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As founding member and president of I Think Bud Is A Dick Head, I unfortunately have to inform all members that our first annual meeting must be postponed.

The management of The National Stadium have informed me that they cannot provide enough seating to fit all of our members in.

If anyone knows of a larger venue that might suit our needs then please PM me ASAP.


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Bud oh Bud,  

You are amazing, you have only been on this forum since 07/09/03 or as you American put it 09/07/03, and you have managed to post no less than 50 times with your views and aspects of Asia. A real (Mr Know-It-All). You see, I feel you are one of those Americans who give your country a bad name, always shouting the odds and getting paranoid over the smallest thing.

Please click this link to see My own PERSONAL VIEW OF YOU


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  • 2 weeks later...
Come on guys, no need to be harsh. As far as I'm aware Bud's never intentionally been rude to anyone and has provided ample amusement for many people. A few posters have said they return to this site just to read Bud's comments - that's got to count for something doesn't it?   :o
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To Spellbound and Pinkster,

First of all, who really started this post? I did not yet my name is on it as starting it up? Cool, tell me how and I will start one on you guys. I hope I did not offend either of you all and I think Mr. Vietham got banned so he cannot comment, but I can say that you all are just given us Americans a hard time, and what kind of bad weed both of you smoking?

Give us Americans a break, we are already all unemployed, so far in national debt we'll never see the green again, getting our boys banged off at least one a day in Sadden land, have Michael Jackson as our national freak and now you guys bashing us with every post. Give us a break, see you all in Bangkok soon, just a short side trip to Nam first.


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One more thing the real Bud Zumwalt has a space between Bud and Zumwalt and has posted over 150 times, not just once as this impostor has.

If I offended anyone, I apologize. I never intended too. Life is too short to fight and insult people. I think positive posts and replies are so much more fore filling.

I will be off this web site for a while, since I depart for Vietnam in the morning then off to Bangkok, I would hope these guys give me a break while I am traveling I cannot defend myself, but really if it gives you great joy to disrespect and downplay me who am I too ruin your false sense of security and entertainment. So let the blows fall where they may. What ever floats your boat.


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Bud, I read your first posts with interest and I think from what I read, your claim to fame is on the back of a distant relative......And if you remember, You are the ones who invaded Iraq against the wishes of the U.N....take a back seat for a while Mate
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To surin,

Having the last name of Zxxxxxx never really did much for me. Remember I took Army ROTC at college not Navy. As far as us being in Sadden Land, perhaps you forgot about 911,perhaps you did not see his mass grave yards, the torture chambers, maybe you think people should starve while daddy and his sons live in billion dollar palaces, and rape any virgin walking by that catches their eyes, maybe you think that having billions in Cayman Island banks is OK while your fellow countrymen are starving. Perhaps we need more people like you to make this a better world. Tell me who is selling all this bad weed. Does anyone thinking like that have higher than a two digit IQ?

Gee whiz I hope I did not offend anyone who previously made dum comments on this post.

Bud is going to bed, he must travel half way around the world in the morning.

Night! Sweet dreams for all the geniuses in the Kingdom of Joy.

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Bud, I did not comnent on your postings tillnow. Some are well! others are well? Over 6 a day, a lot of space.

Have some nice dreams and a nice flight.

As for Bush going into Sadden Land (sic) he did retract already that Saddam had anything to do with 9/11.

I do not like G.W. Bush, elected or not, and his policy.He lied to the American people of evidence on WMD. He is the one who risks American money, lives and blood on causes not worthwhile. I agree on what you said against Saddam but also let slip in the question, who supported Saddam for years and years.

The USA is a super-power but the world does not need guys like Bush/Rumsfeld etc. "

The UN is slow, because too many members have differing opinions. However, this as well includes members who do have the knowledge, understanding and feeling for the Iraq, for its factions and religions which I do not have and the US-soldiers from GI to General do not have. Not everybody thinks the same as Bush. Anyway, let him first clean up the mess he made, and let him pay for the damages done. I believe in democracy and I believe the next election will show what the American people think of him. The USA is rich, but rich enough? The money spent in the Iraq could and should have been nicely used in the USA itself. The EU might be laughing, (except UK) having saved a lot of money which would have had to be spent by participating through UN-forces.

Superpower? I said yes the USA are, but take a few figures,

(which I posted here before:

Population: USA 275 million  EU: the 15 original countries 375 million, incl. new members/applicants 439 million

Per capita


(in Euro)     USA 34 800       EU: 22 500, incl new members est. 33 300

(these figures of 2000, by now should be higher)

To close, I am not against the US and def. not against her people, where I have lots of friends. But I am against some normal thinking people being accused of a low IQ or anti-Americanism for having a different opinion than G.W.

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Bud...Saddam polemics and patriotic ravings aside I'm shoulder to shoulder with you pardner...simply you confirm to me that you support the Oakland As in these playoffs and as World Series contenders...

As for the rest of you folks...good to have your comment to illustrate US isolation...the US has got the burden to bear for the sins of their 'elected' leaders like George Dubya (what was the vote in Florida?) Any rational person could connect US policy with Israel and hostility to Arab/Muslim states to 911. Unfortunately a lot of Americans vote...but they don't think or analyze as they don't have the necessary resources...the US press is 'free', but blinkered. All one has to do is to read the same story reported by CNN and the BBC to realize.

Right on Bud...keep it coming

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That's how I like it. Different opinions, but side by side in sports. The world is too small to fight each other.

One of the reasons why I am no fan of G.W. is his intolerance, "If you are not for us you are against us".

Talking about CNN, when they started, GREAT. Today, forget it. During April very biased and not yet recovered.

I agree to the "free press" comments. However, the internet is available to everybody. If a subject is of interest to me I surf, read the on-line papers in let's say Israel, Russia, UK, Germany, Arabian countries.

You get them all in English and they might be biased, as well

but you get an over all picture.

The biggest impression left a young G.I. on CNN to me during a riot. He was obviously afraid (I would be) when asked by an Iraqi in reasonable English, what he wanted here and replied "To defend your f...ing freedom".

20 minutes later, his "speech" was no longer in the repetition.

Call me sentimental, I feel sorry for any single soldier who was sent to Iraq, a country the avarage-citizen will be unable to locate on a map. They have to do a job for which they are paid, but their superiors should be able to convince them of the "why". from G.W. down the chain they failed. I said it before, find a UN-resolution, give them the power they deserve, give every soldier needed a blue cap and you have my acceptance.

Somewher else in this forum I read today about USA being the best hegemon (y?) I feel safer if we have no country on this earth feels the need to be superior.

Sports? Let's go. I cannot comment on World series, but a word on last year's football (soccer) world champion ship. I saw a lot of games somewhere on Sukh Soi 7, Great atmosphere and over the days and weeks I counted people from at least 10 diff. countries. Some heated discussions, but a sorry to the Brits or French, when there team was knocked out. Some more drinks, everybody was happy.

Sorry, this got a bit long. What I want to tell everybody, go out, see the world, respect other peoples, think of the guy (girl) next to you as a human being, never mind the Nationality and be open minded.

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