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No Satellite Tv Today


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I have a cable TV subscription from UBC, and the channel relocation started last night, a bit after midnight. The channels were relocated in name, but the actual channels weren't moved. So now I have a lot of "blank" new channels, a lot of inaccessible old channels, and a ton of distorted channels. I hope they get it sorted by dinnertime, since they *did* have all day to do it.

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For those that can't see the channels except the free thai ones - as of now, my channels jump from 7 to 87 and go into the 100's. For example, BBC Prime, which I haven't subscribed to is on channel 152. Now watching The Weakest Link.... :o

Edited by triplegee
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You could be having a problem because of the re-numbering and reorganisation to accommodate the platinum / gold / silver services. Mine went ape-shit last night at 12:08 am but was finished at about 12:30. All platinum channels are now as advertised in the UBC magazine (which actually arrived today - the first of the month. This is the first time it has ever arrived early. Usually it arrives on the 10th).

OR, the other possibility is that UBC have not been able to contact you if you live in a "tsunami" area. They could not contact me and so scrambled my signal on the assumption that either my satellite dish and house were washed away, or I was washed away - and dead - or I and my system were OK, but could not answer the phone. When i complained that my signal was scrambled, they sorted it out in about 2 hours.

I guess it's cheaper for them to scramble your signal and wait for you to complain, than it is for them to send someone out to every home to check all is well. You cannot argue with the cold hard logic, but as for "customer care", forget it.

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For those that did not get the UBC Feb Magazine they plan to have everything configured for subscribers sometime between Feb 1 and 7. Until the 7th you are advised to keep power on converter so they can re program channels.

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Follow directions in The Feb UBC Magazine to reset your receiver...

Haven't received it yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mine get lost in the mail a few times per year. I wonder who steals those UBC Mags. The postman? Is there a black market for UBC Magazine? :o

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Follow directions in The Feb UBC Magazine to reset your receiver...

Haven't received it yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mine get lost in the mail a few times per year. I wonder who steals those UBC Mags. The postman? Is there a black market for UBC Magazine? :o

As each subscriber only gets one copy and can have up to 4 legal converters expect that there is a market for them. Not to mention those with illegal connections.

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Follow directions in The Feb UBC Magazine to reset your receiver...

Haven't received it yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mine get lost in the mail a few times per year. I wonder who steals those UBC Mags. The postman? Is there a black market for UBC Magazine? :D

:o:D:D I used to be very tempted, while I was driving down my soi, just to lean out of the window and nick a copy from my neighbour's post box! Never did, but was sorely tempted.

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