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Ex-pats Club Quiz


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Had a fun morning at the Expats club on Saturday morning, It was the first time I'd been for over a year and they had a quiz put together by Pedder from The Olde Bell Pub in town, My team didn't win, but it was a pleasant way to spend a morning. Thanks to all concerned.

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Had a fun morning at the Expats club on Saturday morning, It was the first time I'd been for over a year and they had a quiz put together by Pedder from The Olde Bell Pub in town, My team didn't win, but it was a pleasant way to spend a morning. Thanks to all concerned.

The very nice man at The Olde Bell is Welsh (nothing wrong with that) so I think his name is spelt Pedr.

They have a quiz at The Olde Bell every Tuesday, so Pedr is a very experienced quizmaster. I can well understand how the quiz was a fun, pleasant way to spend the morning, despite the fact that your team didn't win. Better luck next time!!

Edited by chiangmaioldhand
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Balanced? Irrelevent I'd say!

Is there some policy that says that that particular establishment has to have a plug

from a moderator on every thread?

'irrelevant'. if you must shit-stir at least try to spell correctly. you fail the [insert favourite venue] quiz spelling round right there.

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somebody posts something nice and all you guys can do is jump all over each other and find things to fight about. Stupid.

To the O/P : I am very glad you enjoyed your quiz day...so great to have fun with fellow expats, isn;t it?

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OP: that's very kind of you guv'ner what can I say.

I was nearly flawed at one point after a question about British English Literature and some fearsome American woman shouted out

"what about some American Culture questions?"

I was about to repost with "Madam I would if you had one" , as I would probably have done in The Olde Bell quiz, but looking out at the sea of predominantly American faces in the room desisted - giving a rather lame response instead!

Any way glad you enjoyed it Mae riman

BTW: to Americans who don't have a sense of humour: I am fully aware that America is the land of Heningway and Steinbeck and Jackson Polock and the wonderful Mark Twain and many others but it would have made a great repost if I'd had the guts!!!! oh well

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OP: that's very kind of you guv'ner what can I say.

I was nearly flawed at one point after a question about British English Literature and some fearsome American woman shouted out

"what about some American Culture questions?"

I was about to repost with "Madam I would if you had one" , as I would probably have done in The Olde Bell quiz, but looking out at the sea of predominantly American faces in the room desisted - giving a rather lame response instead!

BTW: to Americans who don't have a sense of humour: I am fully aware that America is the land of Heningway and Steinbeck and Jackson Polock and the wonderful Mark Twain and many others but it would have made a great repost if I'd had the guts!!!! oh well

Maybe the "fearsome" American woman felt the questions were too British oriented and that it would be more fair and more fun to have a few American ones as well - apparently the place was full of them.

As far as the U.S. "not having a culture" goes, you have already done a pretty good job of refuting that yourself. I love British writers, musicians, artists and filmmakers, but we are no slouches in those areas either.

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Please briefly describe what goes on at a quiz night. How is it structured?

All the quiz nights in town are slightly different but generally speaking they are team events organised into several rounds. Pubs vary in how many people they allow in a team. I generally don't limit team numbers whereas Steve at the Garden Bar strictly limits teams to 4 people. Tuskers' quiz nights generally follow the same format as outlined here and if you want to have a look at one of our complete quizzes there is one here.

Peace Blondie is absolutely right you need a diverse team of ages, nationalities and interests to be very good but mostly they are just for fun.

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Most of the quizzes in town follow similar formats: At The Olde Bell on Tuesdays we have a picture round of 20 or so famous faces from a variety of genres followed by 2 rounds of 20 questions on anything from sport, politics, entertainment. trivia, geography, arts and culture (high-so and popular) and so on. Other pubs have themed rounds of 10 questions. The winners get a prize - we give out a 500 baht voucher to the winner and 250 to the runner up. There are several teams of expats who are quiz junkies and do many or all of the quizzes on offer around town. Some pubs charge a nominal fee to participate, at The Olde Bell ours is free

Peaceblondie is for once spot on: A mix of Brits and Americans is likley to do well, ideally laced with the odd Aussie, Kiwi or Irishman and possibly a Thai for the local questions: I often throw in a couple of Bangkok Post questions - usually the amusing 'could only happen in Asia' questions on the sidebars of the paper. The UN Irish Pub used to have a dedicated Bangkok Post round, but I think they stopped it

It's supposed to b e a bit of harmless fun in mid week, but some of the regular teams take things VERY seriously!!

Tea Money: Loung Ken you should be ashamed of yourself. I am incorruptible- although....a strategically placed pint of Heineken might, just might, help with positive marking....this being Thailand after all!!

Your choices are Tuskers on a Monday

The Olde Bell on Tuesday

UN Irish Pub on Thursday

The Pub on Friday

Garden Bar once a month

If you've never taken part before why not make up a team and go along to one of the above!

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this is for attention of poster 'deanpratchett' and the forum moderators as well really.

i posted in the 'thanks to tuskers' thread last week about a recent feeling of something not being right on this board with the flak that tuskers has been getting and it seems to be continuing this week.

the earlier quote in this thread from 'deanpratchett':

Balanced? Irrelevent I'd say!

