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Allowance For Wife ?


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I asked my wife if it is a normal practice for Thai husbands to pay an allowance to their Thai wives each month so she can support her parents.

She laughed and asked "who told you that!"

Perhaps those Thais married to women twenty to thirty years their junior do.

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I asked my wife if it is a normal practice for Thai husbands to pay an allowance to their Thai wives each month so she can support her parents.

She laughed and asked "who told you that!"

Perhaps those Thais married to women twenty to thirty years their junior do.

No, normally average Thais give their whole monthly salary to their wives, to organise the families finances.

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I asked my wife if it is a normal practice for Thai husbands to pay an allowance to their Thai wives each month so she can support her parents.

She laughed and asked "who told you that!"

Perhaps those Thais married to women twenty to thirty years their junior do.

No, normally average Thais give their whole monthly salary to their wives, to organise the families finances.

well livinginexile's wife just clarified that it never happens, so...

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I asked my wife if it is a normal practice for Thai husbands to pay an allowance to their Thai wives each month so she can support her parents.

She laughed and asked "who told you that!"

Perhaps those Thais married to women twenty to thirty years their junior do.

No, normally average Thais give their whole monthly salary to their wives, to organise the families finances.

And then the wife uses that money to support her extended family?

Sure :)

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we all know that the youngest daughter of a Thai family will be told to take care of the mother & Father but how much is up to how good a family she comes from.

Now where in the above sentence did I say that you have to give an Allowance to anyone? Now I am sure that all members of a Thai Family will have the responsibility to care for there family and a lot of the time its the Daughters now it does not have to be in Money. I just said that The youngest one will get more pressure to do so. The op told us that his girlfriend was getting this pressure from her family for more Financial help and I gave my answer. If you want to help the OP then give him some Advice instead of Trolling :D



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Aw c'mon. We get it, we do. Fact is there are a few old geezers on here who'd rather pay for company than be lonely. Can't do that in their home countries, I mean, how much does a western prostitute cost an hour? And western whores don't live in and do the shopping/washing up, do they? And you like the pretence of being in a mutually caring loving relationship with someone half your age. Although usually your Honey would prefer you just dump the money into her bank account and sod off :)

Also there's the feed the ego thing. I mean, a western prostitute wouldn't do that. Not for more than the hour you'd paid her. But, what with the total lack of understanding between the cultures of the farang male and asian woman, why, she'd tell you you were the mostest handsomest sonofabitch ever walked down soi cowboy with that big smile on her face and fleece you rotten. But you don't care. You have your Honey.

Which always makes me wonder why you all feel the need to come on to an internet forum and seek reassurance from total strangers.

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Seems like a lot of cheap charlies here....

I give my wife about 250,000 baht per month just for her own spending and all other expenses I pay

at the end of the month if she needs some more money, she can withdraw from our bank account

on average she spends around 300,000 - 350,000 baht per month.

Come on guys, stop boasting...... :)

P.S. I am not in Thailand, nor I am English teacher.

Come on mate what a crock of <deleted>.... you givin your missus nearly 8k english a month and if she needs more then she can just go to the ATM and get more.....you may not be in Thailand or a english teacher but you are definately stupid

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we all know that the youngest daughter of a Thai family will be told to take care of the mother & Father but how much is up to how good a family she comes from.

Now where in the above sentence did I say that you have to give an Allowance to anyone? Now I am sure that all members of a Thai Family will have the responsibility to care for there family and a lot of the time its the Daughters now it does not have to be in Money. I just said that The youngest one will get more pressure to do so. The op told us that his girlfriend was getting this pressure from her family for more Financial help and I gave my answer. If you want to help the OP then give him some Advice instead of Trolling :D




You seem to have very strong views on this subject.

You imply that it is normal practice for the yougest daughter of a Thai family to take financial care of them and therefore the responsibility then falls on the husband.

May I ask....do you pay your wife/gf a salary/allowance each month to help her family?

If so how much?

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we all know that the youngest daughter of a Thai family will be told to take care of the mother & Father but how much is up to how good a family she comes from.

