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Star Trek For A New Generation

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Hey this new movie in Thailand


totally did not suck!

I loved it.

Apparently its meant to hook another new generation on Star Trek with a very updated look and feel, and it does that quite well.

I was never a Trekkie, just watched the tv shows and movies and wouldn't be caught dead at a Star Trek convention and if someone gave me the Vulcan "Live Long and Prosper" spiel I would probably vomit.

However, I found this new movie VERY entertaining.

Don't expect the same actors ...

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Agree, absolutely. There's already a backlash from the diehard fans, but, let's face it, the old franchise was ailing badly and fizzled out with 'Nemesis'. Time for new blood and J .J. Abrams' vision definitely does the job. And for any old-time trekkies, come on, you even get to know what happens to the original Spock. If you're crying for the original Kirk, well, he died in 'Generations', a fully accepted storyline. And don't worry, your cherished complete DVD collection won't disappear because the time line was changed. Mine's still here... :)

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I take it the movie is now playing in Thailand? That is good news (for me) I'm a big fan of all the Star Treks not to the point of going to conventions or dressing like a Klingon but I do have all the DVD series and movies with the exception of the cartoons. I'm glad they are starting something new but at the same time I am disappointed they are going back in time rather than continuing the time line they worked so hard to preserve (until Enterprise which I think is why it was canceled). Prequels tend to destroy a franchise because it almost seems like an after thought of what should have been. I guess Star Wars is a good example to spite the tons of money it made it has been reduced to a Saturday morning cartoon.

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... I'm glad they are starting something new but at the same time I am disappointed they are going back in time rather than continuing the time line they worked so hard to preserve (until Enterprise which I think is why it was canceled). Prequels tend to destroy a franchise because it almost seems like an after thought of what should have been. ...

Well, don't worry about this one. It is a sequel (continuing the storyline from TNG with Spock living on Romulus), a prequel (starting with Kirk's birth, no less) and a reboot, changing the past in a time travel story and opening up new possibilities. In my opinion it's the best that could have been done.

Edited by lothda
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Went to the Cinema last night to watch it and really enjoyed it. My girlfriend thought is was excellent and really funny in parts also.

I liked the way they take the story back to the beginning and show us how young Kirk, Spock and co all started before they became the Enterprise crew. And I thought the casting was spot on especially the Spock role (he is Silar in the series Heroes)

Just seemed the action, pace and special effects are so much better in this latest effort and just made the whole thing really fresh and brought more life to the characters. By far the best version and I am a Next Generation fan...

I for one cant wait for the next one...

Edited by Devil
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... I'm glad they are starting something new but at the same time I am disappointed they are going back in time rather than continuing the time line they worked so hard to preserve (until Enterprise which I think is why it was canceled). Prequels tend to destroy a franchise because it almost seems like an after thought of what should have been. ...

Well, don't worry about this one. It is a sequel (continuing the storyline from TNG with Spock living on Romulus), a prequel (starting with Kirk's birth, no less) and a reboot, changing the past in a time travel story and opening up new possibilities. In my opinion it's the best that could have been done.

That then is indeed good news, I love time travel paradoxical situations. Thank you for that bit.

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As an ardent Star Trek fan and believer, I will share some "Top Secret" information with you guys.

I know the type of person who belongs to Thai Visa forum can keep a secret, even under torture it would be "No comment" from you guys.....and ....girls?

Here you are.

All the log book details of the Galaxy Class Starships were found on an alien craft that had escaped from an genocidal campaign that occurred on the Planet Natura Nebula. This craft was found in a shattered condition behind McDonalds restuarant in Upper Hamstead, London.

At first the police took away 15 Polish, 2 Albanians, 3 Kurds and 17 Iraqis for questioning who were found in the area. They were all later released without charge except for bruises and multiple lacerations after falling down the stairs and windows of the police staion.

McDonalds management thanked Scotland Yard, that they could now re-open the Hampstead branch of McDonalds, now their employees were back....I digress.

On deciephered messages they discovered some disturbing news on the destruction of the Federation??

Very few survivors escaped from the Space Dock planet when all 8 ships of the Galaxy Class were being converted and/or upgraded.

Two of those were Captain Tiberius Kirk and Chief Engineer "Scott".

Chief Engineer Scott was piloting the rescue craft acbove the planet searching for survivors when he picked up a message on the 22.75 PicoHertz wave band.

It went like this.

Kirk: Hello......Anyone there.......we are trapped

Scott: Identify yourself, you are on a restricted channel

Kirk: We are ### STATIC~~~

Scott: You are breaking up repeat.

Kirk: This is the survivors from Enterprise. No. 2HDJXSB35945VSHSX. Federation Codice x-ray, 9R

Scott: ID confirmed, State the nature of the emergency and assistance required.

Kirk: We need all the tissue paper you have onboard, beamed down to us now.

Scott: Can you confirm "tissue paper" and why?

Kirk: Having problems with Klingons.

Sadly shortly after that all communications were lost.

C/Engineer Scott, commented later "They must be in the S#it"

Edited by tmd5855
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Best film I've seen all year!

My only problem was what did Nero DO for 25 years whilst waiting for Spock? He had that uber powerful ship and all!

This only hit me AFTER a few hours after seeing it and it never clicked during the movie as it was such good fun

It is so good I will go and see it again with the wife. When the wife wants to watch a scf-fi film you know it is special!

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The main problem I thought was that they made the new Spock too human. Sure, it always was part of the story that he was half human, but in this new movie he seems more like the nerdy chess club kid who tells the teacher on the kids who are smoking cigarettes than like an emotionless uber-logical alien.

