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Sick Of These Sas / Mi6 Wannabes

DJ Pat

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Firstly I will not confirm or deny my being involved in any special forces activities but I will confirm I know of several "Actual" prior special forces guys here in LOS. Ussually the big guy keeping a low profile, carrys himself as if he can deal with anything has a greater chance of being EX SF than a loud mouth.

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Great response!!

When the US Marines do their annual invasion of Pattaya in May, do you think any of the saddos will accidentally strike up a "I was in the special forces" conversations by mistake? If so what do you think will happen?

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You have made me sad by your attitude. :o

Just love these guys who say, "Go get me a bucket of sand, and I'll tell you about when I was ..............

Yes, I am taking you totally out of context.

But, didn't you read my post about Hot Landing zones with CV.

And the bucket of sand.

I went there, took casualitis with the unit, barely survived.

Ok, the real story, carrying a 6-pack of open beer across a hot beach again with no shoes on.

Oh that hot sand hurts. :D

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The Fijians are some of the toughest SAS out there. I'm Hereford born and bred and went up into the Brecons with my mate and his dad, Tak, camping many years ago. The amount of gear he had on his back was astounding and he would blast through the mountains like they were flat. Pretty scary shit when Tak told me and my mate we had to take it in turns to guard the camp up in the tree at night and shoot any wolves that would come by, and then pretended to give us a pistol. Bugger! ended up sleeping in the middle of the tent all night.

When I worked for The Dubai Royal Family they obviously had security and the 2 guys that were with our house were both ex SAS, In there late 50's but still very very tough, One of them still does Sky TV ,mountaineering adventure holidays etc and the other one is still security i believe but he is from Fiji and he WAS one of the guy's who came down the ropes in the siege in London in the 1970's. Who dares wins. :o

Sam is Tak's cousin and I worked alongside Sam for seven years - not in the SAS - he's been out for years and is an engineering storeman of a large company in Hereford today. It's common knowledge that Sam was SAS and is mentioned, albeit briefly, in one or two of the books that are available. I've talked to Sam a lot but never disrespected him by asking him prying questions about his past, but he's told me bits and bobs of harmless stuff. Apparently, they reckon Sam was one of them in the embassy. To look at the guy now, he's approaching 60, he's still bloody powerful.

Tak was in the secret war in Oman in the 70s where him and a few other SAS held off hundreds of rebels. His brother was killed and Tak was caught in the back by machine gun fire but still carried on drilling away...luckily, they glanced off him and didn't go right through his body. Saw the scars not long after...horrendous.

Could be Tak you're talking about Dave as he's been in the Middle East for many years, post SAS days, working as a body guard etc. At least that's the last info I heard about Tak from his son, Cokey, about 5 years ago. Not so tall but very wide and laid-back with a calming voice. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's him.

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The yanks RRegularly used to ask us, in Dino's Bar, (Crown Hotel? Sukhumvit?) why we were not in 'Nam.

Answer was usually "Cong aint invited us yet, doin' O.K. without us!"


I'm probably gonna get killed retelling that one someday but thank you!


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Same as last year right? 3-14th May I think. Get outta Pattaya during that time!! It's ######!!

The Tourist Police Volunteers will have their work cut out!!!!!!!!

well just be blind, saw plenty of army guys last weekend, i heard there were about 3-5,000 at utapuo, lucifers was full of them :D

but yes cobra gold sucks, guess head down to good ol' pp :D

au revoir :o

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The yanks RRegularly used to ask us, in Dino's Bar, (Crown Hotel? Sukhumvit?) why we were not in 'Nam.

Answer was usually "Cong aint invited us yet, doin' O.K. without us!"


I'm probably gonna get killed retelling that one someday but thank you!


๋่Just remember to practice the "Quick exit left" :D

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djpat, Is there ANYTHING that you are NOT tired of or pissed off about? Frickin grow up, I think most of the people here have heard this so many times it's gotten to be boring. Who the frick cares if its golfers or young guys pretending to be something they are not. It's all bs and I think everyone has exagerated some portion of their lives at some point in time. He11 to hear you speak, you're the greatest dj in the world. Sad, truely sad, let it go and get a life.

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[quote name=Ravisher' date='2005-02-05 22:47:21

Guess Mr. Kringle has got such a tight grip on Life and reality, he never has to complain about anything?


No, just figure it's not worth complaining, who's going to listen and who the frick really cares anyway. It's a short life we all live and if all you have time for is complaining and whinging, then why the he11 live. I'm happy with my life as it was and is. Can't do sh1t about the past and just trying to do the best with what I have now. Got plenty enough on my plate so I don't need to worry about other sh1t and can't see the sense in complaining.

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i met an elderly yank who calimed he had been in the CIA , MI5 ,MI6, SAS and the KGB as well , he was a total nut . then he had this scheme which needed financing for finding a crashed plane in the filipines that was loaded with gold bullion ! He knew where the plane was but needed $10,000 and would go 50/50 on the finds.

