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Local Thai Neighbours Call Me 'mr Bean' And Now Farang

syd barrett

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Meg and tropo - if you two have issues - take it to PM.


Now lets get back to helping bean find his sausage.

Apologies Soundman.

Tropo is the one who started with personal insults about my looks, In which I feel I must respond to to stick up for myself on this public forum.

I am not the one writing personal insults about the way people look.

Getting back to topic.

The whole point of this thread is that a member considers he is being insulted by being called Mr Bean. Obviously no one would agree that he looks exactly like Mr Bean, but some Thai people in his local community consider there are similarities.


Although it took a lot of convincing, I'm glad that you finally agree that Syd is being insulted by being called Mr Bean.

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Tropo - it is ADDAMS and not ADAMS...

from your local online spell checker. (again)

If you'd picked up on my "Adams" error the first time you wouldn't have had to waste another post.

Find another job.

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To the OP.. Maybe you could ask them straight and find out why they are calling you Mr Bean?

Thanks to Meg_2003, pattaya _girl, tropo and others I have been able to see through the haze and find the galleries.

Someone coulda told me ya had to be logged in. Anyway I was so inspired I put up 2 of my pics and have scheduled

a bearskin rug shoot of yours truly for some time in the future.


ooops is this a double post? or am I just on the cusp?

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It started as a quiet joke some months ago, when local Thai neighbours labelled me with the nickname 'Mr Bean'. Now the whole neighbourhood have labelled me as 'Mr Bean'. Should I feel offended?

Surely, Mr. Bean is a socially inept misfit with obvious physical features and mannerisms that are gauche, clearly someone who is not a role-model, and just a figure of fun.

How can I 'Nip this in the Bud' and return to being an anonymous 'Mr Barrett'?

Kind advice and responses appreciated.

Maybe I am wrong but if you feel offended by this then perhaps they are being offensive. Body language etc. If you dont like it just tell them to stop it. If that doesnt work I really dont know what you should do as I do not know you personally. But I believe its the same everywhere in the world you just have to stand up to them.

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To the OP.. Maybe you could ask them straight and find out why they are calling you Mr Bean?

Thanks to Meg_2003, pattaya _girl, tropo and others I have been able to see through the haze and find the galleries.

Someone coulda told me ya had to be logged in. Anyway I was so inspired I put up 2 of my pics and have scheduled

a bearskin rug shoot of yours truly for some time in the future.


ooops is this a double post? or am I just on the cusp?

*Searching for KDF's pics but can't find them*

I like the avatar pic with the 3 bottles... Ha ha ha Looks like you were having a good night!!! :D:)

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I frankly don't care WHAT the Thais call me... or anyone for that matter. I'm too old to let little things worry me. Some people like me and others don't. For the ones that don't then that is THEIR problem, not mine. I just treat everyone with respect and just agree with the nasty ones by making whatever they say into a joke. There are a lot of evil people in the world so why would I worry what they thought of me. If Syd Barrett treats people with respect then he'll get respect in return. And the others can take a long walk off a short pier.

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Some people call me Martin cause a farang named Martin once visited my GF's village. I act like that's really my name.

Barbie, maybe they call you that cause they think you have sawdust for a brain.

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Some people call me Martin cause a farang named Martin once visited my GF's village. I act like that's really my name.

Barbie, maybe they call you that cause they think you have sawdust for a brain.

Sawdust? Is that the best you can come up with? :D

I'm rolling on the floor laughing.......not. :)

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Glad to see you took your gallery pics down. Just checked they were not there, never saw them, but people judge folks enough on looks to cause you grief, or a lot of attention, esp.

from this group. You would not believe the number of unsolicited marriage proposals, and less formal suggestions, I have received based on my pics and my nick name. A few were even from women.

Just goes to show you the worst thing about a public forum is the same as the problem with public transportation... they let just anyone on.


:) I didn't remove my Photo Album KDF.. I checked my profile and its showing up for me ok.. Can you check it again and let me know if its showing? I'm not going to let one loser ruin my time on ThaiVisa :D Don't worry, I can handle it :D

First time i have had a peek at your photos too meg.So what does a 20yo do in Pattaya then????

Do you live here and work???

Never seen you walking about like some say.

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I think that you should post a few more pics of yourself, with and without makeup (or rather just a smidgen) and Tropo can start a poll to see if people think you are ugly : so-so : good looking : beautiful: DD Gorgeous.