Now where in the above sentence did I say that you have to give an Allowance to anyone? Now I am sure that all members of a Thai Family will have the responsibility to care for there family and a lot of the time its the Daughters now it does not have to be in Money. I just said that The youngest one will get more pressure to do so. The op told us that his girlfriend was getting this pressure from her family for more Financial help and I gave my answer. If you want to help the OP then give him some Advice instead of Trolling :D




You seem to have very strong views on this subject.

You imply that it is normal practice for the yougest daughter of a Thai family to take financial care of them and therefore the responsibility then falls on the husband.

May I ask....do you pay your wife/gf a salary/allowance each month to help her family?

If so how much?

FEED THE TROLL NO WAY you have not posted once on helping the op you just like trolling with making up your own words and twisting what people say so I will not FEED YOU TOOL OH SORRY TROLL.


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try the following on for size, I shit you not, I know of at least 2 suckers, sorry meant to say farang jai dee, who give their wife all their salary every month, because the wife told them thats Thai way, husband give money to lady for lady take care, was how I heard it put.

Funnily enough, these women all come from a certain area of Thailand, you dont need to be a rocket scientist to know what region.

There are Thai guys working in a factory up the road from me, from this area who I play sport with, when I asked them about this bs, they almost spat their beer out, the word buffalo was mentioned, I dont think they were asking for donations for any sick animal they may or may not have had.

The wife has never heard of such a practice, neither have Thais living around me, in fact I wont repeat what the Thai males told me would happen if their wife was to ask.

On to your next point,do you think Somboon is going to give part of his salary to support his wifes family?

he has his own family to take care of, then his parents.

Also noone living round me has ever heard its the duty of the youngest daughter, I assume the guys who spout this rubbish are actually married to the youngest daughter, what a cop out for the rest of the family, theres one born every minute.

The Thais I know said its the duty of everyone in the family, if they have any spare after taking care of their own family.

Other stories too numerous to mention, funnily enough most of these experts in all things Thai, neither live here nor speak Thai, some guys must be desperate for a wife if they are willing to put up with such nonsense.

Was talking to a guy the other day who was telling me he had to go up to the village to meet his girlfriends family, I asked who suggested it and why do you have to go?

The next part of the conversation was even better, he told me it was tradition for the farang to put on a big party so the family could gain face, and his pary would only I repeat only cost 30,000 baht.

After enquiring who told him such rubbish, the answer was his girlfriend. Need I say anymore.

It all starts in the selection process, these freeloaders should have been weeded out from the start.

This is one of many reasons it's good to have male friends who are Thai. If I need advice about relationships with Thai women, I'll ask my Thai friends. The same guys I play sports and drink with. They can hardly believe some of the things that many farang men consider to be the norm in Thai relationships.

As far as advice to the OP, don't ask us. Get some Thai friends who you can respect and can respect you and ask them about stuff like this when it comes up.

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I mean all you guys giving salary's to your wife are total idiots.. But those making their wifes work for 10k baht a month 50hours a week, are bigger idiots.

What you have to do is pay everything essential for your wife while she cleans the house and takes care of you and if she wants to buy some stuff like makeup or other crap, she can sell stuff on sanook or to her friends to make 3-4-5 thousand.. and sometimes you can buy her a gift or give her 3k for a haircut..

that's how you deal with a non working woman... not by giving her a <deleted> salary...

I might be wrong if you're a broke teacher, then you have to let your woman work because you cant even provide for a puppy

Has it ever crossed your mind that some women WANT to work?

Greenwood is writing to us from the 1950s.

That one made me chuckle... :)

Made me think of: http://www.jokesy.com/1950s-good-wives-guide/

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My wife gets around double that amount. She pays some household expenses, but not all, as she carries supp credit cards for the larger household exps. She would also transfer some of this money into her mother's bank a/c each month. The understanding is that I shouldn't be called on to financially assist any relatives...if she wants to give some money to her mum, sister, or niece...she does it from her monthly allowance. She would also be saving a small amount each month so that her month-end bank balance looks reasonable (i.e., she doesn't spend everything), and in that way her bank account conduct may look more or less satisfactory in the event that we apply for bank loans.

