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In-laws House In The Sticks: Tank/pump/filters


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Since its gonna be a few years before I start building my house, I figured I do some upgrades to the in-laws place.

The water in this village really sucks! I've been told that the water is usually 'cleaned' by the local temple up on the hill, but that they complain that its too expensive to do, therefore we only get nice water a few months each year. It smells bad and usually has to sit overnight to let all the crap in it settle before using.

So, I want to install a water tank, pump, and filters. This house is your typical sticks house out on the farm (concrete main floor, wooden 2nd floor which is hardly used at all). From what I can tell the "water main" that runs to the house it just a small PVC line from the front 'yard' to the rear of the house.

I'd like the tank to be out back. I'm assuming the best place for the pump should be near the tank(?), but I'm unsure as to what to do about filters. Should I filter the tank, the line to/from the tank, or use smaller filters for just the outlets that should have them in the house?

Thanks in advance!

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