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Charity Worker Killed In Holiday Hit-and-run

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ELLIOT FURNISS</P></DIV>Last updated: 07/05/2009 11:30:00

TRIBUTES have been paid to a charity worker from Suffolk who was killed in a hit and run accident while on holiday in Thailand.

Claire Cox, 42, died last week during a break in the Southeast Asian country.

A Foreign Office spokeswoman confirmed that Thai police were investigating her death after the accident on the Island of Koh Samui on April 29.

Claire worked as a finance administrator for Mencap Ipswich and was involved in the Genesis Project, which aims to improve the lives of disabled people in Suffolk.

Nino Serritiello, chief executive officer of Mencap Ipswich, paid tribute to Claire, who had worked for the charity for two and a half years.

He said: “It is with great sadness that we can confirm that our finance administrator Claire Cox tragically had a fatal accident in Thailand last week and that relatives have been informed.

“She was a much valued member of staff and close friend to many at Genesis and will be missed greatly.

“Our thoughts are with her family, especially Adam, her son, and we have and will continue to provide any possible help and assistance.”

Koh Samui is located off the east coast of Thailand's Kra Isthmus and is the second most visited Thai island, behind Phuket. Tourism has recently overtaken coconut production as its main industry.

Last month it was reported in the Thai English-language newspaper The Nation that 81 people had been killed in hit-and-run incidents in and around the capital Bangkok during January, February and March.


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unforuntalty this is the only report on the case !, i came across it my mistake

for some reason it has been keeped clean from Thai Media ( even those she was british )

i do hope the killer is caught, but i highly doubt it ...


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Last Monday at around noon Samui Channel had their weekly news roundup (in Thai). One story was of a hit & run outside Big C where 2 South African tourists on a bike were both killed. In typical Thai fashion, they showed film of the dead male laying next to his mangled bike! Quite a lot of film of the aftermath as well.

Per my girl's translation, the Thai truck driver was overtaking another car and lost control due to speeding and hit the couple head on. He then fled the scene on foot. I would like Samui Express to watch the 1/2 hour Samui Channel news roundup as they have interesting and pertinent stories. Just gotta have a Thai translate it and there are many more newsworthy stories for the paper.

All stories had film so someone with a camera is speeding towards each accident just as the 'ambulances' do!

R.I.P. the South African couple!!!

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Samui Channel

have you a link

Thai truck driver was overtaking another car and lost control due to speeding

in the 4 years i lived on samui, i have NEVER seen a truck driver not speeding or driving safely


Limit there speed to 50 KMH, similar to what the uk to to trucks

but lets not forget taxi's


Make them take a proper Driving Test and give them a special licence that deducts points for every road trafic law they break


sorry never going to happen

life is cheap in the LOS

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Samui Channel

have you a link

Thai truck driver was overtaking another car and lost control due to speeding

in the 4 years i lived on samui, i have NEVER seen a truck driver not speeding or driving safely


Limit there speed to 50 KMH, similar to what the uk to to trucks

but lets not forget taxi's


Make them take a proper Driving Test and give them a special licence that deducts points for every road trafic law they break


sorry never going to happen

life is cheap in the LOS

good suggestions Boater...BUT WHO is going to enforce them??? :) ...not here, unfortunately and also why there will never be any justice for the English lady nor the South African couple...there is NO law/law enforcement on Samui :D

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there is NO law/law enforcement on Samui

there is, but like a parking metre you need to pay by the hour

good suggestions Boater...BUT WHO is going to enforce them???

well the samui major now has a western side kick to advise, matbe this could be brought up????????

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Limit there speed to 50 KMH, similar to what the uk to to trucks

opps sorry never going to happen

life is cheap in the LOS


Put a phisical hardware speed limit on any vehicle in Samui.

60 kMH, no need to go faster for anybody in a paradise island.

All bike and car are full of electronic stuff so limiting the speed is not complex.

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Put a phisical hardware speed limit on any vehicle in Samui.

60 kMH, no need to go faster for anybody in a paradise island.

All bike and car are full of electronic stuff so limiting the speed is not complex.

You may want to reconsider the practicability of this suggestion in Thailand. :)

Fully agree that 60km/h is totally enough on this small island, I mean &lt;deleted&gt;, saving a few seconds on a 10 min drive and risking lifes for that! But as it was said, lifes are cheap here on the road, a fact that can be very disturbing.

Maybe I should sign up for that accident insurance finally? But then, won't help much after one of these trucks hit me on my bike.

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What a pointless way to lose your life. My condolences to the familes, I only hope the scum are caught and dealt with.

I live on KP and the problem is the same. Why on earth do the islands not use speed humps/bumps in strategic areas? It is a simple solution and can save lives.

They even have a very apt name "sleeping policeman" - should fit right in with the local force :):D

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