Honestly... :)

Surely most of these posts are trolls, guys can't be that stupid can they?

Can they? :D

un opened pay packet and she gives me pocket money enough to buy 4 beers a week (ha ha) :D :D :D :D :D :D

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I asked my wife if it is a normal practice for Thai husbands to pay an allowance to their Thai wives each month so she can support her parents.

She laughed and asked "who told you that!"

Perhaps those Thais married to women twenty to thirty years their junior do.

No, normally average Thais give their whole monthly salary to their wives, to organise the families finances.

May I ask if you live in Issan, the reason is, I cant quite make up my mind as to whether thats the smell of bullshit or buffalo shit wafting from the screen.

And how many Thai males outwith your wifes family have confirmed this?

Youre not married to Scotsmans wifes sister are you?

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Ohhhh...did that one hit home Scotsman? :D

There are TOO MANY CYNICAL people on this post that have been very badly burned by a women or they are too young to understand what love is. In my fathers day they knew all about hardships and so did my mother they were a team a partnership so they worked together for the good of the Family. Now they were together happly married for over 40 years that's probably more than most of you CYNIC young people on this post's life. I would say to all you poor CYNICAL people GET A LIFE and stop trolling :D

Now I would like to inform the OP that in every partnership at the start you have to lay down some ground rules and we all know that the youngest daughter of a Thai family will be told to take care of the mother & Father but how much is up to how good a family she comes from. The rule you must lay down is that she is helping her family but if they want more then they will have to go out and work for it just like all the rest of the good Thai family's. You are not a fool and you have to say no to the demands of your partner and if there is true love & caring for you in this partnership then she will accept your answer or she will walk out on you. If its the latter then you know it was not a partnership based on love and understanding I am very lucky that my wife & I have this partnership and her family are very good people, but in all partnerships you have to work at it,now most younger people don't and when it gets to tough they walk away. I can see from a lot of post's on this forum that there is a lot more good loving partnerships out there that are working so I say to them good luck and keep at it because its worth it.



Ahem...so you are saying that a poor village guy will pay his poor wife's family a monthly allowance after marrage?

For the rest of his life he will pay her parents every month?

Is this what your wife told you?

Oops sorry Scotsman...carry on... :)


try the following on for size, I shit you not, I know of at least 2 suckers, sorry meant to say farang jai dee, who give their wife all their salary every month, because the wife told them thats Thai way, husband give money to lady for lady take care, was how I heard it put.

Funnily enough, these women all come from a certain area of Thailand, you dont need to be a rocket scientist to know what region.

There are Thai guys working in a factory up the road from me, from this area who I play sport with, when I asked them about this bs, they almost spat their beer out, the word buffalo was mentioned, I dont think they were asking for donations for any sick animal they may or may not have had.

The wife has never heard of such a practice, neither have Thais living around me, in fact I wont repeat what the Thai males told me would happen if their wife was to ask.

On to your next point,do you think Somboon is going to give part of his salary to support his wifes family?

he has his own family to take care of, then his parents.

Also noone living round me has ever heard its the duty of the youngest daughter, I assume the guys who spout this rubbish are actually married to the youngest daughter, what a cop out for the rest of the family, theres one born every minute.

The Thais I know said its the duty of everyone in the family, if they have any spare after taking care of their own family.

Other stories too numerous to mention, funnily enough most of these experts in all things Thai, neither live here nor speak Thai, some guys must be desperate for a wife if they are willing to put up with such nonsense.

Was talking to a guy the other day who was telling me he had to go up to the village to meet his girlfriends family, I asked who suggested it and why do you have to go?

The next part of the conversation was even better, he told me it was tradition for the farang to put on a big party so the family could gain face, and his pary would only I repeat only cost 30,000 baht.

After enquiring who told him such rubbish, the answer was his girlfriend. Need I say anymore.

