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Free Water

Maejo Man

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Before you all get excited about free water in restaurants, this is regarding free water courtesy of the government.

Last year all housholds (excluding condominiums) were allowed free water for three months, probably as a collective bribe, to endear the then current government, to the voting public. This was extended for another three months, and I was a happy little chappy till I got a large bill last month.

They then explained that not all water was free, only the first 300 baht's worth, so the increasing ammount of "guests" will be cut to two a day as a cost saving measure :)

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Government's rapidly finding out that it's not just having some populist policies, it's also actually making money to pay for them.. We already see a lot of tax hikes, better expect more as the country goes down the gurgler. (May not be bad for typical Farangs with money abroad.. )

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Before you all get excited about free water in restaurants, this is regarding free water courtesy of the government.

Last year all housholds (excluding condominiums) were allowed free water for three months, probably as a collective bribe, to endear the then current government, to the voting public. This was extended for another three months, and I was a happy little chappy till I got a large bill last month.

They then explained that not all water was free, only the first 300 baht's worth, so the increasing ammount of "guests" will be cut to two a day as a cost saving measure :)

MM, you should be grateful for small mercies. You got your free water, whilst I did not (yes I live in a condo, so I am considered rich)

But just think, that with the way the weather her is at the moment I probably have to have 5 showers a day compared to what you need where you are.

And before you go for the knife , I know that you are lapping up those +/- 20 C temps (68 F for the flat earth folk) :D

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Before you all get excited about free water in restaurants, this is regarding free water courtesy of the government.

Last year all housholds (excluding condominiums) were allowed free water for three months, probably as a collective bribe, to endear the then current government, to the voting public. This was extended for another three months, and I was a happy little chappy till I got a large bill last month.

They then explained that not all water was free, only the first 300 baht's worth, so the increasing ammount of "guests" will be cut to two a day as a cost saving measure :)

For some time now my water bills have arrived bearing a red stamp which meant that we had not used more than the stipulated monthly amount and did not need to pay--this month, though, my bill arrived with NO stamp and this means I have to pay--does this mean that the subsidized water scheme has now finished--it can't be the case that I exceeded the monthly amount as we have been in UK for past 6 weeks and no one was in our house--anyone got the lowdown from government ??

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Last year all housholds (excluding condominiums) were allowed free water for three months, probably as a collective bribe, to endear the then current government, to the voting public. This was extended for another three months, and I was a happy little chappy till I got a large bill last month.

All households did not received free water - only those whose water is supplied by the government water company.

Many poor villages have a local water supply and had to pay the same as normal.

Another brilliant idea that gave no help at all to the poorest people.

Latest brilliant offering by the government is free school books and uniforms - distribution not thought out so I expect to see a few headmasters buying new cars soon.

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All households did not received free water - only those whose water is supplied by the government water company.

Many poor villages have a local water supply and had to pay the same as normal.

Another brilliant idea that gave no help at all to the poorest people.

Without wishing to offend, Loong, I would respectfully point out that this is the Chiangmai forum covering Chiangmai, which is a major city where there is government supplied water. In future I will try to be a little tactful and precise, so as not to upset the rural community :)

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No offence taken Maejo Man :)

I know I'm not in Chiang Mai, but I'm afraid that I have adopted the Thai habit of thinking of Chiang Mai as a Jungwat, not just the city.

I just wanted to point out that the free water scheme benefitted many people who really didn't need the help, while bypassing so many poor people where it could have actually made a difference.

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Last year all housholds (excluding condominiums) were allowed free water for three months, probably as a collective bribe, to endear the then current government, to the voting public. This was extended for another three months, and I was a happy little chappy till I got a large bill last month.

All households did not received free water - only those whose water is supplied by the government water company.

Many poor villages have a local water supply and had to pay the same as normal.

Another brilliant idea that gave no help at all to the poorest people.

Latest brilliant offering by the government is free school books and uniforms - distribution not thought out so I expect to see a few headmasters buying new cars soon.

Well, most of the poor folks I know that live rurally, don't pay anything for their water, because they have free wells on their property.

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