Also, Uhura making public moves on Spock was a little much, that seemed more like a SNL skit than like a real scene from Star Trek. Kirk banging the green chick seemed to fit in well with the original story line though.

Edited by OriginalPoster
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Yeah, we saw it yesterday too, and as a kid who grew up watching the TV series, it was very satisfying how they developed the origins of each of the original characters and I thought the new actors played them perfectly. I do agree about Spock being too human and the Ohura romance was out of character. But, without the human emotion, Kirk could never have gotten him to react in a way that caused him to turn over command of the vessel, so overall, I guess it worked.

The action was great, and for those who did not follow the series or movies, it is still very action packed and with a good story line.

Scotty was very enjoyable, and very similar to the old original Scotty.

Yup, one of the better "fun" films I've seen in awhile.

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When I see the young Spock I cannot forget the the evil Sylar....

Uhura: :)

Joking. May be the best of all cinema series. Very enjoyable!

I still think that amonst the movies that the "save the whales" one and the Wrath of Kahn were the best. This present movie, well... I'd say that it was harmless. It was an enjoyable way to kill a couple of hours, but it's not going to win any Academy Awards. One of the problems with all of the movies though is that they started to turn them into buddie flicks. Originally there was a degree of military hierarchy in the Starship Enterprise, but in the cimena version it's more like a college fraternity reunion in space. Either is good clean fun though.

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Yeah, we saw it yesterday too, and as a kid who grew up watching the TV series, it was very satisfying how they developed the origins of each of the original characters and I thought the new actors played them perfectly. I do agree about Spock being too human and the Ohura romance was out of character. But, without the human emotion, Kirk could never have gotten him to react in a way that caused him to turn over command of the vessel, so overall, I guess it worked.

The action was great, and for those who did not follow the series or movies, it is still very action packed and with a good story line.

Scotty was very enjoyable, and very similar to the old original Scotty.

Yup, one of the better "fun" films I've seen in awhile.

Well, I just saw it in IMAX (one of the bonuses of visiting home on occasion) and have to say, great analysis. I felt it was very true to the original series and yet still retaining a sense of fun, adventure and action. I doubt anyone expects it to win an Academy award....

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Yeah, we saw it yesterday too, and as a kid who grew up watching the TV series, it was very satisfying how they developed the origins of each of the original characters and I thought the new actors played them perfectly. I do agree about Spock being too human and the Ohura romance was out of character. But, without the human emotion, Kirk could never have gotten him to react in a way that caused him to turn over command of the vessel, so overall, I guess it worked.

The action was great, and for those who did not follow the series or movies, it is still very action packed and with a good story line.

Scotty was very enjoyable, and very similar to the old original Scotty.

Yup, one of the better "fun" films I've seen in awhile.

Well, I just saw it in IMAX (one of the bonuses of visiting home on occasion) and have to say, great analysis. I felt it was very true to the original series and yet still retaining a sense of fun, adventure and action. I doubt anyone expects it to win an Academy award....

Yeah, certainly no academy award, but very good. However, if we want to nitpick, here are a couple of pet peeves.

1. Czechev: His belabored accent was way OTT. He cannot pronouce his "v's" which I guess was an attempt at humor that failed. Ok, we have to suspend disbelief 100 percent for a film like this, but it defies belief that in the future, a Starfleet Academy graduate will not speak perfect English (or whatever they will speak in the future, maybe Chinese?) I think English would win. So, the belabored phony Slavic accent detracted from the performance.

2. Bones, Dr. McCoy. That actor was the same one who played the great and very cold blooded Russian assasin in the second Bourne movie. For those who know the actor, it was hard to picture him as goofy worrywart Bones, but he did a good job of pulling it off.

3. It was great to see Leonard Nimoy with slight more than a cameo appearance. It thought the movie really needed a foundation to the past and he provided it.

That's all folks...

Edited by keemapoot
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Yeah, certainly no academy award, but very good. However, if we want to nitpick, here are a couple of pet peeves.

1. Czechev: His belabored accent was way OTT. He cannot pronouce his "v's" which I guess was an attempt at humor that failed. Ok, we have to suspend disbelief 100 percent for a film like this, but it defies belief that in the future, a Starfleet Academy graduate will not speak perfect English (or whatever they will speak in the future, maybe Chinese?) I think English would win. So, the belabored phony Slavic accent detracted from the performance.

His bad accent was obviously either a way of paying homage to the original Chekhov or just connecting the new one him to the original TV series. Russians have no problem pronouncing the sound "V" as in Victor as it is the 3rd letter in their alphabet. Walter Koeing, the actor who portrayed the first Chekhov just made up the accent himself and no one ever called him on it back in the 60's.

2. Bones, Dr. McCoy. That actor was the same one who played the great and very cold blooded Russian assasin in the second Bourne movie. For those who know the actor, it was hard to picture him as goofy worrywart Bones, but he did a good job of pulling it off.

I read the actor who portrayed the young Kirk didn't watch any of the original TV shows because he didn't want to copy William Shatner. Well, the same can't be said for Bones. The new guy had him down pat not only in speech patterns but in the way he was standing around on the bridge at the end. I thought he did a great job.

3. It was great to see Leonard Nimoy with slight more than a cameo appearance. It thought the movie really needed a foundation to the past and he provided it.

Agreed. It also provided a sort of passing the torch/seal of approval for the old fans. It's hard to challenge when the original Spock explains how the timeline has changed and future adventures would be different than what all of us know already happened in the "Star Trek universe".

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Here's a repulsive alternate reality scenario for you: can you imagine William Shatner as he currently is in bed with that green lady?

On the other hand, I'd do both the green lady and Ohura in a heartbeat...preferably together. hehe

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