It all starts in the selection process, these freeloaders should have been weeded out from the start.

Good 4 U setting the record straight. There is a lot of BS thrown around to Farangs regarding these matters.

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This is one of many reasons it's good to have male friends who are Thai. If I need advice about relationships with Thai women, I'll ask my Thai friends. The same guys I play sports and drink with. They can hardly believe some of the things that many farang men consider to be the norm in Thai relationships.

How often is the answer slap her around a bit?

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I asked my wife if it is a normal practice for Thai husbands to pay an allowance to their Thai wives each month so she can support her parents.

She laughed and asked "who told you that!"

Perhaps those Thais married to women twenty to thirty years their junior do.

No, normally average Thais give their whole monthly salary to their wives, to organise the families finances.

May I ask if you live in Issan, the reason is, I cant quite make up my mind as to whether thats the smell of bullshit or buffalo shit wafting from the screen.

And how many Thai males outwith your wifes family have confirmed this?

Youre not married to Scotsmans wifes sister are you?

No, apart from feudalism that's the original Thai way.

Except yearly 2 month holidays I live in South Thailand since 23 years, before that in BKK and PTY. Have travelled everywhere else extensively except Isaan, where I once toured for 2 weeks.

Edited by Birdman
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Maybe the OP should've asked...

How much money do you have to pay your wife/gf to stay with you each month?

Honestly, these posts sound more like a business arangement than a loving relationship :)

You people really do need to ask yourselves:

"what would happen if I stoped paying my terak?"

If you have to "pay" your wife/gf every month then the answer is very clear.

You would be out the door quicker than you can say "but teerak jaaa, I love you!" :D

Thank Jesus H Christ I don't have those kind of problems.

After trawling through numerous pages of droll on this thread....the above posting IMHO is the one closest to the truth... :D

Personally my wife has my ATM card, draws what she needs for the bills and herself and has a full set of books she reconciles every month, in a relationship its called trust

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Maybe the OP should've asked...

How much money do you have to pay your wife/gf to stay with you each month?

Honestly, these posts sound more like a business arangement than a loving relationship :)

You people really do need to ask yourselves:

"what would happen if I stoped paying my terak?"

If you have to "pay" your wife/gf every month then the answer is very clear.

You would be out the door quicker than you can say "but teerak jaaa, I love you!" :D

Thank Jesus H Christ I don't have those kind of problems.

After trawling through numerous pages of droll on this thread....the above posting IMHO is the one closest to the truth... :D

Personally my wife has my ATM card, draws what she needs for the bills and herself and has a full set of books she reconciles every month, in a relationship its called trust

I hate to disagree but surely the keeping of a full set of books indicates a lack of trust and need for proof.

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Maybe the OP should've asked...

How much money do you have to pay your wife/gf to stay with you each month?

Honestly, these posts sound more like a business arangement than a loving relationship :)

You people really do need to ask yourselves:

"what would happen if I stoped paying my terak?"

If you have to "pay" your wife/gf every month then the answer is very clear.

You would be out the door quicker than you can say "but teerak jaaa, I love you!" :D

Thank Jesus H Christ I don't have those kind of problems.

After trawling through numerous pages of droll on this thread....the above posting IMHO is the one closest to the truth... :D

Personally my wife has my ATM card, draws what she needs for the bills and herself and has a full set of books she reconciles every month, in a relationship its called trust

closest to the truth...what truth?? There are countless truths. Someone gets threatened/beaten/killed by his greedy wife, others do nothing else but spending all money the wife makes in Patpong or live from the wife's inheritance....

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Maybe the OP should've asked...

How much money do you have to pay your wife/gf to stay with you each month?

Honestly, these posts sound more like a business arangement than a loving relationship :)

You people really do need to ask yourselves:

"what would happen if I stoped paying my terak?"

If you have to "pay" your wife/gf every month then the answer is very clear.

You would be out the door quicker than you can say "but teerak jaaa, I love you!" :D

Thank Jesus H Christ I don't have those kind of problems.

