant that you could see the differences

between a second and a first division in this match.

He also didn't understand that Adu suddenly started to play at the opposite side of the field.

But, my dear football friends: Chiangrai United lost only once at home and that was against Samut

Prakan last year, Adu's team at that time ...

The fans, myself inclused almost 4000, enjoyed the equalizer as if it was a winning goal.

It was great to feel the atmosphere. Driving back to town it felt suddenly as if all Chiang Rai people

were brothers and sisters! People were greeting each other, in cars, on motorbikes!

Thanks Chiangrai United, thanks Khun Miti and Khun Korbtip, for making this all possible!

And thanks Khun Gerry, for enabling anybody in the whole world who is connected to internet

to share the joy of pristine football in Chiang Rai!

Limbo :)

'The Coach', as all his Dutch friends call him : . . . post-6305-1270469639_thumb.jpg







This Sunday, April 11, Chiangrai United FC will be playing in Bangkok!

post-6305-1270861107.png . Thai Honda - CRUTD post-6305-1270861155.png

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The match will be broadcasted on Weahradio:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . http://www.weahlr.com/welcome.htm

As Gerry already informed us, only one camera goes to away games. Home games are

covered by two. If the pictures aren't perfect, if the commentary isn't in your language, then

please realize that this radio station is a project to help disadvantaged youngsters to learn a trade.

Thus: By young people for young people !

Thai Honda is a former Thai Premier league club, that relegated to the Thai First Division two

years ago. The team is under Japanese management and affiliated with Honda FC in Japan.

Last year it ended in 11th position (16 clubs participate in the First Division).

This year it has collected 5 points in 4 games.

Chiangrai United has so far only played 3 games, resulting in 4 points.

In this early stage of the league it is not yet really interesting to look at the positions

of the teams in the league as half of them played 4 games and the other half only 3.

But if done so, then the winner of tomorrows match will end up in 8th or 9th position.

Also in this game our Adu Gyamfi, former player of the national youth team of Ghana

will meet a fellow country man, in this case Nana Asamoah. Is he family of Gerald Asamoah

of Schalke 04, who played 41 times for the national team of Germany? Is he related to Kwadwo

Asamoah, player of the national team of Ghana, now playing for Udinese in the Italian league?

Probably not, but he surely has a name that counts in football.

The question that is more important is, if Adu will have one of these days again that he will

live up to his enormous talents and steal the show. He is now holding the fourth position

among the topscorers of the First Division (the first place is for Valerie Sanou of Sriracha FC,

a professional from Burkina Fasso).

The game tomorrow is supposed to start and it will probably also do (yes, I know, but the

Thai Football Association is not always sure of itself and also not about the capacity of the

light towers in the stadia) 16.30.

Limbo :)

On the website of Weahradio you will find links to all the other projects of the Chao Phya Abhai Raja

Siammanukulkij Foundation, like for instance the all hilltribe Chiang Rai Hills Football Club, in the mean

time affiliated with Chiangrai United FC:

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. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . Chiangrai United Susu, Susu, Susu!










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Yesterday Chiang Rai FC played at home against Singburi FC.

The players of CRFC really did their best, ran at least six kilometers each,

but it didn't prove itself enough to win.

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Many parents, brothers, sisters, friends and colleagues were there to cheer.

Also their wives, sometimes with a lovely child on their knee: "look, pappa!".

All together probably not less than a respectable number of 350 people

came to the stadium to watch the game and support the team, this excluding

of course at least 30 supporters from Singburi.

It didn't help: Singburi FC was simply better. They won: 2 - 3 !

Nobody can deny that Chiang Rai FC strongly has been taking advantage of

the general and broad enthousiasm for football in Chiang Rai, that was created

last year by the enormous successes of Chiangrai United FC.

It was Chiangrai United that suddenly put Chiang Rai on the map of Thailand.

Now the time comes that Chiang Rai FC will have to learn to walk by itself.

So far it has to walk alone, as it seems.

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Pointing, pushing, yelling, also along the line there was great enthousiasm.

