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My Pc Is Freezing Again


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Been having a few problems with the Pc over the last few weeks. Seems to be since i installed HL2. I havent been playing it for a while due to the fact the PC isn't up to it. So i have checked my fan and its running. I've cleaned the PC out for dust. I can get on the internet no worries and no crashes. But it seems to be when i try to do something offline that i'm having problems. eg. I tried to play a game that a mate gave me. Not a big full on game. Just a game of pool. But the PC freezes and i gotta use the reset button. This also happened when i tried to do a virus scan. Very annoying. I still have HL2 installed. But i dont start up steam and havent played the game for a while. Maybe that has something to do with it. Any ideas guys?

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First uninstall HL2 - see if you still have issues then!

Tried that.

Yes, try that first. If you still have problems, go to Pitstop and do an 'online' virus and diagnostic check on your computer. Very good site!

System has no virus. Nothing major

First uninstall HL2 - see if you still have issues then!

Yes, try that first. If you still have problems, go to Pitstop and do an 'online' virus and diagnostic check on your computer. Very good site!

Or you could take it out of the freezer :o

You crack me up DK.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Been tp Pantip today and i pick up my new Pc on Friday. But i hope that my problems wont persist. The question is. Could the freezing problem be due to my Graphics card over heating? Could i have buggered up my card by trying to play HL2 on a <deleted> spec PC? I dont think so but could i be wrong?

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First uninstall HL2 - see if you still have issues then!

Yes, try that first. If you still have problems, go to Pitstop and do an 'online' virus and diagnostic check on your computer. Very good site!

Or you could take it out of the freezer :o

I thought it was only me that taped up the fan vent and had the com in the fridge!

2 thoughts on the OP's problem.

First are you running Bit Torrent - as this is well documented for causing freezes(I have a few settings tweaks to reduce this)

Otherwise I am guessing that the problem lies with Java - maybe you have deleted one of it's components. This can happen when uninstalling some programs and you get the little warning "some files associated with this program are registered as redundant, but may be used by other processes - Delete Y/N"

Many games use java interfaces and graphics controllers. Your little pool game, that you hint is not a majour recourse user, is most likely a Java run program. Try removing it, and re-installing.

With some versions of XP I believe, Java is automatically included so you may not recall ever Downloading and installing it. Anyway, you should still be able to remove it, and download the newest version from:


let the site scan your system first, and bear in mind that it is a large download and will take a while.

I highly doubt that the problem is hardware - unless your graphics card is loose, or the contacts are worn. A little contact spray, and replacing the card in its slot will remove this cause of doubt. If it were simply not up to the speed of the programs you are running they would just get jerky and slow, not freeze the computer.

By the way, in my opinion it's just not worth trading in your old computer. They will give you buttons for it, and you can always use it later for something, such as a network server, or set it up next to the TV for playing downloaded movies. At the very least you could keep the hard drive from it and plug into your new computer. Having 2 hard drives is great if you use games or use heavy duty programs like photoshop, as you can have windows on one drive, and your heavy duty app on the other. Or else you can de fragment one drive, while downloading to the other etc.. That is besides the obvious advantage of being able to back up your data.

Just about all computers allow 4 IDE devices. Hard drives, and CD/dvd drives are IDE devices - so you can have 2 cd drives, and 2 hard drives for instance.

That's another thing - your new computer might well have a dvd burner included. So take the old CD drive and put in the new computer for running scratchy, cheapo cds that are prevalent in Thailand, while keeping your new dvd burner in good condition.

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Been tp Pantip today and i pick up my new Pc on Friday. But i hope that my problems wont persist. The question is. Could the freezing problem be due to my Graphics card over heating? Could i have buggered up my card by trying to play HL2 on a <deleted> spec PC? I dont think so but could i be wrong?

quite possible Jock, We are starting with a much higher ambient room temp here that back home, there again you probably have a/c make sure you have plenty of air space around your graphics card, it someties is advisable to remove one of the side panels especially if you play a lot of power hungry games. I have both panels off and my pc has its own desk fan that I bought it for its birthday, I got him a red one, its's his favorite colour :o

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Can't really see it being overheating myself. You can buy little thermometers with leads that you can move about, and display the temp at the CD slot. Removing both covers and blowing a room fan across should solve it if this is the problemas you say. But IMO is not a good long term position (though I know many who do this). Most of the cases you can buy these days actually list the temperature as higher if you remove the sides. And also I had a machine in which the hard drives heated up without the sides of the case on. You can't beat a couple of good fans well positioned inside the case, especially if like me you put air filters on. My room is just too dusty anyway. Reduces noise too.

I have no air con and sue a fanless G-force graphics card.

But the OP says he can use his computer normally other than games, so I still feel the problem is software, and 90% sure it is Java.

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But the OP says he can use his computer normally other than games, so I still feel the problem is software, and 90% sure it is Java.

That doesn't necessarily mean software.

A graphics card uses more power when the 3D is in use, so could be a power supply issue. (and if he's not using a UPS, the lower the power usage of the PC in general, the less it crashes in brown-outs - ie. I've seen voltages of 180v instead of the nominal 220v - one reason I have a UPS on all my PCs.)

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