After trawling through numerous pages of droll on this thread....the above posting IMHO is the one closest to the truth... :D

Personally my wife has my ATM card, draws what she needs for the bills and herself and has a full set of books she reconciles every month, in a relationship its called trust

live from the wife's inheritance....

Of course my sincere apologies...I forgot certain members of TV have wives who have multiple doctrates, well connected to the only the best families in Thailand and have never even been to Patpong and dont even know where Pattaya is on the map... :D

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I would say that its up to you how much allowance you give your partner and if 15,000 baht a month is not enough then you will have to talk with your partner on why its not enough and take it from there. I don't think that giving your partner a monthy allowance is renting your wife or girlfriend as we all know some people can't look after money or know how to budget. If some people want to give there wife or girlfriend a joint A.T.M card to there account and you can trust her not to over spend or make you broke every month then good for you. I know my wife would overspend and we have been together 9 years but she is slowly learning how to take care of her own money that she gets every month. You can love someone but that does not mean that you don't use your common sense when it comes down to looking after the family budget. I say to the OP have a long hard Talk with your girlfriend and find out WHY.



So what you are telling us is that your wife has the maturity and intelligence of a 13year old girl getting candy money and being told to save some for her lunch at school on the next week?

I agree, if he had said my 7 year old it would have held water but his wife ?. asking us for advise !, how long is a peice of string ? :)
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Maybe the OP should've asked...

How much money do you have to pay your wife/gf to stay with you each month?

Honestly, these posts sound more like a business arangement than a loving relationship :)

You people really do need to ask yourselves:

"what would happen if I stoped paying my terak?"

If you have to "pay" your wife/gf every month then the answer is very clear.

You would be out the door quicker than you can say "but teerak jaaa, I love you!" :D

Thank Jesus H Christ I don't have those kind of problems.

Livinginexile = Livingindenial

In the states, my wife ran everything, she got all the $ around 8K USD a month. (she paid the bills with it and socked probably 80% of it money in to savings. I was told by a financial advisor that I should put her on an allowane.... my wife said the day I do that, is the day she leaves!

Now that we are in Thailand I don't really give her anything, she has her own job but at times she does come to me and ask for some money. Sometimes I give it if I have it, other times I tell her to take it out of savings etc. Combined we probably make 10% of what I earned in the states..... those are days I reflect upon with great fondness.

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My wife gets around double that amount. She pays some household expenses, but not all, as she carries supp credit cards for the larger household exps. She would also transfer some of this money into her mother's bank a/c each month. The understanding is that I shouldn't be called on to financially assist any relatives...if she wants to give some money to her mum, sister, or niece...she does it from her monthly allowance. She would also be saving a small amount each month so that her month-end bank balance looks reasonable (i.e., she doesn't spend everything), and in that way her bank account conduct may look more or less satisfactory in the event that we apply for bank loans.

I am in a similar situation. I give my finance 10K a month, and that is for her to do what she wants with, but I am not to be called upon to assist or borrow to family members. She does give some to her mother and grandmother, like 2K a month, but its her money, so fine. She has a full time job that pulls in 40K a month, and a side business that earns about 20K/month. So all in all she is earning 60K-70K a month, and manages to save most of it. She saved and built her mother a house over 2 years, cost 600K, but she did it. Now she is saving for a car, wants to pay cash for it, does not want any debt at all, which I like as well.

Dude you are lucky, a woman with ambition, financial drive, and goal oriented...... CRAPPPP!!!!!!

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Not quite...she is an Ex-banker... :D ... I never asked her to keep a set of books, it was something she did all on her own, and the set of books mean d*ck sh*t to me as they are all in Thai.. :) ...does she give money to the "family" every month..Yes... exactly the same amount she was giving the family while she was working..

Personally I think keeping a set of books makes good financial sense, something I and not very good at and has nothing to do with lack of trust or providing proof

Edited by Soutpeel
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Maybe the OP should've asked...

How much money do you have to pay your wife/gf to stay with you each month?