The embracement by local big-shots and their servants, as manifested in the choice

of the club's colors, might on the longer term be as deadly as a sting of the animal

they wish to be associated with by their logo: the scorpion.

The first victim kissed the grass already: FC Toeng...

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Aside from former Chiangrai United and Chiang Rai Hills coach Albert Kodjo and Khun

Dave, coach of the Chiang Rai expat football team 'legion etrangere' also the coach of

Chiang Rai Hills FC visited the game. He preferred to sit alone for better concentration.

He had every chance to do so.

Anyhow, nevertheless the enormous motivation and willingness to work, it seemed

as if our players had a tremendous fear to make mistakes.

It seemed to be rule to play a couple of steps backwards after receiving the ball to

ensure possession, something that took the speed out of the game and certainly didn't

make the game more attractive to look at.

Building up slowly but sure they managed however to create chances, good chances

and many chances. It was the typical kind of 'working-football' a coach has to rely on in

a situation like this, where relatively unexperienced players of a new team are confronted

by a tried and tested team like Singburi FC.

I think coach Tawid Klaitin did a good job with his new disciples, a very good job!

And when these lads get better, they might loose their fear. Then they don't have to fall

down spontaneously everytime when I player of the other team is coming in their direction:

The boys with the stretcher made probably almost just as many kilometers as the players.

I lost count of the yellow cards, the only thing I remember was that the team of Chiang Rai FC

harvested two red cards, where the players of Singburi satisfied themselves with one.

Chiang Rai FC managed so far to consolidate the 12th position of the Regional League

2nd Division Northern Region (16 teams) after 9 games.

Limbo :)

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This bus would take home the players, the supporters and the three points Singburi had earned.

No less than 650 kilometers to go.


Division 1 - Chiang Rai United defeat Thai Honda today 1-0. Puts them at 7 points from 4 matches and well inside the top half. Lets hope it's the start of a promotion race for the TPL.






. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coming Monday April 19:

Chiangrai United's Youth Football Academy

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . post-6305-1271222882_thumb.jpg

Chiangrai United is writing history again!

For the first time ever in Chiang Rai its juniors get the opportunity to learn the basic

skills of football under the professional leadership of a real youth football coach.

It might be great for you to enjoy their enthousiasm, but be assured that it is going

to be a lot more fun for the little future champions themselves!

Period and location:

The academy will take place from Monday 19 April to Friday May 14, alltogether 26 days,

at the trainingsfield of Chiangrai United in front of the new Airport of Chiang Rai.

Coming from the superhighway about hundred meters before the airport at your left.

There are two age groups:

1) The boys between 6 and 9 will have their football fun from 9.00 to 11.00 every day.

2) The boys between 10 and 12 will play every late afternoon from 15.30 to 17.30.

The damage to your purse:

The total costs are 500 Baht for each junior. For this amount your little champion will

be on the turf for about 50 hours of football lessons, granting him a physically fit start

of next school term.

Where and when to regsiter?

Coming Monday, the first day of the academy, the registration of the pupils of group 1

starts at 8 o'clock morning and for group 2 at 14.30 in the afternoon.

It would be appreciated when you pay the 500 Baht fee when registering.

Please see that the kids have appropriate clothes and sport shoes.

Limbo :)

PS: A good mental preparation for your little champion might be to visit the game

of Chiangrai United FC against Kon Kaen FC that takes place this Saturday, two days

before the youth football academy starts:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . post-6305-1271222915_thumb.jpg










Indeed, them . . . post-6305-1271411214.png post-6305-1271411753_thumb.jpgpost-6305-1271410621_thumb.jpg

and us ..... . . . . post-6305-1271411242.pngpost-6305-1271410708_thumb.jpg post-6305-1271410738_thumb.jpg

and we will meet Saturday April 17 at 16.30 at the stadium of Chiang Rai!

Chiangrai United FC and Khonkaen FC have both played 4 games and both managed to collect 7 points.

Depending on the result of the game between Chantaburi and Nakhon Pathom Chiangrai United may reach

the third position in the league which, if held to the end of the season would mean promotion of the team

to the Thai Premier League. But, after tomorrow only five games out of thirty will have been played, so ...