BKK is full of these nutters that sponge off people .they have no money to live on .

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I still belive that if you ever meet the real SAS guys, they will never let on.part of their job is to blend in.If you think about it this way, it costs an armed force something like 2 x more to train  SAS, than it does a fighter pilot. After all, SAS are THE cream of the crop. Why would they want to brag about anything, when a large percentage of their missions are top secret?

yes the actual numbers of SAS guys are very few and they will be working somewhere .

not hanging out in bars .

but there are a million squaddies who claim they're in it or have been in it .

ex SAS will be working as bodyguards in the middle east for rich oil barons and sheiks

earning good money .

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Just like the saddos who reckon they are in with the 'Thai mafia' - like they aren't going to be the first ones against the wall when the shit hits the fan.

'Thai Mafia' are not going to hang out in Western Bars. . . and only idiots with an ego problem would say that they are!

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It was not aimed at you Matt. I had a friend that used to be in the British Army and if anybody would start moaning or complaining about something, he would joke, "Go get me a bucket of sand and I'll tell you about when I was in the desert."  :o  :D

We had an expression, when ever someone would start up a "war story", we'd tell everyone to "put their helmets on and get the shovels out"

You'd usually need the shovel to dig through all the bullsh*t and the helmet to protect you from all the crap that would be flying around.

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As you all (should) know, there are many kinds of people out there. Some are full of BS, others are proud of the accomplishments. Some are insecure and make up stories, hoping that no one will bother them (i.e. would you rather pick a fight with a pencil necked accountant or a former SAS commando ?)

Me ? I was a soldier, 21 years of service, but nothing "special". Been in a couple of tight spots, nothing worth bragging about though.

Even if someone speaks the lingo, you can't be sure about their past. Almost any grunt worth his salt could spin you a pretty believable tale that would take an expert to pick apart.

Take that American that was arrested in Afghanistan recently. He did a couple of years in the Special Forces, was written up by his C.O. as "one of the laziest, most unprofessional soldiers he had ever seen".

This guy claimed to have been all over the world on "undercover" assignments, then suddenly, he shows up in Afghanistan. He could talk the talk alright, and cozied up to one of the big warlords in the north almost immediately.

The guy started running his own "black op", kidnapping suspected Taliban members, holding them in his private prison and torturing them to get names of other suspected Taliban/Al Qaeda members. He apparently was quite cozy with the Kabul Chief of Police as well, and had assistance from Kabul police in locating and "arresting" some of these suspects.

His downfall came when he "captured" a senior Afghani judge and started working him over. I guess the judge had some friends even higher up than the American did, and now the American is sitting in Kabul prison.

He is still claiming he would have caught Osama bin Nutcase in 2 or 3 more days, and that the FBI was behind his arrest !

Just goes to show, if you've got brass balls and sound like you know what you're talking about, you can hoodwink a lot of people very easily.

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As you all (should) know, there are many kinds of people out there. Some are full of BS, others are proud of the accomplishments. Some are insecure and make up stories, hoping that no one will bother them (i.e. would you rather pick a fight with a pencil necked accountant or a former SAS commando ?)

Me ? I was a soldier, 21 years of service, but nothing "special". Been in a couple of tight spots, nothing worth bragging about though.

Even if someone speaks the lingo, you can't be sure about their past. Almost any grunt worth his salt could spin you a pretty believable tale that would take an expert to pick apart.

Take that American that was arrested in Afghanistan recently. He did a couple of years in the Special Forces, was written up by his C.O. as "one of the laziest, most unprofessional soldiers he had ever seen".

This guy claimed to have been all over the world on "undercover" assignments, then suddenly, he shows up in Afghanistan. He could talk the talk alright, and cozied up to one of the big warlords in the north almost immediately.

The guy started running his own "black op", kidnapping suspected Taliban members, holding them in his private prison and torturing them to get names of other suspected Taliban/Al Qaeda members. He apparently was quite cozy with the Kabul Chief of Police as well, and had assistance from Kabul police in locating and "arresting" some of these suspects.

His downfall came when he "captured" a senior Afghani judge and started working him over. I guess the judge had some friends even higher up than the American did, and now the American is sitting in Kabul prison.

He is still claiming he would have caught Osama bin Nutcase in 2 or 3 more days, and that the FBI was behind his arrest !

Just goes to show, if you've got brass balls and sound like you know what you're talking about, you can hoodwink a lot of people very easily.

Some of it is comes from the "big lie" where average people who aren't used to dealing with scammers simply aren't equipped with the tools to spot them. In the U.S. there have been many cases of a guy driving in to a small town and claiming he is someone famous (say a Saudi prince or a professional athlete) with a tale of having lost their wallet or something similar, and scamming people out of luxury cars, jewelry, boats, long stays in expensive hotels, etc. Sometimes people are victims of their own greed, as trhe scammers lead them to believe they are going to make some money when it is all over.

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