Honestly, these posts sound more like a business arangement than a loving relationship :)

You people really do need to ask yourselves:

"what would happen if I stoped paying my terak?"

If you have to "pay" your wife/gf every month then the answer is very clear.

You would be out the door quicker than you can say "but teerak jaaa, I love you!" :D

Thank Jesus H Christ I don't have those kind of problems.

After trawling through numerous pages of droll on this thread....the above posting IMHO is the one closest to the truth... :D

Personally my wife has my ATM card, draws what she needs for the bills and herself and has a full set of books she reconciles every month, in a relationship its called trust

live from the wife's inheritance....

Of course my sincere apologies...I forgot certain members of TV have wives who have multiple doctrates, well connected to the only the best families in Thailand and have never even been to Patpong and dont even know where Pattaya is on the map... :D

no, that was just an extreme example, like the other ones of that post you have torn apart. Of course the masses marry (ex) bgs from Issan. And also here many different truths (your term) exist.

Just countering generalizations.

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My wife gets around double that amount. She pays some household expenses, but not all, as she carries supp credit cards for the larger household exps. She would also transfer some of this money into her mother's bank a/c each month. The understanding is that I shouldn't be called on to financially assist any relatives...if she wants to give some money to her mum, sister, or niece...she does it from her monthly allowance. She would also be saving a small amount each month so that her month-end bank balance looks reasonable (i.e., she doesn't spend everything), and in that way her bank account conduct may look more or less satisfactory in the event that we apply for bank loans.

I am in a similar situation. I give my finance 10K a month, and that is for her to do what she wants with, but I am not to be called upon to assist or borrow to family members. She does give some to her mother and grandmother, like 2K a month, but its her money, so fine. She has a full time job that pulls in 40K a month, and a side business that earns about 20K/month. So all in all she is earning 60K-70K a month, and manages to save most of it. She saved and built her mother a house over 2 years, cost 600K, but she did it. Now she is saving for a car, wants to pay cash for it, does not want any debt at all, which I like as well.

Come on guy,stop it. I spilled my coffee over the keyboard already.

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Not quite...she is an Ex-banker... :D ... I never asked her to keep a set of books, it was something she did all on her own, and the set of books mean d*ck sh*t to me as they are all in Thai.. :) ...does she give money to the "family" every month..Yes... exactly the same amount she was giving the family while she was working..

Personally I think keeping a set of books makes good financial sense, something I and not very good at and has nothing to do with lack of trust or providing proof

Reading it this way I can see where you are coming from - I am hopeless with money hence my reliance on my wife to do any saving.

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Funny how the OP never mentioned bar but everyone else jumps in with their own personal Thai experiences. :D

C'mon John, what are we supposed to think?

It's an asumption one must jump to when someone talks about "how much allowance (salary) is too much!" and..."when does one say enough"

I know many farangs here in Australia with Thai wifes, every one of them works for a living and contribute to the household budget. You know what the difference is? They had legit jobs when they met their future husbands.

Paying 15-30k+ per/mth "allowance"? for what?

It just baffles me. :)

I agree, rent a wife situation for sure, no ?, then stop paying the rental and see how long she hangs about,".how much you love me" , " how much you got ? " :D
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Aw c'mon. We get it, we do. Fact is there are a few old geezers on here who'd rather pay for company than be lonely. Can't do that in their home countries, I mean, how much does a western prostitute cost an hour? And western whores don't live in and do the shopping/washing up, do they? And you like the pretence of being in a mutually caring loving relationship with someone half your age. Although usually your Honey would prefer you just dump the money into her bank account and sod off :D

Also there's the feed the ego thing. I mean, a western prostitute wouldn't do that. Not for more than the hour you'd paid her. But, what with the total lack of understanding between the cultures of the farang male and asian woman, why, she'd tell you you were the mostest handsomest sonofabitch ever walked down soi cowboy with that big smile on her face and fleece you rotten. But you don't care. You have your Honey.

Which always makes me wonder why you all feel the need to come on to an internet forum and seek reassurance from total strangers.

But don't forget, they've all got one that's different! :)

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