Limbo :)

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Wow, All I need is a Girl in a 'All I need is Khon Kean Football Club' T-shirt.

Its an Emergency, Can someone please bring the Hash start time forward a couple of Hours. :D pretty Please :)

Wow, All I need is a Girl in a 'All I need is Khon Kean Football Club' T-shirt.

Dear Jubby,

I informed the ladies from Khon Kaen about your needs and as you see on the picture

they were very happy to feel needed. Spontaneously they stretched out their arms and

started chanting: "Lubby, Lubby, Lubby"!

But what is wrong with our new Orange Girl, Khun Nut?

Khun Nut, from Payao, is 21 years old and studies English at the Chiang Rai Rajabhat University.

She is brilliant and her passion is William Shakespeare (nobody is perfect!).

She regrets very much that she doesn't have much opportunity to practise her English.

I advised her to keep it that way. :)

Limbo :D



Limbo, I'm pretty sure all the Ladies from Khon Kaen are needed.

As for Dek Ying Nut. She's just too beautiful for words.

I enjoy football but have never been much of a spectator, one day pretty soon I'm going to do some spectating.

without the Wives ofcourse :)

Thanks for the photo's.

Lubbly Jubbly :D







Where did the fear come from?

After unwillingly being forced last Sunday to let the guests from Khonkaen FC take home

the full points (the game ended 1 - 3 in favour of the visiting Isarn club, playing already

three years in the sub-top of Thai professional football) for some reason everybody

was afraid of Chantaburi FC, another 'old timer' in the first division.

And with 'everybody' I mean those I talked to last week about this match, so please

put a grain of salt on it.

What a relief it was to see, from the first second on, that coach and players of Chiangrai

United never shared that fear, or at least managed gloriously to deny it and to act accordingly.

This time they showed self-confidence from the first sound of the whistle and attacked

the same way they did during the last 25 minutes of the second half last week.

The first ten minutes weren't played yet when Adu Gyamfi managed to create a corner

on the left, splendidly taken and cashed with a beautiful straight header from our right forward

Methi Poongpho (formerly Bangkok Glass): Dream goal in the right upper corner, so the goaly

of Chantaburi was the last to blame.

Chiangrai United kept the pressure on and one minute before the official end of the first half

our Ghanese ball wizard Adu Gyamfi got a long ball from the right and, mid-air, took it directly on

his slipper and sent it in a firm straight line into the net:

Chiangrai United - Chantaburi FC 2 - 0

The second half could be called anything but a formality. CRUTD kept the pressure on and only

the last twenty minutes it started to consolidate with a lonely, but very respected Adu in the front

for the sporadic counter. A respect, resulting in the fact that he had to be taken out and exchanged

for another player. The player of Chantaburi that paid this respect to him went out as well.

The only difference was, that he was not replaced as he took home a red one.

The first three teams of Division 1 will promote to the Thai Premier League.

It is good to know that Chiangrai United after six games only has three points less than Khonkaen,

the team that thanks to its great performance in Chiang Rai last week holds that third position.

Don't ask me why, but now Chiangrai United has to play 4 (!) away games at a row: it will visit

Ratanabundit in Bangkok, Suphanburi FC, Chula United FC and (our favourite :D ) Raja Pracha

Nontaburi. Then, finally, we are honoured to welcome the team of the Thai Air Force in Chiang Rai.

This will be not earlier than June 6!

The contingent foreigners that visit the games of Chiangrai United is stable now. I guess almost hundred

foreigners have given 'acte de presence' at the one game or the other and that the average number of

foreign supporters of Chiangrai United is about thirty.

Limbo :)

Some pics of last night, the supportersof Chantaburi that travelled more than 600 kms to see their team

play, the crowd on the open stand, facing storm and rain for quite a while and 'The Girls' playing tribute to

the supporters of the visiting team:


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . post-6305-1272286718_thumb.jpg







. Chiang Rai Hills FC scouting for talent

In a couple of weeks we will hear more about the new stadium of the Chiang Rai Hills FC in Maechan.