At your request.. :)

I've nothing to hide :D


I would say GORGEOUS <3 love u meggie =)

You DO look like Barbie. If she didn't then why would people call her that????

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Count yourself lucky

My name in Thai translates to a slang version of Slut.

My nickname is is useally fat bloke.

Would your name be Garlee then?

Unfortunately ...............I have had to change my business cards upcountry to Gareth.

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First time i have had a peek at your photos too meg.So what does a 20yo do in Pattaya then????

Do you live here and work???

Never seen you walking about like some say.

Yes Patklang, Ive been living here full time since childhood. My parents live here also..

I'm not working right now, I'm studying (I used to do a bit of modeling and movie work but not lately), my family run a business. I also have a Thai boyfriend who works..

Yeah, I don't really go out as much as I used to do, hence not seeing me around much. Too busy with housework and studying :)

How about you, do you live here/work? :D

Omg, this is totally off topic :D

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Some people call me Martin cause a farang named Martin once visited my GF's village. I act like that's really my name.

Barbie, maybe they call you that cause they think you have sawdust for a brain.

Sawdust? Is that the best you can come up with? :D

I'm rolling on the floor laughing.......not. :)

No, it's not, but I don't want a 3 day suspension. I thought it was pretty good, anyway.

I would hate to have to keep you entertained. Where's Ken? I always thought Ken was gay.

In any case, if any of your story is true, you can call me Mr. Bean.

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Some people call me Martin cause a farang named Martin once visited my GF's village. I act like that's really my name.

Barbie, maybe they call you that cause they think you have sawdust for a brain.

Sawdust? Is that the best you can come up with? :D

I'm rolling on the floor laughing.......not. :)

No, it's not, but I don't want a 3 day suspension. I thought it was pretty good, anyway.

I would hate to have to keep you entertained. Where's Ken? I always thought Ken was gay.

In any case, if any of your story is true, you can call me Mr. Bean.

Yeah? You must be easily amused then, Mr Bean :D

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Next time one you know well calls you it reply with the following,

mai chai pom cheu Jack Daw Saan.

Ick. I'd rather be Mr. Bean.

As a far as being called farang, if you want to live here you just have to let it go. Been here three years, realized after only a few months that for most Thais you will always be thought of first as a farang, with all that entails in thier minds. You could live here for decades, learn to speak Thai fluently, convert to Buddhism, have only Thai friends, marry a Thai woman and have Thai children and you will still be a farang- just one who knows things some other farangs don't.

After almost 2 years together, my wife was sitting around and had a "wow" moment. She said to me, "I just remembered that you're a farang. I don't think of you like a farang any more."

Just recently (after nearly 3 years with my wife), my mother-in-law started using either "son-in-law" (sounds like "luuk khoi") or my name, instead of "farang." She tends to use my name when speaking to her grandson and "son-in-law" with my wife.

When they speak of me with their friends up-country, my mother-in-law reverts to using "farang" and my wife uses either "farang" or "samee," but there is some hope of moving beyond "farang" with your closest Thai friends/family.

Here in BKK, my wife uses my name when speaking to friends about me.

I get the feeling up-country that they generally don't refer to people by names, but by relationships or titles (i.e., farang, son-in-law, nephew, grandson, etc...).

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I get the feeling up-country that they generally don't refer to people by names, but by relationships or titles (i.e., farang, son-in-law, nephew, grandson, etc...).

True, Up country I have always been called the "Daughter-in-law".. I don't think I can ever re-call being called by my actual name when people have been talking about me... :)

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It started as a quiet joke some months ago, when local Thai neighbours labelled me with the nickname 'Mr Bean'. Now the whole neighbourhood have labelled me as 'Mr Bean'. Should I feel offended?

Surely, Mr. Bean is a socially inept misfit with obvious physical features and mannerisms that are gauche, clearly someone who is not a role-model, and just a figure of fun.

How can I 'Nip this in the Bud' and return to being an anonymous 'Mr Barrett'?

Kind advice and responses appreciated.

bean is my nick name in work laugh and get on with it

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The moment I arrived in Thailand I adopted a short Thai name. Ever since everybody calls me Khun "Thai name". If people don't know my name, when I visit a shop, people may refer to me among each other as Farang, which is acceptable, I think.

So, get yourself a name Thai people recognise and wouldn't make fun of.

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