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The Lesser Of Two Evils


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There are some leetle racial generalisations creeping in here.

Peaceblondie may get away with murder 'cos she's a censor, but she sure talks some crap: Chiang Mai Drunks. Uneducated peasants: I bet they wish they were sober sophisticates like you darling!

After over 14,500 posts here, only newbies call me 'she,' or insult moderators.

Well, when you often speak of your boyfriend then you can't really blame people for assuming you're not male.

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Well, when you often speak of your boyfriend then you can't really blame people for assuming you're not male.

Esteemed Khun Khwai,

Let us all forgive each other our assumptions, since they are all caused by the evil Gnaro-Ru, the opposing principle to Ur-Orang, and it is in our nature to make mistaken ones in inverse proportion to how much damage the mistake may cause. However, it is more difficult to forgive one's own assumptions about oneself, I have noticed, assuming, of course, that you are infected with "human nature's" virus of ratiocination.

The smooth floor, and the banana peel, are both culprits here, but not gravity.


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Well, when you often speak of your boyfriend then you can't really blame people for assuming you're not male.

Esteemed Khun Khwai,

Let us all forgive each other our assumptions, since they are all caused by the evil Gnaro-Ru, the opposing principle to Ur-Orang, and it is in our nature to make mistaken ones in inverse proportion to how much damage the mistake may cause. However, it is more difficult to forgive one's own assumptions about oneself, I have noticed, assuming, of course, that you are infected with "human nature's" virus of ratiocination.

The smooth floor, and the banana peel, are both culprits here, but not gravity.

I need to get me a prescription of whatever it is you're on! :):D

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Let us all forgive each other our assumptions, since they are all caused by the evil Gnaro-Ru, the opposing principle to Ur-Orang, and it is in our nature to make mistaken ones in inverse proportion to how much damage the mistake may cause. . . . .

The smooth floor, and the banana peel, are both culprits here, but not gravity.

I need to get me a prescription of whatever it is you're on! :):D

Assuming, of course, that he (or she or it) is on something, not simply on to something. Fortunately, it seems safe to assume that he (or she or it) will forgive you, if you're wrong.

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Esteemed Khuns Khwai, Rasseru, Ulysses, Sawasdee Khrup,

Your tender mercies temporarily took the noose off my neck, unleashing this "poem" from the Farang I contain : (note that while my Farang believes this is "original," he also, at the time I took possession, believed he was the "center of the universe" among other fantasies, and his predilection for elaborate lies was so well ingrained as to almost constitute his entire "personality" : so, caveat emptor)

a dream of cosmic cats

purring cat asleep in the cosmos' lap,

dream-pleasures twitching my tail :

that was fiction i wrote home daily,

cartoons created for public consumption

now the lyric harpist goes door-to-door

asking for supper blind and wounded,

her strings broken like her fingers :

she bleeds from once eloquent tongue :

"i'm a lame soi dog, i'm a rat's ass

under paw of nightmare's kitty being

toyed with before a final killing bite,

and never have I been more certain

that I loved you, that I still love you,

that what you are is all I have lost."


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Your tender mercies temporarily took the noose off my neck, unleashing this "poem" from the Farang I contain . . . so, caveat emptor)

. . . . .

Sawasdee khrup, k. ~o:37; and k. ~o:37;- contained farang:

I, as one of those credited with having held out a tender mercy, am glad for my part that I did, and am grateful for the poem that you have written and shared, respectively in reverse order.

~o:37;'s caveat emptor is much appreciated; it goes well, in this case, with some other words of advice that I try always to remember, that one gets what one pays for.

To the ~o:37;-encapsulated farang, I offer the following small educational link:


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To the ~o:37;-encapsulated farang, I offer the following small educational link: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qi...23012654AAyWEct

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Rasseru,

I see your point ! My farang swore to me he had a valid Poetic License; another of his lies ! I will make him eat his words like kibble.

He's in complete denial, as usual, claims he knows his cat purrs while sleeping.

May I ask you : do you ever observe tail-twitching of your cosmic kitty whilst asleep ?

thanks, ~o:37;

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To the ~o:37;-encapsulated farang, I offer the following small educational link: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qi...23012654AAyWEct

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Rasseru,

I see your point ! My farang swore to me he had a valid Poetic License; another of his lies ! I will make him eat his words like kibble.

He's in complete denial, as usual, claims he knows his cat purrs while sleeping.

May I ask you : do you ever observe tail-twitching of your cosmic kitty whilst asleep ?

thanks, ~o:37;

My dear ~o:37;

I am very pleased to have been, as it seems, of some use, and at the same time hope that I have not caused any troubles, be they ever so slight, between you and your farang. The two of you appear to be very nice, although sometimes rather dauntingly perspicacious and eloquent, and I much prefer to think of the two of you as being content and comfortable with one another. Indeed, to the extent that one can imagine it, I feel certain that a fight between you would be very frightful.

Concerning the question you asked politely if you could ask, or rather concerning first whether you might ask it, my answer is yes, of course you may. Turning to the question itself, however, I regret that I am unable to provide you with an answer. I would like to think that I do, always. Unfortunately, however, whenever the sandman sprinkles his magic on me, I am gone, gone, gone and its power so overwhelms me that whenever I eventually awake, which may be early or may be late, I do so with no memory at all of what has passed during my slumber.

Yours, apologetically,


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Concerning the question you asked politely if you could ask, or rather concerning first whether you might ask it, my answer is yes, of course you may. Turning to the question itself, however, I regret that I am unable to provide you with an answer. I would like to think that I do, always. Unfortunately, however, whenever the sandman sprinkles his magic on me, I am gone, gone, gone and its power so overwhelms me that whenever I eventually awake, which may be early or may be late, I do so with no memory at all of what has passed during my slumber.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Rasseru,

You have hoisted me deliciously on my own petard to such an altitude that I am vertiginous. I now suspect that you are an initiate of Ur-Orang at Melon Three Level.

The smoke from your superposition of quantum states is good ! Surely our ravings will not be in vain.

thanks, ~o:37;

"Given the choice between two evils, I'd pick the one I had never tried before." American actress, Mae West

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This is just weird.

Indeed. But if you are like me - and I have no reason, actually, to suspect you of any such thing, but still - then you love it, from your core, even if, like me, you are at present not up to responding to ~o:37; other than through heartfelt chuckling.

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This is just weird.

Indeed. But if you are like me - and I have no reason, actually, to suspect you of any such thing, but still - then you love it, from your core, even if, like me, you are at present not up to responding to ~o:37; other than through heartfelt chuckling.

I was going to reply, but I'm still searching through my thesaurus for the right words. :):D:D

Besides, I only reply pictures. :D

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I was going to reply, but I'm still searching through my thesaurus for the right words. :):D:D

Take your time. I look forward to reading your reply after you have finished searching.

I couldn't find any pictures in my thesaurus, so I had to consult with other authorities...


Even though our esoteric orang37 is always laughing at me...


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