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Somsak Martin


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hes not shy thats for sure but not sure i like the comedy teeth and wigs etc, just a little childish maybe for an adult audience......and i think he thinks hes funnier than what he is, but dont we all!! but we dont all go on tv!

Whats his story anyway, seems hes lived Thailand years....did he win the lottery in Scotland?

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hes not shy thats for sure but not sure i like the comedy teeth and wigs etc, just a little childish maybe for an adult audience......and i think he thinks hes funnier than what he is, but dont we all!! but we dont all go on tv!

Whats his story anyway, seems hes lived Thailand years....did he win the lottery in Scotland?

He had a big travel company, Frutin Travel. :)

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I rather took a dislike to him when he was on TV the other evening talking about how to deal with Thai staff, and he said "Be nice to them - talk to them like they're children" . . . . .

How very demeaning.

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hes not shy thats for sure but not sure i like the comedy teeth and wigs etc, just a little childish maybe for an adult audience......and i think he thinks hes funnier than what he is, but dont we all!! but we dont all go on tv!

Whats his story anyway, seems hes lived Thailand years....did he win the lottery in Scotland?

His family owned big theatres in Scotland, so was off to a good start from day one in entertainment. He was into managing pop groups in his early years, then started his travel business. One could say he is pretty well off, I suppose. He isn't exactly Alan Whicker or David Dimbleby, but anything is better than Niels and Howard

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  • 4 months later...

Fruity is now stating... I now speak Thai fluently along with six dialects. Listening to him on TV and youtube it is quite clear this is compleat BS.

Apart from Frutin Travel has anybody got any FACTS that he had any influence or connections with these groups in the 60s ?

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I rather took a dislike to him when he was on TV the other evening talking about how to deal with Thai staff, and he said "Be nice to them - talk to them like they're children" . . . . .

How very demeaning.

What if he's right? :)

Well, he (tv presenter) is not right. Talking to them using simple English, if language is an barrier, is quite different from "talking down" to someone like they are children...the latter implies something really nasty. To be frank, if one goes thru life in Thailand treating every Thai worker like they are children then one deserves the outcomes that only a child can produce and all the frustrations and difficulties that result. GRTAYLOR is right...it is demeaning; just because a few farangs limited exposure to poorly skilled and poorly educated workers, all Thai workers are now to be spoken to like they are children.

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Sadsack Martin has got to be one of the most repulsive individuals (and his comments totally offensive) that has ever appeared on TV, anywhere. Mercifully (for the audience), the station's management must have realized what a utter liability he is and has sidelined him -- thank God! Now if they would only do the same thing to those two tattooed morons that can barely speak a word of intelligible English between them. With those 3 gone, the station would still be God awful, but at least it would not create such a terrible impression of Pattaya and its residents. What is there now is shameful.

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Fruity is now stating... I now speak Thai fluently along with six dialects. Listening to him on TV and youtube it is quite clear this is compleat BS.

Apart from Frutin Travel has anybody got any FACTS that he had any influence or connections with these groups in the 60s ?

Google his name and you will get it. He was also mentioned in a book about the Scottish Pop Scene

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Fruity is now stating... I now speak Thai fluently along with six dialects. Listening to him on TV and youtube it is quite clear this is compleat BS.

Apart from Frutin Travel has anybody got any FACTS that he had any influence or connections with these groups in the 60s ?

Try this link, hit Control-F and type in Martin Frutin


AT the end of his short biography you will see a picture of him with Frankie Miller taken in Thailand. Also alludes to his assistant John Reid, who eventually managed Elton John

I was around at that time and too much of what is written is true enough to shake off any doubts on my part. He is a bit of an eccentric, but then who isn't in Pattaya.

One thing though. Every TV set ever made has an On-Off function either on a remote or on the set itself. If you don't like the man, just press that button or change channels. I am sure he doesn't need pointless critiscm of his act, cos that is all it is. An act.

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Sadsack Martin has got to be one of the most repulsive individuals (and his comments totally offensive) that has ever appeared on TV, anywhere. Mercifully (for the audience), the station's management must have realized what a utter liability he is and has sidelined him -- thank God! Now if they would only do the same thing to those two tattooed morons that can barely speak a word of intelligible English between them. With those 3 gone, the station would still be God awful, but at least it would not create such a terrible impression of Pattaya and its residents. What is there now is shameful.

Couldn't agree with you more. The tattooed moron with his Thai? sidekick are gross to say the least. Frutin is just an egotistical idiot...look at the way he slides into the photo shoots - afraid of being missed. The whole station should be dumped in the rubbish bin.

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There must be some regular, clean cut, people who speak proper English, want to present and don't dress like clowns and HAVE HALF A CLUE ABOUT THEM !

There very well may be some people going about as you describe above. Might I suggest you give it a go? Then Mr Martin could have a go at crucifying you and your kind.

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Fruity is now stating... I now speak Thai fluently along with six dialects. Listening to him on TV and youtube it is quite clear this is compleat BS.

Apart from Frutin Travel has anybody got any FACTS that he had any influence or connections with these groups in the 60s ?

Try this link, hit Control-F and type in Martin Frutin


AT the end of his short biography you will see a picture of him with Frankie Miller taken in Thailand. Also alludes to his assistant John Reid, who eventually managed Elton John

I was around at that time and too much of what is written is true enough to shake off any doubts on my part. He is a bit of an eccentric, but then who isn't in Pattaya.

One thing though. Every TV set ever made has an On-Off function either on a remote or on the set itself. If you don't like the man, just press that button or change channels. I am sure he doesn't need pointless critiscm of his act, cos that is all it is. An act.


That is the exact site I was looking at. it's all there is. there are no FACTS there as it is written by Fruity himself.

I have not stated anywhere I do not like the man. he's a character and amusement to many of us. all I am saying is he appears to be creating his past ?

Same as... Ive been in Thailand for 40 years. Where ? I have asked many expats like myself who have been here over 10 years and no one can recall ever hearing about him until recently ? and for sure such a flamboyant character would have been noticed. :)

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He doesn't seem to be harming anyone and he's actively getting involved in community stuff instead of getting pissed in beer bars all day so fair play to him.


I agree with you but if he's been here 40 years why has he not been involved in community work untill recently :D

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