Is there some policy that says that that particular establishment has to have a plug from a moderator on every thread?

accompanies another deliberate dig at tuskers bar in the 'amazing restaurant' thread.

He must be talking about T***ers, otherwise the thread would have been thrown out by now!!

as someone who drinks regularly at tuskers and who likes the place a lot, i wondered why the place was attracting such consistent negative comments, so i had a look back at deanpratchett's posting history. only eight posts, so happily didn't take long.

doesn't appear that poster pratchett always objected to this shameless promotion of bars in chiang mai. indeed on only has second day as a thaivisa member (july 16 2008) he posted two messages within twenty minutes of each other promoting a particular pub in town.

at 1.33am:


had Liver and Bacon tonight at the Olde Bell Pub on Loi Kroh Rd, the best I've ever tasted even in London.

and then at 1.57am he began a thread about the same bar:


I found a place today that does good old fashioned British cups (and Pots) of tea! They've got PG Tips, Tetleys (including de-caf), TY-Phoo and Taylors Yorkshire Tea-as well as Twinings English Breakfast, Earl Grey and all manner of fruit and herbal teas.The place is called The Olde Bell -its a pub- not the usual place to find a good cup of tea I grant you! Just down from the moat on Loi Kroh Rd. Check it out!

these two comprised two-thirds of poster pratchett's contribution to the forum for ten months.

call me suspicious but these posts stink either of deliberate placements from a close supporter of the venue or direct attempts at advertising from the venue itself.

i'm curious to know if mr pratchett is a genuine person and if so, why yesterday did he post two blatant pops at my regular bar, which is a forum sponsor by the way and as such no doubt pays a lot of money for the right to advertise on this forum (and to help keep it running), when it's quite clear that in the past he himself has not been above the blatant promotion of another establishment on the thaivisa forum?

something very fishy going on here with all these constant direct digs at tuskers bar and at no other pubs or bars in particular.

Edited by StevieH
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Regarding StevieH's comment ' something fishy going on here' reminds me of a Mel Gibson Film, Conspiracy Theory'

However,great detective work regarding Mr. Pratchett's posting history, there could well be some truth there. I shall now be very careful as to how and when I post!

Personally I have never been to Tuskers but can understand as to why regulars such as StevieH frequent the place. They sponsor; Milton adds constructively and impartially to the forum regularly and having met both owners at a charity event outside of their bar, I can see easily why local expatriates are drawn there.

regards Bojo

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Don't forget that a competing forum sends over trolls to take digs at Thai Visa sponsors and advertisers on a regular basis. They have virtually no one advertising on their forum and they are hoping to scare or disgust some advertisers into switching to their web site. This has been going on for quite a while and is one reason not to believe what someone posts on the internet. They post what seem to be legit complaints, but are made up stories to use as bait to draw other trolls and anyone who has something negative to say.

It is possible that another restaurant is trying to make Tuskers look bad, but it is more likely that someone wants to start bad blood between the two places and is purposely lying (and I don't mean Stevie H.).

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Don't forget that a competing forum sends over trolls to take digs at Thai Visa sponsors and advertisers on a regular basis.

I can't forget it, because I never knew it in the first place. How do you know this?

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UG, thanks for the info, I can well believe it goes on. Has it ever actually been proven? not that I'm doubting your opinion.

Regarding the Gibson film, wasn't he proved right in the end and there really was a conspiracy!

regards Bojo

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All I can tell you stevie H is that it had nothing to do with me or The Olde Bell. I don't rubbish other bars.

I am concerned that Tuskers pays for positive coverage and no one else is allowed to do the same

I put this in a newsletter that I send out each month.

some people decided to take matters into their own hands and make negative comments about Tuskers

I have spoken to Chas and assured him that I have nothing against his bar or him.

My beef is with thai visa who allow positive coverage in return for sponsorship money.

I have asked my regulars not to post negative things about other bars. Hopefully this will cease

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Having said all that, stevie H you've got to be a muck raker to go through one guys posting history, however short if you're just a drinker there

Sounds a bit like you're a bit too involved in trying to do down MY pub. Are you sure you just drink there?

Thanks for reposting the plug about my liver and bacon though! It is very popular!

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All I can tell you stevie H is that it had nothing to do with me or The Olde Bell. I don't rubbish other bars.

I am concerned that Tuskers pays for positive coverage and no one else is allowed to do the same

I put this in a newsletter that I send out each month.

some people decided to take matters into their own hands and make negative comments about Tuskers

I have spoken to Chas and assured him that I have nothing against his bar or him.

My beef is with thai visa who allow positive coverage in return for sponsorship money.

I have asked my regulars not to post negative things about other bars. Hopefully this will cease

why would any business owner be 'concerned' that a competitor is allowed to pay for advertising? this is the nature of competition. you pays your money and you get certain business benefits from it. and i don't see why you should have any beef with thaivisa since without sponsors who pay good money to promote their businesses, the forum would not exist.

you last line appears to contradict your first in that post by the way.

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