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Which Way Should Buddha Image Face?

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just got back to me mums and dads , and they have a wooden carved image of budda on the wall ( complete with the gold trimmings )

my dad said he had nothing but bad luck sinse he put it up, but thought nothing of it, but i have heard if you have a budda image it must face a certain direction,

does anyone know if this true, and if what direction it should face




just got back to me mums and dads , and they have a wooden carved image of budda on the wall ( complete with the gold trimmings )

my dad said he had nothing but bad luck sinse he put it up, but thought nothing of it, but i have heard if you have a budda image it must face a certain direction,

does anyone know if this true, and if what direction it should face



I have several images, facing several directions, sometimes i even mob\ve them around.

I haven't had any bad luck I could attribute to them, and if I did I expect it would be the result of my past actions, not my choice of placement of an object.


just got back to me mums and dads , and they have a wooden carved image of budda on the wall ( complete with the gold trimmings )

my dad said he had nothing but bad luck sinse he put it up, but thought nothing of it, but i have heard if you have a budda image it must face a certain direction,

does anyone know if this true, and if what direction it should face



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just got back to me mums and dads , and they have a wooden carved image of budda on the wall ( complete with the gold trimmings )

my dad said he had nothing but bad luck sinse he put it up, but thought nothing of it, but i have heard if you have a budda image it must face a certain direction

Are you kidding me! <deleted> difference would it make...don't be like the Thais (and 99% of the "religious" people in the world) and bastardize the teachings of the founder of their belief system. A Buddha image is just an inanimate object...made of wood, stone, metal, whatever, which, like any other piece of wood, stone, or metal, has no magical powers or properties.

Viewing an image of the Buddha may instill in the viewer certain emotional feelings or states we may want to encourage, and for which these images are produced, but please, stop-it with the magical stuff and bastardizing everything the Buddha stood for.

  • 1 month later...

It is just a nice looking statue. Your father has simply focused on the period of time since he put it up. Like pointing towards Mecca or pilgrimages to a holy rock, it is just silly.

There is a Thai spirit house that makes a lovely birdhouse in a friend's garden. As far as I know he is fine.

It is just a nice looking statue. Your father has simply focused on the period of time since he put it up. Like pointing towards Mecca or pilgrimages to a holy rock, it is just silly.

There is a Thai spirit house that makes a lovely birdhouse in a friend's garden. As far as I know he is fine.

Apparently to many people it is not silly at all.

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