The private sponsors of the Chao Phya Abhai Raja Siammanukulkij Foundation have placed not less

than 30 million Baht at this project's disposal.

As the club, by a decision by its players that was respected by the supporting foundation, has

been set up as an all-hilltribe team, the limitations concerning the recruitment of new talented

players will be clear.

Within this frame work the trip should be seen that the team and its coach made last days to the

greatest Karen football tournament of Thailand, held in the middle of the mountains, less than 30

kilometers from Thailands highest mountain Doi Inthanon.

If the team shows itself to be ready for it, it might be very well possible that we will have an all-hilltribe

team playing in the Second Division of the TFA soon. In combination with the stands of the new stadium

accommodation for resident players will be realized. That will enable the team to engage players from


Limbo :)

It was great to see that the Catholic Bishop of Chiang Mai, Mgr. Francis Savior Vira and the Nai Amphur

of this 157 tambons big district, Mr. Suraphol Kietchaiyakorn, honoured the tournament with their presence:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . post-6305-1272684842_thumb.jpg

A good strong car is not to be considered 'luxury' when you have to reach places like Tompue as some

roads need some extra horsepowers to master them:

. . . . . . . . . . post-6305-1272684913_thumb.jpg

And this was the last picture I could make before the battery of my camera really gave up:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . post-6305-1272684974_thumb.jpg






. Chiang Rai Hills FC scouting for talent

In a couple of weeks we will hear more about the new stadium of the Chiang Rai Hills FC in Maechan.

The private sponsors of the Chao Phya Abhai Raja Siammanukulkij Foundation have placed not less

than 30 million Baht at this project's disposal.

As the club, by a decision by its players that was respected by the supporting foundation, has

been set up as an all-hilltribe team, the limitations concerning the recruitment of new talented

players will be clear.

Within this frame work the trip should be seen that the team and its coach made last days to the

greatest Karen football tournament of Thailand, held in the middle of the mountains, less than 30

kilometers from Thailands highest mountain Doi Inthanon.

If the team shows itself to be ready for it, it might be very well possible that we will have an all-hilltribe

team playing in the Second Division of the TFA soon. In combination with the stands of the new stadium

accommodation for resident players will be realized. That will enable the team to engage players from


Limbo :)

It was great to see that the Catholic Bishop of Chiang Mai, Mgr. Francis Savior Vira and the Nai Amphur

of this 157 tambons big district, Mr. Suraphol Kietchaiyakorn, honoured the tournament with their presence:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . post-6305-1272684842_thumb.jpg

A good strong car is not to be considered 'luxury' when you have to reach places like Tompue as some

roads need some extra horsepowers to master them:

. . . . . . . . . . post-6305-1272684913_thumb.jpg

And this was the last picture I could make before the battery of my camera really gave up:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . post-6305-1272684974_thumb.jpg

Today in Bangkok at 16.00:

. . . . .. . . . . . . . Rattana Bundit FC vs Chiangrai United FC

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . post-6305-1272776315_thumb.jpg

Might be fun to visit the Chiangrai United Supporters Home two hundred meters north of Mengrai

(Phor Khun), under the big bill board of Singha opposite IDT-Plaza.

I am not sure if it is possible to put Weahradio's transmission of the match on big screens, but

I am sure that there will be direct contact with Bangkok, where the match is played this afternoon.

Originally RBAC Mittraphap FC was the team of Rattana Bundit University, then of the Bangkok

Metropolitan Administration (BMA FC) and after that of the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET FC).

For a while it looked as if the club would merge with Chiang Mai FC and move to the north.

The deal however didn't work out and Chiang Mai, now playing in the second division region

north, welcomed our former coach Phon and goalkeeper Panza in stead.

Rattana Bundit has been playing 9 years in the first division now and ended last season in 8th

position. It will be a great challenge for newcomer Chiangrai United, especially now our coach

was recently replaced.

Chiangrai United Susu, Susu, Susu!

Limbo :D

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